Lord of the Flies. Chapter 7 Analysis

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1 Lord of the Flies Chapter 7 Analysis

2 Mythological Approach

3 Summary The chapter starts off where Ralph is tired from his day in the previous chapter. He wakes up and realizes that the life that he s living at the beach has become the norm for him and everyone else. The boys decide to go find the beast because of Sam and Eric s spotting of the beast the night before. On their path, Ralph is overcome with the idea that they are surrounded with such large amounts of never ending water. He feels trapped. Simon sees that Ralph s worried and reassures him that they ll get rescued soon. On their way, the boys find pig droppings and decides to hunt for some pigs. They don t catch it, but Ralph gets to experience the thrill and excitement of hunting. The aftermath of pig hunting leaves the boys excited. Roger pretends to be a boar and the other boys join in and start attacking him as if he were an actual boar, almost killing him. Roger runs out of the circle and reminds the boys that they should be attacking actual boars. Ralph reminds everyone that it was just a game. It starts getting dark out so one of the boys has to warn the little ones that they won't be back until dark, so Simon volunteers to go back and warns them alone. Darkness falls and Ralph suggests that they wait until morning before hunting down the beast because it will be too hard to hunt at night. Jack challenges him to continue the hunt in the dark anyways. Ralph has to agree so that he doesn t lose face and regain his position in the eyes of the group. Jack wants to go all the way to the summit but Ralph says he doesn t want to at first. When Jack comes back and tells him what he s seen, Ralph changes his mind and goes up the mountain to go observe the beast himself. What they find is a large, shadowy form with the shape of a giant ape, making a strange flapping sound in the wind. The boys, horrified, run down the mountain to go warn the others.

4 Thesis In Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses archetypes to show us that civilization is better than freedom.

5 Passage #1- The ocean Then gradually the almost infinite size of this water forced itself on his attention. This was the divider, the barrier. On the other side of the island, swathed at midday with mirages, defended by the shield of the quiet lagoon, one might dream of rescue; but here, faced by the brute obtuseness of the ocean, the miles of division, one was clamped down, one was helpless, one was condemned, one was- Simon was speaking almost in his ear. Ralph found that he had a rock painfully gripped in both hands, found his body arched, the muscles of his neck stiff, his mouth strained open. You ll get back to where you came from. Simon nodded as he spoke. He was kneeling on one knee, looking down from a higher rock which he held with both hands, his other leg stretched down to Ralph s level. Ralph was puzzled and searched Simon s face for a clue. It s so big, I mean- Simon nodded. All the same. You ll get back all right. I think so, anyway. Some of the strain had gone from Ralph s body. (pg )

6 Analysis Why do you think the lagoon ocean= barrier, timelessness, eternity gave them hope? water=purification, redemption Simon= civilization Metaphor; comparison between ocean and a barrier The ocean makes Ralph feel clamped down and helpless because of it s brute obtuseness. The idea of getting rescued is becoming more and more distant and hopeless to him. We get a sense that he is almost giving up on the little hope he has left because of the strain and stiffness he shows after he realizes Simon is talking to him. This may be the reason why he starts to lose control of the group as the hero/leader and become more savage (threshold guardian/shape shifter) throughout the chapter. Thankfully, Simon reassures him. Simon is a sign that rescue is still very possible. If Simon wouldn't had pulled Ralph back from his despair, who knows how the rest of the chapter might have turned out. Maybe he would have given up his power to Jack.

7 Struggle for power -I m going up the mountain to look for the beast-now. Then the supreme sting, the casual, bitter word. -Coming?... If Simon hadn t given Ralph back his hope, do you think this conversation would have turned out the same? The word was too good, too bitter, too successfully daunting to be repeated. -I don t mind Astonished, he heard his voice come out, cool and casual, so that the bitterness of Jack s taunt fell powerless (pg )

8 Passage #2- Human instinct of savagery -I hit him all right. The spear struck in. I wounded him! He sunned himself in their new respect and felt that hunting was good after all (pg 113)

