RELIGIOUS STUDIES. J625/06 Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a Christian perspective (Question 4) GCSE (9 1)

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1 Qualification Accredited GCSE (9 1) RELIGIOUS STUDIES J625, J125 For first teaching in 2016 J625/06 Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a Christian perspective (Question 4) Version 1

2 Contents Introduction 3 Candidate 1 Question 4(a) answer 4 Commentary 4 Question 4(b) answer 5 Commentary 5 Question 4(c) answer 6 Commentary 7 Question 4(d) answer 8 Commentary 9 Candidate 2 Question 4(a) answer 11 Commentary 11 Question 4(b) answer 12 Commentary 12 Question 4(c) answer 13 Commentary 13 Question 4(d) answer 14 Commentary 15 2

3 Introduction The sample answers and commentary in this resource have been written by senior examiners to help illustrate how the mark scheme could be applied. Please note that this resource is provided for advice and guidance only and does not in any way constitute an indication of grade boundaries or endorsed answers. Whilst a senior examiner has indicated a possible level for each Assessment Objective, in a live series the mark a response would get depends on the whole process of standardisation, which considers the big picture of the year s scripts. Therefore the level awarded here should be considered to be only an estimation of what would be awarded. How levels and marks correspond to grade boundaries depends on the Awarding process that happens after all/ most of the scripts are marked and depends on a number of factors, including candidate performance across the board. Details of this process can be found here: uk/images/ marking-and-gradingassuring-ocr-saccuracy.pdf. 3

4 Candidate 1 High level answers to Question 4 Question 4 (a) 4 Dialogue between religious and non-religious beliefs and attitudes (a) Describe one Christian attitude towards euthanasia. [3] Many Christians are against euthanasia as they believe it is an act of murder. The Bible teaches them to not deliberately kill. For some the deliberate ending of a life to help end someone s suffering is a form of killing and hence against God s laws. AO1-3 marks Commentary This is a points marked question. When asked to describe something in a question, one can acquire marks in a series of ways. Depending on what is being asked there can be three separate statements, or one statement plus any combination of development and/or exemplification. In this question the candidate was asked to describe only one attitude. Therefore, if more than one attitude is given, the examiner can only look at the first response. In this case the candidate has answered the question by describing one attitude against euthanasia, with some development and exemplification. One mark is gained for saying that Christians regard euthanasia as a form of murder; a second mark is awarded for the development that murder is considered wrong in the Bible (which is a source of authority for Christians) and a third mark is awarded for both further development and exemplification. It might be a compassionate thing to end someone s suffering by offering euthanasia but for many Christians it is still an act of murder or deliberate killing of another human being. 4

5 Question 4 (b) (b) How do Christians contribute to interfaith dialogue in the UK? In your response you must consider that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse, but mainly Christian. [6] In order to prevent prejudices, ignorance and discrimination happening amongst people of different faiths in the UK many Christians believe it is important to promote interfaith dialogue. This helps people of all faiths to understand one another, their differences and similarities and promotes respect. Ever since the 1960s the Roman Catholic Church has been promoting interfaith dialogue, setting up opportunities which encourage the study of other religions besides Christianity by inviting visitors of other faiths to meet or contribute to articles together. The former prime minister, Tony Blair formed a charitable organisation called the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. Although a Catholic himself he saw the importance of breaking down religious and cultural differences and there are now many face to face projects involving young people to prevent religious extremism and intolerance. The Church of England, which is the established Church of the State, is equally concerned to promote interfaith dialogue. It has through the British Council of Churches established programmes to engage people from different faiths. People can meet together, discuss common beliefs, share in service in the community and aid knowledge and full understanding of each other s theological beliefs. Within their own communities individual Christians can develop interfaith dialogue by creating activities where all are invited and included or just meeting over a cup of coffee to become friends. Mutual trust and understanding can be modelled to others in their community in this way and break down prejudices. AO1-6 marks Commentary In this case the candidate has not explicitly said that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse but mainly Christian. However, the candidate has gone straight into answering the question and through the examples selected has shown that they are considering that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse, but mainly Christians. to promote interfaith dialogue amongst different denominations are clearly stated and finally the way individuals can also promote this in their daily lives or amidst their own communities is demonstrated. This is a top level answer with range and depth in its response. There is good understanding of the question with an appropriate amount of religious knowledge to place this in the top level. Each of the bullet points in the top level descriptor has been evidenced. Sources of authority include the Church of England, the Tony Blair Foundation or The Catholic Church; different ways 5

