We seem to live our lives not in peace, but in pieces. Jonathan Chaplin, Living with Integrity in a Splintered World

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1 Ash Wednesdy

2 WORSHIP SCHEDULE 1300 E Aloh St Worship Service 7:00 pm Nursery 6 months 3 yers ASH WEDNESDAY 019 We seem live our lives not in pece, but in pieces. Jonthn Chplin, Living Integrity in Splintered World Most us know tht we should mke some chnges our lives, but we ten never get round m. Mny us would like et better, exercise (t lest little), pry more, red Scripture more. But somehow se things ll seem get pushed bck burner so we cn focus our ttention energy on wht hs been clled tyrnny urgent. This is gift seson Lent, 40dy period time leding up 7week Ester Seson tht begins on Ester Sundy. The church, in its wisdom, knows how we cn tend get ftrck over course yer. So, every spring, we re invited enter in disciplines Lenten seson so tht we might get bck on course (for disciplines, think intentionl prctices). This mens tht Lent is not time pretend like we re spiritul superstrs. Truth be ld, when we begin engge or, reengge in spiritul disciplines like fsting, morning evening pryer, tithing, corporte worship, we quickly begin see how much opposition we hve in our own herts wrds doing very things tht will help us grow s followers Christ. In or words, we ctully need reboot opportunity tht Lent fers every yer precisely becuse we re not spiritul superstrs. Also, it s importnt know tht pproprite posture tke wrds se disciplines is progress growth, not shme guilt. We re not doing m so tht we cn persude God tht he cn finlly ccept us s his children. Insted, we pick up se prctices hopes tht God will bless us new growth new experiences his mercy goodness. So, we invite you join leders t Grce enter in Lent this yer. We hve put ger brief guide (vilble t Welcome Center) tht we pryerfully hope will help you mke progress in your life God. Ech week hs Scripturl mtic focus tht will go long Sundy s sermon text. My God bless you over upcoming weeks. Let us worship! Unless orwise noted, ll Scripture quottions re from The Holy Bible, English Strd Version (ESV ), copyright 001 by Crosswy, publishing ministry Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

3 REFLECTION QUOTES A Rule Life is pttern spiritul disciplines tht provide spce structure for growth in Christlikeness. Or, put it nor wy, it s n intentionl, conscious, Spiritdirected pln keep God t center everything we sy do. Aron Brown A Rule Life is structure or rhythm for our lives tht enbles us py ttention God in everything we do. It serves our desire bide in experience God s love ll dy long, not comprtmentlizing our spiritulity. Our gol is live our lives in communion Jesus (i.e., pry out cesing. ) Awreness, ttentive him in ll we do is our gol. Pete Sczzero, Emotionlly Helthy Spiritulity Fsting is not purpose Lent. The purpose Lent is discover Jesus in wilderness. Fsting is merely mens end Christ. We remove things tht distrct us, things tht threten become idols control us, in order tht we might grow in our repentnce, grow in our fith, grow in our experience Christ. Bishop Stephen Scrlett

4 Plese silence ll mobile phones electronic devices for durtion worship service. Lyrics: Kthrin von Schlegel Trns. Jne L. Borthwick, 1855 Music: Jen Sibelius, 1899 ASH WEDNESDAY PRELUDE Be Still My Soul OPENING WORDS Pslm 103:81 (NIV) The LORD is compssionte grcious, Slow nger, bounding in love. He will not lwys ccuse, nor will he hrbor his nger forever; He does not tret us s our sins deserve or repy us ccording our iniquities. For s high s hevens re bove erth, So gret is his love for those who fer him; As fr s est is from west, So fr hs he removed our trnsgressions from us. Seted Isc Wrdell 008 New Jeruslem Music REFLECTIVE MUSIC Kyrie Eleison The song text below is given for reflection Kyrie Eleison! Kyrie Eleison! Christe Eleison! Kyrie Eleison! Trnsltion: Lord hve mercy! Lord hve mercy! Christ hve mercy! Lord hve mercy! 1

5 CALL TO REPENTANCE Joel :117 Yet even now, declres Lord, return me ll your hert, fsting, weeping, mourning; rend your herts not your grments. Return Lord your God, for he is grcious merciful, slow nger, bounding in stedfst love; he relents over disster. Who knows wher he will not turn relent, leve blessing behind him, grin fering drink fering for Lord your God? Sting Text in bold is red ger by entire congregtion. Plin text is red by one worship service leders Blow trumpet in Zion; consecrte fst; cll solemn ssembly; gr people. Consecrte congregtion; ssemble elders; gr children, even nursing infnts. Let bridegroom leve his room, bride her chmber. Between vestibule ltr let priests, ministers Lord, weep sy, Spre your people, O Lord, mke not your heritge reproch, byword mong ntions. Why should y sy mong peoples, Where is ir God?

