A Law that Leads to God

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2 Creation, Evolution, and Laws of Science ERIC LYONS Evolutionists like to make a big deal out of creationists not being able to test God. Since humans cannot use one of their five senses to examine God in order to prove that He exists, then we are told that no scientific evidence exists to prove that God is real. Because the scientific method requires that we be able to see, touch, taste, hear, or smell what we want to examine, God cannot be tested scientifically. And, if God cannot be tested, then (we are told) we cannot know that God really exists, or that He created the Universe out of nothing thousands of years ago. The truth is, however, evolutionists can no more test the Big Bang and how life supposedly evolved from non-life anymore than creationists can test God and Creation. Just as supernatural six-day creations are not taking place today for us to observe, there are no big bangs to examine and experiment on. Also, we can t go outside and see in nature how a living cell evolved from non-living chemicals, as evolutionists tell us happened more than one billion years ago. So really, neither creationists nor evolutionists can use the scientific method to prove that their ideas about where we came from are correct. But, are there things we can know about the world today that point to either evolution or Cre- 42 ation being true? Yes, there are. Some of the best scientific facts to consult when wanting to know whether we were created by a supernatural Creator, or whether we evolved by chance over millions of years, are the laws of nature. A scientific law is a principle in nature that is true in every observable case. Similar to how every time you add 1+1 you get 2 (and only 2), every time you consider a law of nature, you always know what to expect. For example, whenever a dog is about to have babies, you can be assured that the offspring will always be dogs. This is because life always reproduces after its own kind a law known as the law of biogenesis. No one has ever seen an exception to this law (which is why it is a law!). Humans do not invent scientific laws; we simply recognize them in nature. So what do these laws say about Creation and evolution? Read on....evolutionists can no more test the Big Bang...anymore than creationists can test God... Imagine going outside on a snowy day, playing in the cold, wet snow for an hour or two, and going inside to warm up in front of a nice fire. The wood that is burning in the fireplace pops every now and then, and the heat from the fire warms you up and dries off your clothes. If you watch the fire long enough, the wood will burn up and more will be needed to keep the fire going. Have you ever wondered where the wood goes? Does it go out of existence? Is it changed into something else? What happens to the wood? In thinking about these questions, you have just turned into a physical scientist one who studies the physical Universe. Now, let s see if we can answer some of those questions about the wood. If you were able to put that fire in a closed box and weigh it before the wood burned, and then weigh the box after the wood burned, you would see that it weighed the same both times. Even though the wood disappeared, it still exists, just in another form. The wood is changed into heat energy, which you can feel on your legs and hands, and certain gases that go into the atmosphere in the smoke that is released by burning. The energy in the wood is changed, but it still exists and none of it is lost. This little experiment helps us understand one of the most basic laws in nature. It is called the First Law of Thermodynamics. The word thermodynamics comes from two Greek words: therme meaning heat, and dunamis meaning force or power. The First Law of Thermodynamics describes the power or energy contained in heat and its movement to other forms of energy. It says that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed in nature. Even though wood can burn, the energy is not lost, it simply changes form. A Law that Leads to God Kyle Butt The First Law of Thermodynamics is quite a problem for those who believe in evolution. Here is why. If there is no natural process that can create matter or energy, then how did the material Universe get here in the first place? The evolutionist does not have an answer to this problem. But those who believe in creation do. If God is supernatural (which means He is above nature), then He could create matter and energy out of nothing. Belief in God is the only idea that fits with the First Law of Thermodynamics. 43