6 Question 4 (c) (c) Explain why secularism is a challenge for some Christians. You should refer to sources of wisdom and authority in your answer. [6] In the last hundred years or so there has been a decline in the importance of religion in people s lives. People have come to understand the world more through science, resulting in less need to rely on beliefs that cannot be proven about the origins of our universe or whether there is a God. Communities have felt less need for the Church to control their lives and more and more people have raised questions about the nature of Christian beliefs or values. This is known as secularisation. In the Bible there is a story about Adam and Eve being tempted in the Garden of Eden and Adam gave into the snake and ate from the tree of knowledge, from which he had been forbidden. Whether literally believed or not, for many Christians this story shows how dangerous and wrong it is to usurp God s authority and think humanity does not need God. Many Christians believe that sin and suffering is caused by humans thinking they are more important than God or who don t need God in their lives. Secularisation promotes people to dismiss such beliefs and consequently is a challenge to Christian faith in God. The emergence of the National Secular Society (NSS), as a result of secular views, is not against religion, but is against the link between religion and the State. People, who are against interference by religion in politics and government, get their ideas and views from such groups. In its aims, the NSS promotes freedom of belief, expression and practice. It campaigns tirelessly against faith schools or other organisations that try to promote a particular set of beliefs that prevent such freedom of expression. So for many Christians involved in education in Church schools secularist views are a challenge to their faith and their mission to evangelise. For some, the decline in attendance in the Church of England, and the fast growth in numbers declared in the latest Census (2011) who say they have no religion, is evidence that the Christian faith is declining in this country and so its influence and power should decline. The Queen is the head of State and also the Defender of the Faith, i.e. the Church of England. There is a long historical connection between State, monarchy and the Christian faith. For many people this matters. The Church of England defends Anglican bishops in the House of Lords whilst the National Secular Society say there should be no religious representation in the House of Lords. Other faiths are not included and they have a biased and unfair influence. But many Christians believe that as the country is still largely Christian then the Christian faith should still play an active role in politics as well as support people to grow in faith. AO1 Level 2 2 marks AO2 Level 4 4 marks 6

7 Commentary Q4c The rubric to this question is always going to be the same. The candidate does need to refer to sources of wisdom and authority in their answer. Much could be written for this question and there is a danger that a candidate could spend too much time on this question. It is important to remember that candidates only have about six minutes to complete this question. There are also two different assessment objectives being examined in this question. AO2 has the greater emphasis but both have to be evident. There are separate marks given for each assessment. It is quite possible for candidates to have different levels for each of the assessment objectives in this question. AO1: The candidate has demonstrated good knowledge of the question by explaining what is meant by secularism, used Biblical sources of authority, and discussed the impact of the National Secular Society and the demise of numbers attending the Established Church. There are different ways in which candidates can evidence sources of wisdom and authority. Any reference to Biblical accounts or teachings used are regarded as sources of authority and wisdom. Candidates are not expected to quote chapter and verse from the Bible but they should know whether they are from the OT or NT and from which book in the Bible. Other sources of authority would be references to established and recognised groups such as The Church of England or The National Secular Society and what they have to say. So in the above response, for example, when the candidate develops information about the National Secular Society s aims that is a source of authority. It is to be credited. AO2: In response to this question the candidate has demonstrated a variety of ways in which secularism has challenged Christians. In education there are challenges, in politics there are challenges, in knowledge and understanding of the Bible there are challenges and the growing influence of science and rationalism versus Christian beliefs and teachings is another challenge. Whilst none of these has been developed in detail, the range which has been highlighted shows good evaluation and analytical skills. Remember in this question both points have to be evidenced to get a top level in this assessment objective. The candidate has been able to provide several reasons why secularism is a challenge to Christians. Another way this response could have been answered was to take one example of the above and develop in detail and depth how it is a challenge to Christians. For example, the NCC campaign against faith schools in this country. The candidate could have discussed the importance of faith schools in this country and why many people may be against the aims of the NSS to get rid of them. 7

