INFORMATICS lij1/5'w.;.~;~i"' DEVELOPMEN DEVELOPMENT AGENCY T AGENCY ~E~/01a100110:11 :oa Reason: Location: Athens. -,!" EinA. b

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1 INFORMATICS lij1/5'w.;.~;~i"' DEVELOPMEN DEVELOPMENT AGENCY T AGENCY ~E~/01a100110:11 :oa Reason: Location: Athens -,!" EinA b MA: Xl8-6 T4' EMHNIKH 4HMOKPATIA vnovpreio OIKONOMIAI KAI ANAnTY:HI E151K~ rpaµµan:ia.ll1axe:ip1crric; Toµe:aKwv En mu ETnA Km TI E151K~ Ynripe:cria.ll1axe:ip1crric; Emxe:1primaKOU npoypaµµarnc; ANTArQNimKOTHTA, EnIXEIPHMATIKOTHTA KOi KAI NOTO MIA MONMA B2 Me:croye:iwv 56, AS~va EYPnnAIKH ENOIH AS~va, 20 Le:me:µ~piou 2018 A.n.: 5705/1226/B2 AnOCl>AIH 0EMA: LUCJTacrri Kai cruykpotricrri Tl'l<; EmTpon~c; napakoaousricrric; Twv e:vrayµtvwv npa~e:wv CJTl'l.llpacrri «Evicrxucrri TouplCJTIKWV MME yia TOV Kcruvxpov1crµ6 rnuc; KOi Tl'lV noiotik~ ava~a8µ1crri TWV nape:xoµe:vwv unripe:mwv», TOU EnlXEIPl'lOICKOU npoypaµµarnc; «Avrnywv1CJT1KOT1'1TO, Emxe:1priµm1K0Trirn KOi Kaivornµia (EnAvEK)» Tou ELnA ». ' r',-fl. -,',-r-1 H E1~1Ki) rpa1,11,1attac; 41axEip1of1c; To1,1EaKoov E.n. Tou ETnA Kai TI. r 1. To ap8po 90 mu «Kw51Ka Noµo8e:criac; yia Tl'lV Ku~tpvricrri KOi Ku~e:pvriT1Ka 'Opyava» nou KUpw0riKe: µe: TO ap8po npwto TOU n..ll. 63/2005 (<l>ek 98/A/ ). 2. To N.4314/2014 (<l>ek A' 265/ ) «A) na Tl'l 51axe:ip1crri, rnv-,i.'ae:vxo KOi Tl'lV e:<papµoy~ avamu~1akwv nape:µ~acre:wv yia TflV npoypaµµat1k~ ne:piooo , B) EvcrwµaTwcrri Tl'l<; O5riyiac; 2017/17 mu Eupwna"iKou Ko1vo~oui\iou KOi mu LUµ~oui\iou Tl'l<; Bric; Iouviou 2012 (EE L 156/ ) CITO e:n,riv1k6 5iKOIO, Tpononoiricrri TOU v. 3419/2005 (A 297) KOi CIAAf.<; 51aTa~e:1c;», 6nwc; 1crxue:1. ' 3. To n..ll. 123/2016 (<l>ek 208/A/ ) «AvacruCJTacrri KOi µe:rnvoµacria Tou Ynoupye:iou illoikl'ltik~c; Me:rnppu8µ1crric; KOi Hi\e:KTpOVIK~c;.ll1aKU~Epvricrric;, avacrucjtacrri Tou Ynoupye:iou Toup1crµou, crucjtacrri Ynoupye:iou Me:rnvaCJTe:uTIK~c; noi\mk~c; Kai Ynoupye:iou 1.Vricp1aK~c; noi\1t1k~c;, Trii\e:mK01vwv1wv KOi Evriµtpwcrric;, µe:rnvoµacria Ynoupye:iwv EcrwTe:p1Kwv KOi.ll101K1'1TIK~c; AvacruyKpoTricrric;, O1Kovoµiac;, Avamu~ric; KOi Toup1crµou KOi Yno5oµwv, Me:rncpopwv KOi illktuwv». 