Making Miracles Happen

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1 Making Miracles Happen INTERVIEW WITH JO OSBORNE ***PDF REFERENCE SHEET*** JO OSBORNE is a world class transformational life coach who has coached hundreds of women across Australia to create lives that they love, and is the Master ART Coach for the highly successful ART Your Life program. Jo is a qualified life coach, master NLP practitioner and compassionate soul with a gift for helping women learn to love themselves and create lives they truly love! Visit to find out how you can share in the magic of an ART Your Life intensive (live or online) near you. MONIQUE PARKER is a Brisbane-based marketing strategist and consultant and deep dive interviewer! To find out more about Monique visit Please download the accompanying audio interview first and use the interview transcript as a reference guide to the content covered.

2 Hello, and welcome. I m Monique Parker, and thank you for joining us for this interview in the Making Miracles Happen series on how to bust through fear, overcome limiting beliefs and create change in your life so that you can live a life you love! I am so excited to have ART Your Life transformational coach, Jo Osborne, joining me on the call today to share some of her top strategies for creating a life that you love. Jo, are you there? Welcome to the call. Yes, I am here. Hello everybody, and thank you for having me, Monique. Wonderful. Now, we re so lucky to have Jo sharing with us today some of the actual coaching tools and the strategies that she uses in her one-on-one and group coaching. One of the first things that she s going to share with us today is what we call learning to love that voice in your head. Now first of all, Jo, tell us what that really means. It s a big one. Everyone walking around, Monique, has this little voice inside their heads that constantly goes chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter always talking, and that is the voice inside your head. So the tool that I d love to share with you is actually how to learn to love that voice in your head. Great! So how do we do that? First, I ll say that the voice inside your head comes only from a place of love and protection always, even though often that voice inside your head can be saying, sometimes, some pretty nasty things to us. So, coming from a place of love and protection, it needs to be thanked. So no matter what that voice inside your head says to you, your response is thank you, thank you, thank you. The importance of quieting down that voice in your head, Monique, is if we have an internal world that s very quiet, anything that life throws us, any little curve balls that we get which is life, they do happen anything that comes from externally, when our internal world is quiet and peaceful, we can cope with anything.

3 I love that. So if that internal world is quiet and peaceful, we can cope with anything in our external world. Now one thing you said earlier, Jo, is that that voice in our head is always coming from a place of love and protection. So, let s say, if I m walking around feeling not-so-great about myself and my voice inside my head is going Oh, Monique, you re so fat. You re so fat, you re so fat how is that loving and protecting me? Say the voice in your head is saying I m so fat So what it s wanting you to do is, actually, is to keep you safe. So it s loving and protecting you by keeping you safe. If it s saying you re so fat, you re so fat, for example, you might choose to stay home, not push yourself out of that comfort zone, not put yourself out somewhere that you re going to feel uncomfortable, so it s keeping you in a safe place. So even though it s an unresourceful way of keeping you safe, it s still coming from that place of love and protection. Okay. So that voice inside our head actually really has good intentions and has our best interest at heart. It always does. If you put into place this saying thank you for a period of fourteen days, I guarantee the internal voice becomes quieter and it actually comes from a place of saying nicer things to you rather than unreasonable things. That sounds like a great potential EXERCISE that everyone listening could do and they could start this right away, couldn t they? Absolutely. What I suggest to clients is that they write THANK YOU on little sticky notes and stick them around the house and in the car, at work, on the mirror as a conscious conducer to continually say thank you to that voice in your head. Because what happens, Monique, is that we have neurological muscles in our brain. A brain cannot do the two things at once. It cannot have a negative sentence going and also say thank you at the same time. And I know it works, because it s what I do and I ll say that I m like the average woman walking around with voices inside my head. It starts with a sentence string that progresses like this Oh, you can t do that. Oh, you ve got no idea what you re saying. You re hopeless. You re useless. This whole story goes round and round in our minds all made up.

