Writer: Sean Sweet Project Supervisor: Nick Diliberto Artwork: Creative Juice Editor: Tom Helm Created by PreteenMinistry.net

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1 Lesson 2 - Big Problems, Bigger God Writer: Sean Sweet Project Supervisor: Nick Diliberto Artwork: Creative Juice Editor: Tom Helm Created by PreteenMinistry.net 1

2 Big Problems, Bigger God Week 2: We Have Bigger Perspective Bible: Philippians 1:6, 4:4, 11-12; John 16:33; Romans 8:28, 5:3-5; James 1:2-4, 1:12; Matthew 16:27; Hebrews 12:1-3 Supplies Opening Game Background music (recommended Hamster Dance) Teach A large "dot" (circle cut out of poster board, card stock, or paper). Write on the "dot" the big problems that you wrote down during last week's lesson (see lesson for a fuller understanding of the "dot"). A sharpie to add more big problems to the dot during the lesson A barrier (a music stand with two poster boards, one taped on each side) with the word "death" written in large letters on one side and "heaven" written in large letters on the other. Place this barrier on one side of the stage facing at an angle to the audience with "death" facing forward and "heaven" hidden from the audience's view. A second barrier on the other side of the stage with "birth" (facing audience) and "heroes" (facing away from the audience) Paper with the words "I know the secret" written on it. Print on cardstock for best results. Nick Vujicic video - Small Group 5D cards (included) Problem circle (similar to the large dot created for the Teach Time) Bible Verse Cards (These are 2 sided-cards included in the lesson contents. One side has the "I know the secret" barcode on one side, and a Bible Verse on the other. The barcode is there so that the barcode example used in Large Group will be available to each student. Keep these hidden during the large group lesson so they don't become a distraction) Pen or pencil for each student 2

3 OPENING GAME: PARTY TIME Supplies Background music (Recommended Hamster Dance) Party time is an elimination game. Play music while preteens mingle around the room. When the music stops, call out one of four things: 1. Wall Everyone races to the nearest wall and touches it. 2. Flood Preteens find one partner and get on their back, piggy-back style, to get out of the flood waters. 3. Dance Party Group of three dances in a circle together. 4. Four People Playing Video Games Group of four gets together pretending to play video games. Do some practice rounds so players get understand the four positions. After a few practice rounds, play for elimination. The last person or group to get in place is out for each round or any group that has the wrong number (like 2 people dancing for Dance Party) is out. Continue playing until only one person or group is left. That s how to play the game the correct way. However, for the first round or two be intentionally unfair about who gets eliminated. Call the wrong players out on purpose. Do this only a couple of times so you don t frustrate students too much. Then, laugh it off as you were just messing with them and continue playing the correct way. Tips 1. Have a few leaders to help judge. 2. If you have a small group, you might have to modify the amount of preteens in each action you call out. 3. Feel free to add or change up the actions for preteens to do. You might come up with cooler ideas that are specific to your preteens. After all, you know your group the best. After the game, say: In the first few rounds, some of you were eliminated unfairly. For those that were, what was going through your mind when that happened? (Get responses) Well, we did that on purpose. Why? We did it to illustrate the truth that life is not always fair. We will experience problems that come our way. In fact today s message is going to be awesome! 3

4 TEACH - OPENING (Slide 1 - Cover) Last week, we started looking at the big problems we have in our lives and our world, and we asked the question, "Why would God allow us to have big problems?" Who remembers what we talked about last week? (Get responses) That s right, problems exist because we live in a messed up, broken world and because of the choice people make to sin. Now, today, I want to start by looking up a scripture and asking you a couple questions about it. (Slide 2 Philippians 4:4) Have a volunteer read Philippians 4:4: Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Next, ask: When does this verse say to rejoice? (Always) Now, does anybody know who, inspired by God, wrote this verse in the Bible? (Paul) Here's an interesting thing about this verse: Paul, who was an early Christian leader, wrote this verse when he was in jail. And the jail he was in was not like what most of us would imagine when I say the word "jail." The jail Paul was in had much harsher conditions than what you or I would imagine a jail would be like. Prisoners were often chained to a post or perhaps to a guard. The cells were usually crowded, with very little fresh air, and rats running rampant. There wasn't electricity or air-conditioning, so many of the cells were very dark, stinky, disgusting places. Paul was waiting in jail for his trial. It was a miserable place! Paul, even with these big problems, is able to write to encourage others, "Rejoice in The Lord always; I'll say it again, Rejoice." Now, how do you think Paul is able to rejoice even in the middle of these big problems? (Get responses) I want us to stay in Philippians 4 and look up one more verse that's just a little farther down. (Slide 3 Philippians 4:12) Have a volunteer read Philippians 4:12: I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Say: Paul says he has learned the secret of being content, and he knows how to rejoice in all situations! Who here would like to be content and joyful even when you are facing a big problem in your life? Who here would like to know the secret? 4

