Elgin High, Church of Scotland. Survey of New Elgin residents & Elgin High School pupils

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1 Elgin High, Church of Scotland Survey of New Elgin residents & Elgin High School pupils Lead author: Chris Thornton December 2017

2 Contents 1. Introduction... 1 Survey fieldwork and response... 1 Analysis and reporting Profile of Survey Respondents Main survey findings... 5 The needs of new Elgin... 5 Life and religion... 8 Key respondent groups Appendix 1: Tabular results Resident survey School survey Appendix 2: Survey questionnaires... 17

3 Survey of New Elgin residents & Elgin High School New Elgin has a strong sense of community, but there is a need for more groups for the community People generally feel the church is still relevant, but are unsure of whether the church can help make sense of life, and whether faith in God is important People think about spiritual things and the big questions, but religious beliefs aren t a big part of most people s everyday lives Most people would not attend church if there was one nearby

4 1. Introduction 1.1. This report sets out findings of the recent surveys of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils undertaken by Elgin High Church The surveys were conducted ahead of the planned re-location of Elgin High Church to new premises in the New Elgin area. Findings will be used to inform the relocation process, and the range of activities and groups provided at the new location Survey content was developed by Elgin High Church using a common set of questions across the two surveys, with some tailoring to reflect the different circumstances of the two sets of survey participants. Questionnaires are appended to this report. The High Church required independent input to the collation, processing and analysis of survey responses, and Engage Scotland were commissioned to undertake these tasks. Survey fieldwork and response 1.4. The resident survey fieldwork involved survey packs being issued by hand to around 1500 addresses across the New Elgin area in June Survey packs comprised a leaflet introducing the Church and explaining the purpose of the survey, a survey questionnaire, and a reply-paid envelope for return of completed survey questionnaires direct to Engage Scotland The school survey was conducted with Elgin High School pupils during September Survey questionnaires were provided to all 659 pupils across S1 to S6, with completed forms collated by the Church and provided to Engage Scotland for processing A total of 540 responses were received through the resident survey (a response rate of around 8%), and 427 from Elgin High School pupils (a response rate of 65%). This is sufficient to enable detailed analysis of survey results. As an indication, this is sufficient to produce results with a 95% confidence interval of between ±2.5% and ±4.2%. 1 1 This is the 95% confidence interval based on a 90% (±2.5%) or 50% (±4.2%) estimate. As an example, this means that if 90% of all respondents agree with a statement, we can be 95% confident that the true value lies between 87.5% and 92.5% (±2.5%). Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 1

5 Analysis and reporting 1.7. This report presents frequency results for each of the survey questions. This includes comparison of the views expressed through the resident and school surveys, where possible there were some differences in the questions asked across the two surveys Full tabular results are provided at Appendix 1, including base numbers for figures presented in the main body of the report. Survey analysis has also included cross-tabulation of results for key respondent groups such as gender, age, and whether respondents are a member of a church We round percentages up or down to the nearest whole number; for some questions this means that percentages may not sum to 100%. Similarly, aggregate figures presented in the text (e.g. percentage of respondents answering strongly agree or agree) may not sum to results presented in figures and tables. Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 2

6 2. Profile of Survey Respondents 2.1. Figure 1 below the page summarises the profile of the 540 survey respondents. Key points of note are: Female residents account a little more than half of respondents (56%, compared to 43% males). Females account for a larger proportion of resident survey respondents (74%, compared to 52% of school respondents). Most resident survey respondents were born prior to 1965 (67% aged 53+ years), including around a quarter of all respondents who were born prior to 1945 (26% aged 73+ years). Around half of school survey respondents are in S1 or S2 (51%). Most respondents have lived in the New Elgin area for more than 10 years (63%), and only a little more than a third have moved to the area in the last 10 years (37%). This profile is broadly similar across resident and school respondents. Figure 1: Profile of survey respondents Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 3

