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1 Welcome! We are so grateful have you here! Wherever you are your sprtual journey, wher you are vstg from Housn or from out wn, we vte you experence how God s changg lves at St. John Dve. Come back jo us aga!

2 HOLY EUCHARIST, RITE TWO 9:00 a.m. January 13, 2019 The Frst Sunday after Epphany Year C The Baptsm Our Lord... We warmly welcome all guests day. Thank you for slencg all cell phones moble devces. Please dspose all food verages fore enterg worshp space. Hymns large prt are avalable from ushers.... PRELUDE Varatons on Lucs Crear Jehan Ala INTROIT Jesu, dulcs memora Tomás Lus de Vcra Jesu, dulcs memora, dans vera cords gauda: sed super mel et omna ejus dulcs praesenta. Jesu, very thought e wth sweetness flls my breast, But sweeter far thy face see thy presence rest. Text: attrbuted Sat Bernard Clarvaux THE WORD OF GOD Congregaton sts HYMN 135 Songs Thankfulness Prase Salzburg œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ œ œ Songs Man Man Man at where ds thank fest fest fest fest Ca fest c ful ness prase, at Jor dan's stream, mak g whole on moun ta heght, ed na, ples by wed val flled star dgguest, ant fght, wth awe Je sus, Lord, Pro phet, Prest, pal sed lmbs sh g re quell thy thy g trans sa ges Godhead all f gured e Kg fat splen from dev glo we rase, su preme; g soul; dant lght, œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ œ œ a l's ry far; fest; mght; saw.. 2. # œ œ œ # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

3 œ œ œ # œ œ œ # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ J branch When from an ms an ms an ms cross roy al Da vd's stem fest power d ve, fest gra cous wll, re thou led dest m chang ev stead thy g er fast brth wa brg at ter g Je Beth good ru le from sa œ œ œ œ œ # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Eas ter e e e Day ad dressed, ad dressed, ad dressed, at test God God God God made made made made hem; we; ll; lem, fest. fest. fest. fest. THE OPENING ACCLAMATION Celebrant: Blessed God: Far, Son, Holy Sprt. People: And blessed kgdom, now for ever. Amen. THE COLLECT FOR PURITY Book Common Prayer (BCP) 355 Celebrant: Almghty God, you all hearts are open, all desres known from you no secrets are hd: Cleanse thoughts our hearts by spraton your Holy Sprt, that we may perfectly love you, worthly magnfy your holy Name; through Chrst our Lord. Amen. THE COLLECT OF THE DAY Celebrant: The Lord wth you. People: And also wth you. Celebrant: Let us pray. Far heaven, who at baptsm Jesus Rver Jordan proclamed hm your loved Son anoted hm wth Holy Sprt: Grant that all who are baptzed Name may keep covenant y have made, boldly confess hm as Lord Savor; who wth you Holy Sprt lves regns, one God, glory everlastg. Amen.. 3.

4 THE LESSONS Congregaton seated The Frst Lesson Acts 8:1417 (p. 916) 14 Now when apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samara had receved word God, y sent m Peter John, 15 who came down prayed for m that y mght receve Holy Sprt, 16 for he had not yet fallen on any m, but y had only en baptzed name Lord Jesus. 17 Then y lad r hs on m y receved Holy Sprt. Reader: The Word Lord. People: Thanks God. Hymn 121 Chrst, When for Us You Were Baptzed Cathness œ œ œ Chrst, God Straght Bap as sent free that, when called way tze for you us peace ful you ly as lke wse us stead wth œ œ œ as kg Son œ œ œ œ œ œ œ you were bap tzed, God's fast lov un ed tl Son, death called you your Sp rt, Lord, your a dove yet dom proclam, Man serve God's ser vce we as may Sp you n cross ur gent ho ly gve your per fect rt on you ser vant o yed on us œ œ œ œ œ œ œ as wll lfe free a for dom came, true, call sgned, flame. do. all. fd. The Gospel Luke 3:1517, 2122 (p. 858) Prest: The Holy Gospel our Lord Jesus Chrst accordg Luke. People: Glory you, Lord Chrst. 15 As people were expectaton, all were questong r hearts concerng John, wher he mght Chrst, 16 John answered m all, sayg, I baptze you wth water, but he who s mghter than I s comg, strap whose sals I am not worthy unte. He wll baptze you wth Holy Sprt fre. 17 Hs wnowg fork s h, clear threshg floor gar wheat barn, but chaff he wll burn wth unquenchable fre.. 4.

