AVERTISSEMENT. D'autre part, toute contrefaçon, plagiat, reproduction encourt une poursuite pénale. LIENS

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1 AVERTISSEMENT Ce document est le fruit d'un long travail approuvé par le jury de soutenance et mis à disposition de l'ensemble de la communauté universitaire élargie. Il est soumis à la propriété intellectuelle de l'auteur. Ceci implique une obligation de citation et de référencement lors de l utilisation de ce document. D'autre part, toute contrefaçon, plagiat, reproduction encourt une poursuite pénale. illicite Contact : ddoc-theses-contact@univ-lorraine.fr LIENS Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle. articles L Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle. articles L L

2 L/ Université de Metz U.F.R. Lettres et Langues Département d'anglais École doctorale Perspectives Interculture Écrits, Media, Espaces, Identité de l'écriture et écriture de I'identité dans The Neut York Trilogg de Paul Auster Thèse de Doctorat en Études Anglophones - Linguistique (volume 2/2: annexes) Soutenue par Dominlque Sous la directlon CO$UET-CARDINAL de Madame Sylviane BURNER Professeur en llnguistlque an$laise Centre de recherche : Centre d'étude des Textes et des lraductions 9 décembre 2OO5 BIBLIOTHEOUE UNIVERSITAIRE DE METZ Itililtililtilil ilil]iltililt]ililililllllll llllll

3 PP'Co.its 55 3/. UNIVEBSITE Paul Vertaine METZ 5C D. \l lt 2coS ôsb L Université de Metz École doctorale qote -z U.F.R. Lettres et Langues Perspectives Intercul Département d'anglais Écrits, Media, Espaces,,+Aa rn*1 I eehur c. EXCH-U DU PnÊr Identité de l'écriture et écriture de I'identité dans The Neus York TYilogg de Paul Auster Thèse de Doctorat en Études Anglophones - Linguistique (volume 2/2: annexes) Soutenue par Dominique CO$UET-CARDINAL Sous la direction de Madame Sylviane BURNER Professeur en linguistlque anglalse Centre de recherche : Centre d'étude des Textes et des Traductions 9 décembre 2OO5

4 542

5 543

6 544

7 545 Table des annexes Annexe A. Tableau 1. Encodages des modificateurs et des homographes 547 Annexe B. Tableau 2.Encodages des noms propres et des pronoms personnels correspondant aux personnages 552 Annexe C. Tableau 3. Répertoire des bases de données sur Hyperbase 555 Annexe D. Tableau 4. UCREL CLAWST Tagset : encodages de Claws 561 Annexe E. Table de distribution du Annexe F. Liste des hautes fréquences 566 Annexe G. Répartition des hautes fréquences 575 Annexe H. Tableau 6. Écarts réduits sur les hautes fréquences de la trilogie (basettril3) Annexe I. Concordances de KNOW dans la trilogie new-yorkaise Annexe J. Concordances de MAN dans la trilogie new-yorkaise Annexe K. Concordances de NOT THINK dans la trilogie new-yorkaise Annexe L. Liste des hapax communs aux 3 volets Annexe M. Liste des u.c.e. les plus spécifiques par classe Annexe N. Distribution des formes réduites par racine s

8 546

9 541 ANNEXE A Tableau L. Encodages des modificateurs et des homographes Types de formes Noms noyaux Codes précédant les formes Formes (et article 0 (= ozo) éventuel les suivant) Noms communs Modificateurs Noms propres ozo MS -Np - Prénom +Np - Titres + Np (Mr...) - Titres en of (King of...) Prémodifïcateurs formels Opérateurs de fléchase articles démonstratifs M$D M$D the that/ those this/ these possessifs M$D ffi!' your.. génitifs déterminatifs SS' ' s/s' Opérateurs d'extraction articles M$D a/an quantifieurs numériques ozo+m$q ozo+m$q ozo+m$q ozo+m$q one, two... first, second... ' Code remplaçant la forme

10 548 Types de formes quantifieurs simples indéfinis Codes précédant les formes M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q Formes (et article 0 (= ozo) éventuel les suivant) fractions multiplicateurs afew a little another enough half + ozo most much multiplicateurs no some all +ozo many such +ozo Prémodificateurs matériels Opérateurs de parcours Opérateur de renvoi à la notion Quantifieurs quantifieurs ozo+m$q ozo+m$q M$Q ozo+m$q M$Q ozo+m$q ozo+m$q ozo+m$q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q M$Q article ozo a few Iast less little more next other several any both each either every neither a lot of, a

11 549 Types de formes Génitifs génériques Adverbes intensifieurs Postmodificateurs complexes: SPI quantifieurs Classificateurs Adjectifs SPI qualificatifs noms communs/ Dropres Codes précédant les formes SS' Au Formes (et article O (= ozo) éventuel les suivant) number of.. + ozo a word of... + ozo the Stillman apartment... large, small... 's/s' no, any.. Proformes Syntagmes prépositionnels Propositions relatives Pf the business about Auster Opérateurs de fléchaee Opérateurs d'extraction pronom personnel suiet pronom personnel compl. démonstratifs PfD PfD I, you, he.. me, you.. there that/those this/these PfD possessifs PfD mine, yours his/her... quantifieurs numenques ozo+pfq one(of), two(o.f)...

12 550 Types de formes Adverbes ou intensifieurs2 Opérateurs de parcours Pronoms relatifs quantifieurs pronom indéfini quantifieurs Codes précédant les formes PfQ PfQ PfQ ozo+pfq PfQ PfQ PfQ PfQ PfQ PfQ PfQ PfQ ozo+pfq PfQ ozo+pf.q PfQ ozo+pfq PfP PfQ PfQ PfQ PfQ PfQ PfQ PfR An Au AN AN Au AU Formes (et article A G ozo) éventuel les suivant).first(o.f)... a half all (of) another at all enough (of) hatf (of) last (of) little (of many (of) more most (of) much (of) next nothing other some +composés such one, someone, anyone... any + composés both (of) each (of) either (of) every +composés neither (of) that all any both either enouph 'Concerne tous les adverbes et/ou intensifieurs hors syntagme nominal

13 551 Types de formes Conjonctions Contractions auxiliaires Codes précédant les formes AN AU AN AU Au AE AU AN AU An AN An AN AU AN CVo CVo formes pleines formes pleines Formes (et article A F ozo) éventuel les suivant) half last less little much more most neither next no past some this that there that less 'm"/ n't/ 'd/ 've/ 'll/'re/ 's 'm"/ n't/ 'd/'ve/ 'Il/'re/ 's Ce tableau répertorie et catégorise tous les éléments constitutifs du syntagme nominal présents dans The New York Trilogy : cette liste est donc non exhaustive de toutes les formes de I'anglais. læs encodages ont permis de désambiguïser les formes homographes appartenant à des catégories grammaticales différentes et de matérialiser la présence des articles zéro (code ozo), lorsqu'il n'y avait pas d'autre marqueur.

14 552 ANNEXE B Tableau 2. Encodages des noms propres et des pronoms personnels correspondant aux personnages VOLETS NOMS Personnages/ Villes Encodages Noms prodres CITY OF GLASS Auster Paul Auster, détective Paul Auster, le père écrivain Siri Auster, sa femme Daniel Auster, son fils Daniel Daniela Encodages Pronoms personnels AP AAP AS AD Ouinn Daniel Ouinn OD Daniel Danielq Mrs Quinn, sa femme QF Peter Quinn, son fils QFF Dark Henry Dark DDark DH Green Mr Green GGreen Sad Mr Sad SSad Stillman Wilson Peter Stillman, le père Mrs Stillman. la mère Peter Stillman, son fils Virginia Stillman. sa belle-fille WilliamWilson, pseudo de Ouinn Stillmanp Peterp Stillmanf Peterf Stillmanv SP SM SF SV v/w Work Max Work, détective MW New York New York City NNew York GHOSTS Blue Mr Blue, détective BBlueh BH Mrs Blue, sa femme BBluef BF Mr Blue, son père BP Mrs Blue, sa mère BM Black BB

15 553 VOLETS NOMS Personnages/ Villes Encodages Noms DroDres White Mr White WWhite w Brown Mr Brown BBrown BR Gold Mr Gold GD Green Mr Green GGreen GE Stuart Green GS Gray Mr Grav GGray GA Red Mr Red RRed noms géographiques consonne initiale doublée Encodages Pronoms personnels THE LOCKED ROOM Formes communes Fanshawe Mr Fanshawe, le père Fanshawep FF Mrs Sophie Fanshawes FS Fanshawe. sa femme Ben Fanshawe,leur Fanshawef FB fils Mrs Fanshawe. mère Fanshawem FM de Mr Fanshawe = Jane Fanshawe Jane Fanshawe = Mrs Fanshawej FM Fanshawe, mère de Mr Fanshawe Mr Fanshawe, père Fanshawepp FP de Mr Fanshawe Ellen Fanshawe FL Green Mr Green GGreen Dark Henrv Dark DDark Stillman Peter Stillman,le père Stillmanp Narrateur we N I NR Proformes pronoms personnels pronoms possessifs both, either, neither, one. two. other Modificateurs oossessifs Noms communs person, man, woman, boy, baby father, mother, + code du personnage idem idem