6 Joseph Hrt 1759 W. Wlker s Sourn Hrmony 1835 HYMN OF INVITATION Come You Sinners Poor And Needy & # 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1. & # Come, Let Come, Come, wek nor lost he will you not you sin cons we rise, wound ed fit ness ru ined tke you ners, cience ry, sick fond by in ly his poor mke hev go sore; drem; fll; rms; you y Je ll if in need lin ld Je sus red tht he you tr love y, ger, en, sus, œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ & # œ œ œ 4 œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ œ œ y re ry 4 sts quires s till you're your der & # 4 power. him. ll. lrms. Ó sve fit bet Sv you, ness ter, ior full is you you will re pit know nev sfe y, your er from 9 love, need come ll t CONFESSION OF SIN The pryer confession is bsed on Seven Dedly Sins. This ctlog sins hs been used for centuries help people underst depth which sin is embedded in our herts minds. Merciful Lord, plese forgive our sins set us free from m. We confess sin pride: We hve been sure our own goodness importnce hve looked down on ors. Help us pprecite true worth or people. We confess sin envy: We hve been displesed when ors hve been more successful or sought fter thn we hve been. Help us be gld when ors prosper. We confess sin nger: We hve lost our tempers nursed grievnces. Help us be ptient understing everyone. We confess sin glutny: We tend wnt best food, technology life experiences. In our excesses, we hve neglected needs ors. Help us deny ourselves so tht ors my not be in wnt. (Continued on next pge.) 3

7 We confess sin lust: In one wy or nor we hve used sex wrongly. We hve used it escpe or gin power. Help us rejoice in sexulity you hve given us order our lives ccordingly. We confess sin greed: We hve let money mteril welth define us. Forgive us for things we hve done in pursuit more riches. Help us be content wht you hve given us. We confess sin sloth: We hve been lukewrm in our fith in our lives. We hve llowed veneer busyness cover res lziness. Mke us eger do your will. Clense Us Lord & b b b b b &b b b b b 6 8 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Clense us Lord, from ll un right eous ness, for you re œ œ œ œ œ j œ fith ful for give. Œ Bobby Krier, Jess Alldredge 014 Grce Church Settle RECEIVING OF GRACE Adpted from Pslm 3 Blessed is one whose trnsgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Almighty God, our Hevenly Fr, hs given his only Son die for us for his ske forgives us ll our trnsgressions covers ll our sins. In Christ, we re forgiven. In Christ, we hve been wshed. My pece Christ be you! And lso you! 4

8 Henry Frncis Lyte 1846 Justin Smith 007 Justin Smith Music Abide With Me & # # 4 & # # 4 & # # 4 & # # 4 & # # tide; smile; hour. bless; eyes; A bide Thou on my I need Thy I fer no Hold Thou Thy The And, Wht Ills Shine me bide. verse men while, tempt er's power? bit ter ness. skies. com I sty vic shd œ help close sun still, deth, œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 4 forts left cn ows less, Lord, shine, Lord, me; hed, pres foe, cross, drk though but hve through When Thou Who, Where Hev'n's œ œ 4 œ flee, Thee, be? ry? flee; in ence, fst be œ œ œ œ œ ness deep re bel Thy grce, no weight, gloom, oth hst like is morn flls er eve Thee fore ens; lious, cn ly ry t my e ven youth didst pss ing h clos ing ters er help ers, not left me, Thy self, my thy sting deth? Where ing breks, bide bide bide bide bide œ œ œ 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Help On Through I In œ œ œ me. me. me. me. me. œ œ œ Lord foil lose point cloud tri life, fil t guide grve erth's per ir me œ œ œ œ œ œ umph in s thy vin HOMILY Lent, Agin? Mtw 6:161 Rev. John Hrlson Seted Mtw 6:161 [16] And when you fst, do not look gloomy like hypocrites, for y disfigure ir fces tht ir fsting my be seen by ors. Truly, I sy you, y hve received ir rewrd. [17] But when you fst, noint your hed wsh your fce, [18] tht your fsting my not be seen by ors but by your Fr who is in secret. And your Fr who sees in secret will rewrd you. [19] Do not ly up for yourselves tresures on erth, where moth rust destroy where thieves brek in stel, [0] but ly up for yourselves tresures in heven, where neir moth nor rust destroys where thieves do not brek in stel. [1] For where your tresure is, re your hert will be lso. INTERLUDE 5