9 Analysis What does Ralph say to try and cover up the severity of his action of savagery? (chp 7) Sun=enlightenment him/boar= savagery Irony: This whole time, Ralph was the most civilized leader and was the one trying to keep their civilization in control but now he s the one turning into a savage like Jack. After hurting the boar, Ralph has a rush of energy, as do all of the other hunters. This positive energy makes him think that hunting may be good after all, but really, this feeling is humanity s instinct of savagery disguised as enlightenment. Even Ralph, one of the most civilized boys on the island, is starting to follow his instincts of savagery. Every time the boar appears, the boy s savagery immerses; their desire to hurt overcomes their civilization and they can t think straight anymore.

10 Answer- Overcoming desire Then they lay quiet, panting, listening to Robert s frightened snivels -Oh, my bum! Just a game, said Ralph uneasily. I got jolly badly hurt at rugger once Ralph is ashamed of himself for letting his instinct of savagery take over. To make himself and the others feel more civilized after their savage action, Ralph alludes to a civilized game he used to play.

11 Passage #3- The cottage memory Mummy had still been with them and Daddy had come home every day. Wild ponies came to the stone wall at the bottom of the garden, and it had snowed. Just behind the cottage there was a soft shed and you could lie up there, watching the flakes swirl past. You could see the damp spot where each flake died, then you you could mark the first flake that lay down without melting and watch the whole ground turn white. You could go indoors when you were cold and look out of the window, past the bright copper kettle and the plate with the little blue men. (pg 112)

12 Analysis Garden=paradise, innocence, unspoiled beauty Parents= civilization, organization snow/cold/winter= opposite of island weather White= innocence Blue=highly positive, secure, tranquil, morality Personification= flake dies In the daydream that Ralph is having in the middle of his hunting journey, his mind takes him back to when he lived safe at home. This memory includes his parents, but the memory is still very pleasant. Recall that at the beginning of the book, when Ralph realizes that there are no adults, he felt at peace. He felt free and happy on his little isolated island. Now, he thinks back to when his parents were around and he was organized and civilized. This memory also takes place What do you think the inside of the cottage represents/symbolizes? Hint: use the colour blue archetype during winter, when it was cold and snowy outside, the opposite of the weather of the island he thought was so great. He s in his garden, where he s watching snowflakes fall on the ground and melt. Now that he thinks about it, the way he felt back in the garden is when he was in actual paradise. Yes, his parents were part of this and the weather wasn t warm, but at least he was civilized.

13 Passage #4- Simon You re batty*. Simon shook his head violently till the coarse black hair flew backwards and forwards across his face. No, I m not. I just think you ll get back all right. *crazy

14 All of these words represent Simon quite accurately. Each archetypal definition that associates to the colour black also relate back to Simon and his purpose. First of all, Simon doesn t mind the darkness. In fact, he seems to like it. He left the boys to go warn the others with no hesitation or time for them to disagree. Simon also has a message that he s trying to convey to the rest of his group, but no one seems to understand what he s trying to say, therefore his message is unknown. Although his message is unknown, it s very wise. Simon knows from an early point in the story that the real monsters are the humans themselves. Before things get out of hand and the boy s savagery takes over, Simon tries to warn them about their instinct of savagery but sadly they make fun of it instead. Simon then feels melancholic because he can t convey an important message because of his insecurities. In this quote he tells Ralph that he ll make it because he s sure he will, since he can see civilization in him. Finally, Simon dies. Analysis How do you think this analysis relates to my thesis? Black= darkness, the unknown, death, wisdom, melancholy Hyperbole= Simon shakes his head violently to make the way he feels very clear