16 554 VOLETS NOMS Personnages/ Villes Encodages Noms propres husband, wife, son, child, sister private eye, detective, writer Encodages Pronoms personnels

17 555 ANNEXE C Tableau 3. Répertoire des bases de données sur Hyperbase VERSION avec ENCODAGES ler niveau Caractéristiques des encodages manuels : - présence articles zéro sous la forme "OZO'' - modificateurs et pronoms homonymes encodés - contractions développées - noms propres homonymes (avec autres personnages ou noms communs) désambiguisés - absence de ponctuation Les engodages Claws correspondent à la liste "UCREL CLAWST Tagset" (voir annexe 3 bis).' VOLETS NOM BASE SECTIONS Sections par chapitres ou occurrences SIMPLES City of Glass 13 sections auteur Ghosts 9 sections Hyperbase Locked Room 9 sections auteur DOUBLES : 4 sections City of Glass + Ghosts City of Glass + Locked Room CITY3.EXE &&&CityofGlass3a, CG3a, Ca&.&&. &&&CityofGlass3b, CG3b, Cb&&& t.l &&&CityofGlass 3m,CG3m,Cm&&& GHOSTS3.EXE &&&Ghosts3a, GH3a, Ga&.&& ROOM3.EXE t.l &Ghosts3i. GH3i. Gi&&& &&&Locked Room3a. LR3a. La&&"& t...1 &&&Locked Room3i. LR3i. Li&&& XCITYGHO.EXE &&&XCty Ghosts31, XC31, X1&&& &&&XCty Ghosts32, XC32, X2&.&.& &&&XCty Ghosts33, XG33, X3&&.&. &&&XCty Ghosts34, XG34, X4&&"&. YCITYROO.EXE&&&YCity Room31, YC31, Yl&&& &&&YCity Room32, Y C32, Y2&&& &&&Ycity Room33, YL33, Y 3 &.&.&. t UCREL. CLAWST Tagset : liste des encodages Claws. Lancaster University. 20 sept < com.lancs.ac.uk/ucrel/clawsttags.html>

18 556 VOLETS NOM BASE SECTIONS Ghosts + Locked Room DOUBLES : 2 sections &&&YCity Room34, YL34, Y 4&&.& ZGHOSTSR.EXE&&.&ZGhos tsroom3.zg31. ZI &"&&. &&&ZGhostsRoom3 2,2G32, ZZ &.& &. &&&ZGhostsRoom3 3, 2L33, 23 &.&&" &&.&ZGbostsRoom3 4. ZL3 4. 7A &. &. &. City of Glass + Ghosts X2CIGH.EXE &&.&X2cityGhosts3 a, XC3 a, Xa&&& &.&&XZCityGho sts 3 b,xg3 b, Xb &.& &. City of Glass + Locked Room Y2CIRO.EXE &&&Y2C ty Room3a, YC3a, Ya&&& &.&.&Y2Cty Room3b, YL3b, Yb&&& Ghosts + Locked Room Z2GHRO.EXE &&&Z2Gho s t s R o o m 3 a.zg 3 a.za &&.& &. &.&ZZGho s t s Ro om3 b.zl3b.zb&.&.& TRILOGIE The New-York Trilogy 3l sections The New-York Trilogy 6 sections The New-York Trilogy 3 sections auteur The New-York Trilogy 6 sections ozo réduits The New-York Trilogy encodagesclaws 3 sections The New-York Trilogy encodages CLAWS regroupés :NCÆ.{P/ADJ 3 sections TRILX.EXE &&&CityofGlass3a, CG3a, Ca&&& t.. l &&&CityofGlass 3 m,cg3 m,cm&&& &&&Ghosts3a, GH3a, Ga&&.& t...1 &&&Ghosts3i, GH3i, Gi&&& &&&LockedRoom3 a.lr3 a.la&&& t..1 &&&LockedRoom3 i.lr3 i.li&&& TTRIL3.EXE &&&TCityofGlass3 1, TC3 1, T1&&& &&&TCityofGlass32, T C32, T2&&.& &&&TGhosts33, TG33, T3&&.& &&&TGhosts34, TG34, T4&.E & &&&TlockedRoom35.Tl35. T5&&& &&&TlockedRoom36.TL36. T 6 &&.& T2TRIL3.EXE &.&.&T 2cityofGlass3 a, TC3 a, T a&&& 8.&"&T2Ghosts3b, TG3b, Tb&&& &.&&T ZLockedRoom3 c. TL3 c.tc &&& TTRILOZO.EXE &&&TCityofGlass3 1, TC3 l, T l&&& &&&TCityofGlass32, T C32, T 2&&.&" &&&TGhosts33, TG33, T3 &&& &&&TGhosrs34, T G34. T 4 &&.&. &&&TlockedRoom35,Tl35, T 5 &&&. &&&TlockedRoom36.Tl36. T 6 &&& TRICW1.EXE &&&CityClaws, CICW,CW&&& &&&GhostsClaws,GHCW,GW&&& &&&RoomClaws,ROCW,RW&&& TRICW3.EXE &&&CityClaws, CICW,CW&&& &&&GhostsClaw s,ghcw,gw&&& &&&RoomClaws,ROCW.RW&&& The New-York Triloev TRICW4.EXE &&&CityClaws, CICW,CW&&&

19 551 VOLETS NOM BASE SECTIONS encodages CLAWS regroupés: NN/ADJ 3 sections Policier vs Quête SIMPLES : 2 sections City of Glass : chap. 1 à 9 ll chap. l0 à t3 Ghosts : section Ià61/sec.7à9 Locked Room : chap. 1 à6 ll chap.l à9 DOUBLES : 4 sections CGPQ.EXE GHPQ.EXE LRPQ.EXE &&&GhostsClaws,GHCW,GW&&& &&&RoomClaws.ROCW,RV/&&& 1ère : enquête "policière" 2ème : quête d'identité &&&City of GlassPQ, Cpl, CI&&.& &&&City of GlassPQ, Cq2, C2&.&&. &&&GhostsPQ, Gp3, G3&&& &&&GhostsPQ, Gq4, G4&&& &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lp5, L5&.&& &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lq6, L6 &.&.&. City of Glass + Ghosts CGGHPQ.EXE &&&City of GlassPQ, Cp1, CI&&.& &&.&City of GlassPQ, CqZ, C2&&.& &&&GhostsPQ, Gp3, G3&&.& &&&GhostsPQ, Gq4, G4&.&.& City of Glass + Locked Room CGLRPQ.EXE &&&City of GlassPQ, Cp1, Cl&&& &&&City of GlassPQ, Cq2, C2&.&& &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lp5, L5&&.&" &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lq6, L6&&& Ghost + Locked Room GHLRPQ.EXE &&&GhostsPQ, Gp3, G3&&& &&&GhostsPQ, Gq4, G4&&.& &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lp5, L5 &&& &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lq6, L6&.&&. TRILOGIE The New-York Trilogy : partie policière 3 sections The New-York Trilogy : partie quête 3 sections The New-York Trilogy : parties policière + quête 6 sections The New-York Trilogy : parties policière + quête 2 sections The New-York Trilogy : encodases CLAWS TRILP.EXE TRILQ.EXE TRILPQ.EXE TPQ2.EXE TRICWPQ.EXE &&&City of GlassPQ, Cpl,C1&&& &&&GhostsPQ, Gp3, G3 &.&.&. &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lp5, L5&.&& &&&City of GlassPQ, CqZ, C2&&&. &&&GhostsPQ, Gq4, G4&&& &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lq6, L6&&& &&&City of GlassPQ, Cp 1, C 1&&& &&&City of GlassPQ, Cq2, C2&&.&. &&&GhostsPQ, Gp3, G3&.&.& &&&GhostsPQ, Gq4, G4&"&.&. &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lp5, L5&"&& &&&Locked RoomPQ, Lq6, L6 &.&.& &&&TriP, TriP, TP&&& &&&TriQ, TriQ, TQ&&& &&.&c &&&c tyclaws,cwp I,W 1&&& tyclaws,cwq2,wze.e.&

