The World Legal System

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1 The World Legal System Introduction After writing the book, The Extortion System of the Ruling Elite I reconciled my understanding about LORD God actually being God and I removed my book from my website along with all the articles that followed. The book and articles were a result of my astonishment of how those in Government who allowed and participated in the attacks on September 11th, 201 were white washed and set free or were they? My investigations into 9/11 ultimately led me to examining the entire Legal System, which up to that point seemed very complicated. I have a background in what is called the New Age movement unaware of it's origins or how it truly related to the Ancient Mystery Schools or the Bible for that matter. However having some background in both Christianity and New Age helped me put a lot puzzle pieces together to come to a better understanding of why and how the LEGAL System worked they way it did. I do believe the book I wrote, The Extortion System of the Ruling Elite had a very substantial impact on people's thinking about Law and the way the LEGAL System worked. I am a seeker of the truth and I realized that the book I wrote had become outdated based upon the understandings gained from it and applied to System as a whole. Thus what I am attempting to do here is to consolidate my research into the System and to give an update on my research into it all. There are many well meaning people who put out information on this subject as well, however some are agents spreading disinfo or people trying to make a quick buck on stuff they do not fully comprehend, my opinion and nothing personal. So with that said, I suggest that you verify the things I mention for yourself so you know for certain in you mind what is true, I make mistakes too and I can honestly say I don't believe I could ever possibly comprehend the entire System, but I can certainly point out the foundations of it and give you possible avenues or paths to explore based upon those foundations, so things make sense. 1 Introduction The World Legal System

2 This World or Reality Before we jump into the LEGAL System, we need to recognize that the foundations of reality around us so we can understand the frame work of the LEGAL System and why it exists the way it does. This reality we exist within is based upon duality and within that duality exists Truth and Fiction. Further within this duality exists life and death and all the components of each at play simultaneously. However there is another aspect to this reality and that is the Spirit World and there is a duality within the Spirit World as well. The dynamics of the Spirit realm on our physical reality are not apparent to many people beyond what they see as Religion or Spirituality; however the LEGAL System is Secular, meaning they do not recognize the Spiritual aspects of reality or do they? From what I have seen all Common Wealth Countries reference God in their Constitutions as having Supreme Authority in one way or another. Unfortunately people over look the meaning of words and are tricked into thinking something different than what the true reality is. Example bellow about the Lords Spiritual Temporal of the UK Parliament. "The Lords Spiritual Temporal, being the House of Lords in the UK Parliament is made up of the Archbishops of Canterbury and of York, the Bishops of London, Durham and Winchester as well as specific bishops of the Church of England. 2 This World or Reality The World Legal System

3 The Lords Temporal are made up of hereditary Peers elected under Standing Orders, life Peers, Law Lords, the Earl Marshal and the Lord Great Chamberlain." ( ) It would seem that if the House of Lords is made up of people that are Bishops of the Church and the Queen is the head of the Church of England, then the UK Parliament is run under God and holds Christianity as the foundation of all their laws. Many people who research Law view the Queen as being a Christian Monarch as well and make use of the King James Bible as the source of their Law, the 1611 version is the Official "Authorized" Version by the way. However as I have been saying the LEGAL System is Secular. You go to court and you are not being held accountable for sins you committed against God, but you are being held accountable for breaking laws against the Queen or State. The only exceptions are in Islamic States where their LEGAL Systems are based upon Sharia Law and the Holy Koran is foundation of all Law there in, but I will get deeper into Sharia Law later in this paper, for now I want to focus on Secularism, for it is the foundation upon which many who read this article are actually faced with. The principle aim of Secularism is to separate government institutions and religious institutions from each other. This was born out of the massive abuse of power that the Vatican held over the people in Europe during the middle ages, where millions of people were burned alive for various accusations of breaking Religious related law. There are many more reasons behind it than this, but essentially people wanted nothing more to do with the Vatican ruling over them and wanted Governments that kept the church out of positions of authority in terms of enforcing and making laws. So although it may appear that the Queen is a Christian and according to her oath, she will do her upmost to uphold the Laws of God, the System in which she Governs is Secular, thus separate from God's Laws and Commandments, however influenced by the participants who make the Laws for the Country through the Parliament who would call themselves Christian. The Lords Spiritual Temporal purpose is to scrutinize Bills passed in the House of Commons and make amendments to them and in some limited cases stop the Bills from passing into Law. The Lord Spiritual is made up of Clergy, while the Temporal is made up people appointed by the Queen. The House of Lords is the highest Court of Appeal in the British Judicial System. You see this same system reflected throughout the Common Wealth Countries. The House of Lords in many Countries is replaced by a body called the Senate. You see this same set up in the USA as well, with Congress and the Senate overlooked by a President ( King ). The Lords Spiritual is made up of Clergy overlooking a Secular System. The Lords Temporal is appointed members of the Queen by heredity overlooking a Secular System. More so both Clergy and Appointed members are participating within a Secular system of Government. Secular in non-religious, it only holds the values within it of those who ultimately decide on what laws within the secular entity will be passed and enforced. Now then I want you to pay attention here. Read this carefully. The only purpose of Secular Government is to circumvent the will of the Creator. By passing and enforcing law that circumvents God's will as stated in is commandments and judgments in the Holy Bible, one is not serving the will of 3 This World or Reality The World Legal System