4 We re making up these stories in our mind. BUT - a brain cannot make up that story if the other neurological muscles are saying thank you. So it works like this: You don t know what you re doing. Thank you. You ve got no idea. Thank you. You re useless. Thank you. What you re doing is stopping your big story that s going on. What happens when this story goes on and on and on is we get a feeling associated with it, and it s not a resourceful feeling. It s not a resourceful feeling at all. It s actually quite a bad feeling. So by saying thank you, it stops the story. It stops the thought, the sentence, the story, and it stops the feeling as well. So if you stop the story that you re creating, you stop the feeling that you re also creating. So when I say to myself, oh you re so fat, Monique, the feeling I get from that is I feel worse. So, when you stop that story, then you re stopping that feeling. That s an amazing tool! I ll give you an example too. I had to do some training a couple of weeks ago, and it was training that was going to stretch me. Stretch me, and challenge me. My voice was going inside my head, oh, do you really have to go? Why do you have to go? You re not going to be able to do it. You know you re not going to like it. You re not going to enjoy it. That s what the voice was saying. So, with that story that I was making up about my training, I had the feeling of nervousness in my stomach. So I had the whole story going, the feelings, the whole lot. Then, to stop the story I said thank you, thank you, thank you. And I had to say it quite quickly. The sentences were coming in quite quickly, so I was saying thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. With that, the story stopped because my brain couldn t do the two things at once, and the feeling went also. That s cool. So you obviously went and did the training? I absolutely went and did the training, and said thank you many, many times over those two weeks of the training to stop the story in my mind. Because that s all it is. It s a made-up story!

5 That s great. And what I really like about what you shared is the distinction that the voice is designed to love and protect and really to keep us safe. But in creating miracles in your life and doing what it takes to create a life that you love, sometimes staying safe is NOT what s going to have that happen. You ve got to step out of your comfort zone so in that way, staying safe is not conducive to creating a life that you love. Which is why saying thank you is so powerful it is a reprogramming tool that you can use whenever you need to move out of your comfort zone and take the action. Jo I know that you actually have a resource that all the listeners on our call can get online and access so that they can start putting this exercise into place straight away. It s called Love the Voice In Your Head, and you ve created a little cheat sheet so that the woman listening to the call can use it over a 2-week period to start creating change in their lives. Now, let s dive straight into some more resources that listeners can use for themselves, and Jo I believe that you re going to be sharing with us The Seven Belief Types that we all have and how those impact our lives. Can you share with us what these seven beliefs are and why they re so important? Absolutely. First of all, a belief is simply a sentence that s made up. There are resourceful beliefs (the beliefs that that are working for us) and there are unresourceful beliefs, (the beliefs that aren t working for us). Both are made-up. If you re not getting the outcome in your life that you want in a certain area of your life, it means that your beliefs are NOT working for you, and you need to change them if you want a different outcome. For example, if I believe I m a terrible public speaker, will that get me the outcome in my life that I want when I want to become a trainer? No, it won t. So it s an unresourceful belief I ve made up at some stage in my life, usually between the ages of 0 and 7, and it s no longer working for me. So if I want to become a trainer, I need to throw out this belief and develop a new one.

6 So just to recap for everyone listening, this means that the first important distinction here is the awareness that a belief may be a made up story. And then secondly, that there are actually seven different types of beliefs. So let s explore the first belief type that people may have. The first type of belief is a Global Belief. A global belief is an assumptive universal belief such as Men are XYZ, Women are XYZ, Australians are XYZ. It s a belief that we ve made up around topics, so for example everyone has a belief around Australians. Australians are friendly or say Australians aren t friendly. So it s a belief that is our own individual belief that we ve made up about a topic/group/situation etc. Okay. How do these global beliefs actually impact people in the way they live their lives? Again, if they re resourceful beliefs, like all women are caring and it s working for you in your life, that s great. If they re an unresourceful belief that s not working for you, like all men cannot be trusted, and hence you aren t having very good relationships with your partner or with men in your life in general, then that s something that you need to change. And is that something you do when you re working with people, to actually help them identify what their beliefs are? Absolutely. What would happen is people don t come to me and say I have an unresourceful belief around men they re not aware of that. Someone may come and say at the moment I have a terrible relationship and the relationships with men at work aren t really good, and I don t know what it is. So, we ll have a discussion around that, and I will listen deeply for language, and I will identify what their belief is around that topic. We delve deeply into the topic and you will find out what the unresourceful belief is around whatever topic they re having issues with. That s really great to know that when you think you are having a problem in you re life its probably related to a core underlying belief either a global belief or one of the other beliefs we ll be covering on the call is actually the root issue of things.

