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1 matikarerog 1-KN³kmμaFikarRBMEdnkm<úCa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>05 2-RkumGñktva:&kmμviFIsmFm RtUv/exmbUDa edli>>>>>06&07 3-køÚbUlvIeNtraykarN_BIbrisßan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>08 Vol 06 Issue 119 Dec. 8th- 20th TMB½r 4-RbvtþirNsirSCatirMedaHRbCaBlrdæExμr>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>15 5-eTAemIl)al;Tat;enAsalaÉkCn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>19 6- dmenirkmsanþextþ-rkugenatam>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>20 32 Wamesit St., Lowell, MA Phone-Fax (978) LÚEvl³ vtßúfatuefvibidi\dæmyycmnynca sñaédsil,³rbs;elak ya:ri liva:n CaGtIt sa sþacarümhavitüal½ysunürub nigbc úb,nñ Casa sþacarüenamhavitüal½y midilsic )anrtuvbba Úlkñ úglgusetkμanepsg kalbi éf esar_ti24 Exvicäika ehiy)andutbmb:n epøigkmeda2000ggsamunnwgykecjmk vijenaéf GgÁarbnÞab;mk)anCarbs;eRbI R)as;RbNitdUcCa Ekv can pþilxat; fu )a:n;et rubstvnak b dmri>>>cmnynrbmanca 100eRKOg. BIdI\dæeTACavtßúeRbIR)as; elak ya:ri )anerbibec ketssunürub buranrbs;exμr)anerbitamgbicmnan;munsm½y GgÁr ehiybec kets)an)at;bg;tampøúv éneblevlad¾evgq ay nigbec kvitüafμi² \LÚvenHelak ya:ri liva:n )anefvi[rbs; erbir)as;efviedayédkøaycavtßúsil,³kμan BIrdUcKña [ekiteligvij)ancamyy nigl\dædutgusetkμanepsgtamg TIenAEk,rrbgsarmnÞIrsYn]Tüan CatiénTIRkugLÚEvl. elak y:ari )anepþimefvicmøak;di \dæcaercinmuxrycehiylabbn edayfñambiesserbicamyydi\dæmun nigbba ÚlkñúgLrbs;elak rycehiy bitlenah[citmin[xül;cul)an svakmn_exμrpuss>r>ga enajúginkðin edaybin smxun nayk karpsayexμrpus s>r>ga smakmexμrenalúevl masaquest)ansemþg karsvakmn_d¾kk;ekþadl; vtþmansarb½t manexμrpus Edlepþ ImpSBVpSay tamgbi2 qñammkehiyenatmbn;júginkðin \LÚv mktamgenarkuglúevlcabnþetaetot. duckñaenhedr smacikshkmn_exμrk¾)an bgðajmenaseba tnarikray nwg)ankaest ExμrpuscUlmkbMerIvis½yB½t manexμr GaemrikaMg enatmbn;xøünduckñaedr. xagkunickik nwglin riev k¾mangbgrsatrdl;vtþmaneyigedr. ExμrpussUmEføgGMNrKuNcMeBaHtMNag nigsmacikshkmn_edl)ansemþgsvakmn_ KWCakarelIkTwkcitþdl;Exμrpus nwgshkari[ rwtetbrgwgkunpabsmrab;bmerikarganb½t man EdlCaeKalkarN_ KWelIktemáIgsgÁmExμr edayesap½npab edaykunpabsresrgks Exμr edaykmnitsiksa KMnitrYmsm,ac; eday karpþl;b½t manbit edaykarpþl;tssn³ebøk² xus²kña EdlCasiT icmbgrbs;mnuss. elakgñk)anbgðajfa {sgámesrirtuvkar B½t manesri} tetatmb½rti 06 erkaetbibg ÜcsRmab;bBa ÚlGusbMb:nePø Ig. RkumGñksμ½RKcitþmanRkumRKYsarmitþP½kiþCa sil,³krduckñacaedim.l. )anmkcyybuh Gus tetatmb½rti 12 qakelçanneya)ayrvagelak h un Esn nigyuvcnrbs;bksrbqamgmñak; eday³ Gu wm elom RbFanclnayuvCnén KN bks sm rgsúi KW elak syg supnð kalbieblfμi²knøgmk enh )andak; BakübNþwgbþwgeTAelak h un Esn BIbTXatkmμKitTukCamun Edl)aneFV I[RbCaBl rdæexμrsøab;cmnyn350nak; nigrgrbyscag400nak; enaelis<anekahebrc EdlBakübNþwgenHRtUv )anekcat;tukfa CasMNuMerOgd¾resIbeRBaHenH CaelIkdMbUgEdlmanyuvCnh anerbir)as;nuv sit icablrdæ kñúgrbb½n tulakaretahbicakardwg fa tulakarkñúg tetatmb½rti07 KN³kmμkarnayksmaKmExμrenALÚEvlpþl;karsVaKmn_dl;tMNagExμrpus

2 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.02

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5 I KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.5 KNkmμaFikarRBMEdnkm<úCaRbeTs)araMg nigkñúgbipbelak )ariséf TI 20 tula qñam2012 plvi)akénsn isbaøaedl)ancuhcamyyrbetsevotnam kñ úgqñam eson eb:ges k¼ sn isbaøacuhéf TI 18 kumö³ 1979 tbielxmun mantenaelxerkay h un Esn )ansresirxøünégbisit isbaøabmebj eday]tþmrkumrbwksacatittylbnþ úkkic kar benßmenh erbahfa sn isbaøaenh)anebik»kas[ RBMEdnCaCMnYsvij RBmTaMgEtgtaMgxø ÜnelakCa mankarttylsáal; {PaBRtwmRtUvtamc,ab;} myy RbFanxø ÜnÉgTTYlxusRtUvcMeBaHxø ÜnÉg Cardæm nþ EbbedaysV½yRbvtþikñúgsPaBxVak;edayKμankar TI1xøÜnÉg. )anesckþifa xøünelakcacaghvag BieRKaHKñaCamunsinedaysßab½nCatinana. kat;kþipgcakunkþipg ducbaküeketgniyayfa sn isbaøatamggs;enhedl)anerobcmelig sb,úrsfm RtUvKitxøÜnÉgmunsin>>>. kñúgebledlrbetskm<úcakmbugkan;kab;eday enaéf TI10 tula qñam 2005 elak h un RbeTsevotNamsuT swgføak;kñúgemaxpabtamg Esn )ancuhhtßelxacamyyrkughanuyeli Gs;edaysarpÞúynwgbTbBaØtiénGnusBaØaRkug {sn isbaøabebjbenßmelisit isbaøaqñam 1985}. Ev:ün qñam1969 sþibisit ikñúgsn isbaøa. myyvij sn isbaøaenh)anttylkargnum½tbispacati ena etotrtuvrmlwkfa karpþl;sc ab½nelisn isbaøa éf TI11 Exvicäika BIRBwT spa ena éf TI25 ehiy enh KWeFVIeLIgenAeRkamsMeBoténkarKMram enaéf TI30 ExdEdl)anTTYlsc ab½nbirbhmhaksrtcabnþetot kmehgy:agf n;f redlelak h un Esn )anefvi. bnþab;mkpøamenah elak etaelirkb;nrnaedlh ancmtas; ³ KMramsmøab; karcab;cgkarxumxamgeday \tcmnumcmrh rhutdl;kmramfa nwgrmlayracaniymecal RbsinebIRBHmhakSRtmin yl;rbmpþl;sc ab½nenh.l. karbgçitbgçmedlelak h un Esn )anerbiedim,icmruj[gñk TTYlxusRtUvCan;x<s;rbs; RbeTspþl;sc ab½ndl;sn isbaøaenh CaRbtükS)aneFVI[ úgemaxpabedayxø ÜnÉg. enh sn isbaøaenhføak;kñ CaeKalkarN_TUeTAénc,ab;EdlGnusBaØaTIRkug Ev:ün qñam1969 sþibisn isbaøa)aneyagetaeli marta51 GnusBaØaEdlRbeTskm< úcak¾casmacik Edr. karttylxusrtuvrbs;gacjafrexμrcmebah bbaðatamggs;enh sn isbaøaxusc,ab; nigminesμipabkñatamg enh RtUvEtbBa b;tamgbirdæapi)alti1 qñam1993 mkemø:h RsbeTAtamkic RBmeRBogsnþiPaB TIRkug)arIssþIBIRbeTskm<úCaéf 23 tula qñam 1991 nigrsbetatamrdæfmμnubaørbs;rbets km<úcaqñam1993 marta55. EtxusBIGV IEdleK)ansμanTuksn isbaøa nig kic RBmeRBogTaMgGs;enH RtUv)anTTYlsÁal; edaykn³kmμkarcmruhexμr -yynenaéf TI 27 Ex mina qñam 1999 etavij nigyl;rbmedayrdæa Pi)alrYbrYmenAéf TI 22 ExFñÚ qñam 2000 Edl CakarmYypÞúynwgFmμnuBaØrbs;RbeTskm<úCa marta52 TaMgRsug. CakarBitenHR)akdCa ectnarbs;rbs;rdæapi)aleday\trbekk)an edayehtufa enakñ úgéf 31 Ex kkáda qñam 2000 eqøiytbetanwglixitmyyrbs;rbhmhaksrt elak h un Esn )anpþl;baküsmgagmyyebb EdlBMuGacyl;)an ³ {>>>eyagtamsßanpabsbvéf enh nigeli cmnucbiredlmanecgxagelirsab;cakaredl minsmrmüeliysmrab;rdæapi)al ebinwgeføgca pøúvkarn_kñúgeblenh nigedaycmhrdak;sn i sbaøa nigkic RBmeRBogTaMgenHEdl)aneFVICa myynwgrbetsevotnamkñúgemaxpab edim,i Tuk[KN³kmμakarcMruHExμr-evotNambnþkar crcarkñaedlmanpaby:ab;bmputenh rhut)an TTYllT pll RbesIr}. EtlT pledlttyl)anmkvij KWminGac nwggvic mancagenhetaetotenaheliy. tetaelxerkay