7 2.2. Figure 2 below summarises survey respondents current involvement with church and religion. Key points of note are: A relatively small minority of respondents are already a member of another church or religion (15%). Resident survey respondents are more likely than school pupils to be a member of a church or religion (37% compared to 9%). Survey results also suggest that older respondents are more likely than others to be a member of a church or religion around two third of those aged 73+ are a member of a church. A little less than half of all respondents sometimes attend church (44% indicated this). However, most of these (34% of all respondents) attend only occasionally, for example at Christmas or occasions such as wedding, funerals or baptisms. Less than 1 in 10 of all respondents attend church regularly (9% at least once a month). Perhaps unsurprisingly, respondents who are members of a church or religion are more likely to attend church regularly - nearly half do so at least once a month, compared to less than 1 in 10 of those who are not a member of a church or religion. Resident survey respondents are significant more likely to attend church (92%, compared to 31% of school pupils), and to attend regularly (26%, compared to 5% of pupils). Figure 2: Survey respondents current engagement with religion Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 4

8 3. Main survey findings 3.1. This section considers respondents views on the main survey questions. These took the form of a series of statements relating to New Elgin and the role of religion in individuals lives, with respondents asked to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with each statement Views on statements relating to New Elgin, and to the role of religion in residents lives, are considered in turn below. It should be noted that there were some differences in the set of statements presented to residents to school pupils this included some relatively minor wording changes, and a small number of statements that were only asked of residents or pupils In addition to frequency survey results, the analysis presented below also used net scores to show the balance of views. These scores show the difference between the proportion of respondents who agree with a statement, and the proportion who disagree. A positive net rating indicates that more respondents agree than disagree, with a higher positive rating (e.g. +30% or more) indicating that respondents are more heavily weighted to agree with the statement. The needs of new Elgin 3.4. Figure 3 over the page summarises views on statements relating to New Elgin, and the extent to which there is a shortage of groups for specific parts of the community in the area. A substantial proportion of respondents were unable to offer a clear view on these issues, with up to 42% answering don t know to each statement. However, some clear trends were evident: Respondents generally agree that New Elgin has a sense of community, with a net rating of +38%. More than half (53%) agree that there is a strong sense of community in the area, although there remains around 1 in 7 who disagree (15%). Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 5

9 A large majority of respondents feel that the area needs more groups for specific parts of the community 79% agree that there is a need for more groups for children and young people, the elderly, the lonely, and/or people with disabilities. In terms of specific groups, support is widest for groups for older people (net rating of +63%, although this was only asked of resident survey respondents) and people with a disability (+57%). Most respondents also feel that there is a need for more groups for children and young people (+38%) and people who are lonely (+50%). Figure 3: Views on the needs of New Elgin (all respondents) 3.5. As Figure 4 over the page indicates, resident survey respondents and school pupils are broadly similar in their views on New Elgin and the extent to which there is a need for groups for specific parts of the community. Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 6

10 3.6. The two groups of respondents are similarly positive in their views on the extent to which New Elgin has a strong sense of community (55% of resident respondents and 53% of pupils agree). Survey data does not show any significant differences in views on the need for more groups for children and young people, or for people with disabilities pupils are more likely to see a need for more groups for those with disabilities, but this difference is not significant. The only significant difference in views was on the need for more groups for the lonely, with resident respondents more likely than pupils to see a need for this In addition to differences between resident respondents and pupils, survey data also shows some variation in the views of resident survey respondents linked to their age. For example, older respondents are more likely than others to see a need for more groups for older people, people who are lonely, and people with disabilities. In contrast, those of working age are more likely to see a need for more groups for children. Figure 4: Needs of New Elgin: views of resident and school respondents Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 7