4 God but the will of man. To be more specific it is the will of Lucifer, who wants to be God and hates man and all of God's creations. The problem is Lucifer does not understand that he cannot stop God's plan from unfolding, Crucifying Jesus Christ was the biggest mistake he has made thus far, which took the power of death away from Lucifer and gave it back to God. The purpose of passing laws through Government is to make people feel that Sins against God don't matter, especially if you are Atheist or Satanic. What justification can any Bishop have that follows Jesus Christ have anything to do with passing Laws within a Secular system, are they not suppose to be following what God has asked them to do in the Bible? The word Temporal is derived from the word Time as opposed to Eternity. The matrix is made up of time. When man fell in the Garden of Eden we fell into a reality based on Time and within it we do surely die. Death is at the very foundation of all Secular Governments. God in the Bible is the Living God the creator of all life and of the heaven and earth. However with Secularism we have a game of denial going on, that no creator exists and all that exists spawns from a process of evolution. Further Secularism is comprised of a World and a world is not reality. A world is whatever make belief reality we want to believe or make it to be, not the reality in which we actually exist. Thus within this Secular system there can be no truth within it, for all truth destroys the illusion of the world and in order to control the masses one must keep up the illusions of the world. The only purpose of the laws within a Secular system is to support the lies of which it is built upon. It goes much deeper than this though as ultimately its purpose is to lead people away from the truth, thus their creator and into the abyss of death, which is why the entire system is based upon Corporations and Fictions. Lucifer has but a short time now and he knows he is going down for the count and his only goal is to take as many souls as he can away from God, before he is cast into the Lake of Fire and destroyed. Okay with 4 This World or Reality The World Legal System

5 that all said reality is much different than a world. I make use of Biblical information here only because if you examine the World LEGAL System, you will see that it is entirely structured against God. Although it mimics to some degree what God put in place as a means coordinating the lives of the Children of Israel through Moses, there is nothing within it that says or implies that the system of laws have to conform with what God has asked of us in the Bible, even though the people within the high places of Government appear to be Christians and supposedly imposing Christian doctrine on the Legislation being passed. Now for those that are into New Age or Hinduism etc. Secularism seems nice because it doesn't infringe any religious dogma that one may object too allowing you to do anything you want so as long as you don't disobey the laws of the State. Most Countries allow for all kinds of religions including Satanism and Witchcraft in some places to be openly participated. In fact all one has to do is turn on the Television and watch the Grammies or Super Bowl for example and you will see mass occult rituals going on all the time. For the unaware masses though they love watching this stuff unaware of the true meanings behind them. Madonna's 2012 Super Bowl Half Time Show ( ) is an excellent example of a mass occult ritual which are becoming more and more common. All this is done because we exist in a reality based upon Good and Evil. In the Garden of Eden the serpent who beguiled Eve told her in Genesis 3:4-5 (KJV) And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. The entire nature of our reality is based upon this one simple truth. The truth being that we have a creator God who loves us beyond anything we could ever possibly comprehend, but and this is the big but, we have to choose him, because love is about choice. The opposite being not to choose God and to take of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, we gain an ego where we forsake all love and become gods rather having a God. The demonic realm is filled with gods that will give you power if you allow them enter your body and possess you. The possession is how we die as it destroys our minds ( which our souls are, mind ) and the demon lives through our forsaken bodies controlling the minds of those who submit and worship them, headed by Lucifer. Lucifer fell to the earth and is the defacto ruler over the world, not the earth. Everything within Lucifer's world is made up of fiction as he is the father of lies and a murder. He murders those souls who believe that that they can be as gods and know good and evil. For me personally I much rather have a God and serve him and love him and have him deal with the demons and those who would try and destroy me, rather than attempting to join them and be a god thinking that I will have temporal power over my fellow man, hence making rich and powerful and ultimately being destroyed. LORD God and his Son Jesus Christ are the only ones in my mind that can save us from this Fallen Reality, I don't see the gods offering up any solutions, do you? The Nature of our Fallen Reality 5 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