6 M KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page 06 DI EXmbUDa edli The Cambodia Daily dmnwgerbsmrylbipasagg;ekøs GtßbTdkRsg; nigttylkargnubaøat[efvikarcuhpsaybi DI EXmbUDa edli c,ab;ecjpsayéf RBhs,tþ TI06 ExFñÚ qñam2012 RkumGñktv:anigkarbeNþjecjmankan;eRcIn enaxagerkagkarkariyal½ynaykrdæm nþ I exmbuda edli RkumGñktv:aRbqaMgnigkarbeNþjecjBI lmenadæan )anefvi)atukmμenaxagerkagkar kariyal½yrbs;elaknaykrdæm nþ I h un Esn EdlCakareFVI)atukmμelIkTI2enAs)þah_enH nig)anrbkl;jtþicaercinetatisþikarkn³rdæ m nþieday)angmbavnavsum[elaknaykrdæ m nþih unesn CYyedaHRsayvivaTdIFøIrbs;BYk Kat;CaeRcInkEnøg. RkumGñktva:RbEhlcMnYn100nak;ecj mkbishkmn_r)ambyndac;edayelkbikñaena TUTaMgraCFanIPñMeBj EdlshKmn_nImYy² RtUv)anbeNþjecj b kmbg;rbqmmuxnig karbenþj. RkumGñktva:TaMgenHRtUv)anRkumnKr)al raramgmin[culkñ úgbrievngkarenh b: uenþerkay mkrtuv)angnubaøati[bba ÚntMNagmYycMnYn tmktmb½rti 1 riésgámexμredlmanvb,fm fþmefá IgmYynwgeKEdr RtUvkarB½t manesri ÉkraCü CaPasarExμr ducgñk ÉeTot Edlrs;enA s>r>ga enhedr. ehtuduc enhehiy)ancaelakgñk[témøx<s;dl;sarb½t manexμrpus EdlCanic CakaleRbIviC aciv³sakl énsarb½t manmkgnuvtþn_ kñ úgkarbmerielakgñkena eqñrxagekitén s>r>ga CaerogrhUtmk. duecñhsumelakgñkbeba jeyabl;r)ab; eyig enaeblmangviqámqág)anekitelig edim,i [karbmerivis½yb½t mandl;elakgñkkøaycakare BjcitþeBjeføIm)an. sumgrkun fñak;dwknamshkmn_enalúevlgbgrnigvtþmanexμrpus culetatisþikarkn³rdæm nþitamtvarmyyetot edim,irbkl;jtþirbs;bykek. kñ úgcmenamgñktva:tamgenh GñkRsIéRc nim CaRKYsarmYycMeNam182RKYsarEdlRbQm nigkarbenþjecjbipþhsem,gsßitenaek,r GakasyandæanGnþrCatiPñMeBj. rdæapi)al)anbdiesfminpþl;smngdl; RKYsarTaMgenHeT etahbicarkysartamgenh man b½nñsñak;enaedlgacjafrecj[k¾eday. GñkRsIniyayfa{ minecjbipþhetrbsin ebiminmansmngsmrmüenah}. elak b un G uy rdæelxafikartisþikarkn³rdæm nþi)an bba ak;fa elak)anttyljtþikalbimsilmij ehiymanrbsasn_fa elaknwgbba Únjtþi TaMgenaHeTAxuTÞkal½yrbs;elaknaykrdæ m nþi h un Esn ( ERbsRmYleday s u suxpu svakmn_exμrpuss>r>ga>>> smaciksparkuglin semþgkarsvakmexμrpus MshKmn_ExμrenAkUNiTikitpþl;evTikar[Exμrpus Cambodia Retains Its Reputation for Corruption By Lauren Crothers CAMBODIA DALY Cambodia continues to rank among the most corrupt countries in the world and much needs to be done to enforce the Anti-Corruption Law and investigate allegations of corruption, Transparency International (T.I) Cambodia said yesterday. According T.I. s 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), Cambodia ranked 157th among 176 countries and territories listed, with a score of just 22 out of 100-a slight improvement on last year s ranking of 164. The CPI score for 2012 indicates that Cambodia is still perceived as a highly corrupt country, T.I. said in a statement. For corruption to be reduced in Cambodia there is a need for further progress in the enforcement of the Anti- Corruption Law and an increase in the capacity and outreach of the Anti- Corruption Unit (ACU) to effectively investigate corruption cases and bring them to court. Transparency also said the government needs to pass an Access to Information Law in order to make the state budget and other important financial decisions made by the government more transparen and improve the effectiveness of the anti-corruption law enforcement. The Central African Republic and war-torn Syria fared better than Cambodia on the index, with joint rankings of 144. Mexico, in which a long-running and grisly drug war has claimed thousands of lives, also rated higher, ranking 105th in the world. Regionally, only Laos (160/21) and Burma (172/15) fared worse than Cambodia. Neighboring Thailand was ranked 88 th with a score of 37, while Vietnam came 123rd with 31 points. Among the Asean member nations, Brunei was judged the cleanest, with a rank of 46th and score of 55. Speaking at a press conference to launch the report, Preap Kol, executive director of T.I. s Cambodia office, likened corruption to HIV, saying that it infected many levels of society from education and health services to human rights and the judicial system. Mr. Kol added that Cambodians should have access to decent health care and education without paying bribes and fees. In a statement, T.I. Board of Directors Chairman Rath Sophal said law enforcement is crucial to minimizing corruption. Fighting corruption requires unwavering political will and determination of the government in terms of having an adeuate legal framework and governance mechanisms that minimize the opportuni ty for corruption along with consistent enforcement, he said. Since its inception in 2010, the ACU has received hundreds of complaint detailing allegations of corruption, though only four arrests have been made so far. The most high profile of the arrests was Moek Dara, former head of the National Authority for Combating Drugs, who is seving life in prison on a raft of drug trafficking and bribery charges. When asked how the ACU could improve, Mr. Kol said it is suffering from a lack of capacity. They don t have the full capacity to investigate those cases, Mr. Kol said. He also said he questioned the indepen dence of the unit, which once had a statue of Prime Minister Hun Sen in its court yard, but removed the effigy as it apparently displeased the prime minister. Mr. Kol said corruption also impacted the economic sector and investment in particular. If a company pays a bribe, they can be subject to sanctions in their own countries, he said. Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said the T.I. scorecard results were encouraging, but not reflective of the situation on the ground. I hope everyone on Earth understands that Cambodia is in a state of transformation, he said. We are reforming throughout the hierachy of the government agencies. We should reform because the government will be a better service provider. That s our goal. Mr. Siphan cited the ACU and the Anti-Corruption Law as examples of the effort the government has made to clean up graft, but said that all levels of society from government to NGOs needed to work together to stamp out the problem. It s the government s intention to fight corruption and change people s mindsets. Mr. Siphan also noted that corruption in the U.S., which is ranked 19th on this year s list, was the primary catalyst for the global financial crisis, but that Washington had a sophisticated system to deal with it. Thun Saray, president of rights group Adhoc, said corruption pervades many tiers of society, but that the poor and vulnerable are affected the most. It creates more unhappiness of the people, and also creates social instability if we allow this kind of disease, he said. I think we have to acknowledge it and continue to collaborate to fight this social problem. David Carter, CEO of Infinity Insurance and president of the Australian Business Association, said Cambodia had come a long way in terms of its develop ment, and that many developing countries wrestle with the problem of corruption. If you look at where the place has come from to here, it s no surprise that corruption still remains an issue, Mr. Carter said. But it has improved drama tically in that time... and that might not be apparent in the report.