4. To n..ll. 125/2016 (<l>ek 210/A/ ) «.ll1op1crµ6c; Ynoupywv, Avani\ripwTwv ----¾_oupywv KOi Ycpunoupywv». ~~-! 1\5 '.JJ... 22/2018 (<l>~k 37A/ ) «.ll1op1crµ6c; Ynoupywv, Avani\ripwT~ "\.::, 1:-;",Y ; om Ycpunoupywv» \\-'-}<"'_:? '.,_,,,,,., p18µ. 346~6/ ~5 (YO~ 178).ll1op1<;1µ6 Tl'l<; µe:tokal'lt~<; E151K~<; : :; l"-'"\ ~ ;;. p ~ Tl'l<; E151Kric; rpaµµme:iac;.lliaxe.ipicrric; Toµe:aKwv E.n. Tou ETnA KOi TI. ' ~, 1 '\ ),, "~- S. :,~ '~.. -,~-,0: 0 /,,, - ~... "" LEAfOa 1mr66 ' 'S

2 MA: 78B2465Xl8-~ T4-' 7. To n.a. 147/2017 (<!>EK 192/A/ ) «Opyav1crµ6c; Tou YnoupyEiou 01Kovoµiac; KOi Av6mu~ric;». 8. Triv µe An 66135/EY0Y455/ (B' 2064/ ) an&pacrri TOU Avan>.ripwT~ Ynoupyou 01Kovoµiac; KOi Av6mu~ric; "Tpononoi11cr11 Tile; µe ap18µ /EY0Y/615/ unoupy1k~c; an&pacrric; «Ava516p8pwcr11 Tile; E151K~c; Yn11pEcriac; f11axeip1cr11c; TOU EmXEIPllOIOKOU npoyp6µµatoc; ANTAfQNIITIKOTHTA, EnIXEIPHMATIKOTHTA KAI KAINOTOMIA TOU 6p8pou 5 nap 1 TOU v. 4314/2014 KOi KOT6py11cr11 Tile; ap /408f1/<1>03/2012 (B' 655) KOIV~c; unoupy1k~c; an&pacrric;»" (B' 1248). 9. Triv µe A.n / An&pacrri Tou Ynoupyou 01Kovoµiac;, Av6mu~ric; Km Toup1crµou «Av68EOI") anokaeiotikwv K0811KOVTWV npo"iotaµtvric; Tile; E.Y.a EnAvEK» (AM: Q01/\4653O7-K2<1>). 10. TllV µe A.n /30.06/2017(Op8~ EnaV0Af'l4Jll ) An&pacrf') TOU Ynoupyou 01Kovoµiac; KOi Av6mu~ric; µe 8e:µa: «Tono8h11cr11 npo"iotaµe:vwv OTIc; Mov65Ec; A3 KOi r Tile; EYf1 EnANEK». 11. To YKEKp1µtvo an6 Tf'IV Eupwna"iK~ EmTpon~ «Iuµcpwvo ET01p1K~c; Ixe:crric; (ET01p1K6 Iuµcpwvo yi0 TO n>.aicrio Av6mu~11c;) , op. an&pacrric; C(2014)3542 final/ Triv µe A.n / Ko1v~ Ynoupy1K~ An&pacrri 'EyKpIcr11c; Tf')c; ITpaT'lYIK~c; ME>.hric; nep1j3amovt1kwv EmmwcrEwv (IMnE) yia To EmxE1p11criaK6 np6ypaµµa AVTaywv10T1K6T11Ta, EmxE1p11µaT1KOT'1TO Km Ka1voTOµia (AM:7nXB0-2YM). 13. Triv µe ap18µ6 C(2014) final/ EKTEAEOTIK~ an&pacrri Tile; Eupwna"iK~c; EmTpon~c; yi0 Tf'IV e:ykp1cr11 op1crµe:vwv OTOIXEiwv Tou m1xe1p11criakou npoyp6µµatoc; «AVTaywv10T1KOTf'ITO, EmxE1p11µ0T1K6T11Ta KOi KmvoTOµia» yi0 OT~p1~11 an6 To Eupwna"iK6 TaµEio nep1cpepeiok~c; Av6mu~ric; KOi TO Eupwna"iK6 Ko1vwv1K6 TaµEio OTO n>.aicrio Tou OToxou «EnEVMcrE1c; OTllV av6mu~ll KOi TllV anacrx6>.11cr11» OTll\\ EM6oo, (CCI 2014GR16M20P001). ll 14. Tov Kavov1crµ6 (EK) 1407/ Tile; EmTpon~c; Twv Eupwna ikci>v Ko1voTrjTQ)v yi0 TllV Ecpapµoy~ TWV 6p8pwv 107 KOi 108 Tile; Iuv8~Kllc; yi0 Tll AEITOUpyiar<.uric; Eupwna ik~c; 'Evwcr11~ 0T1c; Ev1crx~crE1c; 'Hcrcrovoc; Iriµacriac; (De Minimis) 6nwc; loxijei. 