6 Before I can get more into the LEGAL System I need to explain more about this Fallen Reality we are in. To understand the Legal System better you have understand better the foundation upon it sits so that when certain things happen you will know why they are happening and not simply trying to deal with it from a LEGAL perspective. For example when you go to Court you will notice that the Lawyers, Police Officers and Court Officials always bow to the Judge and in some cases will call the Judge, Your Worship or Your Honour. What most people are not aware of is that the Court Room is a Temple. Unlike the Temple of the Living Creator though, this is a Temple of Death and thus nothing within it can be seen as being living or have any merit of truth within it as it is all based upon fiction. The demon is hiding within the Judge as far as I can tell so far, but I am sure others are filled with demons as well as they are of the dead. Believe me I am no expert on this fallen reality, but I am aware of it and I will point you in some directions so you can learn more later. I think all religions including the New Age Movement recognize that this reality has much pain and suffering within it and eventually in one way or another man will transcend out of this reality into one of love. There are many variations of just how this might happen and by all indications it seems that we are quickly approaching a major junction in that the pain and suffering will be abolished with a return of a utopia of some matter or form. The Golden Age seems to be upon us and all the old constructs that held humanity down seem to be breaking apart to make way for a better future for the few perhaps, but not the many. To enter the Golden Age hence called the New World Order, the Satanic aspects of the Old World Order are going to be destroyed to be replaced with a New Age doctrine where all man are seen as being equals and gods in their own right. Through this will come the Anti-Christ who will pose as the saviour of this fallen world, bringing peace and love for all, but only those who take the mark and worship him as God. Those that don't will be killed off, "for the good of the whole". The end game as always is to unite all the major religions and to move the people away from God and let man self determine their destiny and future as oppose to letting God do it through is plan and will. In order to accomplish this a world based upon fiction must be created upon where all nations can unite into. Nations are corporations that have no soul or life, but allow you live a carnal life serving the gods rather than God. The gods will appear as Extraterrestrials being from various places in the Galaxy here to help man kind with their transition into the Galactic Family and free all man kind from slavery and oppression. For many it will look great, finally no more poverty, able to travel and do things you could never do or imagine doing before. Technology will be so advanced and abundant and all disease eradicated along with life extension technology that they will even allow to transfer your personality (perhaps consciousness) into a Clone so you could essentially live forever. From this point man will excel consciously to the point where man become multidimensional in nature and morphs into a new form of life based on 12 strand DNA being activated, lifting us out of this dimension and into the 4th, 5th and beyond dimensions. Earth herself a consciousness will ascend herself as well and will eventually be reborn in the 5th dimension where she will appear as a star to those living within this dimension. Man will take on greater light and be truly beings of light. Another aspect is that the reality we live in is a Hologram, which makes perfect sense from a being of light's 6 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

7 perspective and consciousness perspective. No evil can exist beyond the 5th dimension as there is a barrier there. Man will finally ascend and know that they are God. Sounds great eh? Why not discover that we are all God that we are all One and Love? Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion as David Icke said spirit told him. Do as though wilt shall be the whole of the law... (Alistair Crowley). The ultimate separation from God is to believe you are God, hence where a lot of this is going for the purpose of destroying you or helping you, depending on what you choose to believe. And again it is a choice and we are in a very tough spot not having anything to verify the existence of God. There is a lot of excellent videos on YouTube that point out the Biblical accounts did happen, but yet much has been done to hide or destroy evidence of what happened as well. Many of the Clergy are turning out to be mass pedeophiles and the Churches are pushing out false doctrine. Its not just limited to one Religion or belief system, it is systemic everywhere. We have people pushing the idea that we were created by the Anunaki to mine Gold for them as slave labour. Hey take your pick as to what our origins are, there is nothing concrete that says for sure where we came from where we should go. However what there is though is an all out effort to destroy the idea that we come from one monolithic God and everything is geared towards allow the few to dictate to the masses how we should live and what we should believe. Again though a monolithic God who is based upon righteousness and morals and man being servants of God, is being hindered in every way possible. So for me if you want to know the truth, look at the what they push as being truth and turn it upside down and invert it as that is what they do. 7 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