20 558 VOLETS NOM BASE SECTIONS 6 sections &&&GhostsClaws,GWP3,W3&&& &.&.& GhostsClaws,GWQ4,W 4 &.&.&. &&&RoomClaws,RWP5,W5 &&&RoomClaws,RWQ6,W6&&& The New-York Trilogy TRTCWPQZ.EXE&&&CityClaws,CWP 1,W I &&& encodages CLAWS &&&CityClaw s, CWQ 2,W 2 &.&& regroupés :NC/NP/ADJ &&&GhostsClaws,GWP3,W3&&& 6 sections &"&&. GhostsClaws,GWQ4,W 4 &&& &&&RoomClaws,RWP5,W5 &&& &&&RoomClaws,R'WQ6,W6&&& The New-York Trilogy TRTCWPQ3.EXE&&&CityClaws,CWP 1,W 1 &&& encodages CLAWS &&&CityClaws,CWQ 2,W 2&.&.&. regroupés: NN/ADJ &&&GhostsClaws,GWP3.W3&&& 6 sections &&& GhostsClaws,GWQ4,W 4 &.&& &&&RoomClaws,RWP5,W5&&& &&&RoomClaws,RWQ6,W6&&& Hapax The New-York Trilogy 3 sections HAPAXTRI.EXE &&&Indhapl23, IH 1, Hl &&& &&&Indhapl23, IH2, H2&&.& &&&IndhapI23, IH3, H3&&& VERSION RÉFÉRENCIATION DÉSAMBIGUISÉE Caractéristiques : - idem version "encodages 1er niveau" + modificateurs et pronoms désambiguisés (référenciation personnages encodée) VOLETS NOM BASE SECTIONS Sections par chapitres ou occurrences SIMPLBS City of Glass 13 sections auteur CITYD.EXE &&&City of GlassDa, CGDa, Ia&&& &&&City of GlassDb, CGDb, Ib&&& Ghosts 9 sections &&&CityofGlasDm,CGDm, Im&&& GHOSTSD.EXE GHDa, Ha&&& i"i.ï:rsda,

21 559 VOLETS NOM BASE SBCTIONS Locked Room 9 sections auteur DOUBLES : 4 sections ROOMD.EXE &&&GhostsDi, GHDi, Hi&&& &&&LockedRoomDa. LRDa. Oa&&.& &&&Locked RoomDi. LRDi. Oi&&& City of Glass + Ghosts RCGGHD.EXE &&&RC ty GhostsDl, RCDI, R1&&& &&&RC ty GhostsD 2, PtCDz, RZ &&& &&&RC tyghostsd3, RGD3, R3&&& &&&RC tyghostsd4, RGD4, R4&&& City of Glass + Locked Room SCGLRD.EXE &&&SCity RoomDl, SCD1, S1&&& &&&SCity RoomD2, SCD2, S2&.&.& &&&SCity RoomD3, SLD3, S3&&& &&&SCitv RoomD4, SLD4, S4&"&& Ghosts + Locked Room UGHLRD.EXE &&&UGhostsRoomD 1.UGD 1.U I &.&"&. &&&UGhostsRoomD2, UGDZ, u2&&.&. &&&UGhostsRoomD3. ULD3, U3&.&"&. &&&UGhostsRoomD4. ULD4. U 4&.&.& DOUBLES : 2 sections City of Glass + Ghosts City of Glass + Locked Room Ghosts + Locked Room TRILOGIE R2CGGHD.EXE &&&R2city GhostsDa, RCDa, Ra&&& &&&R2city GhostsDb, RGDb, Rb&&& S2CGLRD.EXE &&&S2city RoomDa, SCDa, Sa&&& &&&S2city RoomDb, SLDb, Sb&&& U2GHLRD.EXE &&&U2GhostsRoomDa,UGDa,Ua &.&&. &&&U2chostsRoomDb.ULDb.Ub&&& The New-York Trilogy 6 sections The New-York Trilogy 3 sections auteur Policier vs Quête SIMPLES : 2 sections City of Glass : chap. I à 9 // chap. 10 à 13 Ghosts : section I à6 ll sec. 7 à TTRILD.EXE T2TRILD.EXE CGPQD.EXE GHPQD.EXE &&&TCity of GlassDl, TCD1, DI&.&&. &&&TCity of GlassD2, T CDZ, D2&.&.&. &&&TGhostsD3, TGD3, D3&&& &&&TGhostsD4, TGD4, D4&.&.& &&&TlockedRoomD5, TLD5, D5&&& &&&TLockedRoomD6. TLD6. D6 &.&.&" &&&Tzcityof GlassDa, TCDa, Da&&.& 8.&.&T zchostsdb, TGDb, Db&&& &&&T ZLoc kedr omdc. TLDc. D c &&& lère : enquête "policière" 2ème: quête d'identité &&&City of GlassPQD, CplD, CI&&.& &&&City of GlassPQD, Cq2D, C2&.&.&. &&&GhostsPQD, Gp3D, G3&&& &&&GhostsPQD, Gq4D, G4&.&&

22 560 VOLETS NOM BASE SECTIONS 9 Locked Room : chap. 1 à6 // chap.7 à9 DOUBLES : 4 sections LRPQD.EXE &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lp5D, L5 &.&& &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lq6D, L6&&& City of Glass + Ghosts City of Glass + Locked Room Ghost + Locked Room TRILOGIE CGGHPQD.EXE&&&City of GlassPQD, CplD, C1&&& &&.&City of GlassPQD, Cq2D, C2&&&. &&&GhostsPQD, Gp3D, G3&&& &&&GhostsPQD, Gq4D, G4&.8.& CGLRPQD.EXE &&&City of GlassPQD, CplD, Cl&&.&. &&&City of GlassPQD, Cq2D, C2&.&& &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lp5D, L5 8.&.& &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lq6D, L6&&&. GHLRPQD.EXE &&&GhostsPQD, Gp3D, G3 &.&.&. &&&GhostsPQD, Gq4D, G4&.&&. &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lp5D, L5 &.&&. &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lq6D, L6&&.& The New-York Trilogy: partie policière 3 sections The New-York Trilogy partie quête 3 sections The New-York Trilogy 6 sections TRILPD.EXE TRILQD.EXE TRILPQD.EXE &.&&City of GlassPQD, CplD, CI&&& &&&GhostsPQD, Gp3D, G3&&.&. &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lp5D, L5 &&&. &&&City of GlassPQD, Cq2D, C2&&&" &&&GhostsPQD, Gq4D, G4&.&&. &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lq6D, L6&&& &&&City of GlassPQD, CplD, CI&&&. &&&City of GlassPQD, Cq2D, C2&&.& &&&GhostsPQD, Gp3D, G3&&& &&&GhostsPQD, Gq4D, G4&&&. &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lp5D, L5 &.&&. &&&LockedRoomPQD, Lq 6D, L6 &.8.&.

23 561 ANNEXE D Tableau 4. UCREL CLAWST Tagset : encodages de Claws APPGE AT ATl BCL CC CCB CS CSA CSN CST CSV/ DA DA1 DA2 DAR DAT DB DBz DD DD1 DDz DDQ DDQGE DDQV EX FO FU FW GE IF tr IO possessive pronoun, pre-nominal (e.g. my, your, our) article (e.g. the, no) singular article (e.9. a, an, every) before-clause marker (e.g. in order (that),in order (to)) coordinating conjunction (e.g. and, or) adversative coordinating conjunction ( but) subordinating conjunction (e.g. if, because, unless, so, for) as (as conjunction) than (as conjunction) that (as conjunction) whether (as conjunction) after-determiner or post-determiner capable of pronominal function (e.g. such, former, same) singular after-determiner (e. g. little, much) plural after-determiner (e.g. few, several, many) comparative after-determiner (e.g. more, less, fewer) superlative after-determiner (e.g. most, least, fewest) before determiner or pre-determiner capable of pronominal function (all, half) plural before-determiner ( both) determiner (capable of pronominal function) (e.g any, some) singular determiner (e.g. this, that, another) plural determiner ( these,those) wh-determiner (which, what) wh-determiner, genitive (whose) wh-ever determiner, (whichever, whatever) existential there formula unclassified word foreign word germanic genitive marker - ('or's) for (as preposition) general preposition of (as preposition)

24 562 IW JJ JJR JJT JK MC MCl }/{Cz MCGE MCMC MD MF ND1 NN NNl NN2 NNA NNB NNLl NNL2 NNO NNO2 NNTl NNT2 NNU NNUl NNU2 NP NP1 NP2 NPDl NPD2 NPMl NPM2 PN PN1 PNQO PNQS with, without (as prepositions) general adjective general comparative adjective (e.g. older, better, stronger) general superlative adjective (e.g. oldest, best, strongest) catenative adjective (able in be able to, willing in be willing to) cardinal number,neutral for number (two, three..) singular cardinal number (one) plural cardinal number (e.g. sixes, sevens) genitive cardinal number, neutral for number (two's, 100's) hyphenated number (40-50, I1 7 O- 1827) ordinal number (e.g. first, second, next, last) fraction,neutral for number (e.g. quarters, two-thirds) singular noun of direction (e.g. north, southeast) common noun, neutral for number (e.g. sheep, cod, headquarters) singular common noun (e.g. book, girl) plural common noun (e.g. books, girls) following noun of title (e.g. M.A.) preceding noun of title (e.g. Mr., Prof.) singular locative noun (e.g. Island, Street) plural locative noun (e.g. Islands, Streets) numeral noun, neutral for number (e.g. dozen, hundred) numeral noun, plural (e.g. hundreds, thousands) temporal noun, singular (e.g. day, week, year) temporal noun, plural (e.g. days, weeks, years) unit of measurement, neutral for number (e.g. in, cc) singular unit of measurement (e.g. inch, centimetre) plural unit of measurement (e.g. ins., feet) proper noun, neutral for number (e.g. IBM, Andes) singular proper noun (e.g. London, Jane, Frederick) plural proper noun (e.g. Browns, Reagans, Koreas) singular weekday noun (e.g. Sunday) plural weekday noun (e.g. Sundays) singular month noun (e.g. October) plural month noun (e.g. Octobers) indefinite pronoun, neutral for number (none) indefinite pronoun, singular (e.g. anyone, everything, nobody, one) objective wh-pronoun (whom) subjective wh-pronoun (who)