15. Tov Kavov1crµ6 (EE) ap18µ. 1301/2013 TOU Eupwna ikou Ko1vof3ou>.iou KOi Tou Iuµf3ou>.iou Tile; 1711c; f1ekeµl3piou 2013 yia TO Eupwna"iKO TaµEio neplcpepeiok~c; Av6mu~ric; KOi TllV KOT6py11cr11 Tou un. op. 1080/2006 Kavov1crµou TOU Iuµf3ou>.iou. 16. Tov Kavov1crµ6 (EE) ap18µ. 1303/2013 Tile; Eupwna"iKou Ko1vof3ou>.iou KOi TOU Iuµl3ou>.iou n1c; 171lc; f1ekeµl3piou 2013, nepi K08op1crµou KOIVWV 5IOTO~EWV yi0 TO Eupwna"iK6 TaµEio nep1cpepe1ak~c; Av6mu~ric;, TO Eupwna ik6 K01vwv1K6 TaµEio, TO. TaµEfo Iuvox~c;, TO Eupwna"iK6 fewpy1k6 TaµEio AypoTIK~c; Avamu~ric; Km To Eupwna ik6 TaµEio 06>.acrcrac; KOi M1Eiac; KOi nepi Ka8op1crµou yev1kwv 510T6~Ewv yi0 TO Eupwna ik6 TaµEio nep1cpepe10k~c; av6mu~ric;, TO Eupwna ik6 K01vwv1K6 TaµEio, TO TaµEio Iuvox~c; KOi TO Eupwna ik6 TaµEio 06>.acrcrac; KOi M1Eiac; KOi yi0 TllV KOTOPVllOll T08 KOVOVlcrµou (EK) ap / Tov Kavov1crµ6 (EE) ap18µ. 1304/2013 Tou Eupwna"iKou Ko1vol3ou>.iou KOi TOU Iuµl3ou>.iou Tile; 1711c; f1ekeµl3piou 2013 yi0 TO Eupwna"iK6 Ko1vwv1K6 TaµEio KOi TllV KOTOPYllOll Tou un. op. 1081/2006 Kavov1crµou TOU Iuµl3ou>.iou. 18. Tov Kavov1crµ6 (EE) ap18.821/2014 Tile; EmTpon~c; Tile; 281lc; Iou>.iou 2014, nepi K08op1crµou KOVOVWV Ecpapµoy~c; TOU KOVOV1crµou (EE) Op /2013 TOU _.... ~i;j9-ikou Ko1vof3ou>.iou KOi TOU Iuµf3ou>.iou ooov acpop6 Tic; >.Emoµe:pE1Ec; yi0 TllV /'-\' \-\ ' ~11 KOi 51axEip1crll TWV OUVElcrcpopwv TWV npoypaµµotwv, TllV unol30>.~ /'~ o~,:.,~ I, ~~ETIKO µe TO µfoa XPllµOTOOIKOVOµIK~c; TEXVIK~c;, TO T XVIKO xapaktllpiotiko Ii;,, "} ~,i:.:..,-z. X_ n>.11~6p11cr11c; KOi EmK~1vwviac; yi0 Tic; np6~e1c; KOi TO cruotllµo ( * *: { ;_~j),i ~ ~ f ' an081lkeu01lc; TWV Z>EooµEVWV. "i,\._.... ~- ~.A ~,ro,,o ~~~-,..,JJ.''. ~ \,s, _', > o" 4,o.:, "Q~~-f;/ ~ LEAfOO 2 arr6 6