3 A Second This Second Law is also a serious problem for those who believe in evolution. According to evolution, things in this Universe have gotten progressively more orderly. Evolution says that life started with a single-celled amoeba and progressed over millions of years into higher animals and eventually evolved into humans. But this idea cannot be made to fit the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Things are not getting progressively better, they are getting progressively worse. Law That Leads to God You probably are old enough to know how to ride a bike. In fact, many of you reading this article probably have your own bicycle. Imagine getting a shiny new, beautiful bicycle for your birthday. The tires are in perfect condition and the paint is spotless without any scratches or chips. What happens to your shiny new bike after you have been riding it for a year? Does the paint look as nice after a year or two as it did when you first bought it? What about the tires, do they stay in perfect condition with great tread? Of course they do not. Your shiny new bike starts getting older and wearing down the minute you begin to ride it. Have you ever wondered why things wear down, break, or tear up? Think about your bedroom. Suppose you clean it, dust it, put it into perfect order, then leave it for the next twenty years. Will it look nicer or cleaner twenty years from now? No way. In fact, if you left a room or a house alone for twenty years dust would pile up inches thick, boards would rot, windows would break, the ceiling would leak and fall in, and the room would be a disaster. But why do things like bicycles and bedrooms wear down over time? Kyle Butt Remember back to the wood in the fireplace. Energy was stored in the wood. When the wood was burned, energy was released as heat and gas. But that heat energy went out into the room and spread out so much that it was no longer useful for heating the house. When the energy in the wood changed into heat energy, it became less usable. Throughout the entire Universe, the Second Law of Thermodynamics is making energy less usable. Stars are burning out, machines are wearing down, pavement on roads is chipping away, animals and plants die and decay. This law causes every physical thing to break down, wear out, and decay. You can blame the messed up room and battered bike on the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Remember, we said the First Law of Thermodynamics says that matter and energy are neither created nor destroyed in nature. They can change forms, but the total amount of energy stays the same. But the Second Law of Thermodynamics says that when matter and energy do change form, they become less usable. Basically, the Second Law says things get more disorderly, more messed up, and less ordered. Let s see how this works. 44 When faced with this problem, the evolutionist tries to wiggle away from the Second Law. For instance, he might say that the Second Law only applies to closed systems where no energy comes from an outside source. He would then say that our Earth is an open system since heat energy from the Sun hits our Earth all the time. But when he says this, he still has some serious problems. First, no one has ever witnessed a real closed system. Every system ever studied in nature has energy going out of it and into it, and yet the Second Law still works on every system we have ever seen. Second, is it true that simply by adding energy things necessarily get more complex and orderly? Absolutely not! Let s think about that. have enough energy. Now let s take that cart full of computer parts and put it in the middle of the desert where temperatures get well above the 100s. Will adding more sunlight (energy) help the parts assemble into a computer? No. In truth, the sun will simply cause the parts to melt and get more disorderly. Adding more time or energy does not change the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is a natural law that disproves evolution. Not only that, it is exactly what the idea of creation predicts. In the beginning God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good. But since that beginning, things have been wearing out, exactly like the Bible writer stated: You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands; they will perish, but You remain; and they will all grow old like a garment (Hebrews 1:10-11). Suppose we take all the parts needed to build a powerful laptop computer and put them in a shopping cart. If we leave them there for 5 years will natural processes such as storms, wind, and rain assemble them into a working computer? No way. What if we left the pieces there for 50 years? Would more time help the pieces get any closer to a working computer? Absolutely not. In fact, the longer they stay there, the more worn out they will become. Well, maybe it is because we do not 45