8 The nature of this fallen world is that what is above is bellow. So if you want to know the truth about this reality you turn everything upside down to see it. Thus the idea that we are self determining and will eventually become God through ascension is completely upside down to what it talks about in Revelations of the Bible where God saves us and renews the earth and heaven and sets New Jeruselem a city of Light upon the earth, where there is no Sun and God will be our light and we will server him and he will be our God. There is no ego here, only humbleness and love for our creator and eternal life. Light is not life. Beings of Light do not have any life within them. Turn on a lamp and look at the life there, let me know if you see any. I talked about the nature of this reality in my book to a great degree as well. Here is what I know about this matrix. I once did a meditation asking my guides to show me what the Universe was. After meditating for a few minutes a laser pyramid structure formed over my body and I floated out of my body up out of the house and into the Universe. I meet up with a Grey Alien who showed me that the Universe was being projected and constructed by a machine and that we were all essentially held within this Universe by means of light. The Universe itself is finite in that it's edge is actually a mirror and it reflects everything back, thus trapping all light within it on the spiritual side anyways, not sure how this applies to the physical realm of the Universe though, may be the same I suspect though. You can get infinitely close to the mirror, but you cannot touch it. The machine was sitting on a table, with the bottom part being a cube and the upper part an umbrella dome, with the bottom of the dome level with the top of the cube. I can't remember the color of the machine, but I think it was either silver or black, all one color. Within this realm the mirror is actually something that is cut off from all that exists and its purpose is to generate illusions for us, more specifically illusions which we create within us to be experienced within the physical. It essentially focuses our thoughts and thus consciousness into creating a reality we call the physical reality. Their is a cost to this though, the mirror is separate from us and all life, it is completely artificial in nature and has consciousness of its own, but not like ours. For it to exist it needs us to give it energy, negative fear based energy to be precise. The physical manifestation of this machine is seen perhaps in Saturn's hexagon. There is an eye in the center of the hexagon, however the hexagon itself does not move. The hexagon is actually a 3 dimensional cube. The fellow who runs the Round Saturn's Eye YouTube Channel has done a lot of research into Saturn and the Matrix in general. The Matrix is actually a term that is found in the Bible. You can find his theory behind Saturn on this video, The matrix in the Bible means womb, whether it be human or beast. The Universe is a womb giving birth to new life all the time. Satan always copies what God does and creates a counterfeit in some way, which is usually opposite to life and is of a inverse or mirror of what is actually true and real. However the fellow who makes the videos seems confused over the God versus the LORD God stuff as I once was. He simply can't come to terms with who the Father truly is in the Old Testament. Others who have looked at the teachings of Jesus versus that of the Father see similar issues concerning God the Father who is basing everything on Law versus Jesus who bases everything on Love. 8 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

9 It is Jesus that stands for you when you go before the Father for Judgement and protects you from all his wrath of judgement. The Father is completely about morality and keeping his people clean from sin. In order to help people he sent his only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, allowing those who follow Jesus a way to get into Heaven. The Book of Revelations explains this well. The Father sets the absolutes as to how we are to live and Jesus steps in from the perspective of love saving all those who believe in him. Jesus makes references to his Father being God in the Old Testament many times, so that ended a lot of the confusion for me. Revelations is a great book in the Bible that sorts out a lot of issues as well. Unfortunately there are those who seek truth that get stuck on the God versus the Lord God stuff as I did, as well as Jesus being the Son of God. The other side to a lot of the exposure of the Luciferian system on YouTube is to simply expose you over and over again to symbolism. Again to them everything is about energy and what you put your attention to you give energy. In a world based upon illusion, this is huge. The Counterfeit Legal System As many of you who know who have read my material and that of others in the freedom movement, you eventually come across the reality that defacto or simply unjust Legal system develops in all Countries. I have spent a lot of time researching CANADA's Legal System and found similarities in many other Countries. CANADA is actually a corporation listed on the US Security Exchange Commission. Others have found various Provinces listed on US Exchanges as well, not necessarily the Security Exchange. The His-Story, behind this is the Fathers of Confederation went to England in 1866 to bring about all the ideals that people in Upper and Lower Canada wanted as a Country. The Fathers were completely shut out of the process and it was one MP of the British Parliament along with Officers in the Colonial Office that made the Constitution for Canada and gave it to the Fathers of Confederation and were told what they were to do. Instead of ratifying the Constitution in Parliament they took it to Illinois and submitted it as property to the US Security Exchange Commission. There was no confederation, from what I have seen. Now the reason behind this is that the USA is actually a Crown Colony of England still to this day. The war for independence was simply a war which both sides were controlled in order to consolidate the land and slaves. This article explains it much detail and also gets to the point that God created the earth and it is God who decides who lives where and what if any boundaries are set, not figure heads of Colonial or other types of Powers. 9 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

10 You might say that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ and stands in for Jesus Christ while he is not present on earth. The same goes for the Queen in that she is sitting on Jesus Throne and is merely upholding the laws of God as she claims she will do her utmost to do in her Coronation Oath. If you briefly examine Cannon Law and British Common Law you will quickly come to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with what God asked of Children of Israel to follow, like the 10 Commandments nor do the Laws follow what Jesus asked of people to do. We see Usury, Pedophilia, Wars of Conquest, mass poverty and the few so wealthy that they could not possibly spend their money in 20 billion years or so. Elizabeth Windsor or rather Mountbatten a German, not at all English who is the Queen of England is the largest land owner on earth, owning 1/6th of the land mass on earth. Imagine receiving an eviction notice from the owner. Notice the deed to your house says you are the tenant, not the owner, hmm? In my research I studies Oaths of various Police institutions. The RCMP in Canada for one and found that they do not pledge an Oath of allegiance to the Queen. Here it is bellow. OATH OF OFFICE I, , solemnly swear that I will faithfully, diligently and impartially execute and perform the duties required of me as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and will well and truly obey and perform all lawful orders and instructions that I receive as such, without fear, favour or affection of or toward any person. So help me God. OATH OF SECRECY I, , solemnly swear that I will not disclose or make known to any person not legally entitled thereto any knowledge or information obtained by me in the course of my employment with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. So help me God. UK Parliament - Built to look like the Tower of Babble. (be as gods and know good and evil). 10 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