15 Question: Thesis What could be another possible thesis based on my analysis of the mythological approach?

16 New Literary Criticism

17 Summary In chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees, Ralph, Jack, Robert, Sam and Eric are on a struggling journey up the mountain to discover the truth about the beast. On the way the boys make a stop to gain their energy and retain themselves before a long day of walking up the mountain. Ralph sits in a field looking out to the empty sea thinking about how these boys have no hope of escaping the island. However Simon reassures him that they will get back safely with a matter of time. Later on in the day they run into pig droppings realizing that they are on a pig-run, they decided to stay along the pig-run trail and hunt as long as it reaches them to their wanted destination which is the mountain. Spotting a boar along the pig-run the boys excitedly decide to follow it. Ralph took the initiative and aggressively threw his spear at the boar, targeting the animal right in the snout. Excited and caught up in the moment they grabbed Robert and started jabbing him with their spears, not realizing that they were hurting him. Robert escaped and Ralph reminds everybody that it was a game. Darkness falls on the islands so Ralph suggested to wait until daylight to continue their journey up the mountain since they left Piggy alone with the littluns and because they did not know what enlightenment awaited for them at the top of the dark mountain. Jack refused and insisted that he climbed the summit of the mountain alone, which left Simon to volunteer to head back to Piggy to let him know that the boys will be back tomorrow during daylight. Jack heads up the mountain alone, leaving Roger and Ralph behind. Sooner than anticipated Jack came rushing down the mountain clearly terrified explaining to the two boys what he saw at the summit. The three boys headed up the mountain together. Once they reached the peak of the mountain they came to find a shadowy figure, flapping in the wind with it s ape-like body going up, down, up, down. Horrified the boys rushed down the mountain to go warn the others of the beast that they had just seen.

18 Thesis In Lord of The Flies, William Golding uses literary devices to establish that without guidance, humans are natural predators.

19 Passage #1 - Character Development. They got his arms and legs. Ralph, carried away by a sudden thick excitement, grabbed Eric s spear and jabbed at Robert with it Kill him! Kill him! All at once, Robert was screaming and struggling with strength of frenzy. Jack had him by the hair and was brandishing his knife. Behind him was Roger, fighting to get close. The chant rose ritually, as at the last moment of a dance or a hunt... Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering (pg ).

20 Analysis Ralph took pride and joy into the moment where he threw his spear that landed right in the pig's snout. Knowing that he was capable of having such strength and power in him made him see a new self, a new characteristics that he has developed. Having this feeling of power and potential, all of the boys got carried away, started grabbing Robert and pretended that he was a pig. Poking and stabbing him with their spears and ticks the boys after realized that each and every single one of them had the capability and even the audacity to hurt a little vulnerable boy. The boys were fighting to get close to willingly hurt a little boy, which shows that this new society/island that they live on has been changing their perspective of their surroundings. This was more expected from the other boys on the island but as for Ralph, getting carried away enough that his desire to hurt and release his anger out has completely taken over shows that Ralph has changed and actions like this cannot be taken back once done. Ralph is seen as a boy who is civil and realistic but now he is play fighting to get closer to a boy to get a good jab at him which shows that putting certain boys, even Ralph in certain positions will most definitely change their actions. At the beginning of the book Ralph would blow the conch, sit down, take things slow and try to have a civil conversation with the boys but now trying to survive and avoid starvation on this island has been making Ralph consider new possibilities and new ways of surviving, for example, when he ran half way up to the mountain to figure out whether he should keep going to keep the fire going and get a signal out to the ship that is passing their island or if he will he run back down the mountain to stop Jack and his posse of boys from fooling around on the beach? Having said this this shows that not only Ralph but the other boys have been completely removed from normal civilization and now have to think as adults to survive, their is no time for games in Ralph's eyes.

21 Question Do you think that ralph is letting his instincts and desires take over civilization?

22 Answer Yes. Ralph is trying to be the adult on this island right now since they are lacking an adult figure to tell them what they can and cannot do. Ralph is the leader for now and is trying to get the boys to listen to him by using the conch. He is trying to keep everything as civil as possible on this dangerous unknown island that they thought was a utopia. His instincts and desires are taking over and he may not be able to retain them any longer. He tried to hurt a vulnerable little boy, fighting to get through to release his anger out on him for fun, in that moment it was not old school boy Ralph it was his desire taking over.