3 MA: 78B2465Xl8-Ll T4J 19. Triv µe ap. npwt /EY0Y/1020/ Ynoupy1K~ An6cpacrri Tpononoiricrric; KOi avtikctcjotacrric; Tl")<; 81986/EY0Y712/ Ynoupy1K~c; An6cpacrric; «E8v1Koi KavovEc; EnlAE~lµOTl")Tac; 5anavwv y1a rn npoypaµµarn TOU ELnA 'EAEY)(OI voµ1µ6trirnc; Briµocriwv cruµ~acrewv cruvxpriµat05otouµevwv npa~ewv ELnA ano Apxe:c; ~ICXEiplOI")<; KOi Ev51aµrnouc; <l>opei<; - ~1a51Kacria EVOTCIOEWV Eni TWV anoteaeoµcjtwv a~ioaoyl")ol")c; npa~ewv» (B' 3521). 20. Triv LUOTacrri 2003/361/EK Tl")<; EmTpon~c; Tl")<; 61")<; Ma'i'ou 2003, oxetikcj µe TOV op1crµ6 TWV noau µ1kpwv, TWV µ1kpwv KOi TWV µecraiwv EnlXElp~crEWV [Enicrl")µI") Ecpl")µEpi5a L 124 Tl")<; ]. 21. To µe A.n /EY0Y/1150/ e:yypacpo Tl")<; EY0Y µe Se:µa: «nep1ypacp~ Tou LUOT~µaTOc; ~1axEip1crric; Km EMvxou y1a rn En Tou ELnA nou xpriµatoootouvtai an6 TO ETnA, TO EKT Km TO TI OTo naaicrio Tou LToxou: EnEV5UOEI<; OTl")V Avamu~ri KOi Tl")V Anacrx6Al")OI")», 6nwc; 10-XUEI. 22. Triv µe A.n /EY0Y 1217/ Ko1v~ An6cpacrri Twv Ynoupywv 01Kovoµ1Kwv Km 01Kovoµiac;, Avamu~ric; Km Toup1crµou «LUOTl")µa Briµocriovoµ1Kwv 51op8wcrEWV KOi 51a51KacriEc; CVCIKTl")OI")<; axpewot~tw<; ~ napav6µwc; KCTC~Al")8EVTWV nocrwv an6 n6pouc; TOu KpaT1Kou npoonoaoy1crµou y1a Tl")V UAonoiricrri npoypaµµatwv cruvxpriµatoootouµevwv OTO naaicr10 TOU ELnA , cruµcpwva µe TO ap8po 22 T0U N. 4314/2014» (<t>ek 2784/B/ ). 23. Triv µe A.n. 594/103/Al/ An6cpacrri Tl")<; EmTpon~c; napakoaousricrric; Tou E.n. «AVTayWVIOTIKOTl")Ta, EmXElpl")µCTIKOTl")TC KOi KaivoTOµia», µe Tl")V onoia EyKpi81")KCV ri µe8o5oaoyia KOi Ta KplT~p1a EnlAOy~c; TWV EnlXElpl")µCTIKWV oxe5iwv OTO naaicrio Tl")<; ~pacrric; «Evicrxucrri TouplOTIKWV MME y10 TOV EKOUY)(pov10µ6 TOU<; KOi Tl")V noiotik~ ava~a8µ1crri Twv napexoµe:vwv unriprn1wv». 24. Triv un' ap /432r/ro1/ Anocpacrri Tou Ycpunoupyou 01Kovoµiac;, Avamu~ric; KOi Toup1crµou y1a Tl")V Ava5El~I") Ev51aµrnou <t>ope:a ~1axEip1crric; KpaTIKWV Ev1crxucrEWV TOU EnANEK (AM: 6~P34653O7-4Y0). 25. Triv un' ap /803ro1/ cruµ~acrri Tou YnoupyEiou G11<ovoµiac;, Avamu~I")<; KOi Toup1crµou yia TOV E<t>EnAE y1a Tl")V UAOnoil")OI") TOU e:pyou E'7OJCJµEOOU <t>ope:a ~1axEip1crric; KpaTIKWV Ev1crxucrEWV TOU EnANEK. ~ri, 26. Triv un' ap /815/Al/ An6cpacrri TOU Ycpunoupyou 01Kovoµiac;, Avamu~ric; KOi Toup1crµou µe Se:µa: «Avaarnri KC81")KOVTWV 51axEip1crric; y1a npa~ei<; KpaTIKWV Ev1crxucrEWV TOU EmXEIPl")OICKOU npoypaµµmoc; «AVTayWVIOTIKOTl")TC, EmxE1priµm1KOTl")Ta KOi KaivoTOµia» mov «Ev51aµrno <t>ope:a EmxE1pricriaKou npoypaµpatoc; AVTaywv10T1K6Trirn, EmxE1priµaT1KOTl")rn Km KaivoTOµia -EcnEnAE». 