7 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.7 DI EXmbUDa edli The Cambodia Daily dmnwgerbsmrylbipasagg;ekøs GtßbTdkRsg; nigttylkargnubaøat[efvikarcuhpsaybi DI EXmbUDa edli c,ab;ecjpsayéf RBhs,tþ TI06 ExFñÚ qñam2012 kmμvifismfm RtUvp akbnþab;bimankarrg UrTaMGMBIdIsm,Tan exmbuda edli m nþirbs;ggákarshrbcacati )anelikelig fa kmμvifipsaytamturtssn_ Edl]btßmÖeday GgÁkarshRbCaCati KWkmμviFIsmFm CakmμviFIRbcaM s)þah_edlmanekalbmngelikkm<s;gpi)alkic l tamry³gtßbtebbesuibgegátxøi² EdlRtUv)an cak;psaytamturtssn_catikm<úca EdlRKb;RKg edayrdærtuv)anp ak kalbis)þah_munbnþab;birdæapi )al)anrihkn;rbfanbtmyyniyaygmbidism,tan esdækic. GñknaMBakürbs;GgÁkarkmμviFIGPivDÆn_ sh RbCaCati )anelikeligkalbimsilmijfa {vacakar sermcrymkñamyyrvagrksygb½t man nigggákarkmμ vifigpivdæn_shrbcacati edim,ip akkmμvifismfm CabeNþaHGasnñ. erogmyycmnyn)anttylrgrbti kmμy:agxøamgbirdæapi)al nigsafarncn. GgÁkarkmμviFIGPivDÆn_shRbCaCatimin)an elikeligfa etierogsmxan;myyna)anttylrg Rbtikmμy:agxøaMgBIrdæaPi)alenaHeT. GñknaMBaküGgÁkarkmμviFIGPivDÆn_shRbCa Cati)anmanRbsasn_fa m nþiggákarshrbcacati nwgcybrbcumcamyyfñak;dwknamrbs;turtssn_cati km<úca kñúgeblqab;²enh edim,ibipaksagmbikmμ vifienh enaeblgnaktedlgacttylkar]btßmö srmab;bnþkmμvifienh. karcak;psayedlmanry³ebl40nati erog ral;l acéf GaTitücab;taMgBIqñaM2007 mk eday manmatikarrbs;kmμvifismfm minrtuv)ancab;birut ducgtßbtb½t manrbs;turtssn_catikm<úca Edl EtgEtmankarBinitüBic½yy:agxøaMg. enakñúgkarcak;psayrbs;xøünelak xwm vut I Gñk RKb;RKgkmμviFIsmFm )ancmnayeblry³ebl 25naTI edim,isumgp½yetascmebahesckþiray karn_myykalbiéf TI30ExkBaØa EdlBiPakSaGMBI plb:hbal;vic man niggvic manbidism,tanesdækic mantmhmcag50>000hikta kñúg]tüacativirc½y extþrtnkiri EdlRtUv)anEbgEckeTA[Rkumh unék Cny:agticcMnYnR)aMmYy. elak xwm vut I )anmanrbsasn_fa {eyigcg; cab;epþimkmμvifienh edaymankarektrmuv. kmμ vifienhedlcak;psay kalbiéf TI30ExkBaØa GMLúg karcak;psaygtßbtrbs;eyigniyaygmbidism,tan esdækic enakñ úg]tüacativirc½y eyig)anpsayxus tamkba k;turtssn_cati eday)anbgðajrubpab viedgucaéksar)anmkbikenøgepsg²bikña}. elak)anbnþfa {enhkwcakmhuseday Gectna tmktmb½rti 19 mankunpabbec ketsx<s;énkardwknamnwg GñkelgkILasmtßPaBkMritÉkeTsEdleKR)akd kñúgcitþ)anfa yuvcntamgenahr)akdcakøayetaca kmbulmnussssrrtugénrkysarshrdægaemrikca minxan. RKUbgðat;)ansresrraykarN_fa{fayl½r )anefvi[kurrbyut rbs;xøün)armöxøamg Tb;sáat;kuM[)al; mkxagxøün yk)al;bikurrbyut ehiyeckcay )al;ya:gebjcitþ>>>:. ehiyeyig)ansumgp½yetasdl;tssnikcntamg Gs; edaysaret)anyl;rclmgmbigviedl)anekit eligtamgenh}. RkumGPirkS nigggákarsit imnuss)anrih Kn; y:agxøamgcmebahbbaðaekitelignaeblfμi² enhbak; B½n nigdism,tanesdækic enakñúgextþrtnkiri nig tambnþakenøgepsg²etot eday)anelikelig fa dism,tanmyycmnyn)anefvi [b:hbal;y:agxøamg dl;érbedlenaesssl;kñúgrbetskm<úca ehiy vak¾bgáplb:hbal;diersrbs;gñkpumi nigdiérbedl CaGayuCIvit rbs;rbcablrdærkirkpgedr. GMLúgkarcak;pSaykmμviFIenH CaelIkcug erkaykalbiéf TI11Exvicäika GñkRKb;RKgkmμviFI enh k¾)anrbkasedrfa RksYgB½t man)anbba Ún lixitmyyc,ab;manr)amtmb½r EdlCaBakübNþwg rbs;rksygbrisßanrbtikmμnig kmμvifiedlniyay GMBIdIsm,Tanesdækic ena]tüavirc½y. GñknaMBakürbs;GgÁkarkmμviFIGPivDÆn_ shrb CaCati)anbEnßmfa {vakwcaeblevlad¾skþism myy EdleyIgRtUvRtYtBinitükmμviFIsmFm elig vij nigedim,ibegáitrbfanbtfμi² [)ansmrsb etatamkarpøas;bþ Úry:agqab;rh½sénRbB½n psbvpsay kñúgrbetskm<úca. GgÁkarkmμviFIGPivDÆn_sh RbCaCati )anesñisum[mankarrtytbinitüeligvij rymkñarvagggákarkmμvifigpivdæn_shrbcacati nig Rkumkargarrbs;TUrTsSn_Catikm<úCa edim,irtyt BinitüdMeNIrkarénkarplitkmμviFI nigesvgrk mefüa)ayd¾l bmput edim,iefvi[kmμvifienh Gac dmenirkareligvij)an}. RbPBmYyEdlbMerIkarkñúgkmμviFITUrTsSn_ enh Edl)anelIkeLIgkñúglkçxNÐGnamik edaysar erogresibcumvijkarp akénkmμvifienh )anelikelig fa kic RBmeRBogrvagGgÁkarkmμviFIGPivDÆn_sh RbCaCati nigturtssn_catikm<úca sþigmbikmμvifiplit smfm RtUvdMeNIrkarrhUtdl;Exemsa qñam2013 ehiybukáliknigbnþttyl)anr)ak;exrhutdl;ebl enahedr. elak kwm KuNvDÆn_ GKÁnaykTUrTsSn_Cati km<úca )anmanrbsasn_fa