23 Passage #2 - Symbolism of the Sea You ll get back back to where you came from (pg.111). Then gradually the almost infinite size of this water forced itself on his attention. This was the divider, the barrier. On the other side of the island, swathed at midday with mirage, defended by the shield of the quiet lagoon, one might dream of rescue; but here, faded by the brute obtuseness of the ocean, the miles of division, one was clamped down, one was helpless, one was condemned, one was- (pg ). Simon was speaking almost in his ear. Ralph found that he had a rock painfully gripped in both hands, found his body arched, the muscles of his neck stiff, his mouth strained open. (pg.111).

24 Analysis In this quote Ralph is realizing that the whole truth about their life on this island is a lie, Ralph has realized that they are stranded on this island alone. Nowhere to escape and nowhere to go. If came to under an attack they would have nowhere to go bu run and hide since they are surrounded by water. The island surrounded by the sea is archetypal because the sea symbolizes something timeless and eternal. This symbolizes that these boys are helpless, with nowhere to hide from danger, realizing that they are to come face to face with danger one way or another. He is slowly accepting the fact that this could be the end for them and that they aren't able to escape across the emptiness of the sea. Ralph is in the moment of reality where it is hard for him to imagine life back home as a schoolboy and compare it to his life on this island as a savage little boy with a powerful conch. He tightens a rock in his hands and holds it so aggressively that starts to cause him pain, this could symbolize that he has to prepare for all the pain that is to come on this island since they are stranded and that he has felt a decent amount of pain already that he does not mind the pain that the sharp rock is giving him pain. Simon gives him assurance and helps him cope with that fact and tells him that he will get back home soon. The boys are literally separated from structured society with very little guidance on their behavior Symbol of the Sea Mystery, death, timelessness, eternity.

25 Question Do you think that the sea could represent anything positive. Can any good come from the sea?

26 Answer The sea could represent: Rebirth The coming of something new Savory Life Positivity A fresh new start (if someone were to save them)

27 Passage #3 - Symbolism of the Beast. Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in! (pg.114). He bound himself together with his will, fused his fear and loathing into a hatred, and stood up. He took two leaden steps forward. (pg.123).

28 Analysis In this quote the beast portrays symbolism because it shows how it could change the thoughts and feelings of all the boys on the island, From one moment of being happy and playful on the beach to the next where they are hiding in their shelters afraid of what other boys have so called seen. The words fear, loathing and hatred that are used in this quote give an exact example of how the thought of the beast makes the boys on the island feel. All of their feelings are being fused into one causing the boys do chaotic actions like argue around a fire, yell at each other over whether or not they should waste their time to hunt so they could eat or to look for the beast that could kill them. These boys are slowly transitioning from calm innocent boys to savage boys who are no longer capable of handle the stress or the terror. The beast is considered symbolic to anything and anyone who is a savage. The boys are afraid of this beastly figure that stands within the walls of their islands, not realizing that savagery is apart of human beings. This beastly figure that lies within each and every single one of them comes out as soon as their savagery comes out. Being separated from civilization, day by day it is bringing out more savagery, violence and chaos in the boys. From their standpoint,they are not realizing that they, themselves, are showing their beastly outlook and are becoming the only beasts on the island that is stopping them from living a utopian life. Symbol of the Beast: Chaotic, savage boys, terror, death

29 Question How does Jack OR Ralph use the thought/idea of the beast to scare the other boys?

30 Answer Telling them that if they don't start helping out with finding food and building shelters they will die because the beast will see it as their weakness Ralph and Jack themselves are scared because they do not know what it is. The beast represents a threat to the other boys and strikes fear in them. Any time they mention the beast the boys listen and follow the rules by helping and by trying to avoid the thought of punishment and death

31 Passage #4- Archetypes. I m going up to the mountain. The words came from Jack viciously, as though they were a curse. He looked at Ralph, his thin body tensed, his spear held as if he threatened him. I m going up to the mountain to look for the beast-now. Then the supreme sting, the casual, bitter word. Coming? (pg.119).