27. Triv µe A.n. 670/150/A2/ An6cpacrri µe Se:µa: np6crkaricrri uno~oa~c; CIT~OEWV XPl")µCTOOOTl")OI")<; EnEV5UTIKWV oxe5iwv OTI") ~pacrri «Evicrxucrri TouplOTIKWV MME y1a TOV EKOUY)(pov10µ6 TOU<; KOi Tl")V noiotik~ ava~a8µ1crri TWV,nap XOµEVWV unl")pecriwv», ELnA , 6nwc; Tponono1~81")K KOi 1crxuE Triv µe A.n. 4157/424/A3/ (<t>ek -Y.0.~.~- 432/ ) An6cpacrri Tl")<; E151K~c; rpaµµme:wc; ~1axEip1crric; ToµrnKwv E.n. TOu ETnA Km TI µe Se:µa «LUYKPOTl")OI") EmTpon~c; A~10Myricrric; y1a Tl") ~pacrri «Evicrxucrri Toup10T1Kwv MME y1a TOV EKOUY)(pov1crµ6 TOU<; KOi Tr]V noiotik~ ava~a8µ1crri TWV napexoµe:vwv Unl")pEOIWV» TOu E.n. «AVTaywv10T1K6Trirn, EmxE1priµm1KOTl")rn KOi KaivoTOµia (EnAvEK)», ELnA (AM:Q<l>91465XI8-7T1), OE Tpononoiricrri KOi OVTIKOTCIOTCOI")<; Tl")<; un' - A A,~\ \ ~ I :- ~9_94/145~/ A2/22.~ (<t>ek_ -Y.O.~.~- 511/ ) An6cpacrri Tl")<; ~ qµµatew<; ~ICXElplOI")<; ToµEOKWV E.n. TOU ETnA KOi TI -\ ~,,. ' 01, 0 'A /1721/A2 / (AM: QXON ~5E) Anocpacrri TOU,_~'/{57 ~-- "' ". <?IKOvoµiac;, Avam~~ric; KOi Toup1crµou µe Se:µa: Op10µ6c; A~10Aoy~T~V VI~ ~ 'I t ~1J.HRrJ ~ 1crxucrri TouplOTIKWV MME y1a TOV EKOUY)(pov1crµo TOU<; KOi Tl")V noiotiki") * : ',,-: f1>. ' ' ' ~ *... ~ 1v/ -,),j.,,,.:~"'~~ 0 ' / -qu'ii ~ ~ VJ 2:~.,.,.,,0 -~ -, ~.,;, 0... \o 4 ~... ~... :." "' ~ --=====-- LEAIOa 3 mr6 6 1

4 MA: 78B2465Xl8-fl T4J ', 't. avaf3a8µ1ori Twv napexoµevwv unripemwv» rnu E.n. «Avrnywv10T1K6Trtrn, EmxE1priµaT1K6Trtrn Kai Kmvornµia (EnAvEK)», EinA Triv µe A.n.6362/903/A3/ An6cpaori µe etµa: «'Evrn~ri npa~ewv KpaT1Kwv Ev1axu0Ewv OTO n>.aio10 Trt<; npook>.rioric; <«<Eviaxuori Toup10T1Kwv MME y1a Tov EKouvxpav10µ6 TOU<; Kai Tl"IV noiotik~ avaf3a8µ1ori TWV napexoµevwv unripeoiwv», µe Kwi51K6 oni 003K (A/A/ 1383), rnu En «Avrnywv10T1K6Trtrn, EmxE1priµaT1K6Trtrn Kai Kaivornµia (EnAvEK)», EinA » (MA: 6X3T465Xl8-IP0). 31. Triv µe A.n. 1108/414/A3/ lrt Tpononoiriori An6cpaoric; 'Evrn~ric; npa~ewv KpaTIKWV Ev1axu0Ewv OTO n>.aimo Trt<; npook>.rioric; «Eviaxucrri Toup10T1Kwv MME y1a TOV EKOUYXpDVIOl,JO TOU<; Kai TrtV noiotik~ avaf3a8µ1ori TWV napexoµevwv unripeoiwv» µe Kwi51K6 oni 003K{A/A 1383), TOU E.n. «AvrnyWVIOTIKOTrtTa, EmxE1priµaTIKOT1"1Ta Kai Ka1vornµia (EnAvEK)», EinA {MA:l!J04J9465XI8-::9B). 