11 There are a number of problems with this oath outside of not pledging allegiance to the Queen, which is stated all must do in the British North American Act, which is questionably part of the Canadian Constitution. At the end of many Oaths, including that of sworn Commercial documents such as an Affidavit, the oaths end saying, So help me God. This of course is complete Blasphemy and thus a lie, because you are not God or at least have not proven that you are, although there are many who want to be as gods or be God as Lucifer wants to be. The purpose of this is simply to ensure that you have given up your dominion over all the earth as which God gave you and submit to other authorities, other than God the Creator of all that exists. By doing this you become a servant of the "Owners" of the Institutions that you swear oaths too, which is probably why Jesus said for us not to take oaths. As a side note, if the RCMP in Canada do not answer to the Queen for their Power to execute laws, then who do they answer too? The Banksters perhaps? I want to be clear here. I am not bashing people's belief systems. You can believe anything you want to believe and I have no issue with you. The SYSTEM has been designed to be against God and Creation, there is no life within it and it is secular in nature. Yet at every step it mimic's God and creates this copycat SYSTEM that is completely opposition to God's will and laws in many ways. In the end the owners of the system are ruled by Lucifer/Satan and it is he that they worship, not God. Many if not all high ranking officials are involved in the Freemasons, Illuminati or other secret societies which coordinate everything within the SYSTEM to ensure that they are protected so they can freely do their Baal worship, which eventually leads to Human sacrificing to Idols of Satan, if not Satan himself. They do this for power over demons and power to manipulate this reality to their bidding, it is Black Magick. Hence all Sentences are spells of a sort and the language of Legalese allows them to cast spells on people that come into their Temples, being the Courts. The temple is of the material world and there is 11 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

12 no life within it. All is dead that comes into their Courts and has no rights as the dead cannot speak, hence why they are asked to bring a lawyer. This is why you are issued a Summons to Appear in Court, as they are summoning the Dead. Again we are talking about a mirror reality and the image on that mirror holds no life. The mirror sucks energy from cooperating living who fall spiritually and mentally into it's grasp using paperwork full of spells and finally becoming the sacrifice in the Court Ritual Sacrifice to extract energy from those that go. All illusions are kept alive through drawing upon life for there is no truth within any illusion as it is fundamentally based upon the lie that you are dead and that the all caps name is you. You are not the all caps name. Further you are not a Person as a person comes from the latan word Persona, which means mask. You cannot hide who you truly are, man created as male or female by God standing in your dominion over all the earth. They have to get you to agree that you are something other than a creation of God in order to have authority over you. You can walk out of any court room at any time simply telling the Judge and the Court that you are not a person, but a man created as male or female by God standing in your dominion over all the earth. Since the Court exists upon the earth you hold dominion over it and all its paper work according to God. If you use God as a means to shut down the system around you, which is the only way I know of solving all Legal Problems, then you ought to think about committing your life to following God the Father and Jesus Christ, for there is one last Court you will be judged in that is God's Court when you die. Everything I have seen in all Countries counter God and Creation, which tells me there is something extremely important here about God and perhaps a reason to learn more about God the Father and Jesus Christ by reading the Bible, the King James Bible is the best translation. However the 1611 King James Bible is the only "Authorized" Bible that is recognized by the Courts, however other Bibles have made their way into Court Rooms from time to time. Now for those that believe that a Judge or anyone in the system is compelled to follow any oath, you are very, very wrong in your assumption. Although by the Law of the Land or rather Country says that must be sworn in, there is no law that says that they are to abide by their laws, nor is there any law that says that they must make there oaths public as they are sworn in privately to Office. When was the last time they advertised in a Newspaper of any swearing in ceremony where the public was invited to come. News media that show up at these ceremonies always cut away as the swearing in begins, ever wonder why? To counter any act of an oath taking they have solved this with the Kol Nidre' prayer, which disavows all those that take an oath of their Oath under God. Yet they won't tell anyone outside of their circle of power that they have done such a thing. The Jews and Freemasons are the major partakers of this prayer, although it is not God, but rather Lucifer that they pray too. I don't think all Jews are involved in doing this as some actually do follow the 10 Commandments and are doing their best to follow God the Creator according to the Torah, but those in positions of power, more than likely are not as they are facilitating a system that is in complete opposition to God. Kol' Nidre 12 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