32 Analysis In Lord of the Flies William Golding portrays that the mountain is an archetype by identifying it as a journey to enlightenment, for example when Jack, Ralph and Roger were ascending it. The journey of enlightenment for the boys was when Jack came rushing to Ralph and Roger telling the boys he saw something up on top of the mountain, the boys followed along to get a better insight on what the beast really is and to see what jack had really seen. The mountain is what the boys are drawn and attracted to. It is where they seek for knowledge and more answers about their question. These boys have been removed from a structured society with rules and are now alone, experiencing new feelings and new nightmares. Knowing/thinking that their is a beast on the mountain, getting ready to suddenly pounce on them, makes the boys anxious leaving them in a situation where they do not know what to do. Archetype of the Mountain: Journey to enlightenment,

33 Question Why do you think Golding had the dead soldier land exactly on the island (mountain)?

34 Answer To show that death is a natural part of human beings and our society, To give a signal that this dead soldier that they think is the beast that is scaring them is giving them a wake up call of what is to come their way. (negative) To show that the parachute is a dead soldier from the war. War symbolizes death.

35 Psychoanalytical

36 Summary In Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees, the boys struggle to manage their fear of the unknown beast as they travel up the mountain for the truth. The group decides to take a break, allowing Ralph to take in their current appearance and lifestyle. As Ralph contemplates their capabilities and chances of escaping the island his hope diminishes but Simon helps to restore it. As they move forward, Jack suggests that they hunt on their journey - an idea that is easily accepted by the group of boys. Soon after, the boys come across a pig which they proceed to hunt. Ralph joins them and begins to appreciate the activity of hunting. The boys later reenact the scene to relish in the experience, getting carried away and hurting Roger and wanting to add more to their ritual. As darkness begins to set in Ralph worries about Piggy and the littluns being left alone on the beach, causing Simon to volunteer and head back. Afterwards, Ralph suggests stopping and waiting until daylight to continue their search for the beast, but Jack provokes him into continuing regardless of nightfall. Ralph, Jack and Roger continue on their search with Ralph becoming increasingly annoyed that he let Jack persuade him into adventuring in the dark. Jack travels further up the mountain, leaving Ralph and Roger, only to come back a few moments later with claims of seeing the beast. They all continue up the mountain finally reaching a large shadow that hung in the trees, scaring them away before they could inspect it further.

37 Passage #1: The pig-run kept close to the jumble of rocks that lay down by the water on the other side and Ralph was content to follow Jack along it (Golding 119). With the memory of his sometime clean self as a standard, Ralph looked them over. They were dirty, not with the spectacular dirt of boys who had fallen into mud or been brought down hard on a rainy day. Not one of them was an obvious subject for a shower, and yet - hair, much too long, tangled here and there, knotted round a dead leaf or twig; faces cleaned fairly well by the process of eating and sweating but marked in the less accessible angles with a kind of shadow; clothes, worn away, stiff like his own sweat, put on, not for decorum or comfort but out of custom; the skin of the body, scurfy with brine - He discovered with a little fall of the heart that these were the conditions he took as normal now and that he did not mind (Golding 120).

38 Juxtaposition & Symbolism memory of his sometime clean self as a standard not for decorum or comfort but out of custom faces cleaned shadows When the psyche is guided by the the id, the ego is more susceptible in accepting chaos and possible destruction that may arise in order to preserve itself Juxtaposition: Life before and after the island In his current situation, Ralph accepts the chaos and untidy lifestyle that the group of boys use to adjust to living on the island. They turn from well groomed and structured boys into undisciplined children. Symbolism: Transformation and Susceptibility In Chapter 4, Jack demonstrates a need for transformation in order to become a hunter and survivor. Whereas, in this chapter the boys faces are free of the mask Jack hid behind, showing their purity and innocence. Although, the presence of shadows represent their susceptibility to manipulation and control.

39 Passage #2: Jack was in charge of the hunt and there would be time to get to the mountain - (Golding 122). The bushes crashed ahead of them. Boys flung themselves wildly from the pig track and scrabbled in the creepers, screaming. Ralph saw Jack nudged aside and fall. Then there was a creature bounding along the pig track towards him, with tusks gleaming and an intimidating grunt. Ralph found he was able to measure the distance coldly and take aim. With the boar only five yards away, he flung the foolish wooden stick that he carried, saw it hit the great snout and hang there for a moment. The boar s note changed to a squeal and it swerved aside into the convert. The pig-run filled with shouting boys again, Jack came running back, and poked about in the undergrowth (Golding 123). Ralph was full of fright and apprehension and pride (Golding 124).