elakmin)andwggmbi bbaðaenhet. elak)anmanrbsasn_fa { mintan;ttyl )andmnwggmbibbaðaenhenaeliyet BIeRBaH min )anttylb½t manbirksygb½t maneliy}. elak exov kajarit rdæm nþirksygb½t manmin GacsuMGtßaFib,ay)aneLIy. elak G uy b unmui GñkplitkmμviFI[kmμsm etaemil)al;tat;salaékcn>>> erkatunhay (Groton High) mansiss 370nak; Edlmñak;²suT EtmaneTBekaslüx<s; GVImüa:gdUcCa xagkilaxagsil,³caedim Edl salamanparkic FanadwknaMEfTaMBRgwgeTBekaslü yuvcn yuvnaritamgenah [rwtetx<s;edaymin[ karsiksatn;exsay)an. fvit,itetrkysarfurfarca ercin)anrbecgkñabba ÚnkUneTAeronedaybg;éfø x<s;k¾eday k¾enamankarpþl;gaharubkrn_dl; Fm enh )anmanrbsasn_fa karsermcp akkmμvifi )anrtuvefvieligedaysaretmankic RbCuMGas an myykalbiexmunk¾duccamanbbaðahirbaøvtßúpgedr. elakk¾)anelikelig pgedrfa karp akenhkwrkan; EtbeNþaHGasnñb:ueNÑaH. elak)anmanrbsasn_bnþfa {karp ak KW RbEhl mkbikgvhkar]btßmöeterkagnwgcab;epþimdmenirkar eligvij enabirs)þah_erkay}. elak R)ayEGn Lúd_ Brian Lund RbFan kariyal½yrbcamgasuibuba rbs;ggákarguksvam GaemrikaMg Oxfam America Edlsaxarbs;GgÁ tmktmb½rti 1 RbeTskm<úCa KμanKtiyutþikñúgkarrkyutþ ifm CUnBlrdæsø ÚtRtg;y:agNak¾edaycuH. sßitkñúgsßankarn_enh )anjaum[mcädæan GñktamdanRBwtþikarN_ neya)aykm<úca )an smedgnuvkarcab;garmμn_y:agxøamgcmebahbribt neya)ayfμimyyenh BYkeKcaMemIlfa etiqak elçanneya)ayd¾kyr[ck;citþditgarmμn_enh nwgbba b;edayvifina? etityryksb tyrmanb CaGñkcaj;?. etahcay:agenhkþimtimyycmnyn)anelik eligfa GVIEdlelak syg supnð kmbugefvi KW minxusetanwgpasitexμr myyxøaebalfa {ku MykBgman;eTACl;nwgfμ}ehIyTegV Irbs;elak syg supnð RKan;EtCa karekjcmenjepñk neya)ay edim,i[ekég)ansáal;elakkan; Etc,as;Etb:ueNÑaH. kñ úgrkadmnalkñaenh elak h un Esn Edl CacugecaTmñak; BuM)anxVl;xVaycMeBaHbNþwg rbs;elak syg supnð pþúyetavijelak h un Esn hak;sb,aycitþcmebahbakübnþwgmyy ebkçcnedlrkysarmanfnfansþütesþigmyycmnyn Edr rhutdl;manykebkçcnmankunpabx<s;bi RbeTseRkApgEdr. fayl½r )anculsalaékcn erkatunedaysargaharubkrn_bimulnifiékcn myy. salareboenhbumemnmanetmyyet enakñúg tmbn;bgrbus fayl½r eqμah fma:s; s Gayu 18 qñam k¾)anttylgaharubkrn_bisalamyyetot Lr:n; GakaedmI ( Laurence Academy) eday saretbekaslücmerisxagkilanwgcmenhenahedr. karguksvamgnþrcati Oxfam International Edl CaGñk]btßmÖdl;kmμviFI smfm CamYyGgÁkarkmμ vifigpivdæn_shrbcacati)anmanrbsasn_fa elakmincg;niyaygvigmbibbaðad¾crmugcrmasena kñúgkmμvifismfm enheliy. elak)anmanrbsasn_fa {eyigenaet]btßmö kmμvifismfm rhutdl;exemsaqñamerkay nigrbehl elisbienhetotpg BIeRBaHenHCaevTikarmYyEdl mantémø}( ERbsRmYleday ³ s a s uyqag qakelçanneya)ayrvag>>> enh erbahelak)anniyayfa sit iesripab enakñúgrbetskm<úca KWmanPaBTUlMTUlay Nas; sum,ietyuvcnénbksrbqamgmyygacbþ wg naykrdæm nþi)anedr>>>. b:uenþelak h un Esn k¾)anrbmanvijfa elaknwgbþwgbkvij ebisin tulakarbum)anrkexijnuvgviedlcakmhusduc karecatrbkan;rbs;elak syg supnð enah. enaéf TI7ExFñÚ xagmuxenh yuvcnénkn bks sm rgsúi rubenahnwgculxøünetabmpøwtam dikarekaheharbs;tulakar edaymantamg PsþútagmYycMnYnpg. ehiyenacugexvicäika enhelakdwgdak;bakübnþwgcabnþbnþab;eta kan;tulakar]rkidækmμgnþrcatikñúgrbets hulg;rbqamgnwgelak h un Esn BIbTXat; kmμkittukcamunbnþetot nwgrbmtamgdak; BakübNþwgeTAkan;tulakarRkugPñMeBj bþwg elak Kg; smgul elak Ekb Cutima nigelak sñgkarpgedr. CakarBitNas;eKBi)aksgÇwmnwgman CMenONas;fa elak syg supnð nwgqñhkþi elielak h un Esn BIeRBaHbTBiesaFn_Ebb enhhak;caerogedlcas;krmil nwgføab;)an ekitcamyyfñak;dwknamrbs;bksrbqamgnarka mun²rycetaehiy. ebismgagelic,ab; nwg eyagtambtbiesafn_rbs;tulakar EdlFøab; )anefvicmebahelak sm rgsúi nigelakrsi mur suxhyr KWtulakarRtUvEtdkGP½yÉksiT irbs; elak h un Esn ehiytmengcanaykrdæ m nþirtuvbüürcabenþahgasnñ edim,i[tulakar efivkaresuibgegátnuvbakübnþwg. ebiefviduecñh GVI²RtUvEtesμIKñaehIyelaktulakar( «Buk fm:as KWelak ETl s )an[eyigdwgfa qñam erkay fm:as nigkøayetaca{xabetn}énrkum Tat;)al;CMerIsrbs;xøÜneTotpg. yuvcntamgbir nak;bgb ÚnenH mansmnagcagñkebiktvar[yuvcn ÉkeTot[mansgÇwmfa { LÚEvlenAmanGñkxøaMg BUEkeRcIneTot GacRtUveRCIserIs[bnþkarsikSa fñak;dwknamkmbul)anedr} ( Exμrpus s>r>ga