5 (Slide 4 - We have big problems) See, you and I and Paul could say this: We have big problems. But, as Christians, you and I have a secret that allows us to be joyful and content even when bad stuff happens (Leader: for more info about this, read 2 Corinthians 6:10, in context). Today, I want to open up the scriptures and share this secret with you. Look at the screen. It says we have big problems, right? But as Christians, we have something else. We have (Slide 5 - We have bigger perspective) We have bigger perspective. Say it with me, "We have BIGGER perspective". And THAT, my friends, is the secret! I KNOW THE SECRET Does anybody know what perspective is? It's how we look at something. For instance, look at this paper (Hold up "I KNOW THE SECRET" paper head-on to the audience. They shouldn't be able to tell what it says. Make sure you don t tilt the paper at all, or kids in the front of the room may be able to read it). What is this called? (Somebody will probably say a barcode.) It looks like a barcode, but it's actually words! Quietly raise your hand if you don't have any idea what the words are. (Choose one of the students who've raised their hands to come to the front of the room. You might want to ensure that it's a student who doesn't have any difficulty in reading). Now, the reason you couldn't read this paper isn't because there isn't anything written on it. There is something written on it. The reason you can't read it is because you are looking at it wrong. Here, do what I do (demonstrate how to read the paper by closing one eye, holding it up in front of your face with the dark horizontal line on the bottom and tilt the top of the paper away from your face. You could talk the student through it as you demonstrate it with a second copy of the paper. Then ask what is written on the paper. He or she is likely to say, "I know the secret." In which case, you can have a little fun, saying, "That's great, tell us the secret". Thank you for your help. Now, the only difference between seeing nothing but lines and confusion, and being able to read clearly what it's telling you is your perspective the way you are looking at it. And I'm here to tell you today that you and I, if we know Christ, can look at our problems in a different way. Like Paul, we can rejoice in our suffering, and be glad even when trouble strikes. This dot (hold up dot), represents the big problems that you and I have. On this dot, I wrote some of the things you guys came up with last week as being big problems in the world (read the problems you've already written on the dot). Can anybody think of some 5

6 other big problems in our world that we could add? (Take responses and use the sharpie to write those problems on the dot as well.) Five Directions I need a volunteer. OK, Freddy (We'll call the volunteer Freddy. Make sure to pick a student that can really respond well to you, because he'll be the key in helping you convey the meat of the message. You might even want to work it out ahead of time and practice with "Freddy. When the series was done at Elevate the author s preteen ministry it was practiced beforehand with the volunteer. The volunteer s answers were excellent because he had time to think ahead of time.) Now, stand over there by the sign that says, "Birth". (Place dot on the floor some distance from Freddy, near the barrier that says "Death".) Freddy, please start walking slowly in one direction. Life for most people is like this. We're just going along, like Freddy here, and everything is just fine. But then, we come to a big problem in our lives (as Freddy approaches the dot, whisper to Freddy or guide Freddy to step on the dot and then stop there). Maybe the big problem is somebody you love dies, a friend moves out of state, somebody steals something from you, or something else. Remember what Jesus promised us? (Slide 6 - John 16:33a) He said, "In this world, we will have trouble." So eventually, Freddy and everybody else will come to a problem in their lives. Now what? Freddy, look down at the problem. This is what most people, including me, will do when they come to a problem in their life. They look right at the problem and start to feel all sorts of sadness, anger, and even overwhelming defeat. Freddy, pick one of the problems written on that dot or a BIG problem you've had in your own life and tell us what it is. (Wait for his response. Our "Freddy" told us that his dad was away from home a lot and that, as a result, he often felt lonely.) Freddy, if you think about that problem, focusing only on it, not looking at anything else in your life, how might you feel? (Wait for his response.) Freddy, it is true that _(situation)_ makes you feel _(feeling)_. I might feel the same way if _(situation)_. But as a Christian, you don't have to live the rest of your life feeling _(feeling)_. In fact, if you change your perspective a little bit, you can have a totally different feeling altogether. You can along with Paul rejoice always, even in the middle of (situation)_. I want you to understand, I'm not telling you that as a Christian, you have to hide your feelings, or that you'll never have negative feelings. That's not it at all. Throughout the Bible, we see people who love God expressing all sorts of difficult and sad feelings. What I'm telling you is this: Those difficult feelings aren't the end. Feeling (feeling)_ is where you start when (situation)_, but it's not where you end. NOT when you have BIGGER PERSPECTIVE; not when you know Jesus. 6