32. Triv µe A.n. 1789/590/A3/ rt Tpononoiricrri An6cpacrric; 'Evrn~ric; npa~ewv KpaT1Koov Ev1axu0Ewv OTO n>.aimo Trt<; npook>.rioric; «Eviaxuori Toup10T1Kwv MME y1a TOV EKcruvxpov10µ6 TOU<; Kai TrtV noiotik~ avaf3a8µ1ori TWV napexoµevwv unripeoiwv» µe Kwi51K6 oni 003K{A/A 1383), rnu E.n. «Avrnywv10T1K6Trtrn, EmxE1priµm1K6Trtrn Kai Ka1vornµia (EnAvEK)», E!nA (MA:QrA3465XI8-7YO). 33. Triv µe A.n.3821/1229/A3/ Anocpacrri fykp1oric; Twv npakt1kwv No 18/ , No 19/ , No 20/ , No 21/ , No 22/ , No 23/ , No 24/ , No 25/ , No 26/ , No 27/ , No 28/ , No 29/ , No 30/ , No 31/ , No 32/ , No 33/ Kai No 34/ Trt<; EmTpon~c; A~10Myricrric; Trt<; ~pacrric; «Eviaxucrri Toup10T1Kwv MME y1a Tov EKcruvxpov10µ6 TOU<; Kai Tl"IV noiotik~ avaf3a8µ1crri TWV napexoµevwv unripeoiwv» TOU E.n. «Avrnywv10T1K6Trtrn, EmxE1priµaT1K6Trtrn Kai Ka1vornµia (EnAvEK)», EinA ». 34. Triv µe A.n.4525/1423/A3/ An6cpacrri EyKp1crric; Twv npakt1kwv No 35/ , No 36/ , No 37/ Kai No 38/ , No 39/ Trt<; EmTpon~c; A~10Myricrric; Trt<; ~pacrric; «Eviaxucrri Toup10T1Kwv MME y1a Tov EKcruvxpov10µ6 TOU<; Kai TrtV noiotik~ avaf3a8µ1ori TWV napexoµevwv unripeoiwv» TOU E.n. «Avrnywv10T1K6TrtTa, EmxE1priµm1K6TrtTa Kai Ka1vornµia (EnAvEK)», EinA ». 35. Triv µe A.n.3443/1115/A3/ An6cpacrri fykp1crric; Tou npaktikou No 01/ Trt<; EmTpon~c; A~10>.6yrioric; EvOTaoEwv Trt<; ~pacrric; «Eviaxucrri Toup10T1Koov MME y1a TOV EKcruvxpov10µ6 TOU<; Kai TrtV noiotik~ ava~a8µ1ori TWV napexoµtvwv unripemci)v» Tou E.n. «Avrnywv10T1K6TrtTa, EmxE1priµm1K6Trtrn Kai,., 36. Triv un. ap /1548/a3/31.q7.20i8 (MA:l!J~YT465Xl8-2I9) 3rt Tpononoiricrri' An6cpacrric; 'Evrn~ric; npa~ec,jy KpanKwv Ev1axu0Ewv OTO n>.aimo Trt<; npook>.ricrric; «Eviaxucrri Toup10T1Kwv MME y1a Tov EKcruvxpov10µ6 rnuc; Kai Trtv no10t1k~ ava~a8µ1crri. Twv napexoµtvwv unripe01ci>v» µe Kwi51K6 oni 003K(A/A 1383), rnu E.n. «Avrnywv10T1Kqi:rirn, EmxE1priµm1K6TrtTa Kai Ka1vornµia (EnAvEK)», E!nA Trtv un. ap /1662/a3/ (MA:l!J3HP465X18-00B) An6cpaori EKOOOrt<; Op!Qill<.Q.Y Karn>.6you µe TrtV ~a8µ0>.1y1k~ KaTCJTa~l"l 6>.wv TWV EnEVi5UTIKWV oxei5iwv ~ ~J:qJ.. ric; «Eviaxuori TouplOTIKWV MME y1a TOV EKcruvxpov10µ6 TOU<; Kai Tl"IV ) ;\~: ~µ1crri Twv napexoµevwv unripemwv» µe Kwi51K6 oni 003K(A/ A 1383), ~ ~ o-'-} " :,, _ ' ~~~ ~VIOTIKOTrtTa, EmxE1priµaTIKOTrtTa Kai Ka1vornµia (EnAvEK)», E!nA ~ ;c 1ft~- - ', ~.":. r~l,_.. ~ : i-'; L K ' (.