13 All vows, obligations, oaths or anathemas, pledges of all names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted, or bound ourselves to, from this day of atonement, until the next day of atonement (whose arrival we hope for in happiness) we repent, aforehand, of them all, they shall all be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, void and made of no effect; they shall not be binding, nor have any power; the vows shall not be reckoned as vows, the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor the oaths considered as oaths. Hence we should not see one Jew nor freemason operating in a position of public Office as they are no bound to any Oath under God, yet this violates the 3rd commandment, which says - Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (KJV) There are many different types of Jews today and there are Jews that call themselves Jews that are not Jews according to Jesus Christ, but it is obvious anyone part-taking in the Kol Nidre' is violating the 3rd commandment and is not following God and will be held accountable under God for all their misdeeds unless they make atonement and follow God the Father. Again you will see the secularism pop up everywhere, but ritually everything is about Satan/Lucifer. In fact all commercial law is based upon the Talmud, which should tell you something about which people are the driving force behind the world legal systems. The nature of darkness is to hide the truth and it is the truth that sets you free. I am a seeker of the truth and as many of us are that are seeing what is going on. The false duality of Satan is the light and the dark, where as with God there is no darkness within him. 1Jn 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. Light and dark is a false duality perpetuated by Luciferianism for the most part. Within God's realm, darkness does not exist and only truth and light are there. By giving into the darkness we are accepting this fallen world as being truth, which is what is at play here. It is not enough for them to simply tell us what to do, they need us to submit to them. Hence why they want us to sign off on their paperwork. They view everything as being a form of energy and when we direct our energy towards the darkness then they can go before God and say that we were willing servants of darkness. Again earth we hold dominion over all the earth and as much as Satan would like to go against God, he can only use tricks and coercions to get us to submit to them. The simplicity of it all is that man is not God. We are enticed to be as gods or slaves to those that control us as they believe themselves to be as gods, but there is only one true God. If we submit ourselves to God the Father who created us, the rewards for doing so are eternal life in a paradise, verses a few years on earth then death and eternal Hell of some sort based upon serving Satan. The easy way out is to serve the system, be protected and have all the rewards from oppressing your fellow man. For many morals go out the window when faced with a life time of suffering for doing the right things that align with God's will. I often think well if God did not want us to suffer so much why does he not intervien and straighten out the corruption? Well he has done this in the past, with the Great Flood and smiting those who were doing a lot of evil on the earth. I am sure God does intervene from time to time to deal with evil on the earth, which is one possible reason why the PTB move carefully and slowly to corrupt and the people first before doing their deeds upon them, thus ultimately destroying them. 13 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

14 Often that is where all this leads, the destruction of man because of the lack of morality and following God perhaps as well. When you believe yourself to be a god, who do you answer too? Ultimately this is what led Lucifer to fall from Heaven, was his ego in that he placed himself above God, hence Isaiah 14:12-15: KJV How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. This is what is at the heart of all those who seek power as their God. To rule over all that exists. It is the ultimate delusion, since they were not the ones that created all that exists and have no true power over that creation, only God does. You see the be as gods revelation being taught in a many other areas, Science, New Age, Freemasons, Jewish Kaballah and Talmud and eastern religions such as Buddhism. The idea of ascension and that man ultimately directs where we go spiritually as a one consciousness is at the heart of the Luciferianism. It is based upon love and light and that light ascends out of the darkness, yet within heaven there is no darkness only God and his light. Lucifer was a created being who had great spiritual powers, yet with all his powers he was in truth not above God and became locked out of Heaven. Do you think it is any different with the thinking of those who seek power and wealth for themselves at the expense of all man kind? The Courts are franchises of Temple BAR in the City of London, which is separate state upon itself in the world of nations. The other 14 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

15 two are Washington D.C. and the Vatican. From these three main places the PTB are free to operate outside of International Law and in fact are the bases upon which they have a free hand and ruling the world. In many if not all Countries, Laws are based upon the Vatican Cannon Law in that each being is a lost ship at Sea and thus unclaimed. This is ultimately what the all capital letter names lead too. They are dead souls on the sea that are all owned by the Vatican. It is connected through the Birth Certificate. Some people have done a lot more research on this than I, so I am only putting this out there for you to seek out and verify on your own. But it seems accurate too me as the Romans used imaginary ships as ways of creating early type corporations. All corporations have a sole, hence soul and those who bind with them are saying they are sole rather than a soul. There is no life within a sole, but the mimic and tricks they play on words has no end to it. Essentually you agree to follow them or follow God, there are no other choices within their system. As for God being real and for Jesus Christ dying on the Cross for our sins, I can only leave that you to decide for yourself. I can only say for certain that the Legal system has no protection from God and those that follow God and use his word as a shield have a much better chance of overcoming situations with the Courts than those that seek out lawyers or try and use their laws as a defence. In the Legal sphere, they can make anything legal and thus lawful to them so long as they get to determine the morality and Justness of a society or nation. If they follow God, those parameters have already been established in the Holy Bible and from my research the Bible is the only thing that holds any true valid power on the planet. 15 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