8 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.08

9 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.9

10 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.10

11 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.11

12 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.12 tmktmb½rti 1 L\dæKμanEpSgrbs;elak>>> EfePøIgEdl)anepþImbeBaäHnaRBlwméf esar_enah ya:gbüayam. epø IgeqHsen asen A9em:ag erkay mketibkmedaeligelis1>000ggsa EdleFVI[ CabnþeTAeTot EdlCamYyKñaenaH karbba Úl mkvijkñ úgry³ebl2éf edayékég. éf GgÁar_ resolbnþab;mketibelak y:ari bmebkkmnr\dæ EdlCaCBa amgbitlebikcatvarehiyykvtßúcmgin enhecjmk)an. cugbba b;elak y:ari nigrkumrkysarrbmtamg mitþp½ kþgacdkdegð ImFUrcitþedayeXIjsñaédecj BILdutmkvij RbkbedayKuNPaBx<s;dUcbMNg etahcamankarxucxatxøhkþiedaytwkfñamehoreta q incab;nwgfμebhecjmin)anvtß úxøhrtamnigkemþamin )an xøhk¾ebrcaebkrebh k¾b: uenþy:agehacnas; k¾lt plenasl;erbir)as;)anminticcag80 et. GñkEdl)anbBa atijrubcmøak;sunürubman karebjcitþnigsñaédelak y:ari ehiyttylyk vtßúedlxøün)anbba anametapþhebarebjedaypab esamnss( épþkñúglepþimeligcarkhmregikepøigtamgmul ehiy ehiyeblenah ekepþ ImmanBnø WxøHGacemIl exijvtßúedlekdak;kñúglbinitükarerbrbyl rbs;va)an edaymingacefvigvi)anerkaetbinitü emilbixagerkaetb:uenñah. karcmgindi\dælab GuskñúgLRtUveFVICaRbcaMmin[Gn;ePøIgeLIy nig GñkkayepHk¾ecHEtkkayecjmin[sÞHdMeNIr xül; EdlbMb:nregIkePø IgenaHeT. man {etsþ ½r } BIrRbePTsMrab;sÞg;kemþAkñúgLéf enah {etsþ½r eglirtunic} xucmingacerbi)anetetenasl; {etsþ½rcacegáis4} EdleKGacdwgenAeBlva epþ ImrlayfaeBlenaHkemþAmanb: unμanggsaehiy )an. fñambieli)anefvi[vtßúedlduttamgenahkøayetaca fμkan;etrwgetatamkmeninénkemþaedlrtuvtemø Ig [)anelisbi2>000ggsa kñ úgry³ebl10em:ag kardut)anrtuvbba b;nayb;ercaéf esar_ ena ebledlkemþaeligrkb;tameblevlakmnt; elak y:ari )anbitrn TaMgenaHmin[xül;cUl etaetot edim,ibnøt;epø Ig ehiytuk[lenahrtcak;

13 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.13

14 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.14 BuT b,vtþigmedayrubpab enamant ehiy)anbbaäb;niyaybidmenirtam sgámrarsþniym ducedl)anefvibibiqñamehiy 2kkáda 1994 ³ rdæapi)alrbkasfa RTg;neratþm crkbgs niggtitrdæm nþ I sinsug _)anb:unb:gefvirdærbhar -rferkah12erkog nigrfynþeyafadwktahan5erkog )anrtuv ecjbiérbevgsmedamkpñmebj )anrtuvtb; sáat;cab;enagñkelog. RTg;cRkBgS)an RtUvnireTÞseTAm:aeLsuI-suinsugRtUvcab;xøÜn biéf erkaymkelak suinesn nigets cy rdæelxafikar)anrtuvcab;xø Ün lixitbbba a[ cab;xøün cay samgyun nig]tþmesniy_én RksYgmhaépÞ sux cmr:an; nigcin sar:an; Edl )anrt;ekcxøünetaevotnam -GñkcUlrYmsm KMnitsuT swgmkbiknbksrbcacn nigcn Catiéf 14nak; )anrtuvcab;xøün 3kkáda ³ smøab;rgáalelirkysarevot NammYymanekμg3nak; enaek,rkmbg;qñamg 7kkáda ³ spacati)angnum½tcaékqnþ dak;rkumexμrrkhm[enaerkac,ab; -Rkum eyafa)anmkrmxansavnakartulakarrkug Pñ MeBj 8kkáda ³ RkumExμrRkhm)aj;RKab;epøag culpsartl;ednexμr-éfe)a:yeb:t ³ søab; 8nak; rbys21nak; 9kkáda cab;xøün nyn nn; naykkaest dmnwgeblrbwk edaysargtßafib,ayeli krnirdærbharéf 2kkáda -RbtikmμRbqaMg karcab;xø ÜnBIKNkmμaFikarsiT imnussénspa Cati BIsmaKmkaEstExμr BIGgÁkareRkA rdæapi)aledlskmμbierogsit imnuss nigbi tmnagerbsit ién G>s>b m:aykwlkwbui. 10kkáda ³ RkumExμrRkhmRbkasbegáIt rdæapi)alrybrymsergáahcatibenþahgasnñ enarbhvihar RtBaMgKl; edayman exov smpn Canaykrdæm nþi naykrdæm nþirg can; yur:an; TTYlbnÞúkxagkarbeTs rdæm nþi kic karcnbt m:k ebn TIRbwkSanaykrdæm nþi CYn econ nigknrdæm nþi Guin supab/ su b un ehg /ebrc econ 11kkáda ³ rdæm nþirksygb½t manecj RbkasbiTkaEstEdleFVI[eRKaHfñak;dl; {snþab;fñab;safarn nigcati ehiyrbqamg rdæapi)al} -lixitenah)anbegáiteligvij nuv {etasénkarbeba jmti} enakm<úca 12kkáda ³ ExμrRkhm)aj;RKab;epøag psare)a:yeb:t søab;3nak; rbys14nak; 14kkáda ³ spacatignum½teliviesafn kmμelirdæfmμnubaøfa {enaeblvtþmanrbs; RBHmhakSRtRbmuxrdæCMnYsGaccuHhtßelxa elic,ab;)an. 19kkáda ³ spacatignum½telic,ab;rkb; RKgbegáItrcnasm<½n nigdmenirkarrbs; rdæapi)al 21kkáda ³ naykkaest{semøgyuvcn} nigkaest{]tþmktiexμr}tv:afa xøünrgerkah edayrksygb½t man nigrksygmhaépþeday sar)anpsaygtßafib,ayelikarb: unb:gefv Irdæ Rbharéf 2kkáda. 26kkáda ³ shnaykrdæm nþ IExμrsu MCMnYy eyafacapøúvkarn_bis>r>ga éf dedlexμr Rkhmvayqμk;elIrfePøIgenAkMBg;Rtac cab; ykcaeqøiy Exμr11nak; evotnam3nak; GURsþalImñak; )aramgmñak; niggg;ekøsmñak;. 30kkáda ³ tamsmdiexμredlrtuv)anedah Elgmkvijfa evotnambinak; Edl)anRtUv mantelxerkay 10-sñamBuT )at BuT Kya tamrbébnirbhbut sasnanasm½yedim karefviskáarbucacmebahrbhbut rubrtuv)anham Xat; ehiyedimebaf RBwkS Fmμcká BuT blø½gá BuT )at nigsbaøatmnagepsg²etotrtuv)an ekykmkefvivcanimitþrubedim,i[bris½tekarb bucacmnysvij. RbéBNIenH ekitmanmkdl; RtwmK>s stvtsti 1 nigti2 enaebledl RBHBuT bdimatamglayrtuv)anefvielig. BuT )attamgkuredlqøak;elipþamgfμenabut KyaenH kmbugrtuv)anbris½ttamglayekarbbucay:ag ercinérkelg. 11-sMNg;bUCnIydæanéRBmiKTayv½y érbkáan; érbmiktayv½nsßitenacmgay8ém:l_xag ecigrkugbaransi ehiycakenøgmyyedl RBHBuT brmrkurtg;)anrbtanbzmetsna dl;bba vtþiy_pikçú. sbvéf enamansl;sñam kenøgedlcatiskáar³bucaénectiy_ nigr)asat CaeRcInkñ úgenah manectiy_fmμ ikmyyksagelig RbEhlCakñúgstvtSTI6 RtUv)anEfrkSal smrmü. ectiy_enhragmulmankmbs;131hv It/ )arterkam110hvit nigmanbircan; Can;elI ragducbmbg; nigcan;erkameckcabut sþúbcmnyn 8. EpñkxageRkammantubEtglMGreday k,ac;cmlak;rymbba ÚlKñaCaeRcIn. mantelxerkay 10-The Impression of the Buddha s foot (Buddhagaya) In the early Buddhist tradition the offering to the Buddha image was forbidden and the Bodhi tree, the wheel of Dhmma, the Buddha s seat, the Buddha s footprint and other symbols were taken as the symbols to be worshipped instead. This went right up to the 1st, 2nd century A.D. when Buddha image were made. This pair of footprints of the Buddha which is carved on a stone in Buddhagaya is being revered very much by the devotees. 11-The Remains of the Holy Place of the Deer Park The Deer Park is the place where the Budd ha gave the fist exposition of the Dhmma to the five Bhikkhu.Now they are remaining many holy naces of stupas and temples among them there is Dhmekh Stupa which is comparatively well presered, is was built around the 6th century. The Stupa is round and 131 feet tall, its base is 110 feet, and into eight Buddha shrines, the lower part is adorned with interwoven and intericate carvings.