11 Life and religion 3.8. Figure 5 over the page summarises views on a range of statements relating to the role of the church and religion in people s lives. As was the case for statements on New Elgin, a proportion of respondents were unable to offer a clear view on these issues. Nevertheless, there were some clear findings: There is a clear view amongst respondents that many people are living under stress and uncertainty (a net rating of +57%). School pupils generally feel that they are happy with their lives (a net rating of +65%). Residents disagree that life doesn t serve a purpose (-70%), and only 10% agree with this. Views are somewhat mixed on the role that religion can play for residents and communities. On balance, respondents feel that the church is still relevant (+12%, 39% agree and 27% disagree). However, respondents are divided on whether the church can help people make sense of life (+4%, 31% agree and 27% disagree), and generally do not think that faith in God is important (-11%, 29% agree and 40% disagree). The big questions seem to play an important role for some respondents. Respondents generally think about spiritual things (+37%), and would like to find answers to fundamental questions of life (+11%). However, religious beliefs play a strong role in only a minority of respondents lives. Most respondents do not agree that religious beliefs underpin their approach to life (-44%, 18% agree and 64% disagree), and respondents generally feel that it doesn t matter what they believe as long as they live a moral life (+35%). The majority of respondents also indicated that they would not attend church if there was one nearby (-49%). A little more than 1 in 10 respondents indicated that they would attend (12%), and 60% would not do so. We consider the profile of those who would attend church, and other key respondent groups, later in this section. Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 8

12 Figure 5: Views on life and religion (all respondents) Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 9

13 3.9. Survey data shows some significant differences in the views of school pupils and other residents on the role of the church and religion in their lives. These groups expressed broadly similar views on the extent to which people are living under stress and uncertainty, and both show an interest in finding answers to the questions of life. However, school pupils are significant less likely to see a role for the church and religion in answering these questions, and in their lives more generally: Residents are much more likely than pupils to see a role for religion, in terms of the church being relevant (68% of residents and 31% of pupils agree), helping people make sense of life (66% of residents and 22% of pupils agree), and faith in God being important (62% of residents and 20% of pupils agree). Religion also plays a much stronger role in residents lives than for pupils; 50% of residents agree that religious beliefs underpin their approach to life (compared to 10% of pupils). Residents are more than four times more likely than pupils to attend church if there was one nearby; 31% of residents would attend, compared to 7% of pupils.. Figure 6: Life and religion: views of resident and school respondents Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 10

14 Key respondent groups Several key respondent groups are evident through survey results, and that may be relevant to Elgin High Church. These include those who attend church regularly (49 residents, 9% of those taking part), those who would attend if a church were nearby (60, 11%), those for whom faith in God is important (152, 28%), and those for whom religious beliefs underpin their approach to life (98, 18%) Figure 7 over the page summarises the profile of these groups, and we highlight the key points below: Those who attend church regularly: resident survey respondents (and particularly older residents) accounting for the majority, a broadly even gender balance, a large majority have lived in the area for 10+ years, and a large majority are members of a church. Those who would attend church if there was one nearby: an even balance between resident survey respondents and pupils, a broadly even gender balance, most have lived in the area for 10+ years but this group also includes 2 in 5 who have moved to the area in the last 10 years, and most are not a member of a church. Those for whom faith in God is important: a larger group and more mixed in their profile. A mix of resident survey respondents and pupils, an even gender balance, most have lived in the area for 10+ years although around a third who have moved in the last 10 years, and most are not a member of a church. Those for whom religious beliefs underpin their approach to life: also a larger group and including a mix of resident survey respondents and pupils. Most are male, most have lived in the area for 10+ years but around 2 in 5 have moved in the last 10 years, around half are a member of a church, and 2 in 5 attend church regularly. Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 11