8 Question 4 (d) (d) Religion has no place in the modern world. Discuss this statement. In your answer, you should: Draw on your learning from across your course of study, including reference to beliefs, teachings and practices within Christianity Explain and evaluate the importance of points of view from the perspective of Christianity. [15] Jesus commanded his followers to go and make disciples of all nations and this is what has been happening from early first century CE. The Christian faith has been around for nearly two thousand years. Across the world it is the largest religion in terms of numbers and influence. It has provided institutions that support people in their spiritual journeys, as well as be directly linked with the political governance of many countries. It is the basis of many laws of justice and equality which are the back bone of modern civilisations. It teaches people to defend the poor and support the needs of others. It has provided practices that support key moments in people s lives such as births, deaths and marriages. There are public holidays which are based upon Christian celebrations. The last census in this country was 2011 and it showed that nearly 60% of the population in England said they were Christian. Despite the increase in numbers saying that they were of no religion that was 24.5% it still means that the majority of people have an association with a religion, be it Christianity or another faith. This shows that here in England religion does have a place and this is replicated across Europe. Even though there is an increase in secularist attitudes throughout the world it is still estimated that 84% of the world s population are religious. Many people still do hold religious beliefs and there are new religious groups emerging across the globe all the time. In the Muslim world the Islamic faith is increasing very quickly and in Africa and Latin America the Christian faith is expanding and thriving. It is in the West that numbers involved in organised religion has declined. Therefore the global picture defies what this statement is saying. Religion still has a place in the modern world. Religion is different from spirituality and whilst humans are very interested in spiritual matters, searching ways to enhance and develop spiritually all the time, the way that religions have developed with sophisticated forms of worship to show beliefs, values and practices, is regarded by many to be outdated and irrelevant. From the middle of the 18th century philosophers and thinkers have emerged challenging the authority of the Christian Church or that of other religions. In the 20th century the British Humanist Organisation was founded and it rejects supernatural or religious beliefs. Each person should find their own meaning and purpose for living without the need to believe in life after death. Now, the world over are international humanist organisations that campaign against religions and their control over people such as the IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union). This shows the gradual secularisation of large parts of the world who believe that religion has no place in a modern world. In both Western and Eastern religions, many are concerned with the soul of people and believe that there is an afterlife. Therefore how one lives and practices one s faith affects the afterlife. Whilst 8