25 563 PNQV PNXI PPGE PPHl wh-ever pronoun (whoever) reflexive indefinite pronoun (oneself) nominal possessive personal pronoun (e.g. mine, yours) 3rd person sing. neuter personal pronoun (it) PPHOl 3rd person sing. objective personal pronoun (him, her) PPHO2 3rd person plural objective personal pronoun (them) PPHS 1 3rd person sing. subjective personal pronoun (he, she) PPHS2 3rd person plural subjective personal pronoun (they) PPIO1 PPIO2 PPISl PPIS2 PPX1 PPX2 PPY RA REX RG RGQ RGQV RGR RGT RL RP RPK RR RRQ RRQV RRR RRT RT TO UH VBO VBDR YBDZ VBG VBI lst person sing. objective personal pronoun (me) 1st person plural objective personal pronoun (us) lst person sing. subjective personal pronoun (I) lst person plural subjective personal pronoun (we) singular reflexive personal pronoun (e.g. yoursell itself) plural reflexive personal pronoun (e.g. yourselves, themselves) 2nd person personal pronoun (you) adverb, after nominal head (e.g. else, galore) adverb introducing appositional constructions (namely, e.g.) degree adverb (very, so, too) wh- degree adverb (how) wh-ever degree adverb (however) comparative degree adverb (more, less) superlative degree adverb (most, least) locative adverb (e.g. alongside, forward) prep. adverb, particle (e.g about, in) prep. adv., catenative (about in be about to) general adverb wh- general adverb (where, when, why, how) wh-ever general adverb (wherever, whenever) comparative general adverb (e.g. better,longer) superlative general adverb (e.g. best, longest) quasi-nominal adverb of time (e.g. now, tomorrow) infinitive marker (to) interjection (e.g. oh, yes, um) be, base form (finite i.e. imperative, subjunctive) were was being be, infinitive (To be or not... It will be..)

26 564 VBM VBN VBR VBZ VDO VDD VDG VDI VDN VDZ VHO VHD VHG VHI VHN VHZ VM VMK VVO VVD VVG VVGK VVI VVN VVNK YYZ XX ZZI ZZ2 am been are is do, base form (finite) did doing do, infinitive (I may do... To do...) done does have, base form (finite) had (past tense) having have, infinitive had (past participle) has modal auxiliary (can, will, would, etc.) modal catenative (ought, used) base form of lexical verb (e.g. give, work) past tense of lexical verb (e.g. gave, worked) -ing participle of lexical verb (e.g. giving, working) -ing participle catenative (going in be going to) infinitive (e.g. to give... Ir will work...) past participle of lexical verb (e.g. given, worked) past participle catenative (e.g. bound in be bound to) -s form of lexical verb (e.g. gives, works) not. n't singular letter of the alphabet (e.g. A,b) plural letter of the alphabet (e.g. A's, b's) Any of the tags listed above may in theory be modified by the addition of a pair of numbers to it: eg. DDzl, DD22 This signifies that the tag occurs as part of a sequence of similar tags, representing a sequence of words which for grammatical purposes are treated as a single unit. For example the expression in terms o/ is treated as a single preposition' receivingr,tn:rtll';"rms rr32 or rr33 The first of the two digits indicates the number of words/tags in the sequence, and the second digit the position of each word within that sequence.

27 56s Such ditto tags arc not included in the lexicon, but are assigned automatically by a program called IDIOMTAG which looks for a range of multi-word sequences included in the idiomlist. The following sample entries from the idiomlist show that syntactic ambiguity is taken into account, and also that, depending on the context, ditto tags may or may not be required for a particular word sequence: at_rr2l- fength_rr22 a_dd2 1/RR2 1 lot_dd22 /RR22 in CS2L/II that CS22/DD1

28 566 ANNEXE B Table de distribution du Khi2 P 0,95 0, ,l0 0,05 0,0r 0,00t I t J l0 ll l2 l3 t4 l5 t6 l7 t8 l9 20 2l E ,004 0,t03 0,t52 0,71I I,145 I,635 2,167 2,713 3,325 3,940 4,575 5,226 5,E92 6,571 7,261 7,962 8,672 9,390 l0,t l7 l0,e5l I1,591 I 2,33E t3,@l I 3,8,fE 14,6il I 5,379 l6,l5r 16,92E t7,70e 18,493 0,016 0,21 0,583 t,064 I,610 2,204 2,833 3,490 4,16E 4,865 ( (7R 6,304 7,O42 7,790 8,547 9, ,085 r0,865 I 1,65 I t2,u3 I 3,2.f0 t4,041 l4,t4t l 5,659 t6,473 l7,292 t8,t r4 I 8,939 19,76t 20,599 0,455 r,386 2,36 3,357 4,35r 5,348 6,346 7,34 8,343 9,342 10,341 I r,340 I 2,3rto r 3,339 I 4,339 l 5,338 l l 7,338 I 8,33E 9,337 20,3t7 2t,337 22,337 23,337 24,337 25,336 26,336 27,t36 28,336 29,336 2,706 4,û5 6,251 7,779 9,216 r0,545 t2,0t7 t3,362 t4,6u 15,987 l7,275 r 8,549 t9,et2 2r,ou 72,107 21,542 24,769 25,9t9 27,204 28,412 29,6t5 30,813 32,O07 33, I 96 t4,382 35,563 36,741 37,916 39,087 &,256 3,841 5,991 7,815 9,488 I,070 t2,s92 14,067 I 5,507 16,919 18,367 19,675 21,026 22,362 23,685 24,996 26,296 27,5E7 28,E69 30,1,14 3 1,4 10 t2,671 t3,294 35,r72 36,415 37,652 38,885 40, t,331 42,551 43,773 6,635 9,2t0 I 1,34t 13,277 r 5,086 r6,el2 18,475 20,0q) 2t,66 23,2O9 24,725 26, t 29,t4r 30,57E 32,000 33,@ 34,805 36, ,566 38,932 i10,289 4r,63t 42,984 4,tt4 45,&2 46,963 48,278 49,588 50,9r2 10,827 13,8t5 I 6,26t 18,465 20,517 22,457 24,322 26,125 27,871 29,588 tr,26 32,909 34,528 16,t23 t7,697 39,252 40,7n 42,t12 43,Eæ 45,3 l 5 46,797 4t,2æ 49,728 5 t,179 52,620 y,052 55,476 56,893 5r,102 59,101

29 567 ANNEXE F Listes des hautes fréquences a CITY OF GLASS rang frq mot I 2998ozo 2 27Il the to 4 l424he and of 7 967a it was in l1 667 m$dhis t2 649i not had is or l7 403 quinn you on 20 33'l as c%othat him with btt be at would have what 30 2OOpfdthere stillmanp pfdthat do ss could said 37 r13 if been a Données obtenues dans Hyperbase grâce au bouton "structure" puis "hautes fréquences"

30 I l I ]I 72 t5 l l t himself 159 then 153 did 152 m$qno 150 up 150 am 149 they 149 now 148 from 146 an 135 peter 132 man 131my 129 oû 129 or 129 by I2l time 126 were 124 pfrthat I22 so 118 pfdthis 114 me 111 anno 108 will 108 auster 107 about 104 who 104 even 100 are 99 m$dthis 98 pfqone 9l into 88 know 87 m$qall 86like 82 think 82 them 79 things 78 when 76 yes 75 say '74 than 74 m$qone 73 m$dthat 73 again J2 can 71 only 70 authere 69 nothing 69 m$qother

31 words went 91, 68 see we through right name just after seemed same how GHOSTS rang frq mot ozo the 3 844he to and is 1 53Oa of 9 404m$dhis it in bblueh for bblack not 16 22I cvothat fl 212 on him but as has 22 l60be with at then from pfdthere 28 r25 i himself 30 Ll2you ss so