15 Figure 7: Profile of key respondent groups (all respondents) Attend church at least once a month Would attend church if one nearby Faith in God is important Religion beliefs underpin approach to life Number of respondents Gender Female 44% 54% 49% 38% Male 56% 47% 51% 61% Other 1% 1% Year of birth Base Pre-1945 (73+ years) 45% 39% 33% 39% (53-72 years) 35% 42% 41% 37% Post 1964 (under 53 years) 21% 19% 26% 24% School year Base S1 0% 17% 29% 27% S2 35% 28% 27% 23% S3 25% 24% 16% 23% S4 30% 21% 19% 16% S5 0% 3% 4% 0% S6 10% 7% 6% 11% Time stayed in New Elgin Base years 29% 40% 36% 42% years 37% 36% 41% 32% 21+ years 33% 24% 23% 26% Whether a member of a church or religion Base Yes 83% 35% 37% 47% No 17% 65% 63% 53% Frequency of Church attendance Base Weekly 69% 24% 19% 31% Monthly 31% 14% 9% 7% Less often 0% 40% 41% 40% Never 0% 22% 31% 21% Base Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 12

16 Appendix 1: Tabular results Tabular results, including base numbers, are provided over the following pages for each survey question. Resident survey Gender Num % Female 82 74% Male 29 26% Base 111 Year of birth Num % Pre-1945 (73+ years) 29 26% (53-72 years) 46 41% Post 1964 (under 53 years) 38 34% Base 113 Area Num % Area % Area % Area % Area % Area % Area % Base 111 Time stayed in New Elgin Num % 0-10 years 38 34% years 18 16% 21+ years 56 50% Base 112 Whether a member of a church or religion Num % Yes 40 37% No 69 63% Base 109 Frequency of Church attendance Num % Weekly 22 20% Monthly 7 6% Christmas 14 13% Funerals, baptisms, weddings 70 64% Never 9 8% Base 109 Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 13

17 Counts Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree New Elgin seems to have a strong sense of community New Elgin needs more groups for children New Elgin needs more groups for the elderly New Elgin needs more groups for the lonely New Elgin needs more groups for people with disabilities Many people seem to be living under a great deal of stress and uncertainty The Church can help people make sense of life s uncertainties/issues Not sure Base The church is still relevant for today I would attend church if there was one nearby Faith in God is important I think much about spiritual things I would like to find answers to the fundamental questions of life My religious beliefs are what really lie behind my whole approach to life It does not matter so much what I believe as long as I lead a moral life In my opinion life doesn't serve any purpose Percentages Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree New Elgin seems to have a strong sense of community 9% 45% 16% 2% 27% 110 New Elgin needs more groups for children 12% 41% 5% 42% 111 New Elgin needs more groups for the elderly 18% 46% 1% 35% 111 New Elgin needs more groups for the lonely 25% 50% 25% 112 New Elgin needs more groups for people with disabilities Many people seem to be living under a great deal of stress and uncertainty The Church can help people make sense of life s uncertainties/issues Not sure Base 17% 37% 4% 1% 42% % 52% 3% 2% 15% % 49% 7% 5% 23% 111 The church is still relevant for today 21% 47% 8% 4% 19% 113 I would attend church if there was one nearby 9% 22% 25% 11% 34% 101 Faith in God is important 27% 35% 13% 6% 19% 111 I think much about spiritual things 25% 39% 20% 7% 8% 109 I would like to find answers to the fundamental questions of life My religious beliefs are what really lie behind my whole approach to life It does not matter so much what I believe as long as I lead a moral life 16% 35% 19% 7% 24% % 28% 27% 10% 14% % 53% 15% 5% 8% 110 In my opinion life doesn't serve any purpose 4% 6% 35% 45% 10% 110 Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 14

18 School survey Gender Num % Female % Male % Other 2 0.5% Base 426 School year Num % S % S % S % S % S5 19 4% S6 38 9% Base 427 Time stayed in New Elgin Num % 0-10 years % 11+ years % Base 406 Whether a member of a church or religion Num % Yes 38 9% No % Base 416 Frequency of Church attendance Num % Weekly 12 1% Monthly 9 1% Christmas 22 2% Funerals, baptisms, weddings 104 7% Never % Base 424 Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 15