15 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.15 Rbvtþ irnsirscatirmedahrbcablrdæexμr r>c>r>b>x elakta swn san eday ³ m:m yin tbielxmun exagavmyycmnynsrmab; pþl;[ryccaersc ehiy Edr CYydl;GñkkaEst TaMgenaH. karttyl)anerobcmryccaersc)ac;ehiy cab;epþimefvidmenirrtlb;etakan;tirbcumcn myyénedndiéf k¾)anetadl;tienahrbman em:ag3citpø WedaymanrfynþTUbnÞ úketscrn_ d¾rbnit1erkogcamttyldwknamykpñak;gar sarb½t manmyyrkumenh etakan;rkug)agkk CabnÞan;Edr EdlmanGmedaym nþ ITTYlbnÞ úk kic karbretsrbs;rnsirsrmedahrbcablrdæ ExμreTACamYypgEdr. cab;tamgbiebledlerbiyut sarsþfμienh mkskmμpabrbtibtþikarswkvayrbyut eta elikgt½bexμryyn)anrbrbwtþetacab;rhutkg kmøamg kcrbx TaMgkg²)anbBa ÚncUleTAkñúg épþrbetsbenßmetotcaerogral;éf. BIeRBaH enakñúgpumirsuk nigrkugmanrkumsm at;)an ercotculetars;ena)any:ags b;sux ehiy RbCaBlrdæk¾)andwg nigyl;gmbiekalkarn_ ekalbmngénrnsirscati nigkgkmøamg kcbrx Edlcg;rMedaHRbeTs nigsergáahbmeri karbarrbcablrdæexμr[)anékracü nigsux snþipabeligvij. cmenkpñak;garykb½t mangnþrcaticaercin EtgEttamdanskmμPaBRbtibtþikarN_swk enhkan;etercinelig²calmdab;lmedayedr. tetaelxerkay

16 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.16 smenakekahekr>>> Lynn, M A btcab;tg Kn;ekaHRtl; xvl;nwkrsuk muxerkomrkm ekahsmgm xmdegðay egayexmra BiniRtc,ab; cab;smlwg bþwgtv:a kñúgéksar Rta)araMg tamgegayexμr. ekahekokkit CitkMBt ekatminef ecalrtaet EqáéRBenA etabu M)an ekitcakun BUnCaecA epatircäan Banrankan )anekahexμr EkeQμaHeTot. ekahrtlac xøacj½rxøün BYnnwk jati kayq ayxøat eqøótbum)an xanexijexμr ÉekaHKt; putbiéd éflycek sþay\telø ERbRbYlR)aN )anetaek. GtßbTkMNaBücmøgecjBIesovePA kmnabüsresréd {ebhdugekr}