7 Right now, you are looking down at your situation, but I'm going to give you 5 different ways to look instead. I want to show all of you this, and I hope you'll remember it the next time you are facing a big problem in your life or in the world. (For each of the 5 perspectives, come up with a hand motion that everybody can do. As you add each one of the 5 perspectives, repeat each of the previous ones and add the new one.) (Slide 7 Look Ahead) #1 Look Ahead (Teach the hand motion and have the students, including Freddy, repeat it back to you). Instead of looking at the problem that you are facing, you can look ahead to a time when the big problem is gone. (Read one or all of the following verses to offer encouragement to look ahead: Romans 8:28; James 1:12; Matthew 16:27.) As Christians, we always have something to look forward to. The Bible shows us that God is going to work things out for good even our big problems. God has great rewards waiting for us beyond our big problems, and a day is coming when there will be no more big problems! As Christians, we even know that "Death" isn't the end for us. (Slowly turn the "death" barrier and reveal "Heaven") Freddy might think as he looks at the future that life is going to be one problem after another, and then he'll die. The End. But the truth is so much bigger and better than that. No matter what you are facing in your life, if you keep your eyes on the future, on Heaven, your problems will suddenly seem smaller. In fact, as I've been talking about Heaven and the future, I bet Freddy has even started to forget that he's standing on the problem dot. One thing we, as Christians, can always do is LOOK AHEAD! Say it with me look ahead! (Slide 8 Look Behind) #2 Look Behind (Teach the hand motion and have the students, including Freddy, repeat it back to you). Another direction that we as Christians can look is backward. When we look back at all the Christians who've gone before us, and all the trouble they've faced and made it through, it can give us strength and encourage us. Almost the entire 11th chapter of Hebrews tells us about great and faithful followers of God people like Noah, Abraham, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, and many others. And then, right at the end of this list, the first 3 verses of Hebrews 12 say: 7

8 (Slide 9 Hebrews 12:1-3) Read Hebrews 12:1-3: We are surrounded by a great cloud of people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back. Let us look only to Jesus, the One who began our faith and who makes it perfect. He suffered death on the cross. But he accepted the shame as if it were nothing because of the joy that God put before him. And now he is sitting at the right side of God s throne. Think about Jesus example. He held on while wicked people were doing evil things to him. So do not get tired and stop trying. Say: That's right. When you are facing a big problem, you can look back to the people who've gone before you and stood the test. You might even call these people heroes. (Turn "birth" sign around to reveal "heroes".) You will be strong and courageous, even when you are facing a big problem! Freddy, you are not the first Christian to ever face situation. So you can look to the past, and know that other people have faced what you've faced. They have even come through it with joy in their hearts, as they've trusted God. So direction #2 for us when we have a big problem is look behind. Let's say it together, "Look ahead. Look behind." (Slide 10 Look Inside) #3 Look Inside (Teach the hand motion and have the students, including Freddy, repeat it back to you). A third place that we can look is inside. As I think back over the problems in my life, those were times when God was at work inside of me my heart, mind and soul. During the big problems of my life, I was actually becoming a stronger follower of Jesus. I was learning to trust in God, and my faith was increasing. As you are facing problems, Freddy, you can be confident that inside, God is using the pain and the problem to make something good grow inside of us. Consider these verses: (Slide 11 Romans 5:3-5) Read Romans 5:3-5: We also have joy with our troubles, because we know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces character, and character produces hope. And this hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out his love to fill our hearts. He gave us his love through the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to us. 8