5 21 Now when all people were baptzed, when Jesus also had en baptzed was prayg, heavens were opened, 22 Holy Sprt descended on hm bodly form, lke a dove; a voce came from heaven, You are my loved Son; wth you I am well pleased. Prest: The Gospel Lord. People: Prase you, Lord Chrst. THE SERMON The Rev. Reagan W. Cocke THE NICENE CREED stg BCP 358 We leve one God, Far, Almghty, maker heaven earth, all that s, seen unseen. We leve one Lord, Jesus Chrst, only Son God, eternally gotten Far, God from God, Lght from Lght, true God from true God, gotten, not made, one Beg wth Far. Through hm all thgs were made. For us for our salvaton he came down from heaven: by power Holy Sprt he came carnate from Vrg Mary, was made. For our sake he was crucfed under Pontus Plate; he suffered death was bured. On thrd day he rose aga accordance wth Scrptures; he ascended heaven s seated at rght h Far. He wll come aga glory judge lvg dead, kgdom wll have no end.. 5.

6 We leve Holy Sprt, Lord, gver lfe, who proceeds from Far Son. Wth Far Son he s worshped glorfed. He has spoken through Prophets. We leve one holy catholc aposlc Church. We acknowledge one baptsm for forgveness ss. We look for resurrecton dead, lfe world come. Amen. THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Form III BCP 387 Celebrant: Let us pray for whole state Chrst s Church world. Leader: Far, we pray for your holy Catholc Church: People: That we all may one. Leader: Grant that every memr Church may truly humbly serve you; People: That your Name may glorfed by all people. Leader: We pray for all bshops, prests, deacons; People: That y may fathful msters your Word Sacraments. Leader: We pray for all who govern hold authorty natons world; People: That re may justce peace on earth. Leader: Gve us grace do your wll all that we undertake; People: That our works may fd favor your sght. Leader: Have compasson on Paul, Jack, Marjore, Langley, Bll, Dode, Lsa, Welcome, Bonne, Jm, Carl, all those who suffer from any gref or trouble; People: That y may delvered from r dstress. Leader: Gve departed, especally John, eternal rest; People: Let lght perpetual she upon m. Leader: We prase you for your sats who have entered joy; People: May we also come share your heavenly kgdom. Leader: Let us pray for our own needs those ors. The people may add r own pettons. Celebrant: Lord, hear prayers your people; what we have asked fathfully, grant that we may obta effectually, glory your Name; through Jesus Chrst our Lord. Amen.. 6.

7 THE CONFESSION OF SIN BCP 360 Celebrant: We pray you also for forgveness our ss. The congregaton kneels All: Most mercful God, we confess that we have sned agast you thought, word, deed, by what we have done, by what we have left undone. We have not loved you wth our whole heart; we have not loved our neghbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry we humbly repent. For sake your Son Jesus Chrst, have mercy on us forgve us; that we may delght your wll, walk your ways, glory your Name. Amen. Celebrant: Almghty God have mercy on you, forgve you all your ss through our Lord Jesus Chrst, strengn you all goodness, by power Holy Sprt keep you eternal lfe. Amen. THE PEACE stg BCP 360 Celebrant: The peace Lord always wth you. People: And also wth you. THE OFFERTORY THE HOLY COMMUNION Anm Jesu, Very Thought Thee Smon Lole b Jesu, very thought e wth sweetness flls my breast; But sweeter far thy face see, thy presence rest. Nor voce can sg, nor heart can frame, nor can memory fd, A sweeter sound than thy blest name, O Savor kd. O hope every contrte heart, O joy all meek, those who fall, How kd thou art, how good those who seek!. 7.

8 But what those who fd? Ah, t nor ngue nor pen can show; The love Jesus, what t s none but loved ones know. Text: 12th century Lat, translated by Edward Caswall (altered) PRESENTATION HYMN 380 (vs. 3) Old 100th Prase God, from whom all blessgs flow; prase hm, all creatures here low; prase hm above, ye heavenly host: prase Far, Son Holy Ghost. Amen. THE GREAT THANKSGIVING Eucharstc Prayer B BCP 367 Celebrant: The Lord wth you. People: And also wth you. Celebrant: Lft up your hearts. People: We lft m Lord. Celebrant: Let us gve thanks Lord our God. People: It s rght gve hm thanks prase. Celebrant: It s rght, a good joyful thg, always everywhere gve thanks you, Far Almghty, Crear heaven earth. Because mystery Word made flesh, you have caused a new lght she our hearts, gve knowledge your glory face your Son Jesus Chrst our Lord. Therefore we prase you, jog our voces wth Angels Archangels wth all company heaven, who for ever sg t hymn proclam glory your Name: SANCTUS S 125 Rchard Proulx &b œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ j œ œ œ Œ Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly Lord, God power mght, & b œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ heaven earth are full your glo ry. Ho œ œ &b J œ nœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ & b san na hgh est. Ho san na hgh est. œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ j œ œ. 8. œ