9 the vast majority of people do believe in an afterlife it will remain a fact that religion matters and does have its place in a modern world. Science has developed but has not provided all the answers to big life questions nor satisfied the human thirst for knowledge and understanding of themselves and their place in the universe. Whilst many do believe that the universe has developed over billions of years it does not preclude that many still believe in God, and think there is a spiritual dimension to life, as well as physical. Whilst this is still the case this statement is not factually correct and disputed by many across the world. AO1 Level 3 3 marks AO2 Level 4 12 marks Commentary Candidates need to be aware of timing on this question and the generic rubric that accompanies this question. If a candidate allows 15 minutes altogether to answer this question, but spends roughly 12 minutes writing and three minutes to think and plan their response, they are not likely to have timing issues. Whilst the mark scheme demonstrates a range of ways to respond to the stimulus it is not expected that all of this can be covered in such a short space of time. The mark scheme is indicative of some of the arguments and discussion one could have with a stimulus. In assessing this sort of response, it is necessary to read the whole response, and make a judgement of the level of AO1 before looking for the best fit of bullet points and then move onto assessing level of AO2, based initially upon the bold strap line at the bottom of each of the levels. The bullet points within the levels can be used to decide whether the response is near the top or bottom of the level. Note that for a top level response one is looking for a well-developed and sustained line of reasoning which is coherent, relevant and logically structured. However, one also has to remember that one is judging an average 16 year old s response. There will be candidates who are operating at a higher level than GCSE. A Level 4/12 is not the best possible response per se but the best which should be expected from a GCSE candidate who will have matched the overall strap line for Level 4 and will have fulfilled the criteria as required by the bullet points at that level. Q4d is a discussion question. A statement is provided to stimulate candidates to show their knowledge of religions studied, usually about an issue, and it is expected that candidates explain and evaluate different views held by a faith community. Examiners are looking for not just knowledge but a dialogue with the points of view being expressed. The main focus of the response must be on the particular religion studied, i.e. in this case Christianity, though reference to other religions can be included if it supports a viewpoint. It is also expected that candidates use knowledge and understanding of Christian beliefs, teachings and practices from their course of study to demonstrate the relationship between religious beliefs and philosophy and ethics in a modern world. AO1: The knowledge that has been selected is appropriate. In the opening paragraph sources of teachings from Jesus are used to explain what the Church has done, alongside a range of practices that have impacted upon communities down the centuries. Other appropriate selected knowledge is in the paragraphs about humans having a spiritual dimension leading to beliefs in the soul and the afterlife and the evangelising nature of Christianity to show how influential religion is upon individuals and communities across the world. There are references to the rise of secularism leading to the formation of organisations such as BHA; the age of rationalism and science and its impact upon humanity s understanding of the world. All of this shows that there is a good demonstration of knowledge and understanding in response to the stimulus and should be credited top marks. AO2: This response clearly matches the strap line for L4 and is definitely a discussion with different viewpoints being developed supporting and disagreeing with the statement as it goes along. The candidate has recognised the issue and used reasoned arguments for every point made. There is a wide range of points being made and there is a balance to the points being made. There is reference to another religion studied which is acceptable and adds to the response, without detracting from the impact of the Christian religion on the world. The response includes a mixture of historical, religious factual information with philosophical beliefs. This approach to the stimulus is acceptable. This response not only matches the overall strap line for L4 but the bullet points at that level sufficiently well for it to be judged to be worthy of full marks. Another approach to secure a top level mark would be to use more detail about beliefs, teachings and practices within Christianity. For example, the candidate could have argued that the Christian faith is an evangelising religion that is compelled to profess the good news and convert people to the religion; they could develop what is the good news and why it helps people to convert to the faith; they could describe in detail the practices, such as rites of passage, that are still relevant and happening today; they could have described the census data not only from England but across the world showing Christianity to 9

10 be the largest religion in the world and still growing in parts. Or they could have discussed the demise in numbers of Christians attending established churches but a growth in community churches across the world to show that religion still has a place in the modern world. The mark scheme is indicative of what one could expect but there are many ways in which candidates can achieve high levels. As long as the content is well developed, has a sustained line of reasoning that is relevant and structured, the candidate can be awarded L4. This is the case with the above example. 10

11 Candidate 2 Medium level answers to Question 4 Question 4 (a) 4 Dialogue between religious and non-religious beliefs and attitudes (a) Describe one Christian attitude towards euthanasia. [3] Some Christians are totally against euthanasia and have a negative attitude. Other Christians agree that in certain circumstances it might be right to offer someone euthanasia, for example if someone had a terminal illness. AO1-1 mark Commentary The question asks for one attitude to be described. The opening sentence gives one attitude which is that Christians have a negative attitude towards euthanasia. However, the next sentence goes on to describe a different attitude. Whilst there is more detail to the second attitude described it cannot be awarded marks. Examiners have to mark from the start of the response and stop where the response moves onto a different point. Therefore in this case the candidate only secures 1 mark as there is no further development or exemplification to the opening statement. 11