7 It is. And it s about bringing it from your unconscious mind into conscious mind, and then once you are consciously aware that you have that unresourceful belief, then it s a choice to change it. But when it s sitting back in your unconscious mind and you have no idea, you re going to be making decisions on something that s not working for you. So, let s just go into this example you ve shared men cannot be trusted. Once you ve identified that you actually have a global belief that s not resourceful (and it s not going to help you create amazing relationships with men in your life!) how do people go about changing that? There are two ways we can change unresourceful beliefs. The fastest way is through neuro-linguistic programming, where you actually go back to the age of around seven where your beliefs are all developed and you identify WHERE that belief has come from. Once you ve identified when and where that belief has come from, then you have the power to change it. **Note: this is a specific process best facilitated by a qualified coach.** Another (slower) way to change this belief is to create a new affirmation around this belief. For example, if your belief was that men cannot be trusted then you can create a new sentence to frame your perspective, such as all men are trustworthy. You would need to continually read this belief over and over every day until it became part of your world. I know, Monique, for example, when I started my training, my life coaching training, we had to identify what our beliefs were around several areas of our lives, and I had a belief that men tell lies, and that belief wasn t working for me. So, I created a new belief that all men are very honest. When I read that belief for the first time, I physically felt sick. It was so far from what I believed that I thought this is absolutely ridiculous. I thought, how am I ever going to believe that, because it s so far from my world right now? But I did the exercise, I put my beliefs up in several different places in my house and I read them several times a day, reading them over and over and over again, and it really worked. Now, if anyone said to me what s your belief around men (not that people necessarily phrase it like that!) but if someone did say what s your belief around men, I d say that I believe that all men are very trustworthy. All men tell the truth. That s my belief now, and that s the way I did it.

8 So, really it s all about the processes of identification, gaining awareness, and then making the choice to change to change your beliefs to things that will empower you in your life rather than disempower you. Ok, now let s use an example about a global belief in regard to health and fitness. I know a lot of people say things like it s hard to lose weight, or it s hard to do XYZ. What would your thoughts be on that topic? If you say it s hard, it IS hard. If you say in your mind the word hard, it has quite a little heaviness and a challenge around it, doesn t it? Say the word out loud now. Hard. If you say the words it s easy, it has a lightness around it?, doesn t it? Yes - I even smiled a little bit. It s very important to identify the words that you use in your language. It s hard for me to exercise. It s easy for me to exercise. It s a choice which words you use, so if you choose to say I believe it s easy and effortless for me to exercise then you actually start to believe that way. You can either believe it s hard or you can believe it s easy and effortless. It s your choice. It s only a sentence, and if you can tell your own conscious mind that it s hard, your unconscious mind will find evidence that that is true. And so a belief is a story that you ve made up or you ve created, and then you will find evidence throughout your day and throughout your life to support that. Absolutely. We have two million bits of information that come to us every second, and when it comes to our conscious mind, we have filters and our filters will let the information through that matches our values and our beliefs. So if it matches your beliefs, that information will be filtered through to your conscious mind. If you have a belief that exercise is hard, your unconscious mind is going to filter in any evidence that that s true. If you have the belief that it s easy, again your unconscious mind will

