Saint Demetrius the Myrrh-streamer

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1 Saint emetrius the Myrrh-streamer October 26 Intonation: #20 Andante b Ú Vespers Stichera oxasticon Plagal Second Mode. # Neh lo ry to the Fa - b #. ovxa... Shvmeron sugkalei' ther and to the Son and to the Ho -

2 2 October 26 - St. emetrius b #.. ly Spir it. b # b On this day the u - ni - ver - sal fes - #. U iatonic n b ti - val of the prize - win ner b #. call - eth us to - geth er. ome b A. # #. b there - fore O ye feast - lov - ers #. U iatonic n n let us oy ous - ly cel b b # e brate his mem - o - ry and # say: Re - oice thou who by faith

3 October 26 - St. emetrius 3 b #. # n b b b rent - est in twain the gar - iatonic. F n ment of im - pi e tyq. # # and didst gird thy - self with the cour - age #. of the Spir it. Re - oice b # b thou who didst de - stroy the de - vic - es of # J. U iatonic the law less through the might b b #. #. A # n n J giv - en thee by the on ly od. Re - oice thou

4 4 October 26 - St. emetrius b Kliton # 9 whose mem bers were pierced with b # b.. a spear spir - i - tu - al - ly de - pict U n b iatonic # ing a gain for us the #. b # b bless - ed Pas sion of hrist. o A # #. U iatonic thou en - treat Him O e - me - b n b b # b # - tri us a - dorn - ment of. A J #. # ath - letes that we be de - liv iatonic K n n b. n ered from vis - - i - ble and in - vis - i -

5 b # n b October 26 - St. emetrius 5 n. # ble en - e - mies and that our b #.. souls be saved. Vespers Stichera Theotokion Plagal Second Mode Kai; nu'n b b # U iatonic n # Both now and ev - er and un - to the n b # a ges of a ges. b. b b n A - men. # U iatonic O all - ho - ly La - dy help b #. Panagiva evspoina n. of the world and hope of hris - - -

6 6 b October 26 - St. emetrius # tians thee do we now be - seech and thee b # b b b do we sup - pli - cate O good # one that thou make thy Son and Lord. #. U iatonic n b gra - cious un - to us who # have sinned and are in de - spair O b #. b b The o - to kos; for thou canst # U iatonic. J do so by us - ing thy bold ness with # Him as His Moth

7 b. b J n. b. # U iatonic er. Has ten O im - mac - # b n n u - late Vir gin Has - ten to me - J A n # di - ate and res - cue thy peo b J. # ple from the per - il b #. that is come up - on us; for thy b October 26 - St. emetrius 7 # # b ten - der com - pas - sion's sake dis - dain not #. rit... those who praise thee..

8 8 October 26 - St. emetrius Intonation: #1 Andante Úª. Be glad in the Lord O it - y of Thes - sa - lon - i - ca; Re - oice and dance be a - dorned. in splen - dour and faith for in thy bos - om thou hold - est as a treas - ure e - n me - tri - us the all - glo - ri - ous ath -. lete and wit ness to the For the ntreaty First Mode ufraivnou en Kurivw/ truth. Wel-come his mir - a - cles as thou be -

9 F n. hold est the heal ings; and. Q Hard hromatic b # see him dash - ing down bar - bar - i - # b n an au - dac - - i - ty and cry thou un - October 26 - St. emetrius 9. n to the Sav - iour thank - ful - ly: O Lord... glo - ry be to Thee. ntreaty #2 First Mode Th'/ tw'n asmavtwn terpnovthti Let us bright - en this pre - sent day with the cheer - ful - ness of song and let us make the

10 F 10 October 26 - St. emetrius n strug - gles of the Mar - tyr to. re - sound; for the great e - me - tri - us is. b brought be - fore us to be ac - claimed. For man - ful - ly driv - ing back the Hard hromatic # b. vi o - lence of the ty n rants he sprang ea - ger - ly in - to. the con test; and hav - ing glo - ri - ous - ly car - ried off the tro

11 October 26 - St. emetrius 11 n b. phies of vic to ry he be - seech - eth the Sav - iour that our... souls be saved. Intonation: #7 Andante & & Ú lo ry to the Fa - ther and ntreaty oxasticon Second Mode to the Son and to the Ho ly ovxa Patriv & Spir it. i" ta; ujperkovsmia &. hrist od hath brought thy blame - less spir - - it