9 . SJD.ORG. & b œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ Blessed s he who comes name Lord. Ho & b san œ œ J œ nœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ na hgh est. Ho san na hgh est. Copyrght 1971, 1977, G.I.A, Publcatons, Inc. Reprted under Onelcense. net #A Congregaton kneelg Celebrant: We gve thanks you, O God, for goodness love whch you have made known us creaton; callg Israel your people; your Word spoken through prophets; above all Word made flesh, Jesus, your Son. For se last days you sent hm carnate from Vrg Mary, Savor Redeemer world. In hm, you have delvered us from evl, made us worthy st fore you. In hm, you have brought us out error truth, out s rghteousness, out death lfe. On nght fore he ded for us, our Lord Jesus Chrst ok bread; when he had gven thanks you, he broke t, gave t dscples, sad, Take, eat: T s my Body, whch s gven for you. Do t for remembrance me. After supper he ok cup we; when he had gven thanks, he gave t m, sad, Drk t, all you: T s my Blood new Covenant, whch s shed for you for y for forgveness ss. Whenever you drk t, do t for remembrance me. Therefore, accordg comm, O Far, People: We rememr death, We proclam resurrecton, We awat comg glory; Celebrant: And we fer our sacrfce prase thanksgvg you, O Lord all; presentg you, from your creaton, t bread t we. We pray you, gracous God, send your Holy Sprt upon se gfts that y may Sacrament Body Chrst Blood new Covenant. Unte us your Son sacrfce, that we may acceptable through hm, g sanctfed by Holy Sprt. In fullness tme, put all thgs subjecton under your Chrst, brg us that heavenly country where, wth all your sats, we may enter everlastg hertage your sons daughters; through Jesus Chrst our Lord, frstborn all creaton, head Church, author our salvaton.. 9.

10 By hm, wth hm, hm, unty Holy Sprt all honor glory s yours, Almghty Far, now for ever. AMEN. Celebrant: And now, as our Savor Chrst has taught us, we are bold say, People: Our Far, who art heaven, hallowed thy Name, thy kgdom come, thy wll done, on earth as t s heaven. Gve us t day our daly bread. And forgve us our trespasses, as we forgve those who trespass agast us. And lead us not temptaton, but delver us from evl. For s kgdom, power, glory, for ever ever. Amen. THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD Celebrant: Allelua. Chrst our Passover s sacrfced for us. People: Therefore let us keep feast. Allelua. Celebrant: The Gfts God for People God. Take m remembrance that Chrst ded for you, feed on hm your hearts by fath, wth thanksgvg. All baptzed Chrstans are welcome receve Sacrament Holy Communon. Please guded by ushers er front or back ral. You may sp we from common cup or tct [dp] your wafer smaller tcton cup. If you would lke receve a blessg stead Communon, please come ral cross your arms over your chest. Everyone s welcome receve a blessg. Prayer msters are avalable durg communon prayer chapel located left front altar ral, can fer prayers for all prayer needs as well as for brthdays, annversares, specal blessgs.. 10.

11 Anm I Wonder as I Wer arr. John Rutter b.1945 I wonder as I wer out under sky, how Jesus, Savor, dd come for de. For poor ornery people lke you lke I: I wonder as I wer out under sky. When Mary brd Jesus, twas a cows stall, Wth wsemen farmers shepherds all. But hgh from God s heaven a star s lght dd fall, And promse ages t n dd recall. If Jesus had wanted for any wee thg: A star sky or a brd on wg; Or all God s angels heav n sg, He surely could have had t, Cause he was Kg! Text melody: John Jacob Nles Hymn O Worshp Lord Beauty Holess Was Let œ O O bow hgh bow gold com gold kneel gud kneel wor Low wor down on down fort œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ j œ g shp at shp o thy o a thy a fore heart fore d sor d dore steps dore Lord feet Lord hm, he hm, ence, rows, ence, lay hm: as hm: wll thy may. 11. au bur au glo ar glo an ry t ry cense swer cense Lord st Lord ty den ty pro for pro thy s for s ho care ho clam; e; clam; low prayer low e name!. name! l ness! ful ness: l ness! œ œ œ œ # œ œ œ œ # œ œ œ œ nœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ < > wth wth l ness, ful ness, l ness,