4 ON A S E P A R A T E SHEE T O F P A P E R 1. Discuss the difference between the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. 2. Explain why the Second Law of Thermodynamics is at odds with evolution. 3. Why is the Big Bang not an adequate explanation for the origin of the Universe? Tru e o r F a l s e 1. Creationists can test God using the scientific method. 2. Evolutionists can test the Big Bang using the scientific method. 3. Laws of nature exist that contradict the theory of evolution. 4. When a piece of wood burns, it goes out of existence. 5. The Big Bang theory makes a lot of sense in light of the law of cause and effect. 6. Chaos leads to order. 7. Humans do not invent scientific laws; we simply recognize them in nature. 8. The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that matter is neither created nor destroyed. 46 m atching Dear Digger Doug, Why did God make Satan? Nickolas Shaver, Age 9, Grove Spring, MO. 1. One who studies the physical Universe 2. A principle in nature that is true in every observable case A. First Law of Thermodynamics Dear Nickolas, 3. Every material effect must have an adequate cause that comes before it D. Dunamis You have asked a question that the Bible does not answer (at least not specifically). We first must understand that simply because Satan is wicked today does not mean that he was created that way. God is supremely good (Mark 10:18), and everything He made during the Creation week was very good (Genesis 1:31). Similar to how evil people exist in the world today because they choose to become evil, Satan was once good, but chose to become evil. Satan was probably part of the group of angels who sinned that were cast out of the presence of God (read 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6). Jesus even talked about the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41) who will eventually live eternally in hell. B. Scientific Law C. Therme E. Law of Cause and Effect Physical Scientist 4. Means heat F. 5. Life comes from life and that of its own kind. H. Second Law of Thermodynamics 6. Means force or power 7. When matter and energy change form, they get less usable and more disorderly. 8. Matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed in nature. G. Law of Biogenesis Thanks for writing, Nickolas. C om plete the Bi ble Verses ( New King Ja mes Version) 1. You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands; they will perish, but You remain; and they will all like a garment (Hebrews 1:10-11). 2. In the beginning created the heavens and the (Genesis1:1). 3. For in days the Lord made the and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day (Exodus 20:11). 47

5 Does CHaoS Lead to According to the theory of evolution, about 14 to 15 billion years ago all of the matter in the Universe was located in one very dense little spot, smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. As the story goes, this spot exploded, which resulted in the formation of millions of galaxies, including the Milky Way Galaxy in which we live. Billions of years later, the Sun and Earth (somehow) came to be in their present form. Then, over millions of years something non-living (somehow) turned into something living. Eventually, after many millions of years of evolution, the Earth became filled with animals and humans. I have another story for you. Two weeks ago, there was an explosion at Professor Whitecoat s laboratory. Digger Doug and Iguana Don were trying to help get this issue of Discovery written, designed, and printed. As they were thinking about the laws of science that they wanted to address, Iguana Don accidentally bumped Professor Whitecoat as the Professor was handling a very explosive substance. There was a big explosion. The whole building shook. Smoke filled the lab. Debris was everywhere. But, as a result of all of this chaos, 10,000 copies of this issue of Discovery appeared on the floor in neat stacks, ready to be mailed out to young people like you. Order? ERIC LYONs Question: Which one of these two stories makes the most sense? Even though evolutionists believe only the first story is factual, the truth is, neither of them makes any sense. Why? Because chaos never leads to order. The law of cause and effect says that every material effect must have an adequate cause that comes before it. Since man has observed many thousands of explosions on Earth that have never lead to order, then we can conclude that explosions do not cause order. Not only do planned, controlled explosions (like the purposeful demolition of an old building) not cause order, but natural catastrophes like hurricanes and tornadoes also fail to result in order. The Big Bang theory says that the perfectly designed planet on which we live is the result of a flea-size, dense ball of matter exploding billions of years ago. Yet, this explanation goes against everything we see in nature. Chaos doesn t lead to design. If it is absurd to think that this issue of Discovery you are reading is the result of an explosion in a laboratory, why would anyone think that this perfectly designed Universe in which we live was caused by a big bang? One more time, the theory of evolution violates true observable scientific facts. MATCHING: 1-F (Physical Scientist); 2-B (Scientific Law); 3-E (Law of Cause and Effect); 4-C (Therme); 5-G (Law of Biogenesis); 6-D (Dunamis); 7-H (Second Law of Thermodynamics); 8-A (First Law of Thermodynamics). TRUE OR FALSE: 1-F; 2-F; 3-T; 4-F; 5-F; 6-F; 7-T; 8-F. COMPLETE THE BIBLE VERSE: 1-grow old; 2-God, earth; 3-six, heavens. 48

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