16 Without getting too deep into it, the Islamic Countries that have Islamic States do parallel some things in how God the Father taught the Children of Israel. Eye for an Eye, tooth for a tooth and very strict in terms of how one conducts one self. Stoning people for breaking any of the 10 Commandments is what is taught in the Bible. The wiping out of millions of people who worshiped Ball or idols etc. was common place by God especially in the land of Canaan and areas where God promised the Children of Israel land so they could settle and be free of enslavement. Before Jesus Christ came, people's hearts were not open spiritually and many odd things went on, hence why everything was based upon law and not so much love. When Jesus came he opened the hearts of man spiritually and what seemed right to do before was not morally right anymore, such as stoning. Whoever have not sinned pick up the first stone... The reason Jesus came to earth as God, was to bring about a great change in terms of following law versus loving one another. Laws matter up to a point, but love supersedes all law, this was the commandment that Jesus gave, to love one another to the lawyers. The Jews kept hounding Jesus to find some way to stop him. They worshiped power over loving one another, this is what Jesus came to address with them. The Children of Israel ultimately were established by God to help humanity to overcome the traps of Satan and this world and be redeemed back to God rather than being redeemed by some demon in the pit of Hell. Ultimately the Jews had the Romans put Jesus to death on the Cross, because they said he was stating Blasphemy in saying he and the Father are one, hence he is God. Under Roman Law though, there was no crime that Jesus had committed, yet Pontus Pilot found no wrong with Jesus and had him crucified anyways because of the many Jews that demanded it. Within the Roman system though Caesar was worshiped as God and thus perhaps there was a bit more enticement going on here. If the SYSTEM is willing to murder Jesus Christ who is God of all that exists, what does that say about the moral corruption of the Legal SYSTEM? What we have today is a mockery of Justice going on all over the world in every way possible. The system is in place to protect the rights of the PTB, but not those part of the SYSTEM or those that serve it in some practical way. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom says this in the Charter as well. In the infamous section 32 of the Charter it states: Application of Charter 32. (1) This Charter applies o o (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province. Marginal note:exception (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), section 15 shall not have effect until three years after this section comes into force. 16 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

17 What is important to note here is, that where it talks about the application of the Charter no where does it say it applies to Canadians, nor does it apply to citizens of Canada, only to Parliament and Legislatures of Canada and their respective authority. This does not say that the Citizens have these rights and can apply them, only Parliament and the Legislatures can. So who controls Parliament and the Legislatures? Well the Governor General and Lieutenant Governors along with the Queen. The Queen's signature is on the document, hence she is the author and thus ruler over the law. Queen Elizabeth II is not the Queen of Canada. The BNA act removed section 2 of the act in 1893 prior to Queen Victoria dying. When she died, section 2 removed all rights of succession of the Monarchy to the Act and thus Canada. When Queen Victoria died, two days later the Bankers in the City of London, Rothchilds I suspect, claimed salvage rights over the ship called Canada on the British Board of Trade and claimed ownership over Canada. The Zionist Jews who run the world Banking system for the most part, have ruled over Canada ever since. Queen Elizabeth II is again German and has no right to rule over British Subjects, but in essence she doesn't really rule, it is the Bankers that do via the Jesuits in the Vatican that do. They are their as puppets to do their bidding. Ultimately they do the bidding of Lucifer/Satan as all of this is run through the spiritual realm, not the physical. Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes it s laws: Amschel Rothchilds A Blood Moon picture taken aboard the ISS. Note the earth looks flat, hmm? Ultimately laws have no meaning to the PTB if they are protected and financed by wealthy bankers. Laws are in place to protect the interests of those who own Canada and thus all the slaves and resources 17 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