9 INVITATION TO LENT OBSERVANCE Der People God: I invite us set prt this seson Lent. Let it be time tking long looks t our sin unbelief, but even longer looks t Christ crucified for our sins. IMPOSITION OF ASHES Let us pry. Almighty God, we hve sinned ginst you in thought, word deed. But let se shes be reminder us Christ s scrificil love for us. Christ becme one us suffered deth, So tht through his deth we my receive life. Amen. If you do not wish receive shes, plese feel no burden do so. You my remin seted or kneel for pryer reflection. For those desiring receive shes, you my come forwrd by rows, strting front row. After returning your set, you my be seted or kneel for pryer reflection. 1 Peter 3:18 For Christ lso suffered once for sins, righteous for unrighteous, tht he might bring us God, being put deth in flesh but mde live in spirit. LENTEN PRAYER Sting Almighty everlsting God, you hte nothing you hve mde forgive sins ll who re penitent: Crete mke in us new contrite herts, tht we, honestly lmenting our sins cknowledging our wretchedness, my obtin you, God ll mercy, perfect remission forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives reigns you Holy Spirit, one God, for ever ever. Amen. 6

10 Robert Robinson, 1758 John Wyeth, 1813 Ebenezer mens Sne Help is reference 1 Smuel 7:1, when Smuel set up sne remind Isrel God s help protection. Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing & # # 4 6. œ œ songs wn r d ring loud rive hert est t Come, Here O Thou I & # # œ œ w œ œ hert sing Thy grce; Strems by Thy help I m come; And I I m constrined be; Let tht & # # œ œ œ w & # # œ œ œ œ œ son strn feel net, ger, it, Sung by Wn d ring Prone prise, home. Thee. Tech Je Prone œ œ Fount rise grce my how ev ry Eb gret œ œ en mer cy, nev er hope, by Thy good grce now, like œ œ me sus œ œ fl from leve ming ngues fold God œ œ blessingez er; Hith er Tune my debt or Di ly œ œ cesing, Cll for plesure, fett er, Bind Sf ely my œ œ some sought wn I mel me der, w bove; God: love; od when Lord, œ ious I œ Prise He, Here s my & # #. œ œ œ œ œ œ Ó w mount! res hert, I m cue O fixed me tke up from it, ger, it, Mount In Sel ter it on dnsel God s un chng ing posed His prec for Thy courts ious love. blood. bove. Sting CLOSING PRAYER And now, s our Svior tught us, let us humbly pry: Our Fr, who rt in heven, hllowed be thy nme. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on erth s it is in heven. Give us this dy our dily bred, forgive us our debts, s we forgive our debrs. And led us not in tempttion, but deliver us from evil. For thine is kingdom, power, glory, forever. Amen. BENEDICTION Adpted from 1 Thesslonins 5:34 Now my God pece himself snctify you completely, my your whole spirit soul body be kept blmeless t coming our Lord Jesus Christ. He who clls you is fithful; he will surely do it. Amen. 7

11 8

12 STAFF Rev. John Hrlson, Psr Rev. Json Dvison, Psr Children, Youth, Fmilies Debbie (Smith) Tcke, Community Formtion Direcr Jess Alldredge, Worship Arts Direcr Nicole Herring, Grce Kids Ministry Administrr, Dnielle Tniguchi, Ministry Administrr Noni Wilson, Bookkeeper Jsmine Amdor, Grce Kids Host MINISTRY COORDINATORS Json Dvison, YCG Rebecc Ifl, Mels Ministry Brin & Jessic Youtzy, Connection Center Abby St. Hilire, Serving World Jo Tniguchi, Premritl Menring ELDERS Dn Huie Drik Tniguchi Nt Tylor Adm Schuyler DEACONS Her Andrews Rebecc Ifl Coleen Mrt Tmrck Rll Grce Weigel REFORMED UNIVERSITY FELLOWSHIP(RUF) Rev. Drew Burdette MAKING DISCIPLES. SERVING THE CITY. Grce Church Settle is worshipping community in Cpil Hill, Settle rooted in belief tht hisric Christin gospel is true, compelling, trnsformtive. Worship Loction 1300 E Aloh St Settle, WA 9810 Office Loction 400 E Pine, Suite 15 Settle, WA 981 grcesettle.org fice@grcesettle.org


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Psalm 140. & # # Slow «« bˆ«ˆ««««««« «ˆ« ====================== «««« ˆ ˆ« ˆ«« ˆ w ˆ«««« ˆ«ˆ bˆ ˆ« ˆ«. bˆ«j ˆ««ˆ ˆ« ˆ«bˆ«ˆ« bˆ nˆ ˆ« nˆ« bˆ« & # # «««« Byznte So b ˆ bˆ b ˆ ˆ s cried out un Bsi Kzn (1915 2001) 72. Œ ˆbˆnˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ «ˆ ««ˆ «ˆ ˆ «ˆbˆ ˆ e. Her # # Œ &. b bˆ ˆ «ˆ Her cried out n «ˆ b b n. b Her b. b j. b j «ˆ voice sup un pi Give me, er c bˆ

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