17 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.17 vifibn ÚrniglMEhkaynigcitþnigeRkbCBa k;rs;caticivit Method how to relax mind and body in order to enjoy life. tbielxmun TaMgkartRmg; stirymrit nigkar trmg;stiebiktula y. EpñkTaMgBIrenHRtUv mantulüpabcam)ac; smrab;[civitmann½y manxø wmsarmanlmgr manrs;catibifmμcati. RbkarenH erbobduccagñk emilpþamgkmnurmyy ebipþamgkmnurenahmanetbn exμa sut enahgñkbumexijrubgvieliy EtebImanrUbKMnUrpg nigmancenøahpg etibpþamgkmnurenah qøúhrmelcecj CarUbPaBmansMrs;mann½y KYrCaTIKyKn;. Rbkar enh erbobduccarethmyygacbretamux)an KW GaRs½yedaymankg;TaMgBIrxagCacM)ac;. IV- snñ idæan sumnitanerogmyycaktiducteta³ dmnalfa mangñksumtanmñak;ggáúysumtanrbbmat;pøúvcaercin qñam éfmyygñkdmenirmñak;mkbicmayculmkcit Kat;ehIyniyayfa³ Gñkdwgb et mankmnb;myy y:agfmsem,imenaerkambgá úyrbs;gñk. erkaymk burskmst;)ankab;kas;rkexijkmnb;mhasal duc)anebalxageliemn. erognitanenh bba ak;fa eyigcamnussmñak;²mankmnb;ducburs;sumtanenh Emn. kmnb;enahbumzitenaqayeliy BitCaenA kenøgenh kñúgxøüneyigenaeblenhetmþg b:uenþeday PaBlitlg;eyIgemIlBu MeXIjeLIy. erogenherbob ducburs;mñak;edlmankarersktwky:agxøamg fvit,it Etxø ÜnzitenAkñ úgbwgrbkbedaytwkebjbriburk¾eday k¾rktwkpwkbum)anpg. FmμCati)an[CIvitmkmnusSmñak;²rs;enA. FmμCati)anpþl;vtß úbiess stidwg b citþbrisutæsmrab; mnusserbir)as;smrab;mnussttylpabsb;rkgub Q úyqaj; RsNuk suxsb,ay smrab;erkbcba k; rs;catitwkgmriténcivit enhcaekalbmngén CIvit. b: uenþeyigerbir)as;m:asu InrUbkayenH)anEt myycmenktucb:uenñah. myycmenketot eyig TukecalTMenreRcHcab;edayBuM)andwgeLIy. rub kaytamgmulmanekasikarcmnyn15ban;ekatedl RtÚvkarTTYlCIvitTTYlBiesaFn_evTnaBhujaN CaRbcaM tamry³ xyrk,al tyrdgxøün vibaøantamg 5 b:uenþcagkuslekasikartamggs;enah RtUveyIg XuMXaMgcgeRKokkñúgbnÞb;tUcENnceg ót eday mulehtueyigcamnuss)anerbietkartrmg;stirym rwtetmyymuxb:uenñah cmenkékartrmg;stiebik TUlaymaneRbIEdrEttictYcbMput. krniyenhek GaceRbobeFobmnusSeyIgeTAnwgstVmYyk,al EdlmanrUbragEtk,alb:ueNÑaH vakμandgxøüneliy stvenhefviskmμpabetedayk,al edayxyrk,al eday em:m½rib:uenñah vars;enakñúgrgvg;tucceg ót twgetgbmput svitrseban erkomrkm Kμanrs;Cati esahkerkah. edim,i[mnussrs;ena)anebjbriburrbhbut elakrtaypøúv[dl;mnussrkb;rubrtg;rtas;bgáab; [eyigechrs;enakñúglmhréneblbc úb,nñ b kar tmkl;stikñ úgeblbc úb,nñmann½yfa eyigrtuveron erbikartrmg;stiebiktulay edim,irsubykrscati éncivitbit²edleyigkmbugqøgkat;. kartrmg; stiebiktulaytamta[eyigcamnussekarb ekalkarn_³ 1 BiesaFevTnaBhujaNeday pþal;nigbit² kñúgxn³enhetmþg. 2 ral; BisaFn_EdlelceLIg eyigmannatirtwmetkt; smkal;)anehiy BuMKYrcuHeTAkñúgPaBlMGiteLIy. 3 ral;biesafn_rtuvgnubaøati[rbrbwtþetaeday esrikμanr)amgtb;sáat;. 4 eyigcat;tukmnuss eyigduccadbedlgacdak;rbs;)anercinmux Bu MerIs mux b:uenþeyigbumemncarbs;edlpþúkkñúgdbenah eliy. eyigbenßmbba ÚlBu MrujRcanGV I²ecjeLIy erbobduccamþayedlmankunercinnak; Kat;eGab RkesabkUnTaMgGs;Kña etahbikunenahxvak;xviny:ag Nakþ I k¾kat;enaetegab nigemtþaganit GasUrCanic. mü:agetoteyigcamnussenh man]bkrn_ smrab;biesafn_brmsuxkñúgxøünenhrsab; BuMcaM)ac; etarktijbitipsareliy FmμCatieKerobry[ eyigrsab;eyigrkan;etesvgyl; ehiycuckugtak; erbib:uenñah. rebobtrmg;stiebiktulayenhcavifi nam[mnussbiesafn_edaypþal;crikmuldæanrbs; stidwg b citþbrisut EdlCaFmμCatirbs;eyIgmñak;² EdlCabNþÚlénmnusSmñak;²EdlmanvtþmantaMg EteyIgekItmkelIPBEpndIterogmk. tam yl; vifienhcatrmg;smafiedlmnussgacyketaerbi RKb;eBlBuMcaM)ac;manTIkEnøgsat; BuMcaM)ac;RtUveRbI eblevlayur BuMcaM)ac;manem:tUtNamYyBiess eliy ]bkrn_manrsab;kñúgxøünetmþg. PaBgay RsYlkñúgRkbxNÐRbtþibtþienaH KWsmaFienH)an bba ÚlmkkñúgCIvitCak;EsþgBIxN³mYyeTAxN³ myy GaceRbóbeFobdUckrNIymnusSeTATsSna BiBN rubpabkñúgsar³mnþirfm²eblgñkenahqan ecigculdl;kñ úgsar³mnþ IenaH Pøam²GV I²nwgpuseLIg ÉkÉg CaBN TMhM k,ac;k,úr rubpab nigerogr:av nana ekttylcmenhvic acasv½yrbvtþiekitpab sb,ayrikray karebjcitþkarertkrtgal.l. b:uenþetahy:agenhk¾eday enaet[témøetaelikar Rbtþ ibtþ ismafierobry Formal meditation erbah CanaTIBRgIkBRgwgTMlab;fμInighat;smeCIgsMrab; culrblúkkñúgsmrpumi tetaelxerkay ecakctarbcams)þah_ kñúgry³eblenhelakgñkcybnwgbbaða xagpøúvcitþminsuvcasb,ayrikray b:unμanenahet EtRbsinebIcg;TTYlpl BIkargarenaHcUreFVIcitþ[RtCak; etib )ansermcducbmng. ebicagñkrbkbrbrrksi ucyj durvij KWmankarRbTaMgRbeTIsCamYyGñkmanmux rbrduckña duecñhkyrebikcitþ[tulay. riébbaðaesñha mankarkamcitþerbahetmñak;²cg;caj;qñhkñaenahég ( enakñúgry³eblenhelakgñkttyl lapskáar³bisac;jatibgbú n EdlCitsiñT. erkabienahk¾ena TTYl)andMNwgl EdlmanRbeyaCn_dl; Catinigkargarrbs;elakGñkteTAGnaKt etotpg. ebicagñkrbkbmuxrbrrksuivijpl kérmttyl)ankak;kbrkan;ebi EthamkuMCYj durpøúvq ajrby½tñmanbbaðadl;xøün. riébbaða esñhakuesñh_gacmankarrkamrkuskñaxøh bu:enþ minf n;f renahet ( ral;karbmebjkargartamglayelak GñkminmanbBaðaGV IecaTenaHeT b: uenþ kñ úgenahsumrby½tñkm uykgasamnuss sm,úrs[esah erbahnam[ekiterogesahμgeta éf erkay. srmab;gñkrbkbmuxrbrrksi ucyj durvij GacsnSMTuk)anxøH. riébbaðaesñhacurkmu ykpabman³cg;caj;qñhrby½tñekitmancemøah vivatqandl;karerbhrsam ( ral;karsμúksμajedlføab;ekitmanelielak GñkkñúgeBlenH nwgrtuvgehasikmμtamggs; ehiyrtbüedlrbutecjbiédetanwgvilrtlb; mkvijy:agrkb;rkan;. cmebahgñkrbkbmuxrbrrksi ucyjdurvij RtUvKitKUr[)anc,as;las;munnwgdak;TunfμI etibminxatbg; ral;karcmnaytamgenah. riébbaðaesñhartuvechbunercay cmngesñhaedaymanpabep mel metibcakarrbesir ( ral;karbmebjkargarrbs;elakgñk kñúgry³eblenh sut Etpþl;nUvGtß- RbeyaCn_KYr[CaTIeBjcitþTaMg Gs;KμanGVImkraMgsÞHeLIy ehiycagenhetot enahkermagkaredl)anertomtukcayurmk ehiy k¾nwg)ansermcpgedr. ebicagacivkrrksuivij mankarrikcerminlutlas;etamuxcalmdab;. rié bbaðakuesñh_ercinyl;citþkña nignwkrlwkkñaebi enaq ay ( elakgñkmanp½bvsmnagl kñúgkargar TTYlerOgeLIgtYnaTI b R)ak;ebovtSr_ benßm. CagenHeTotenaH RbsinebIcg; BwgBak;Gñkmanyss½kþix<g;x<s;kñúgerOgGVImYynwg)an ducbmngpgedr. ebicagñkrbkbmuxrbrrksu IvijGac rkr)ak;cmnulciba wmrkysar)anedayrsylet min mangvimkramgsþheliy. riébbaðaesñhakuesñh_ remgechgt;»n[kña ( elakgñkkyrrbugrby½tñcmebahkarniyay sþibnþic BIeRBaHGacnwgmanKUsRtUvcaM cab;etaskmhusmylbgáac;bgçúcekrþ eqμahrbs;elakgñk[erbkøayetacas úygesac. srmab;gñkrbkbmuxrbrrksiucyjdurvijmanrkum mnusstamqñanisercin ducecñhrtuvrby½tñbnþicecos vagkarbrac½y. riébbaðaesñhamanpabcrmug crmasdak;kñabnþicbnþüc ( elakgñknwgttyl)annuvlap skáar³bipakh unrksiu nigmitþrym kargary:agercinkyr[ebjcitþ. elisbienhetaetotkermagkaredl)an ertomtuknwg)ansermcducbmngetotpg. ebicagñkrbkbmuxrbrrksuivij KYrCYjdUrenA TICit² etibsmrbkb. riébbaðaesñhakuesñh_ echsþab;»vatkña ( ral;kic karsbvebby:agelakgñkgac CYbnwgbBaðaxøH²naRKadMbUg b: uenþerkay mkminmangvica]bskáraramgetot eliy. cmebahgñkrbkbmuxrbrrksi ucyjdur vijman kartijcullk;ecjrkan; ebigacrkplkérmrtlb; mkpþhvijy:agrtcak;citþ. riébbaðaesñhamanpab Ep mel m nigrss;rsayerbobducrtikñ úgtwknarduv ExvsSadUecñHEdr ( ral;kic karedlelakgñkb:gr)afñacayur mkehiyenahkñ úgry³eblenh KW)ansmdUc bmngehiykμangvimkraramgenahet ehiy ral;karb:gyayibimnussedlmanbmngminl mkeli elakgñkenahk¾min)ansermcedr. ebicagñkrbkb muxrbrrksu IvijGacBRgIkGaCIvkmμ[FMbEnßmeTot)an. ÉbBaðaesñha KUsVamIPriyamanPaBsuxdumrmnaKμan plrmas;gvieliy ( GaceBal)anfa elakgñkman esckþisuxkñúgcivit nigkargar erbah vibtþi nigpabsμ úksμajedlmanknøg mkk¾)anfurrsaleligvijmyykrmitpgedr. ebicagñkrbkbmuxrbrrksuivij etahbicaecj etacyjdurenatinakþikyrecosvagkardak;tunfμi erbahgacnam[xatbg;. riébbaðaesñhakuesñh_ ercinrbcnðxuserog ( elakgñkgacnwgmangarmμn_rcbuk Rcbl;bnþ icenakñ úgry³eblenh erbah kic karedlfa nwgttyl)anpll enah vagacmankarerbrbyledaysaretmankarrmxan BIGñkdéT. ebicmebahgñkrbkbmuxrbrrksi ucyj durvij GacrkplkéRmRKan; ebikyrcatikab;rbesir Cagmun. riébbaðaesñhabm umanplrmas;gv IenaH eliy (