18 there in. Laws are all selectively enforced and anyone thinking that they can wander too far out of the system are thrown in prison or succumb to Cancer or some mysterious suicide. Dean Clifford for example is still being held in jail without charge for nearly 2 years now. Although I did not agree with much of what Dean had to say, he did have some accurate points. However I have noticed that various players in the Common Law movement turned out to be involved with the Illuminati in some way or simply plants to put out disinfo. Everything revolves around God, don't kid yourself. I think why Dean is in Jail is that he had a large gun collection and enough ammo to start a small army perhaps, at least that is what I read about him. I realize that Canada is a defacto Country and does not represent the people in any way of Canada, but forces people to follow their laws. It is a great evil that few care to look at. It is obvious that the only purpose for Canada to be populated at all is to aid in the extraction of resources for the elite so they can build use them to oppress humanity overall. Canada gave the USA the Uranium it needed to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima, along with all the depleted uranium spread all over the world from war. The preamble to Canada's Constitution says, Canada was founded upon the principles of the Supremacy of God and the rule of law. Well once you state God is supreme what else matters? Rule of law? Any law that is not what God said in the Bible is in conflict with God's word, hence the hidden purpose behind saying such a thing to begin with. Within fiction, which law is based upon there can be no truth. Thus when you say God is supreme followed by rule of law, you created a dichotomy, which leads to controversy. Controversy is at the heart of law. Unless there is some form of conflict, there is nothing to rule over. Thus the second biggest thing you can do in dealing with the PTB is to create no controversy with them. One does not have to go very far into the Charter let alone the thousands of laws of Canada to find huge conflicts within it. Laws contradict other laws and most of all God. When you make use of any system of law to defend yourself you automatically become a slave to that system and hold no rights or freedom within it, for you are not the owner of those laws. God gave man dominion over all the earth. Dominion means to rule, thus it is what you say that matters as it is your rule upon the earth that matters. You only answer to God and God has laid out the ground work through the Holy Bible as to how one is to live. However again the King James Bible is the only one I would use as it is the best translation. However one should consider other translations to gain perspective on some things as the King James is not perfect and indeed I feel has some tampering within it. However it all comes down to loving one another. You can throw out the Bible if you simply do that. Countries without God There are Countries that have no mention of God in their Constitutions. China, North Korea, Peru and others have adopted a secular approach to democracy or dictatorship. This is how Rome was structured to some part where Caesar was considered God and all worshiped him. We see this in North Korea for example and then watered down in other places. It simply goes to show the diversity of human race and level of the be as god complex can go. Ultimately it always comes down to this one question. Who gave someone authority to rule over others? No one can give someone authority to rule over anyone as we all come into this world as 18 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

19 equals. No one has any provable authority over anyone else. This is emphasised in the Bible in Genesis 1:26-28 where God states twice that man shall have dominion. No other man can exercise authority over another without proof of authority over others. This is why children are taught at a young age not to question authority. To question it, brings down the entire house of cards. The only one that can legitimately say he has authority over man is the Creator, whom I believe to be God in the Bible. I would think though as it is with Canada, all Countries are merely facade's, simply corporations of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, run by the Vatican. The Jesuits call the shots and ultimately Satan does in terms of what goes on. God intervenes again from time to time, but it is a fallen world and it is up to each individual to choose his or her path in life, although the virtuous and loving non material one is the hardest one of all to follow on purpose. The other part of the problem for the power elite is when you take everything away from people, they are still left with their spirituality and love. So the game to win souls for Satan is not constrained to simply denying people of a normal healthy life. Christians are put to death in North Korea and China every year, let alone Saudi Arabia if you are ever found out. Laws again are not based upon God, but based upon views and beliefs of those who make them, which generally are made by people interested in power rather than love. Final Thoughts Well all I can say it has been quite a ride over the past few years learning about all this. It really comes down to being as gods or having God as your God. The fallen angels entice man with being as gods to gain access to this realm. Sorcery, Witchcraft, Baal worship and the rest all surrounds the nature of man having power over others, when in truth we are all equals. Truth seems to be the last thing they want you to know and keep you ignorant of how their matrix works. It is the illusion that if we have enough knowledge or at least more than the next guy we have power over them, as the saying goes knowledge is power. Wonder what Adam and Eve thought of this before they took of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge? The solution shown over and over again in the Bible is to not worry about things of knowledge, but to focus on the simplicity and diversity of life. To have a God who is willing to do everything it takes to set you free and all he asks of you is to follow him and a few simple sets of rules, is this so bad? Seems like a sweet deal to me. However you don't hear them talk about this in Church, but rather the focus is much on the punishment for disobeying. The Covenant with the Children of Israel was put in place because most if not all were following Satan's path in some way or another. God the Father set up some a structure of life for the Children of Israel and Jesus came to help redeem all others who were not part of the Children of Israel, so they may have eternal life with him in heaven. The only laws that our creator ever wanted us to follow were those that he brought forward in the Bible. Compared with the millions of laws all around the world today, it is really easy to follow God versus all the laws of nations that surround the use of money. Our lives have been made artificially complicated to suit the needs of PTB, rather than following our creator's will. There is no solution within fiction, which is what all laws are based in. Fictional Countries with people masquerading as various types of persons in a giant play. Know wonder people are so confused and 19 The Nature of our Fallen Reality The World Legal System

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