12 Question 4 (b) (b) How do Christians contribute to interfaith dialogue in the UK? In your response you must consider that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse, but mainly Christian. [6] Interfaith dialogue is when people talk to one another from different faiths. They get to know one another and it builds up friendship and respect for one another. In the UK Christians contribute to interfaith dialogue by creating times when Christians can meet with other faiths to discuss beliefs and practices. For example, some Christians may accept marriages between people of other faiths and themselves, whilst other Christians may be against marrying outside one s religion. By talking about religious differences and understanding the reasons why people believe these things it brings about better relationships between people of different faiths. Christians work closely on SACREs with people from different religions and none. SACREs determine local agreed syllabuses for the teaching of RE in schools. They have to work together to produce a syllabus that gets adopted by the Local Authority, and is a legal requirement. It is a form of interfaith dialogue in practice. They will discuss the syllabus with atheists and humanists as well as people from other faiths. When things go wrong people often come together in a show of solidarity, like at the Grenfell Tower disaster. That is a form of interfaith dialogue. AO1 - Level 2-3 marks Commentary This response is one in which there is an adequate understanding of the question but much of the content is under-developed. Some religious knowledge is shown. There is a simplistic understanding about what is meant by the term interfaith dialogue ; there is knowledge about the role of SACREs and an example of interfaith dialogue and practices over the subject of marriage. The Grenfell Tower is relevant but underdeveloped in detail. There is sufficient detail in the response about SACREs, interfaith marriages and the Grenfell Tower disaster to show the examiner that the candidate does have an adequate knowledge and understanding of the question but it is simplistically expressed and lacks detailed knowledge and coherence in places. There is no explicit reference to the fact that they must consider that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse, but mainly Christian, though it is implied in the response. This is part of the rubric to this question and should be addressed and obvious in the response. The lack of a clear response to this part of the rubric mean the response is L2/3 rather than 4. 12

13 Question 4 (c) (c) Explain why secularism is a challenge for some Christians. You should refer to sources of wisdom and authority in your answer. [6] The rise of organisations like the National Secular Society or the British Humanist Organisation, which are against links between religion and the State, means that for many Christians the rise of secularism is a challenge. Many secularists have joined such organisations because there is a rise in people who do not believe in God. People have stopped going to church regularly like they did in the past, and science is showing that we can organise ourselves and do not need irrational beliefs about God and the afterlife to control human beings. Christians are taught by Jesus to make more disciples and they believe they should go out and convert people to Christianity. They have a message about Jesus that is good news and are meant to tell everyone that Jesus was God s Son and died for the sins of everyone. But many people who are secularists think this message is meaningless, unimportant and irrelevant. It is hard for Christians to make their message mean something to many people. In the UK there are not so many laws about keeping Sunday different from other days like in the past. This shows how materialistic people are becoming and do not need to go to church anymore every Sunday. AO1 Level 1 1 marks AO2 Level 2 2 marks Commentary AO1: Some knowledge and understanding has been demonstrated but it is limited in detail, e.g. Sunday trading laws or the aims of the BHA. There is reference to sources of authority and wisdom, especially in the second paragraph, but there is not enough to raise this to Level 2. AO2: This response appears dis-jointed and bordering between the limited to just adequate level. In places it appears that the candidate has understood the question but much of the material, which could be relevant, is not linked to the question explicitly. For example they have knowledge about the rise of secularism but not explained why it is a challenge to Christians; they have merely stated it is a challenge to Christians. The question requires this. The opening paragraph is a limited response. The middle paragraph about Jesus message to the world is more relevant and some reasoned argument is offered but it is only adequate, not fully developed in detail to warrant a higher level. Why is the message of the good news not relevant to many people nowadays? How could Christians make the message more relevant when so many people do not believe in God any more? This is what the candidate needed to have articulated more. The last paragraph is an example of how secularism has changed laws and patterns of behaviour in this country over Sunday trading. The view is stated with little explanation or development about the challenges this makes to Christians. In the mind of the candidate is the desire to write about an example. It is relevant but not explored enough to show how the changes in Sunday trading laws have affected Christians. Overall this is a limited factual response which indicates some knowledge of the practical impact of secularism but fails to offer an adequate explanation of why this is a challenge to some Christians. Analysis is limited/non-existent and there is no clear reference to different Christian responses to the issue. Level 2 is the best fit. 13