18 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.18

19 i KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.19 salaécnénsissetbekaslüx<s;birkw sala erkatun nigsalasamgma:k (Groton Schoot vs St Marks) )anefvikarrbkytpþac; RBat; kalbiéf TI8 Exvicäika qñam2012 enatilan )al;tat;salaerkatun. erkatunqñhrhutdl; TIbBa b;cybcamyynwgsamgma:k )anqñh2 Tl;nwg 1 ehiyttylbanrgvan;rbcamqñamya:gsgða. qñamenhsalaerkatunmansissfμimñak;kñúgrkum manedimkmenitexμrrs;enalúevl etibnwg)anttyl GaharUbkrN_[cUleronfñak;TI10 kñúgsalad¾tm enibénvitüal½yerkatunsissenaheqμah fay l½rs (Tylor Sar) Gayu16qñaM. fayl½r man CMnajBIr 1-xagkILa)al;Tat; 2-eronBUEkenA sala. fayl½rcacmhrknþalénrkumtat;)al; salarbs;xøün RbkYt9dgrYcehIy qñamenhbumman caj; b esμimþgnaesahmitþp½kþirymrkummankarrik raynwgttylmitþexμrfμiedl)anpþl;kmøamgfμi[ Rkum. éf RbkYtbBa b;enahmanmatabitamitþp½kþ nwggñkculcitþkila)anexijkarrbkytmyyedl tetatmb½rti 07

20 KHMERPOST USA Issue 119 Dec. 8th - 20th TMB½relx Page.20 karefvidmenir kmsanþenaelibenþayexs TwkdgTenøemKgÁedayCiH TUkenHRkEsEPñkrbs;Gñk etscrnwg)anebibrbth nuvtidæpabebøk²k¾ducca srms;etspabfmμcatid¾rss;rtkalcaercinkñ úgenh k¾man TidæPaBénkarRbkbrbrciBa wmcivitedaykarensatrtienaeli épþtwktenørbs;bgb ÚnRbCaBlrdæeyIg. kñ úgry³eblminyur b:unμaneyignwgetadl;kñúgtwkdiéntirymextþkmbg;camrbkb edaysuvtß ipab. enaebl)anculmkdl;twkdiéntirymextþenh PøamGarmμN_rbs;eyIgk¾)annwkeXIjeTAdl;kMNb;menaseBa tnagtitkalcaercinedlbnsl;tuktamry³twkéd nibn TMnukeRcógedaykvIeromc,g nigkarercógerobrab;eday rlksmenogkμankuerbóbrbs;gfiracsmelgmas su In su Isamut kñ úgenhmanduccabt {kmbg;camkmbg;citþ} nigbt {Gkçratam RBHBay}CaedIm. edim,irmlwknuvgnussavriy_tamgenheyig k¾gacefvidmenirkmsanþetalmehkay nigtssnaetspab FmμCatienAelIs<an Kizona rycetibbnþdmeniretakan;tmbn; mat;kmbg;muxvtþdiduhetot. enatienheyigexijtwktenø Cn;eLIgy:aglðlðac. GñkRsúkenATIenHR)ab;fa srmab; rduvtwktenøemkgáeligy:agduecñheyigmingactssnaeqñrxsac; nigtidæpabepsg²enaelis<anrbdwsb ssinatmbn;ekaheb:nd¾ Rss;s at)anet. éf bnþab;eyigbnþdmenirtamtukcakecjbitwkdiéntirym extþkmbg;cameq<ahtambenþaydgtenøemkgáelietakan;twk diextþedleksáal;catuetatamry³btcermóg {rmdylrkech} rbs;elak Guwg sugswm. karefvidmenirenh eyignwgexij etspab nigtidæpabepsg²edl)anekitmaneligenabimux RkEsEPñkrbs;eyIgsuT EteBareBjedayPaBRss;Rtkal KYr[cab;citþKyKn;CaTIbMput. erkayebl)anculmkdl; kñ úgtwkdiéntirymextþrkech ehiyenaheyigk¾)anbnþdmenirtam TUkeTAkan;tMbn;rmNIydæanGPirkSstVepSatkaMBIEdlsßit enacm ayrbman7k>mb:uenñahbitirymextþenh. TIrmNIydæanenHCatMbn;eTscrN_manskþanuBlxøaMg rbs;extþrkechkñúgkartak;tajepjóvetscr erbahmanstv epsattwksabsrmab;[epjóvtuetatssna nigenacm ay RbmaNmYyKILÚEm:RtBItMbn;enH enaextwksrmkmankenøg kmsanþmyyetotmaneqμahfa rmniydæankambisrmab;bermi karguttwkelg niglmehkayrbs;epjóvetscrtueta)any:ag RbesIrpgEdr. erkayebl)antssnalmehenatamtmbn;rmniydæan myycmnynrbs;twkdiextþrkechrycmkeyigk¾gacbnþdmenir tamtuketakan;twkdiénextþsþwgertgtambenþaydgtenø emkgáelidedl. kñúgdmenirkmsanþenh eyignwgexijets PaB nigtidæpabepsg²enatamsgxagbenþaydgtenøemkgá kñúgtwkdiéntirymextþsþ wgertgmanlkçn³rss;rtkal KYr[ cab;citþkykn;érkelg. enakñúgtwkdiénextþsþ wgertgman muxmðúbedll,ieqμahcag ekkwrti)a:esguimanrscatiq úy q aj; nigrbmtamgmanmð ÚbGaharEbøkmat;CaeRcIneTot rbs; CnCatiLavpgEdr (

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