9 filter in any evidence that that s true also. So, it s important that your beliefs are resourceful and working for you so your unconscious mind knows what to look for in the external world to make that information true. That is just so powerful, Jo, because essentially what you re saying is that by changing your beliefs, you actually change your experience in life. Absolutely. That s exactly right. What you focus on is what you get, because whatever you focus on your unconscious mind will filter in information that s true. So if you focus on exercise is easy and effortless, your unconscious mind is going to support that, and the little voice in your head is there to love and protect you and always serve you. It always wants to please you and so it will reinforce your beliefs. So, when we re looking at our topic Making Miracles Happen, the first step is to create that mental space for the miracle you want by changing your beliefs to be more aligned with creating what you want! Yes - if an area of your life is not working for you, just sit for five minutes and think what do I believe around this area of my life?, and you ll be surprised at how unresourceful the beliefs are. So if you re listening on the call and want a great takeaway insight, it would be to look at areas in your life that aren t working or aren t how you want them. They re your first clue for the next step in creating the framework for what you DO want. Now, let s look at the second type of beliefs that people may hold Identity Beliefs. Identity Beliefs are something that people believe they ARE. So for example, I am a plumber. I am a doctor. They re identity beliefs. So, they re using their profession as their identity. Okay. What sort of impact does or do identity beliefs have on someone in their lives?

10 That s a really good question, Monique. What can happen with people when they have a very strong identity belief about who they are that is tied to one thing, is that they can lose the sense of what else they are. So, if they say I am a doctor, they don t think about everything that they are else in their life. It s like they re wrapping their whole life up in their profession, and that s all that that they are. That s become their identity. So if, for whatever reason, that doctor who has only that identity belief of himself as his profession has that profession taken away from him for whatever reason, it s like he has lost his identity. I ll give you another example of a mother who has given her life to her children, so she considers herself a mum. When people say to her what do you do? she says I m a mum. She doesn t work outside the home, rarely socializes, and the only thing that she wants to do is be a mum, which is a lovely thing to be - but she s lost sense of herself as well. When the children go away to university or move out of the home, her world comes crashing down because she doesn t know what else to do. Her identity was around her children. That can obviously have a huge impact for people, then. Just having their identity be that defining thing for them. So is that something that you do with clients - help people create an identity other than their job or role? Yes. Basically, I help bring them back to a knowing of who they are. I AM Jo and these are my qualities and this is me as a person. One of my roles in my life is a mother. Another role in my life is a coach. But these roles aren t my identity. Just even hearing you say that, sounds so more powerful and coming from a place of empowerment rather than defining yourself just as a role. Let s look at then, the third type of belief that people may have in their life. The third type of belief is a Values Belief. Values beliefs are beliefs of what are important to you, like trust or love. Okay. And how do people come about these value beliefs? How are they created?

11 Again, they would be created when you re young in your life, more than likely adopted from your role models. Your role models, if you live with your mum and dad, would be your mum and dad. It may be a teacher, aunts and uncles, so it s people who are quite important to your life when you are young, so you adopt those. Often, the values of the family will be adopted and taken with you into your adult life, until you consciously become aware of your own values and want to change them if they re not working for you. Okay, so how important would you say it is for people to identitfy and understand their inherited values or their chosen values? It s extremely important, because your values are the foundations from which your beliefs come from, and your beliefs drive your decision-making. Hmmm I know for myself that when I look back in hindsight on decisions I ve made that really didn t work out for me, I can see that these decisions made at that time where not in alignment with my true values. So I can see how knowing your values beliefs is really important in being able to make the right decisions and consciously create the life you want. The interesting thing is that most people would not even know what values they have in areas of their lives, so if they re not values that are working for them and they re not aware of it they ll never be able to create a life that they love, even if they think they re making decisions aligned with their values! So, in order to live a life that you love, you must actually go back to your foundations and look at your values. So, what it really sounds to me, Jo, is that if you are someone on the call who is looking to make miracles happen in your life and create the life you really want, then working on your values is something incredibly important to consider. Yes, and it really doesn t take long. I know in our own sessions, we elicit values as part of the process of getting clear about what is and isn t working in someone s life. And then the client has the opportunity to decide what they want their values to be.