12 Song You Are My All All Denns L. Jerngan & b Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 1 2 You are Tak g my my strength s, when my I cross, am my weak, shame, you are Rs g a œ œ œ œ treas ga ure that I bless I your & b seek, name, & b œ jewel, œ œ œ œ œ œ up; you are my you are my œ œ œ Lord, gve When I am all all up dry, I'd you fll all. all. a my fool, cup, you are my you are my Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Seekg you as a precous When I fall down, you pck me œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ w all all all. all. & b œ Je œ œ œ œ œ sus, Lamb God, wor thy s your name! & b œ Je œ œ œ œ œ w sus, Lamb God, wor thy s your name! 1990, Shepherd s Heart Musc, Inc. (adm. PraseCharts.com). Lcensed under CCLI Lcense # The Congregaton sts Song Lamb God Twla Pars & & Your Your I sent scorned brought & & sod, fraud rod, œ j œ j œ j œ on gft was hm hm me ly Son, love, so lost, from as sac your He your r sde, ded, sde, come fced called œ j œ j œ j œ no y I a s cru should Lamb Lamb lamb c have walk hum up ble led hde, fed, ded, on Kg by God. God. God. œ j œ j œ j but y but t y your you have laughed You have œ œ j œ j œ j œ œ j œ J œ j œ œ j œ j œ j œ œ œ j J œ œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ œ œ gult named staff y a œ j œ J œ j O Lamb œ r œ j. œ j 12. œ j œ œ j œ j œ j œ œ j œ J œ j

13 & & œ œ j J œ œ r œ. SJD.ORG. God, sweet Lamb God, I love ho ly Lamb God! Owashme œ œ j œ j œ j œ œ j œ j œ j œ œ j œ j œ j œ œ j œ J œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ j œ œ precous blood, my Je sus Chrst, Lamb God Straghtway Musc, adm. EMI. Lcensed under CCLI Lcense # THE POSTCOMMUNION PRAYER BCP 366 Celebrant: Let us pray. People: Almghty everlvg God, we thank you for feedg us wth sprtual food most precous Body Blood your Son our Savor Jesus Chrst; for assurg us se holy mysteres that we are lvg memrs Body your Son, hers your eternal kgdom. And now, Far, send us out do work you have gven us do, love serve you as fathful wtnesses Chrst our Lord. To hm, you, Holy Sprt, honor glory, now for ever. Amen. THE BLESSING. 13.

14 HYMN 616 Hal Lord s Annoted Es flog e kles Waldvögele & # œ Hal Kgs O'er & # œ Hal, all from & # œ He & # œ shall ev œ na age œ comes hm tde bow ery tons shall take a kg dom Name shall œ œ œ œ œ j œ Lord's down foe tme shall age break prayer tme way stll st A vc not fore ed hm, rous, œ œ œ œ œ j œ ap pot a ed, dore hm, more glo rous, op un shall pres ceas nev great he all son, g er trans gres son, creas g, a for ev er, œ œ œ œ œ Da vd's great er gold cense on throne shall regn on prase all bless g set da cov rule kg change earth peo ple all Son! brg; rest; œ œ œ œ œ gun! sg; blest: œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ cap tve free; ly vows a scend; e nant re move; œ œ œ œ œ eq u ty. dom wth out end. less Name Love. THE DISMISSAL Thanks God. Allelua. Allelua. POSTLUDE Fale from Symphony No. 2 CharlesMare Wdor THE ALTAR FLOWERS The altar flowers are gven glory God lovg memory Sy Turner by her famly lovg memory John Belcher Ashmun by famly. To donate altar flowers memory, thanksgvg, or honor someone, please go or contact Jesse Enderle, , jenderle@sjd.org.. 14.

15 TODAY S MUSICAL OFFERING Keep uch wth SJD Musc at our blog: sjdmusc.wordpress.com. Jesus, Very Thought Thee On t frst Sunday after Epphany, we commemorate baptsm Chrst read about Holy Sprt descendg as a dove speakg words You are my loved Son; wth you I am wellpleased. Chrst s baptsm s one fve major mlesnes gospel narratve lfe Jesus, ors g Transfguraton, Crucfxon, Resurrecton, Ascenson. The anm texts sung day are devotonal character, recognzg God Incarnate Chrst Chld. They also pot Chrst s sacrfce on cross on our half. He s hope every contrte heart Savor World. The frst le Appalachan Carol sung durg communon reads I wonder, as I wer out under sky, how Jesus, Savor, dd come for de. For poor ornery people lke you lke I. The devotonal 12Century Lat hymn Jesu, dulcs memora has en wdely sung over centures both ts orgal Lat form later a 19th Century Englsh translaton, Jesus, Very Thought Thee. Our worshp gs wth a 16th Century settg Lat text by Spansh composer Tomás Lus de Vcra. At Offerry, chorale sgs a contemporary settg Englsh text by Brtsh composer Smon Lole. The hymn can also found as #642 The Hymnal.. 15.

16 . 16.


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