\, ri :... ~ ~ \;"' '..,.-; ; -i... Dr:,... *,. ~ (' ~ 1( '''"o,.-.,.i:-;- ~\~~-4 '-,.) (.)f.,1._ -d,.... p /./,All.I ~ " IJ~'\/~ i.j ' <' LEAfl'.ia 4 ati6 6

5 MA: 78B2465Xl8-Ll T4' Anoq,aoi~ouµ 1. Tri ouaraori Kai OUVKPOTflOll EmTpon~c; napakoaou811011c; (E.n.) Tile; UAOnoi11011c; TWV EVTayµtvwv EmxE1p11µm1Kwv oxe<5iwv arri ~paori «Evicrxuori Toup1ar1Kwv MME yia Tov EKOUYXpDVIOµO TOUc; Kai TflV noiotik~ aval3a8µiofl TWV napexoµevwv UnflpEOIWV», TOU EmxE1p11criaKou npoypaµµarnc; «AVTaywv1ar1K6T11rn, EmxE1p11µaT1K6T11rn Kai Ka1vornµia (EnAvEK)» TOU E~:nA ». H EmTpon~ anoteaeirn1 an6 Tpia (3) µt,>,.11 µe <51Kaiwµa 4,1~cpou EK TWV onoiwv : - ~uo (2) µtari µe 106p18µouc; avanaflpwtec; npoepxovtal an6 TflV EY~ EnAvEK, (µeta~u TWV onoiwv O np6e<5poc; Kai O avanaflpwt~c; TOU) - 'Eva (1) µtaoc; µe rnv avan,>,.ripwt~ rnu npotpxeta1 an6 Tov E<t>EnAE H ypaµµatelak~ unoar~p1~11 napexetal an6 ateaexoc; Tou E<t>EnAE µe rnv avan,>,.ripwt~ TOU. H EmTpon~ napakoaou811011c; l3pioketoi OE anaptia Kai µnopei va OUVE<5p1aOEI 6rnv napeupiokovtal 6,>,.a rn µtari Tflc; apµo<516tfltec; Tile; EmTpon~c; napak0aou811011c; E~E1<51KEUoVTa1 we; ako,>,.ou8wc; : - E~traori Kai E1o~y11011 rni µetal30,>,.wv/tponono1~0ewv OE EYKEKp1µtvo EnEv<5uT1K6 crxt<510, nou <51acpopono1ouv oucriw<5wc; rn KP1T~p1a ma~ric;, µe anoteaeoµa Tfl µ11 EnlAE~1µ6T11rn rnu EnEV<5UTIKOU oxe<5iou. - E~traori Kai E1o~y11011 rni a1t11µ6twv Tpononoirioric; <t>ucrikou Kai 01Kovoµ1Kou AVTIKElµEVOU, ara onoia nep1,>,.aµl3avetal 11 µeiwo11/µ11 UAOnoi11011 avtikelµevou OE noooar6 µ YaAUTEpo rnu 1/3 rnu apx1ka EVKEKp1µtvou rn1xop11youµevou n/y EVTa~ric;. - E~traori Kai E1o~y11011 rni anevtcj~ewv tpywv EiTE KaT6mv tyypacpric; 01KE108EAouc; napait11011c; <51Ka1ouxwv EiTE,>,.6yw µ11 T~prioric; 6pwv Tile; np60ka11011c; Kai Tflc; c. an6cpaoric; EVTa~ric;. r E~trao~ Kai,E1o~v11orf,,J~i uhol3dm6µ~vwv AITflµCJTWV 0EpanEiac;, Ecpooov autcj,, acpopouv OE 8Eµarn UAOri't>111011c; Kai <51axE1p1011c;. ~IF!v - Ka8E amo Stµa nou <5Ev Mvarn1 va nep1,>,.11cp8ei ara avwttpw Kai acpopa arriv T~p11011 Twv 6pwv u,>,.onoirioric; Tile; np60ka11011c;,. 1 A.~.T. np6e<5poc; \). 2 MtAoc;, npm:pxoi:ievo an6 EY ~ EnAvEK..., 3 MEAoc;, npoepxoµevo an6 E<l>EnAE rpaµµateia, an6 E<t>EnAE npoepxoµevo LEAilia 5 att6 6