9 (Slide 12 James 1:2-4) Read James 1:2-4: My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need. Say: When we face big problems, we can look inside and know that God is using the tough stuff of life to make us stronger and to grow us. When we are experiencing big problems, it may feel like our insides are being messed up and hurt. In reality, we are being strengthened. Look inside and know the truth that the Bible shows us. God is using the trials of our lives to strengthen us. (Side 13 Look Around) #4 Look Around (Teach the hand motion and have the students, including Freddy, repeat it back to you). A fourth direction we can look when we are facing trouble is all around us. I want to caution you. If you look around in the wrong places, you can find plenty of sad, depressed complainers! If you look around at strong Christians who have their faith in God, you'll find people who can encourage you. In my hard times, I've seen others facing even more difficult things, and it encourages me! It's like the saying, "I used to complain because I had no shoes, then I met a joyful man who had no feet." Check out this video about Nik Voyachuk, a guy who has no arms and no legs. Notice how peaceful he appears and how his trust in Jesus has helped him to be content and joyful. See how this might encourage you, Freddy. (Watch Nick Vujicic video - So, Freddy, how can seeing Nik encourage you when you are facing problems? (Get response) (Slide 14 Look to God) #5 Look to God (Teach the hand motion and have the students, including Freddy, repeat it back to you). The last direction I want to talk about is to look towards God. When we look to the future, the past, the inside, and around us, the power that we are seeing at work is 9

10 God's power. When we look in all those directions and see hope and see good things, we are seeing God at work! (Slide 15 Philippians 1:6) Read Philippians 1:6: God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again. Say: Freddy, I am confident that God is at work in you, and that He will continue to work in you until His work is complete. Remember back to what started our lesson. It was Paul. Paul said that he had found the secret that allowed him to rejoice in hard times. (Slide 16 - Philippians 4:12) Let me reread Philippians 4:12 for you: I know how to live when I am poor, and I know how to live when I have plenty. I have learned the secret of being happy at any time in everything that happens, when I have enough to eat and when I go hungry, when I have more than I need and when I do not have enough. Say: Now, are you ready for what comes next? It is the answer behind everything we've talked about today. It's the answer behind the secret and is found in Philippians 4:13. (Slide 17 - Philippians 4:13) Read Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strength. Say: Paul can face any situation in life and say, "REJOICE!" because he does it all through Him who gives us strength. Paul's eyes are not on his problem dot. They are on GOD! (Take a few minutes and review all 5 perspectives with hand motions.) Thank you Freddy. You can now go back to your seat. You are going to have a chance to talk about this in your small groups through an activity. In this activity, you'll look at verses from the Bible and think about the direction that these verses are pointing you! 10

11 (Slide 18 Cover) End in prayer and dismiss to small groups. 11

12 SMALL GROUP Supplies: 5D cards (included) Problem circle (similar to the large dot created for the Teach Time) Bible Verse Cards (These are 2 sided-cards included in the lesson contents. 1 side has the "I know the secret" barcode on one side, and a Bible Verse on the other.) Pen or pencil for each student Small Group Activity Using the 5D cards, review the Five Directions and the motions that were taught during large group. Place the problem dot in the center of your group. Say, "This circle is going to represent a big problem in our lives." Say: Today, we learned that we have big problems. As followers of Jesus, we have bigger perspective. Place the 5D cards around the problem circle pointing in five directions away from it. Say, "Perspective means looking at something a different way." Have the preteens partner up with one or two people next to them. Pass out a Bible Verse Card to each partner group (you don't have to use all the Bible Verse Cards). Give them a moment to look at "I KNOW THE SECRET" which is printed on the back of each one. Have them work with their partner to determine what direction the Bible Verse is pointing them to look, and draw the corresponding arrow on the card. There may be multiple answers for one verse. Have everybody share their verse and in what direction the card is pointing them. As they do, have them place their verse cards next to an arrow that they drew on the card. Ask your group to tell you a big problem that somebody in the group might face. Take a couple of suggestions before you choose one and you write this one down on the Problem Circle. 12

13 Say: Now imagine that this big problem is really happening to you. Which of the verses here might help you have a bigger perspective? (Take responses and continue discussion using other real life problems.) 13

Writer: Sean Sweet Project Supervisor: Nick Diliberto Artwork: Creative Juice Editor: Tom Helm Created by PreteenMinistry.net

Writer: Sean Sweet Project Supervisor: Nick Diliberto Artwork: Creative Juice Editor: Tom Helm Created by PreteenMinistry.net Lesson 3 - Big Problems, Bigger God Writer: Sean Sweet Project Supervisor: Nick Diliberto Artwork: Creative Juice Editor: Tom Helm Created by PreteenMinistry.net 1 Big Problems, Bigger God Week 3: We have

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