32 says what was 36 99by out now up have man pfdthat 43 8l are will about m$dthis when time an or does do 53 7l than 54 T0pfrthat if would room m$qno pfdthis they 61 62can 62 62been nothing wwhite pfqone auno m$qone into down l0 53 know through case after arrthere never pfqall even l8 49 begins who street over just

33 5tr back though thinks before them moment m$dher 90 40like knows thing only day same m$qsome 97 38long life sees m$dthat TIIE LOCKED ROOM rang frq mot 2581 ozo the 3 r663i to and was 7 990a of tt in not he 13 49lhad for c%othat me fanshawep but you on is my with m$dhis 25 2l8as she

34 l t l r I 72 l him 250 would 224be 215 at 2II we 201 have 2O2what 192 pf.dtbat 185 then 179 do nt did 172 m$qno L72by 169 pfdthere 167 could 166 from 165 were 165 about 153 said 152 pf.dher 151 an 150 up 149 out r47 if 135 been 131 pfdthis 128 m$dher 123 ss 123 so 122 sophie 120 than 120 pfrthat 118 time 118or 115 pfqone 113 when 112 myself 104 m$dthis 104 into 100 are 99 think 98 who 92 nothing 90 m$qone 89like 88 there 87 even 86 only 86 now 85 am

35 m$qall know t9 82 they how after 82 80life back atrmore never thiîg them things work down 9I 71 went pfqall us just man m$dthat go knew will see TIIE NEW YORK TRILOGY rang frq mot ozo 2 62O1 the to 4 3O76and he of a I 2437 i ir l was 11 I79t in is not 14 l35l m$dhis for 16 l062had I7 983 cvothat on you but

36 574 2l 795 as him with be at me would what have my pfdthat tben do from ss quinn by bblueh m$qno if 4l 385 up could an out she fanshawep been so about did said himself 53 32I or now time pfdthis pfrthat were we they 6I 294 pf.dthere man are m$dthis bblack pf.qone am when than into

37 575 7l 252w1ll who l3 244has even t5 232 arlno know m$qone nothing like m$dher stillmanp pfdher m$qall think them pfthere after only down can 9I 190 never back pfqall things through just m$dthat 98 l74how thing room

38 576 ANNEXE G Tableau 5. Répartition des hautes fréquences City of Glass + Ghosts Trilogie + The Locked Room Mots informatifs qurnn stillmanp bblueh bblack fanshawep man man room allthere allthere time time now now then never say/said/says said think/thinks think

39 577 City of Glass + Ghosts Trilogie + The Locked Room know / knew know see/sees see/sees thing / things thing / things eyen eyen only only not not anno (dans City+Ghosts) atrno so so Mots outils ozo ozo the the alan alan pfd this p$d this m$d this m$d this m$d that m$d that p$d that I me

40 578 City of Glass + Ghosts Trilogie + The Locked Room my you you he he him him m$dhis m$dhis himself (city+ghosts : himself devient myself dans Room) she m$d her p$d her it it we they they them ss (génitit) SS p$q one pf,q one m$q one m$q one p$q all pfq all

41 579 City of Glass + Ghosts Trilogie + The Locked Room msqall m$q all pfd there msq pfd there m$q no nothing of nothing of if if or but and or but and Ce tableau a été établi à partir des listes de hautes fréquences des volets pris séparément : listes des 100 lexèmes les plus fréquents dans chaque volet, obtenus dans Hyperbase. Dans la 2ème colonne sont mentionnés en gras les mots qui sont des hautes fréquences dans chacun des 3 volets. La 3ème colonne a été obtenue à partir du traitement global du corpus et regroupe les hautes fréquences de la trilogie newyorkaise dans son ensemble, dont ceux qui n'apparaissent dans chacun des 3 volets. La liste des mots outils a été réduite aux éléments du syntagme nominal et à quelques connecteur significatifs.

42 580 ANNEXE H Tableau 6. Écarts réduits sur les hautes fréquences de la trilogie (basettril3) 3D- I-15- l-20. I, quim I lI-9. sèilj.eæp??-4 3'7-6-2I-6, bblueh LA-Z 33.6-t?-I, bblack?l (-14 1 R -, fàh h -_-_--Êuep "n 7-E 3-l rs -Z.O 5-I -3-l, roou 3-9 g-z-ii-i. ehelrere I Èise 2-S?-3-4.3, now -3.0?-9 1.0, Èhen -?-4 I-7 I.2, newer 4.5-tI.Z 3.O. said L 3.?. Èhinjr -0-9 I-O -0-B, knou -z-l 0.? I.B, rhing I-3-2- Z I-I, Èhings I-4 -I-0 -L-I. Êven -I-5 -I-I l-9, only O-g -3-0 Z-3, not?-6 1-? -3-9, altro B -1-5, so -I I. i -li.o-r.r.? 20-0, ue , uy S I-9. you I I. he -I.6 4-t -?.4, hid

43 581 TC3a TGSh TL3c never said think know thing things even only nol ahno -r_6 4-O -2-4, hin?. I?. I-I4.9. r$dhis hireêlf -9. I -?. 2 I5.,l. she l-0 -e.8 l-9, iè they -I , esqno -?-9 Z-? 1-4, noèhing -5.3 I0.O -5-I. sees 1.2 -I.9 0.9, see SO I ne my you he hin m$dhis himselt she it they nsqno nothing sees see

44 582 Tableau 7. Écarts réduits sur les hautesfréquences de la trilogie (basetrilpq) t]p] DqZ Gp3 Gq4 Lp,ç Lqo *tillrunp bblark IÊnshûwep mân rdom ffhthere Ilme now,lt then. a: never sûid think kn,rw thinq thintt"- even 'lnly nor AHND S'l I me mt Y,1u ne II- I -8.5-I4.5-IO- 5, quiro I ? ?, sritieæp ?5-O I II.?. bbluetr 13-? L9.4-L bblack I6-I-I '7-g L7-8 I0-S. fmshawep r.9 3-? r.o -4.? -t_9 - nu I.O Z.O -?.?, roou?-i 3.0?-Z 4.A -1- I -6.O, ahrhere -I I I.l -I.8. tiue I I.e 2.? ?. noë -4-4 I O, Èhen t-3 Z-? -L-4 I-O 0-9, never 3-9 t-? ? I.I 3.0. said L-A -Z-Z I.O?.9 l.z. Èhin} L-6 -?-S L knou -r l-i. thing -L-9 -l L.O I.8. things "-4 I L-0 -I-g -I-S 0-9. ewen -I-S -O l-s I.5 I-2, only 1-S -L g nol Z-L l-3 -I-Z 3-t -5.? 0-9. a)ûro O.? I.6 I so -6.I-I4.'t-ZS-? _O?4.?. i '1.6-L?-O -3. S Ie.3 9.4, ne -z_a -s.b ,3 a-? 6-8, ny S ? you L4.3 8.S S.3-16.?-L?.7, he -0.? "-z I.O hid

45 583 tpl CqZ Gp3 Gq4 LpS Lq6 slillnanp bblueh bblack lanshawêp nan room altthere time now lhen never said think know thinq things even only nol ahno so I me ny you he him S-? 4-I I, usdhis Z-L ?.? S.6. hidsêlf -'l ? I? st.e -r_ I -0.9 r.0 r-9. iè?.8?.o Z-4-2-6, rhey I-0 -I I.6 l-9, DSqrro -2-? -I.8 1.? I I.?. noèhing e.5. seeg I.5 -I.0 -I I.9?-6. see

46 584 ANNEXE I Concordances de KNOW dans la trilogie new-yorkaise Ga 3b I last OZO WWhite says he does not the reports h Ga 5-l 947 OZO P Qlittle does OZO BBlueh the case wil Ga 5b Rthat OZO BBIueh cannot possibly For OZO knowle ud Jd ldish notion It is too earlv to himself and f Gc 36e I ther was lost althouqh he did not cd 45a I happening but it is impossible to over betwee Gd 48dl what. OZO BBlack is going to do to MSDhis room cd 50dl you the l-etter begins and good to hard Sounds Ge 60dl ZO,Jimmy she says I have got to thing was he r ce 65a I SDthis torture What he does not find the pat Ge 66cl so at a loss P Rthat he does not MSDhis head farth cf 80al h knows everything P Dthere is to kind of OZO Gf 84b I ays OZO BBlueh I cannot say I know him says cf 84b I say I know him You would not He is not a cf 84bl emblance is remarkable!ùe11 you OZO BBlueh MSQ cf 85al the science of OZO phrenology you the sku11 cf 85dl e agreed He just wanted them to mind if il.rarr nn Gg 86c I e A brain is not very tough you over the plac Gg 86dl nt C?that MSQno PÊQone could ever lifelong chums (]c RQcl ind in anvnne clsc YOU Seem to things says Gg 89dl hobby says OZO BBlack I like to acnaa i a'l'l rr ô cg 92bl ile on MSDhis face And we never MSDhis wife Ao Gg 92bl r word But he moved in again we remained a l-ov Gg 95bl h OZO rrjwhire then OZO Wwhire will OZO BBlueh is G9 99dl life than living a long time you OZO America wo ch loobl s But in your case at least you hard work will Gh 1O1al hat he is leading you along You before sprin know Just keep sending know of OZO course C?that know at MSDthis point know anything he says to know P Dthis know It looks like it is know when he wil-l stay in know you are workj-ng so know MSDthis OZO MSQone know is C?that were he to know whether to bend know aboul OZO BBlack what know him You would not know him says OZO BBlack know what they know reading say says the bumps on know C?that he did not know Tf snl:fègrgfl al] know they were not OZO know a lot about MsDthese know how OZO writers know what he says to know C?that know immediately live Pf.Qmuch and C?that know MSQhalf the men in know C?that MSQall- the know lu1ling you to sleep