12 We can also use values modeling to help create change. So for example, we ask clients who do you know who s getting the results in that area of life that YOU want? and then we ask what do you think their values would be, or do you know what their values are and then we can model those values. And we look at where people are now in terms of their values vs where their role models are. Jo that is such a great example and I just want to repeat this for everyone listening, because I think that often times we look at people who are successful and we look at the mechanics of how they became successful For example, if they lost weight, we want to know what diet they had or what exercise they re doing, if it was someone who is successful in business, we want to know what their business structure was or what marketing strategies they used. BUT what you re really saying here is, okay, take a step back and look at what their VALUES are, and model their values instead. So you re modeling their inner world rather than just what you see on the outer surface. Yes, because our values are always the foundation of success and anything else that we create in our lives. I ll give you another example about a client who couldn t hold onto a relationship. It was quite sad really, she wanted a relationship with a man in her life but she d had terrible relationships and didn t have relationships that went for very long periods of time. When I actually listened to her values around relationships, she thought that men are cheats. Men can t be trusted. I don t deserve a man anyway. Who would want to love me?, Once she realized that, I remember her laughing and going Oh my God, no wonder I have terrible relationships! But prior to our session she had no idea WHY she wasn t getting the outcomes she wanted in this area of her life. And again, I know I ve said it before, but it s about bringing your unconscious thoughts into your conscious mind, because once she knew those were her beliefs around relationships, then she could choose to change them. That s so cool. All right, so let s look at, then, the fourth type of belief that people may have.

13 Rules Beliefs is the fourth type of beliefs that we have. Rules beliefs are any rules you have made up about the way you believe that something should be. So for example, what you believe a marriage should be like. And again, yours will be different rules beliefs for marriage, for example, Monique, than mine would be. So, I can just right off the bat see how important it would be inside the construct of a relationship or a marriage that you are aware of what you both believe a marriage should be. Because they re not the same, there are probably going to be some conflicts! It s important to be aligned with your own partner, that you have the same rules beliefs. And it s neither right or wrong, it s come from your models, it s come from your upbringing, but again if they re not working for you, make some changes. It s as simple as that. Throw them out. You don t have to hold on to them forever. Any time you hear people using the word should or similar words like that, you know that s possibly related to a rules belief. So if someone is listening to the call, as a quick exercise to try today or tomorrow, any time you catch themselves going Oh my job should be or He should do that may be an indication that you have rules beliefs in these areas. And if these areas aren t working for you, then these rules beliefs need examining! Absolutely. What I teach clients is that everybody carries around with them a bucket, and everyone s bucket is so completely different. In their bucket are their values, their beliefs, their experiences in life, their role models, and a few other things. As you can imagine their bucket, everybody s bucket is going to be so very different. The rules beliefs that they ve made up have come from their BUCKET. And they have the power to change the contents of their bucket! That s really empowering. Okay, so let s move on to the fifth type of belief that people have.