12 12 October 26 - St. emetrius & in - to the tab - er - na - cles be - yond the world O wise &. & F. Mar tyr e - me tri us; for thou be - cam - est a cham - pi - on of the Trin - &. i - ty when thou didst man - ful - ly con - tend in F & the fray stead - fast as ad - a - mant. And when & thou wast pierced with a spear in thy pure side O all - ven - & F er - a - ble one im - i - tat - ing Him Who was & stretched up - on the Tree for

13 October 26 - St. emetrius 13 & the sal - va - tion of all the world thou didst re - & ceive the pow - er to work mir - a - cles and thou F & grant - est a - bun - dant heal - ings un - to men. &.. Where-fore as we cel e & brate thy fall - ing - a - sleep to & day we right - ly glo - ri - fy the Lord Who &. hath glo ri fied thee.

14 14 October 26 - St. emetrius F & Both now and ev - er and un - to the & F a - ges of a ges. A - men. & b & ntreaty Theotokion Second Mode O great mys - ter - y! Be - hold - b. Kai; nu'n... %W tou' megivstou - - ing the won ders I pro - F &.. & claim the i - vin i F U iatonic b b. Hard hromatic ty and do not de - ny the hu - &. b W man i ty. For as man

15 October 26 - St. emetrius 15 & F m - man - u - el hath o - pened the & gates of na - ture and as &. od He hath not bro ken the bars F &. & of vir gin i F ty. As He en - tered through the F &. hear ing thus did He come forth & & from the womb; as He was con - F ceived thus was He in - car -

16 16 October 26 - St. emetrius &. & - nate. Im - pas - sive - ly did He en -.. ter in - ef - fa - bly did He come & F forth ac - cord - ing to the Proph et & who said: This gate shall be shut and no one shall & pass through it save the Lord od of &.. Is ra el Who hath great F F & b. mer cy.

17 October 26 - St. emetrius 17 Intonation: #7 Andante & Úª Aposticha #1 Second Mode Th'" gh'" suntarassomevnh" F When the earth is trou - bled for fear of thy & F. wrath the hills and moun - tains quake O & F &. Lord. But look up - on us with eyes of com - pas - sion and be not wroth &.. # with us in Thine an - ger; & & and tak - ing com - pas - sion on the cre - a - tion F Hard hromatic b of Thy hands de - liv - er us from the ter - ri - ble

18 18 October 26 - St. emetrius & W. F threat of earth quake since Thou art good &.. and the Friend of man. b b b # Thou mad- est the earth to quake and didst trou - ble it. # U iatonic n b Ter - ri - ble art Thou O Lord and who shall n. Aposticha #2 Plagal Second Mode b with - stand Thy ust wrath? Or b # who shall be - seech Thee or who shall b A # n sup - pli - cate Thee O ood Sunevseisa" th;n gh'n... Fobero;" ei\ Kuvrie

19 b J. #. b One in be - half of a sin - ful and de - #. spair - - ing peo ple? The heav - b # A # en ly or - ders An - gels Prin - b #. # ci - pal - i - ties Au - thor - i - ties b # b Thrones o - min - ions the her - u - iatonic U n b bim and the Ser - a - phim cry un b #. b to Thee for us: Ho - ly Ho - ly K iatonic n. October 26 - St. emetrius 19. b. Ho - ly art Thou O

20 20 October 26 - St. emetrius b b b #. Lord; dis - dain not the works of Thy #. iatonic hands O ood One; for Thy ten - n. b. U n der com - pas sion's sake b #. save Thy flock which is in per - b. - - il. Intonation: #20 b Aposticha #3 Plagal Second epiblevpwn... Nineui'tai # Who look - eth on the earth and mak eth it b #. trem ble.