19 Counts Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree New Elgin seems to have a strong sense of community New Elgin needs more groups for young people New Elgin needs more groups for the lonely New Elgin needs more groups for people with disabilities Not sure Base I am basically happy with my life Young people seem to be living under a great deal of stress and uncertainty The Church can help young people make sense of life s difficulties The church is still relevant for today I would attend church if there was one nearby Faith in God is important I would like to find answers to the questions of life I have religious beliefs that affect the way I live It does not matter so much what I believe as long as I lead a moral life Percentages Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree New Elgin seems to have a strong sense of community 7% 46% 11% 4% 32% 425 New Elgin needs more groups for young people 12% 39% 13% 34% 423 New Elgin needs more groups for the lonely 15% 38% 39% 418 New Elgin needs more groups for people with disabilities Not sure Base 27% 39% 4% 2% 28% 424 I am basically happy with my life 29% 47% 7% 13% 419 Young people seem to be living under a great deal of stress and uncertainty The Church can help young people make sense of life s difficulties 24% 37% 6% 3% 30% 422 3% 19% 15% 16% 47% 423 The church is still relevant for today 6% 25% 16% 14% 39% 419 I would attend church if there was one nearby 3% 4% 28% 38% 27% 412 Faith in God is important 4% 16% 21% 24% 34% 412 I would like to find answers to the questions of life 10% 29% 17% 14% 30% 418 I have religious beliefs that affect the way I live 3% 8% 30% 40% 20% 421 It does not matter so much what I believe as long as I lead a moral life 18% 29% 7% 9% 37% 422 Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 16

20 Appendix 2: Survey questionnaires Elgin High, Church of Scotland: Survey of New Elgin residents and Elgin High School pupils 17

21 administration only Elgin High, Church of Scotland Survey of New Elgin This survey is designed to help us see what the church can offer New Elgin. It also gives us a picture of attitudes towards the Christian faith and the church. We really appreciate you taking the time to answer the following questions. We respect your privacy and your responses. Thank-you for taking the time to help us. Please answer in ink Gender: Male Female In which period were you born? How long have you lived in New Elgin? 0-10yrs 11-20yrs 21+ yrs I am already a member of another church/religion yes no How often do you attend Church? New Elgin seems to have a strong sense of community New Elgin needs more groups for children New Elgin needs more groups for the elderly New Elgin needs more groups for the lonely New Elgin needs more groups for people with disabilities Many people seem to be living under a great deal of stress and uncertainty The Church can help people make sense of life s uncertainties/issues. The church is still relevant for today I would attend church if there was one nearby. Faith in God is important I think much about spiritual things I would like to find answers to the fundamental questions of life. My religious beliefs are what really lie behind my whole approach to life. weekly monthly Christmas Funerals/ baptisms/ weddings never strongly agree strongly disagree not agree disagree sure It does not matter so much what I believe as long as I lead a moral life In my opinion life doesn't serve any purpose.

22 Elgin High, Church of Scotland Survey of New Elgin High School This survey is designed to help us see what the church can offer New Elgin. It also gives us a picture of attitudes towards the Christian faith and the church. We really appreciate you taking the time to answer the following questions. We respect your privacy and your responses. Thank-you for taking the time to help us. Please answer in ink Gender: Male Female Which year are you in? S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 How long have you lived in New Elgin? 0-10yrs 11-15yrs I am already a member of another church/religion yes no How often do you attend Church? weekly monthly Christmas Funerals/ baptisms/ weddings never New Elgin seems to have a strong sense of community strongly agree strongly disagree not agree disagree sure New Elgin needs more groups for young people I am basically happy with my life New Elgin needs more groups for the lonely New Elgin needs more groups for people with disabilities Young people seem to be living under a great deal of stress and uncertainty The Church can help young people make sense of life s difficulties. The church is still relevant for today I would attend church if there was one nearby. Faith in God is important I would like to find answers to the questions of life. I have religious beliefs that effect the way I life It does not matter so much what I believe as long as I lead a moral life

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