47 585 ch 101d1 ng him for so long now C?that I know myself PÊQ ch 1o1dl c?that r know him better than r to do is thi ch 101d1 ve to do is think about him and I know where h ch 101d1 m and I know what he is doinq f Gh 102a1 r come to Gh 102a the p l.r i m r.r'i l-h mrr arza< n'l aqad nô -- you OZO home The ch 102b1 *hy MSQall the mystery I do not fnr l-ha u f f v MRôf r r J Y! r i ch 102c I ck straight in the eyes Does he or not OZ ch 102d1 e point is not it He has got to OZO sense ch 109b1 OzO BBlueh was always curious to would be thinkin ch 11rbl ffy But sometimes it is hard to I am almost ch l-11d1 e are OZO days when I do not even long Well ch 11fdl live C?that long Wel-l- we never nnââina nhi know him better know myself than I PÊQall I have know what he is doing I know where he is know everything It has know where he is now know says OZO BBlack and know you are watching ch 112b1 *r OZO BBlueh wants OZO BBlack to know C?that he is just as smart as he Gi 116b1 and when he comes to he does not know how long he has been out Dimly ci 121d1 s even though OZO BBlueh does not know it OZO MSQone afternoon theref ci L22dl ough MSDhis head He would never know what hit him OZO BBlueh thinks he ci 125d1 OZO questions when you already know the answer It is grotesque "k is n ci L27bl easy to get OZO rid of me you know You got me into PÊDthis and "o now y Gi I27cl enthere is nothing left But you know PÊDthat OZO BBlueh you know P Dth Gi I27c I t you know P DthaL OZO BBlueh you know P Dthat better than anyone So w ci 128b1 nd then we say OZO good bye You know it already OZO BBlueh Do not you ci 12Bbl po not you understand P Dthat You know the story by OZO heart Then why Gi l29al re a goddamned miserable fool I know PÊDthat But Aqno PÊQmore than any ci 129b1 r" smarter than I am At l-east I know what I have been doi-ng I have had Gi 132c I r And from MSDthis moment on we know nothing At him know or else nothing makes know what the picture know where you are I think know if I will live C?that know do we says OZO BBlueh

48 586 ANNEXE J Concordances de MAN dans la trilogie new-yorkaise l Ca 5a I een Aomore ambitious As a young man he had published OZO MSQseveral- bo Ca 6bl ZO William Wil-son were the same man It was for MSDthis reason C?that ^ Ca - ^! 10dl nable to teil if it belonged to a man or a woman Hello said the voice Ca 14d I eye of the writer the arra nr iha himself into th Ca 18b I ecord of OZO Haydn SS opera The listened to it fro Ca 19bl ant to speak to Always the same P Qone who call- Ca 20bl protect me yes And to find the You do not Cb 20cl msel-f doing a good imitation of a He cleared t Cb 22dl cup the red back of the faceless caught a glimp Cb 26cl tillmanv Instead it was a young OzO white with Cb 28dl Dthat did not seem possible The even studying h Cb 29al MSQno questions please the young Aono Thank Cb 37bl o me As you can see I am a rich Aono Aono Cb 37dl m the end of everyone the MSQIast I think Cc 46al ZO Virginia Stillmanv The young -L^-i ^^ I ^^ arrç4u d> 1! dë Cc atcl with MSDhis eyes until- the young the door OZO V Cc 59a I ound out C?that you v/ere the best MSDthis kind of OZ Cc 59al f am sure we have found the right P Dthis as MSDhis Cc 61dl would help him to understand the him nothing Cc 61dl Aono P Qmore than a picture of a moment longe Cd 63c I the experiment hoping to discover language using OZO Cd 65a I ct Even so sane and sceptical a considered the qu Cd 68a I fl-oor of a darkened room fed by a or let hims Cd 68b I Kaspar was murdered by an unknown nr rl.r'l i n n: rlz T Cd 68c I row up If OZO Stillmanp was the back to aveng Ce 7l-c I ivel- stools A tall Puerto Rican chef SS hat s man who looks out from Man in the Moon and man OZO Auster The man who is going to do it man preparlng man to go out Tn MSDhis mind he man dressed entirelv man was looking at him in mâh câiâ =1- D ^] -^! \r^^ rrrqrr Èqru ql rlvrqdl Ic> man f do not man have to \^/orry So Aomuch the better man was gazing man disappeared straight man in tha cïfv fq1. man OZO through Quinn took Drr+ flaa -jcture told man He studied it for a man SS true natural man as OZO Montaigne man who never man with spoke to him a dagger in a man with the dagger come man in a white cardboard

49 581 Ce 71dl ster was the boss a smal-l- balding man wit.h OZO curly hair and a concentr Ce lzcl nn Did you see OZO game tonight man I missed it Anything good to r Ce 72cl he same conversation with MSDthis man whose name he did not know Once Af ejvt R?r- F'or rr i f rrnrr dn )'vq nnt.onsidef the man hafnrê r/ôrr l-o be human Ptutnere ar Cf 86c I not only records the fali of OZOman but the fall- of OZO language Lat cf 87dl Tower therefore ozo God condemned man to obey MSDthis injunction MSQanot cf B9a I Eve from the Garden Behold the man is become P Qone of us to know OZO Cf 89dl two ways in order to convince OzO man Câthat the destruction.. was a o]-vr-n Cf 90c I rding to ozo Stillmanp as a young man OZO Henry DDark had serveo as pr]-v Cf 93c I e MSQno maps PÊRthat could l-ead a man to lt MSQno instruments of OZO nav Cf 93c I navigation P Rthat could guide a man to its shores Rather its existen Cf 93dl existence was immanent within OZO beyond he mi cf e4al And if OZO MSDthis dreamed cf q4l)l stan further If the fa1l of OZO of OZO langua Cf gacl Rthat was spoken in ozo Eden If MSDthis origi cf 94ctl ---l was sô For was OZO Christ not a flesh and blood Cf 95cl d it would indeed be possible for man himself man coul-d bring man also entailed man coul-d l-earn to man a creature the idea of a forth a fall speak of OZO mân f ^ cna:lr v y v $ r L l- l-ro nr'i ai n:l Ianguage of cf c6hl oricrinal site of OZO mankind OZO Man SS duty to scatter himsel-f across Cf q6d /vs I f he trrri'l rlina af ô7ô Êabel- P Rthat man must fill the earth would be elimi Cf 98dl orty nights he woufd emerge a new man speaking OzO God SS language pre Cg 1-O0c I k alcoves He concluded C%that a man determined to disappear could do s Cg 104d1 ss MSQI-ast years the taciturn old man working in the NNew York customs h ôn 1ôRr I l- l-'ô.osaqlt he Saw a ShOrt Silent man holding out a green and red ba11po cg 1o5c I d into MSDhis pocket and gave the man a dollar The deaf mute nodded on cg 106a1 benches wedging himself between a man in a blue suit and a plump young w Cg 106a1 uit and a plump young woman The man v/as reading the sports section of Cg 106b1 a or MSQfourth paragraph when the man turned s1ow1y toward him gave him Cg 109c they remained the same and a man with the head to see it could theo "g. cg 109c I cognize the same person as an ol-d man OZO Quinn had MSDhis doubts but PÊ Cg 11Odl nfris eyes MSQeach time an elderly man approached he braced himself for i