14 Question 4 (d) (d) Religion has no place in the modern world. Discuss this statement. In your answer, you should: Draw on your learning from across your course of study, including reference to beliefs, teachings and practices within Christianity Explain and evaluate the importance of points of view from the perspective of Christianity. [15] Many people who are not religious would agree with this statement. At the last census there was a big increase in the percentage of people saying they belonged to no religion. This represented nearly a quarter of the population in England. This shows how religion is less important than in the past. On the other hand the census still showed that the vast majority of people are Christian or belong to another religion in this country. Nearly 60% of people said they were Christians. So this shows that people still do think religion has a place. Lots of people now do not get married or do not marry in a church. This shows that religion s place in society is changing. Also lots of the ethical laws those past generations used to live by, such as do not divorce, no sex before marriage or homosexuality is wrong. are now seen as outdated and not right by many people, including by some Christians. Attitudes and values have changed and so people question how strongly religion should influence people. However, people of faith still like to observe key rites of passage, or turn to their faith when suffering or pray when facing difficulties. This shows that religion does have a place in the modern world. In some parts of the world religion is having an increasing impact. For example in Africa the Christian faith is very strong and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Therefore the statement is incorrect. So to conclude, some will agree with the statement and others will disagree. AO1 Level 2 2 marks AO2 Level 2 5 marks 14

15 Commentary Candidates need to be aware of timing on this question and the generic rubric that accompanies this question. If a candidate allows 15 minutes altogether to answer this question, but spends roughly 12 minutes writing and three minutes to think and plan their response, they are not likely to have timing issues. Whilst the mark scheme demonstrates a range of ways to respond to the stimulus it is not expected that all of this can be covered in such a short space of time. The mark scheme is indicative of some of the arguments and discussion one could have with a stimulus. In this case the candidate has clearly not written enough and there is an obvious lack of detailed knowledge and reasoned arguments. AO1: There is a range of points showing an adequate knowledge that are relevant to the question but it is significantly underdeveloped. The paragraphs are generalised but relevant to the stimulus. Therefore it just falls into Level 2, rather than Level 1. References to Biblical teachings such as do not divorce, rites of passage, census data, growth of Christianity in other parts of the world, as well as Islam, all show adequate knowledge but it has not been developed in sufficient detail to reach the higher level. AO2: There is evidence of a limited attempt to provide a balanced discussion, with alternate paragraphs either supporting or disagreeing with the stimulus. For each view point made it is supported with a simplistic reason given to back it, which is relevant. There are different views but they only have a little development. The response fulfils exactly the bottom strap line in Level 2, i.e. There is a line of reasoning which has some relevance and which is presented with limited structure. Because there is a limited attempt to provide a balance of views for and against, this shows a degree of critical evaluation skills. Therefore the response sits in the middle of the level descriptor. There are several ways in which the response could be improved upon. For example, the candidate could have questioned how relevant or reliable census data is; how and why Christian ethical and moral values are being ignored in some parts of the world but not in others; why and how do people turn to religion in times of suffering or crisis to show how religion still has a place in the modern world; why Christianity and Islam are growing in places in the world. Then this would have moved this to a higher level. To support the stimulus, the candidate needed to explained in more detail what the latest census data showed in England about the decline in numbers claiming to be part of organised religions, why attitudes to getting married or married in a church have changed, or why many think that Christian ethics are outdated or plainly wrong. This too would have improved the response. 15

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