6 MA: 78B2465Xl8-fl T4' 4. H EmTpon~ napakoaousrioric; ouve5p1a~e1 OTl"JV AS~va ~ Eq>ooov Kp18Ei anapaitrjto, OTl"JV E5pa TWV neplq>epelakwv Mova5wv TOU E<l>EnAE, Eiva1 µri aµe1!3oµevl"j Kai 01 OUVE5plCIO"EI<:; Tl")<:; Sa npayµatonoiouvtal EVT6c; TOU KaVOVIKOU wpapiou. 5.!To naaimo Tou tpyou Tl"Jc; ri EmTpon~ napakoaousrioric; Mvarn1 va a~1ono1~0e1 Tl"JV unapxouoa 51a8fo1µri narjpocpopia Tl"Jc; 51a51Kaoiac; a~10myrioric; Tou npoypaµµarnc; «Eviaxuori TouplOTIKWV MME yia TOV EKouvxpov10µ6 rnuc; Kai Tl")V nolotik~ aval3a8µ10i") TWV napexoµevwv Unl")pEOIWV». 6. Ta µeai") Tl")c; EmTpon~c; napakoaou8l")ol")c;, µeta Tl") oxetik~ yvwµoootl"jo"l"j yia KCl8E etµa, µovoypacpouv oxetiko npakt1k6 Kai Z>1aTunci>vouv oxetik~ E1o~vriori OTl"JV EYti EnAvEK. 7. H XPOVIK~ 51apKEla TOU Epyou Tl")c; EmTpon~c; napakoaou8l")ol")c; opi~etal we; Tl")V OAOKA~pwori TrJc; tipaoric; «Eviaxuori Toup10T1Kwv MME yia rnv EKouvxpov10µ6 rnuc; Kai Tl"JV noiotik~ avaf3a8µ1ori TWV napex6µevwv Unl")pEOIWV» nou UAOn01Eirn1 OTO naaimo TOU E!nA H ouykpotl")o~ Tl")c; AUETal aurn5ikala µeta TO ntpac; Tl")<:; fipcjoi")<:;. 8. H an6cpaori aut~ va 5riµomEUTEi OTl"JV Eq>l")µEpioo Tl")c; Kul3Epv~0Ewc;. H E151K~ rpaµµmfoc; f11axeip1oric; ToµEaKwv E.n. TOU ETnA Kai TI..., v1u"' EuyEVia <l>wtov1arn '' Ko1yonoinan; E<l>EnAE E8v1K6 TunoypacpEio (yra 611µooiEuo11) Eawrg>1Kli Aiavoun; rpacpeio E161K~c; rpaµµottwc; ~IOXEip1011c; ToµEOKWV En TOU ETnA KOi TI rpacpeio npo"iornµe:v11c; EY~ EnAvEK Mov66Ec; EY~ EnAvEK B2, A3.,f LEAl6a 6 arr6 6

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GIVE ME JESUS GŒ Š7 CŒ Š7/G GŒ Š7 CŒ Š7/G CŒ Š7/G œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. joys com cross. in His. PIANO/VOAL IVE ME JESUS Adapted from "Take the World, But ive Me sus" by Fanny rosby (1879) Music and additional words by avid Lahance, Jr q = 72 3 4 % 3 4 3 4 1 2 Š7 Š7/ Š7 Š7/ Š7/ 1 Take the 6 VERSE

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