14 The fifth belief that people have is called a Vehicles Belief. In order to explain what a vehicles belief is, I ll need to quickly explain what our six core needs are, that were developed by Tony Robbins. Our six core needs are 1. Certainty 2. Uncertainty/Variety 3. Love & Connection 4. Significance 5. Growth 6. Contribution A vehicle is something that your six core needs sit in as a way of fulfilling your six core needs. For example, I have the vehicle of my relationship with my husband. Another vehicle I have is my coaching. Another vehicle that I have is exercise. Another vehicle that I have is gardening. Each of those four vehicles meets my six core needs resourcefully. Let s use the example of exercise - I get love and connection because I go to classes. I have certainty in that area because I know that every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I go to exercise class at 6.0 a.m. I have variety because every class is different. I get significance when I see people or the instructor says oh my God, you re doing twenty push-ups today and you could only do ten yesterday. Wow, you re doing such a great job. I have growth because I m learning and growing in that exercise area, and contribution also, because I feel like I m contributing to the group when I m there. So that vehicle of exercise meets all my six core needs. We all have vehicles in our life and it s important that we have at least three. The more vehicles we have that are meeting our six core needs resourcefully in our lives, the more balanced our lives are. Let s say for example if you only have one vehicle, like your profession or job, you might be a bit of a workaholic and you re too busy for friends, or a relationship, or exercise or gardening You may get all of your six core needs met from your vehicle of work which is fantastic, UNTIL for whatever reason, you can no longer work there you get sick or made redundant if you have no other vehicle meeting your six core needs, then if you lose your job your world crashes. But if you had three other vehicles meeting your six core needs and that one vehicle falls through then your world doesn t crash because you still have the other ones supporting you.

15 I think you ve articulated that so well Jo, because in today s modern society, particularly in women s magazines and things like that, there s always that conversation about work-life balance. But what you re saying is that balance actually doesn t come from just having more free time or balancing a scale true balance is about having more vehicles in your life that meet your six core needs resourcefully. I guess the question for listeners to consider is what vehicles do they currently have in their lives that are meeting their six core needs? And if the answer is one or none, then this is something to get help with if you re looking to create a balanced life that you love. Jo, is that something that you do with your clients help them identify what vehicles they currently have and then what vehicles they could actually create? ***PLEASE REFER TO THE AUDIO INTERVIEW FOR VALUABLE EXAMPLES ON HOW TO IDENTIFY YOUR OWN VEHICLES AND MEET YOUR CORE NEEDS *** PDF RESOURCE: CORE NEEDS VEHICLE CHEATSHEET EDITORS NOTE: Understanding your Core Needs is an important step in creating miracles in your own life enabling you to feel happier, more fulfilled, and more satisfied in your current circumstances, as well as giving you the ability to create new circumstances that sustain a life that you absolutely love! So that s the true miracle being able to create happiness for yourself! Absolutely! The miracle is being able to create happiness, joy, and fulfillment in your life. It s about becoming more strategic in your life in order to create the life that you want. You don t necessarily need more money or different circumstances you just need the tools to navigate your circumstances and become the master of your own destiny.

16 The next type of belief that people hold is what s called Situation-specific Beliefs. This type of belief is a belief that arises only as response within an external situation. For example, if a mother s children are being threatened, a mother may become very physical, and may even kill in order to protect her children. But it s only in that moment in her day to day life the woman would never think of herself as, I m a killer. So what you re saying is that if a situation comes up, your belief in that moment may override what your actual beliefs in life are. Absolutely. I ve got another quick one that I can offer also. I ll use another example, let s say that I have a belief that the elderly should be respected. But if I m driving my car and an old man cuts me off, and he crashes into my car, and I get out of the car and I yell and I abuse him, I am being disrespectful. In that situation, my belief that all elderly should be respected has gone out the window and I ve adopted a situation-specific belief. So, so what you re saying is that if this happens to you, don t let it impact your future don t think that a belief that arose in the moment is related to your true beliefs, or don t continue to judge yourself for something that happened in the past. But just to clarify, what is the difference between a one-off incident or someone who has road rage every time they get in the car If you have road rage every time you jump in your car, it s about anger issues, and that s another coaching session. But basically, it means that they have an unresourceful emotion around anger rather than a belief. And they probably wouldn t even have an awareness that it s an emotional reaction, or realize that they can learn to manage their emotions more resourcefully. That s a great distinction that we can have unresourceful emotions as well as beliefs. Yes, it s a great self-management tool to be able to assess whether what is coming up for you is an unresourceful belief or what you re experiencing in the moment is an unresourcful emotion. But that s another coaching session so let s move on to the last belief type! The last belief type is our Metaprogram Beliefs. Now, the first six belief types that we ve covered today (global beliefs, rules beliefs,