21 b b b b # U iatonic n b. The Nin - e - vites heard the threat of bur - i - # al by an earth - quake be - cause of #. their trans - gres sions; but in that me - di - b b # K iatonic J. U a - tive sign wrought in the sea - mon - ster re -. # pen - tance brought the Res ur - rec - #. tion to their aid through Jo nas. b # October 26 - St. emetrius ven as Thou took - est pit - y on them and b A # # n didst ac - cept the cry of Thy peo -

22 22 b # U iatonic n n. J # - ple to - geth - er with in - fants and b n b b # # cat tle spare us al so. who have been chas tened and have b iatonic. J K b October 26 - St. emetrius # # mer cy on us through Thy Res - ur -.. rec - - tion on the third day. Intonation: #26 Andante Aposticha oxasticon Plagal Fourth Mode Ú lo - ry to the Fa ther and to the Son and to the ovxa... #cei mevn

23 October 26 - St. emetrius 23.. Ho - ly Spir it.. Thy most di - vine and blame - less. soul O cel - e - brat ed e -.. me tri us hath for its dwell -. n b ing the heav - en - ly Je - ru sa lem whose walls have been paint - # [ ed on the im - mac - u - late hands of. the in - vis i ble od. n.

24 24 October 26 - St. emetrius And thine all - ven er - a - ble and much - Hard hromatic b n. suf fer - ing bod yu Q.. hath this fa - mous tem ple on # earth as an in - vi - o - la - ble treas - ur - y n b of mir - a - cles and a rem - e - # b dy of mal a - dies where - un - to we has ten and draw. #. forth heal ings. o thou guard from the

25 October 26 - St. emetrius 25 #. b as - saults of ad - ver - sar ies thy flock which mag - ni - fi - eth thee O n # b n all - famed Mar tyr since thou hast bold - ness with hrist Who hath.. glo - ri fied thee. Allegro Ú º Aposticha Theotokion Plagal Fourth Mode Kai; nu'n...!anuvmfeute Parqevne # n Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of ag - es. A - men.

26 26 October 26 - St. emetrius O un - wed - ded Vir - gin who in - ex - press - i - bly con - ceived od in the flesh O Moth - er of the Most High od: Re - ceive the pe - ti tions of thy sup - pli - ants O all - blame-less one. O thou who grant - est un - to all pu - ri - fi - ca - tion from of - fenc - es re - ceive now our en - treat - ies and be - seech that we all be n. saved.

27 October 26 - St. emetrius 27 Apolytikion of St. emetrius Intonation: #8 Allegro Third Mode Ú º F F Mevgan eu{rato A great cham - pi - on hath the whole world found F thee to be when in grave per - ils; for thou dost put to flight the hea - then O vic - to - ri - ous one. F As thou didst hum - ble Ly - ae - us - 's ar - ro - gance and gav - est bold-ness to Nes - tor in the sta - di - um F thus O ho - ly reat Mar - tyr e - me - tri - us do thou en -. treat hrist od that we be grant - ed great mer - cy.

28 28 October 26 - St. emetrius F lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it. F Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of ag - es. A - men. F O Thou Who look - est up - on the earth and mak - est it Apolytikion of the arthquake Plagal Fourth Mode trem - ble de - liv - er us from the fear - ful men - ace of epiblevpwn epi; th;n gh'n earth-quake O hrist our od and by the

29 October 26 - St. emetrius 29 F in - ter - ces - sions of the The - o - to - kos send down up - on us Thy mer - cies in a - bun-dance O on - ly F.. Friend of man. SAINT MTRIUS

30 30 October 26 - St. emetrius Orthros Prokeimenon* Intonation: #9 Allegro Ú º Fourth Mode (twice).. Qaumasto;" oj Qeov" Won - drous is od in His saints. anonarch: # In the saints that are in His earth hath the Lord made won - drous. First hoir: n. Won - drous is od Second hoir:. #. in His saints. * This Prokeimenon is chanted after the First Antiphon in Fourth Mode "From my youth..." Sticheraric (long) and heirmologic (brief) melodies for the First Antiphon are available online at: music/orthrosspecial.htm

31 October 26 - St. emetrius 31 Intonation: #4 Allegro Ú º & lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the & Ho - ly Spir - it. Pentecostaria* Second Mode ovxa... Tai'" tou' aqlofovrou & By the in - ter - ces - sions of the prize - win - ner O Mer - & ci - ful One blot out the mul - ti - tude of mine of - &. fen - ces. & F Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of & ag - es. A - men. * For longer versions of these Pentecostaria go to:

32 32 October 26 - St. emetrius & By the in - ter - ces - sions of the The - o - to - kos O & Mer - ci - ful One blot out the mul - ti - tude of mine of - &. fen - ces. Orthros Idiomelon Intonation: #7 Andante & Úª Second Mode!levhsovn me... i" ta; ujperkovsmia & Have mer - cy on me O od ac - cord - ing to Thy great mer - cy and ac - cord - ing to the mul - ti - tude of Thy com - pas-sions blot out & my trans - gres - sions. &. hrist od hath brought thy blame - less spir - it

33 October 26 - St. emetrius 33 & in - to the tab - er - na - cles be - yond the world O wise &. & F. Mar tyr e - me tri us; for thou be - cam - est a cham - pi - on of the Trin - &. i - ty when thou didst man - ful - ly con - tend in F & the fray stead - fast as ad - a - mant. And when & thou wast pierced with a spear in thy pure side O all - ven - & F er - a - ble one im - i - tat - ing Him Who was & stretched up - on the Tree for

34 34 October 26 - St. emetrius & the sal - va - tion of all the world thou didst re - & ceive the pow - er to work mir - a - cles and thou F & grant - est a - bun - dant heal - ings un - to men. &.. Where-fore as we cel e & brate thy fall - ing - a - sleep to - day & we right - ly glo - ri - fy the Lord Who hath glo - & b. - ri - - fied thee.

35 October 26 - St. emetrius 35 Intonation: #4 Allegro & Ú º od Who hath giv - en thee in - vin - ci - ble strength O e - & me - tri - us hath a - dorned the hurch with the roy - al pur - ple & of the streams of thy blood and hath kept thy cit - y un - & Kontakion of St. emetrius Second Mode. harmed for thou art the sup - port there - of. Toi'" tw'n aijmavtwn sou TH HURH OF ST. MTRIUS IN THSSALONIA

36 36 October 26 - St. emetrius Intonation: #17 Allegro & Ú º e - liv - er us all from earth-quakes O Lord and from & wounds un - bear - a - ble on ac - count of our sins and & spare Thy peo - ple whom Thou hast pur - chased with Thy Blood O Mas - & ter; and de - liv - er not Thy cit - y to de - struc - tion by & ter - ri - ble earth - quakes for we know none oth - er od be - & & Kontakion of the arthquake Plagal Second Mode (Soft hromatic) sides Thee. And to those who chant do Thou re - spond: I am with you and no one shall pre - vail a -

37 October 26 - St. emetrius 37 &. gainst you.

38 38 October 26 - St. emetrius Intonation: #11 Andante Ú.. lo - ry to the Fa - ther and to.. oxasticon of the Praises Fourth Mode. the Son and to the Ho - ly ovxa Patriv Spir it. To;n lovgcai" klhrwsavmemon n.. Let us hon - our e - me tri - - us most wise in his teach - ings... and crowned a - mong Mar # tyrs who by the spear in - her - it - ed the grace of that

39 October 26 - St. emetrius 39 sav - ing side pierced with a spear from. J which the Sav - iour mak - eth the wa ters n # b n of life and in - cor - rup tion to flow forth for us. Let us hon - our him that through. blood fin - ished the course of his con - test and #. shin - eth bright - ly with mir - a - cles through - out the whole world; who was zeal - ous for the

40 F 40 October 26 - St. emetrius Mas - ter and a com - pas - sion - ate friend # of the poor; the pro - tect - or of the Thes - sa - lo - ni - ans in their man - y. #. Hard hromatic b and fre - quent griefs and per n ils. As we hon - our his an - nu - al.. n me - mo ri al we glo -. n # b n. - ri - fy hrist od Who through him. work - eth heal - ings for all.

41 October 26 - St. emetrius 41 Intonation: #9 Allegro Ú º Theotokion of the Praises Fourth Mode Kai; nu'n... Both now and ev - er and un - to the ag - es of ag - es. A - men. O Moth - er of hrist our od who gav - est birth to the re - a - tor of all de - liv - er us from our ne hjma'" ek tw'n anagkw'n ces - si - ties that we may all cry to thee:. Re - oice O on - ly pro - tec - tion of our souls.

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