50 588 Cg 113a I MSDhis right shoulder Mseanother man ql- ônnêd l- nnlr : -l i nht- ar out of MSDh Cg 113c I P Dthere was the shrewd look of a man of the world r$/as Carrylng He too Ca 114c I ction Surely PÊDthis was MSDhis man MSDthis shabby creature so broken Cg 115a1 wing MSDhis pace to match the old man SS and fol-l-owed him to the subway Cg 115c I Somehow he had assumed the ol-d man would have founc_ Aomore comfortabl_ CA 117a1 Ioca1 coffee shops But the old man did not appear and at P Qlast OZO Ch l-17b I i" routine did not vary The old man would wander through the streets o Ch 72Lc1 gems for steal-ing it from the old man But the time had not yel come fo Ch 123b1 a discrete distance from the old man blending into the traffic of the s Ch I24b I s thoughts as he followed the old man OZO Quinn was used to wandering MS Ch 125c I to be OzO Auster meant being a man with MSQno interior a man with MSQ Ch 125c I leing a man with MSQno interior a man with MSQno thoughts And if PÊDth Ch L29c I nfusing himself with OZO Max tvork man who never failed to profit from MS Ch 130d1 ase OZO Stillmanp was a crazy old man who had forgotten MSDhis son Ch 135a1 fr" only thing he felt no\^/ was the man SS impenetrability Instead of na Ch 135a1 OZO Stillmanp he had seen the old man slip away from hj-m even as he rema I Ch 135c1 had kept a ful-l- record of the old man SS wanderings The result. was as Ci 1-42c1 in the same direction as the old man MSQNeither of them spoke By MSDh Ci 142d1 turned MSDhis head toward the ol-d man and looked at him OZO point blank Ci 144b1 ot Well put I can see you are a man of OZO sense OZO Quinn shrugged Ci 145a I n I must have a name But once a man gives you MSDhis name he is Aono 1 Ci 146d1 Exactly I cou1d tel1 you were a man of OZO sense right away OZO Mr Qui Ci L47c1 Uetieve how hard especially for a man or ^ -., my age ^^^ J- can imagine That i Ci 148c 1I within the scope of OZO Mseone man If I can 1ay the foundatiorr OZO Ci 149d1 ponse The only PÊQone worthy of a man nf mrr <l-^l-rrrô Ci 151b I r words expresses the will of OZO man When you stop to think of it eve t. Cr 154c I owing bolder now followed the old man into the restaurant and sat down i Ci r-55ai ah OZO Stillmanp nodded A man who begins with the essent.ial I Ci 158e I OZO Humpty Dumpty was a prophet a man who spoke OZO truths the worl-d was Ci 159a1 A man Excuse me A slip of the tongue Cl 159b1 mple of the not yet arrived For man is a fall-en creature we know P Dth

51 589 Ci 161a1 he only intelligent thing Pf.Rthat man do you suppos Ci 161c I on the table before him The old man relish De Ci l62bl hen he sat down Aonext to the old man Incredibly OZO St Ci 153a I r" to the PÊQone he saw The old man My name is Ci 76'7cl enthere was MSQno sign of the old man to himself an Ci 158b1 ing out a fever Perhaps the o1d man night and MSDh Ci 169a1 zo stal-e thoughts A large black man ever said And what arred l- ha fnnd wi th OZO and said asked hello him who he was!r ^--^ L- UAU Td L f CIIUC IIC isaid had died during the sat behind the front desk with MSD Ci 169c I your guests OZO Quinn said The man fooked up at him siowly as if wish Ci 169c I gain MSQno guests here said the man We call them OZO residents For Ci 159d1 illmanp OZO Peter Stillmanp The man pretended to think for a moment th c'i 'l 7oc do sv vnrr J ve lra askcd Mawbe L.6I said the man I will have to look in my office Ci 170c I t have to look in my office The man 1 i f t-âà rrn tl-ra newspaper which was Ci 170c I uess today is my day answered the man sliding the bill along the surface Ci 170d1 was again OZO Stillmanp An old man with OZO white harr ci l-71a1 t him the Professor That is the man Tln vnrr havc a number He c Ci 171c I Uave to ask OZO Louie the night man He comes on at OZO eight Can I cj 77aal Stillmanp was gone now The old man had become part of the crty He w cj 774c1 o Peter He had foll-owed the old man for OZO MSQtwo weeks What then c c'i vj 1'76'a1 r ô7.ô Auster himself If MSDthis man was as good a detective as the Sti Cj 1,77c1 by an invisible thread to the old man WhaLever OZO Stillmanp had done Cj 178c I the MSQeleventh floor It was a man who opened the apartment door He Cj l-78d1 oised in a writing position The man seemed surprised to find a strange Cj 179b I r I am OZO Paul Auster said the man I wonder if I could talk to you Cj 189c I rtrait of a writer than to show a man who has been bewitched by OZO book Cj tszcl hould not put it past him For a man so ski]led in the art of OZO disgu Cj 193a1 ou still have not explained why a man like OzO Don OZO Quixote would dis cj rsaal The man was obviously enjoying himself but Ck 209a1 re OZO real tal-ents The ol-d black man today for OZO example who tap danc ck 2o9cl weird and precise syncopation the man would improvise OZO endless tiny v ^r- ô1a - ^-^'.^! u^ zf f,q qiriivu trc carrnl- cd aq nresent for example who goes I!ç çvurrlcu qo P! Thg man everywhere wi T ^^,,!^j^-- ^.1!!' r saw Eoqay s1rr1n9 Ck 211-cl ories as if to someone el-se The man like a hean of

52 590 Ck 211e1 d where they were P Dthere is the man wrapped in the American flag PÊDth Ck 211e on MSDher face P Dthere is the man in a ravaged overcoat MSDhis shoes "k Ck 211f I leaner SS plastic P Dthere is the man in a business suit with OZO bare f Ck 211f I campaign buttons P Dthere is the man who walks with MSDhis face in MSDh Ck 21-4c I d polj-ceman therefore not a young man In MSDhis day P Dthere had MSQno Ck 2L4d1 name and assumed he had the right man Then he gave the number to the S Ck 215b1 y had been destined for the wrong man It PÊQa11 made perfect sense ^^ - r I CI 226d1 ad always thought of himself as a man who liked to be alone CI 232d1 bore a certain resemblance to the man he had always thought of as himsel CI 24Lal raph of a blond beefy faced young man MSQanother photograph showed the s CI 241"a1 photograph showed the same young man smiling standing in the snow with CI 247b1 a tnem PÊDthere was a ski slope a man with OZO MSQtwo skiis on MSDhis sh Cm 250a1 Aothere He thought back to the man who had been MSDhis agent and real Cm 258b1 t having done something to help a man who was so obviously in OZO troubl Ga 260b1 long time nothing does and then a man named OZO Wwhite walks through the Ga 260c1 trite wants OZO BB]ueh to fol]ow a man named OZO BBlack and l-n lraan âh ôlt Ga 263d1 egins then the young BBlueh and a man named OZO Wwhite who is obviously ca 253d1 O Wwhite who is obviously not the man he appears to be It does not mat Ga 269a1 d PÊDthat would not be good The man must always be the stronger P Qone Ga 27l-c1 Ils missing from the bank and the man got what was coming to him Even Ga 272b1 rrying around a photograph of the man for the past MSQthree months and k Ga 272c1 ZO Mrs GGreen married to the same man a MSQsecond time and while OZO GGr Ga 273a1 who were they to object to what a man chose to do with MSDhis life P Ga 274b1 e weather Not the behavior of a man about to escape OZO BBlueh thlnks Gb 277b I been forgotten altogether MSDthis man whose name rr/as OZO GGold became ob Gb 278a1 rainy retouched photograph of the man holding the death mask in MSDhis h Gb 279c I nce OZO BBlueh is only OZO MSQoneman he real-izes C?that OZO constant vi Gc 293di fiings happen he tell-s himself A man goes to the top of the Lrri Âaa ai rra Gc 29sa I l- l.ra l.rri Àaa Gc 295c1 'l ifa l.'rri'lâinn Gc 297a1 detective nd OzO BBIueh hras struck C?that a od out at the in OZO Gravesend The oid The o1d man was born the same year man who had spent man was a cop l-at.er a MSDhis

53 591 Gc 297d1 e in the French Alps he recalfs a man was l-ost skiing OZO MSQtwenty or O Gc 298b1 ation Needl-ess to say the young man stopped to examine it and as he be Gc 29Bc I t it was MSDhis father The dead man was still young even younger than Gc 299c I nknown For PÊDthere goes MSDhis man as blithe and unperturbed as anyon Gc 301d1 not give MSQsome hint of what the man is up to So far so good OZO BBla Gc 302a1 gut ozo BBlueh is too honest a man to delude himself and he knows C?t Gd 310c I y -t OZO PÊQone with the MsQother man C?that to anticipate what OZO BBla cd 313b1 OzO BBlueh feel-s betrayed by the man who was once like a father to him Gd 314b1 r above him anymore I am my own man he says to himself I am my own m Gd 314b1 tr. says to himself I am my own man accountahle to MgQno Dçô^hô LrrrÈ vse mrr,lll cd 316c I thoughts about the dignity of ozo man Aolittle by Aolittle he becomes cd 317d1 onstantly by the bl-ackness of the man SS face and he thinks it must take cd 318a1 Robinson does and when the black man steals a base in the cd 318b1 e actually -r ov lne IJo pounds the back of the man Aûnext to him for OZO éa':rsul.r in MSQanother country MSQevery man needs a MSQ1ittle comfort especial Ge 325b1 of OZO view the frustrations of a man who spends MSDhis whole life tryin Ge 325c1 A usçno doubt like to be the same man as ozo Stelvart SS Bailey But in ce 329b1 linked through the right arm of a man ozo BBlueh has never ^^^'^ L^ ^-^ - ce 329b1 g radiantly engrossed in what the man is saying to P Dher For OZO MSQs ce 330d1 or MSDhis behavior The MSQother man soon puts a stop to it however and Ge 330d1 enough and before he knows it the man has 1ed away the weeping ex future Ge 334e I t OzO MSQone sort or P Qanother a man with a mask on MSDhis face wal-ks t Gf 335a1 door at the same time but as the man separates himself from the crowd a Gf 335c I SDthis MSQfirst moment C?thaL the man behind the mask is ozo wwnltre As Gf 335c I O tfie mask is OZO Wwhite As the man continues walking toward the area Gf 315c1 ozo RBlueh also feefs C?that the man is not reallv Aothere C?that even Gf 335d1 eeluetr is wrong for as the masked man continues moving across the vast m Gf 337a1 The masked man reaches OZO box one thousand and o cf 337a1 that P Dthis is definitely MSDhis man he begins making a move toward him cf 337b1 f," mask off MSDhis face But the man is too al-ert and once he has pocke