17 values beliefs, identity beliefs, vehicle beliefs, and situation-specific beliefs) are all made up beliefs that for the most part can be changed. However, metaprogram beliefs are something that you re born with. they re just the way you are. And it s important to remember that you re perfect the way you are and this isn t something that can be changed. Okay, and so what does that mean for us in our lives? Why is it important to understand our metaprogram belief and how does that help us make choices or have acceptance in our lives? Metaprogram beliefs is the actual wiring of your mind, so for example, there s metaprogram beliefs of moving away or moving toward. So you are either have the metaprogram of moving way, or you have a metaprogram of moving forward. So let s say that you need to make a change in your life. At a metaprogram beliefs level, what this means is that if you re a moving away person, you need to have pain around the situation the way it is before you will make the move. If you re a moving forward person, you would look at how it could be and that s enough to motivate you. So, a moving away person, in relation to changing their job, would have to get some pain around it first. So, they would have to ask themselves: Do I want to be here in ten years? Am I going to be able to put up with the way my fellow staff members behave for another few years? They ll need to get some real pain around it before they ll make the decision to move on. Whereas, a moving forward person will look and think, Okay, I m not happy in my job right now, but if I had that other job, this would be better, that would be better, I d like this better. So that s enough to motivate them to change employment. Whereas moving away needs some pain before they get the motivation. I think it s really good to know this, Monique, because I know myself, previous to knowing this, I would look at myself and say How come Mary can make those decisions? She s so motivational. She ll try that change, and she ll learn that she s not happy here, so she ll try something new or make it happen. Why do I have to wait for things to get so bad and I hate it so much before I ll actually make the change? Now I know it s a metaprogram belief. That s the way I am. That s the way I m wired, and now that I know that, it makes a lot of sense to me.

18 Does that give you more of an acceptance of who you are and how you are? Absolutely! And I also know that if I want to make change now, I know that if I m not happy, I get some real pain around it. I think, okay, what s the pain? What kind of pain do I need to motivate me to move me to the next step? So, it s kind of a sneaky way of creating a change that you want in your life. Yes, it s learning the art of being able to passively manipulate myself! That s kind of cool, and I know we discussed earlier there are quite a lot of metaprogram beliefs and we just used one example today on the call. We don t have time to go through them all, but I think it s a really great takeaway for everyone listening on the call to understand just how important it is to know this stuff about yourself - it gives you such an access and an insight into how to actually create the change that you want for yourself. Is that something that you ve seen with the ART Your Life participants and the women that you coach? Yes because awareness is ninety-five percent of the journey. So once you re aware of why you re doing things you can make the changes or you can work with it in a more resourceful way to the change that you want to see in your life. I guess having that insight into yourself allows you to get past all the beating yourself up and just go, okay, this is who I am. This is how I am, and this is what I need to do to create change. In an essence, you learn how to choose strategies that work for YOU and, not say, work for Mary down the road. And that s so true, Monique. We are all unique and we carry around with us our own unique buckets which have all those beliefs, values and metaprograms in there. Once we re aware of what s in there, we can get rid of what s not working for us and what needs to stay in there, like those metaprograms - and work with them so they do the work for us

19 ***PLEASE REFER TO THE AUDIO INTERVIEW FOR A RECAP OF THE THANK YOU EXERCISE *** That s really wonderful Jo, and we ve covered so many tools and resources that our listeners can use to create change and the miracles that they want in their own lives. For those listeners who are interested in finding out more, Jo can you please share with us a little bit more about the ART Your Life programs? ART Your Life is a seven-week program that we run that helps women transform their lives, their bodies and their futures from the inside out. It includes workshops, health and fitness, personality profiling, and personal coaching. It is a phenomenal journey that has enabled so many women to create their own mini miracles and enjoy a completely new experience of life! If you would like to find out more about ART Your Life, please visit or We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback so please do connect with us on Facebook:

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