40 Diction & Character Development The psyche begins to find confidence and strength by following the id, causing the ego to be easily influenced by instinctive desires Makes the ego act before thinking, compromising the balance within the psyche Although Jack, who represents the id, is nudged aside why does Ralph become animalistic and succumb to his physical desires? Wildly Creepers Intimidating Coldly Foolish The choice of William Golding s words encompass the feelings of the boys, specifically Ralph, adding to their character development. Wildly = animalistic, unbehaved response Creepers = fear of the island and its unknown elements Intimidating = the presence of the pig poses a threat Coldly = detaching feelings and emotions from having to hunt another living creature Foolish = innocent, inexperienced and childish They have already been exposed to the desires of the id Ralph uses it as an opportunity to prove himself

41 Passage #3: For the first time since he had known Jack, Ralph could feel him hesitate (Golding 133). Now that his physical voice was silent the inner voice of reason, and other voices too, made themselves heard. Piggy was calling him a kid. Another voice told him not to be a fool; and the darkness and desperate enterprise gave the night a kind of dentist s chair unreality (Golding 134).

42 Metaphor darkness and desperate enterprise gave the night a kind of dentist s chair unreality When the id is less prominent in the psyche, the ego is capable of mediating between conscious and rational thought. Allows the ego to make logical and thoughtful assessments before reacting in a situation The metaphor compares the youthful fear of going to the dentist to the fear they have towards facing an unknown beast. The comparison between the childhood fear of going to the dentist to a potentially destructive creature, exaggerates the difference of their lives before and after landing on the island. What other times does a superego help guide and support Ralph? Ralph is rationalizing their fear of the unknown and thinking of more likely possibilities for the beast and what the boys have been seeing. He tries to find a commonality between what Jack has seen to the thoughts of what it could be from Simon and Piggy. When Simon reassures him that they will be saved Provides hope and relief Allows Ralph to remain positive and optimistic, having faith in an idealistic outcome

43 Passage #4: Roger lay behind him and Jack s mouth was at his ear (Golding 134). He bound himself together with his will, fused his fear and loathing into a hatred, and stood up. He took two leaden steps forward. Behind them the sliver of moon had drawn clear of the horizon. Before them, something like a great ape was sitting asleep with its head between its knees. Then the wind roared in the forest, there was confusion in the darkness and the creature lifted its head, holding towards them the ruin of a face. Ralph found himself taking giant strides among the ashes, heard other creature crying out and leaping and dared the impossible on the dark slope; presently the mountain was deserted, save for the three abandoned sticks and the thing that bowed. (Golding 135)

44 Symbolism & Archetypes In moments of uncertainty, the ego is less capable of resisting the primitive parts of the mind Causing the psyche to become reckless and unknowingly persuaded by the id Are there any other moments where Jack tries to use Ralph s hesitation to influence him? When Jack convinces Ralph to continue searching for the beast despite the darkness Tries to undermine Ralph s leadership in front of the boys in an attempt to show control Ralph succumbs to his antagonism in order to prove himself and show authority sliver of moon had drawn clear of the horizon wind roared confusion in the darkness dark slope ashes Archetypes: Light & Darkness: Good and evil (hope in times of darkness) Moon: mothering, nature, feelings (emotionally and instinctively responsive personality) Darkness: Evil, fear, chaos, unknown Wind: Unattainable and fleeting Symbolism: Ashes The ashes that Ralph runs over while trying to get away from the thing that bowed, symbolizes their past mistakes when they let the id take control and how they are reliving it in their present decisions.

45 Ego Ego Superego Id Superego Id

46 Thesis: In the Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses literary devices to portray that when exposed to the traumas of war the psyche s vulnerability allows the id to take control.

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