54 592 cf 337c1 ages to get through it the masked man is bounding down the stairs landin Gf 337d1 s gaining OZO ground but then the man reaches the corner where a bus jus Gf 339c1 fter the incident with the masked man and the further obstacles PÊRthat cf 340a I om the very start he has been the man in the middle thwarted in OZO fron Gf 342b1 tning at PÊQal-l He feels like a man who has been condemned to sit in a Gf 342c I o plot MSQno action nothing but a man sitting alone in a room and writin cf 343b I that P Dthere rea11y is MSQsuch a man who does nothing who merely sits i Gf 344c1 ft is not possible for MSQsuch a man as OZO BBlack to exist Conseque cf 345b1 tnat OZO BBlack is not OZO Mgeone man but P Qseveral OZO Two three fou Gf 346a1 ossibilities he settl-es on an o1d man who used to beg on the corners of cf 348b1 tney say says OZO BBlueh MSQevery man has MSDhis double somewhere I do Gf 34Bc I not see why mine cannot be a dead m^n Tlra frrnnrr {-lli LrrfrrY h^ continues OZO B cf 349b1 could te11 you everything about a man SS character Anyway when OZO Whi Gg 352c I ZO nature he was Is P Dthat the man you mean Precisely answers OZO B Gg 354b1 ins and OZO guts the insides of a man We always talk about férrih^ ts^ ^ Gg 355d1 s later In OZO P Qone of them a decides to pla Gg 356c1 e OZO V'Iakefield has become an old in OZO autu Gg 359a1 get rid of the thought C?that the start If Gg 359c I r by talking to a broken down o1d Aqno OZO BBlack Gg 354b1 ttiat peeved P Rthat burned at the say OZO BBlue Gh 367c *u why are not you watching your be keeping an man named OZO Wakefield man OZO MSQone rainy night man was on to him from the man on a sereet man SS ga1i corner You do not man now Should not you Y Gh 371a1 you P Dthere never was MSQsuch a man as OZO Wwhite And then OZO poor Gh 372d1 pen P Dthere is the world a blind ch 373b1 Dthis time it is the Fuller brush man a trick he has used before and for ch 376b1 call it anything It is a MSQnoman SS 1and the place you come to at t Gh 376c I ations on MSDhis own suit For a man as neat as yourself says OZO BBlue Gh 378c i i-s the end of the Fuller brush man and P Qless than an hour later "t he Gi 380a1 ulder Alone and free MSDhis own man at PÊQlast He would build MSDhis ci ^^^i I 383b1 llapsing to the floor l-ike a dead man His watch stops with the fall a ci 389b1 ocus on OZO BBIack he studies the man SS face for OZO MSQseveral minutes

55 593 Gi 392c1 same PÊQone OZO BBlueh saw on the man in the post office and in MSDhis r Gi 392c I ight revolver PÊQenough to blow a man apart at MSQsuch OZO cl-ose range a Gi 393c1 i= right I am the original funny man You can always count on a l-ot of Gi 394a1 or were the right PÊQone for me A man after my own heart Tf rrnrr <l-^hh Gi 396c1 eçanother screaming at the masked man to shoot Aono l-onger caring 1f he Gi 396e1 SS face and groin and stomach the man can do nothing and not long after La 4o4cl t of a deep inner vigilance MSQno man woul-d have left MSDthis woman of M La 4O5dl ied ozo Fanshawep was nor an easy man to live with she said but she love La 4o7al sts she engaged the services of a man named OZO Quinn ozo ôrr i nr Ysffrrr r^rnrlzaâ La 407c1 zo Sophie found him sympathetic a man who genuinely wanted to help and w La 41'7al ity to stand in OZO judgment of a man and say whether MSDhis life had be La 4l9dl the chance to redeem himself what man is strong Aoenough to reject the p La 420a1 I succumbed to the flattery of a man who was not there and in MSDthat m La 42l-bl Together they were as heavy as a man Lb 442c1 U" was a cipher Lo me a silent man of OZO abstracted benevolence and Lb 443b1 MSDhis son for he seemed to be a man with ozo MsQlittle feeling for OZO Lc 450b1 d aoenough but working for a dead man hardly seemed better For OZO MSQ Lc 452c1 was something I had expected A man does not spend MSDhis time hiding Lc 455a1 SS work by devoting herself to a man who was Aono longer there she woul Lc 462b1 usçfittle P Qmore than a company man in the publishing world he was wha Lc 465c1 went on MSQno question Câthat the man coul-d write I read the book P Qmor Ld 476c1 darkness has the power to make a man open MSDhis heart to the wor]d and Ld 484c1 It was PÊQaIl so obvious The man wanted to leave and he left He s Le 5O0al ract and afterwards I fel-t like a man who had signed away MSDhis soul Le 503a1 feeling Aomore and Aomore like a man from the moon I finally spoke to Le 503a1 ft" supervisor a fasttalking black man who wore ozo silk ascots and a sap Le 503b1 was really expected of me MSDthis man was paid a certaln amount for MSQe Le 5o7al ater f was going to take a living man and put him in MSDhis grave I v/a Le 507c I ves make MSQno sense I argued A man lives and then he dies and what ha Le 509bl or OZO La Chère Lhe same wretched man whom OZO Albert had doomed to OZO Le 510d1 it curious to know how OZO MSQone man could wind up living OZO MSQtwo MS

56 594 Le 513a1 the dapper OZO unctuous ladies SS man of MSDhis youth an opportunlst ste Le 513c I mpossible to say anything about a man until he is dead Not only is OZO Le 514b1 or Avenue P Dthere was MsQanother man I knew who had once been considere Le 517a I For in MSDthis case it is the man himself who is the agent of MSDhis Le 517a1 keep himsel-f alive For surel-y a man cannot. live if he does not breathe Lf 526c1 Dher feet Lucky to have found a man like you I usually think of it t Lf 529a1 MSDhis shoes Aoall gro\^/n up no\^r a man You are the father of my grandso Lf 534d1 g"t MSDhis papers through MSDthat man Lf 540e I t comes when it is possible for a man to choose OZO death over OZO life Lg 543c1 s piecing together Lhe story of a man È;5 -L]-Ie l. WaS gathering OZO info Lg 545b1 crux of it to treat him as a dead man even though he was a]ive But bef Lg 547e I nd painting the deck as a utility man mopping OZO floors making OZO beds Lg 548a1 usçno shit from MSQno P Qone the man <airl Tf a arrr; complains about th Lg 549c1 drunks ganging up on an old black man who had wandered in with a large A Lg 549c I SDthis flag is a fake and the old man denying it almost grovelling for O Lg 549d1 e whole thing ending when the old man is pushed out the door landing f1a Lg 553a I ue Mademoisel-1e I see MSDthis man Aomore than anyone el-se OZO Fansha Lg 553c I t trow OZO Fanshawep gives the o1d man a refrigerator I was movr-ng to M Lg 554a1 it upstairs hrith the help of the man who drove the truck OZO fvan greet Lg 554c I ming the l-ife of MSDthis stoneage man by showing him the true religion Lg 555c I is nothing certain poi to be done with an ol-d man 'l i ke me Yôrr ôêt to a Lg 556d1 The strange thing about MSDthis man OZO Fanshawep wrltes referring to Lg 562d1 m P Rthat I liked a small intense man MSDhis hair already thinning with Lg 568b1 r SS test to get the job just the man to have down there if you wane tro Lg 569c1 tctri-ng MSDthat hulk on the tv the man who turns into a beast P Qal1 of a Lg 573d1 decided not Lo OZO MSQone missing man was P Qenough I felt and then AoIi Lh 583c here but as I sat with MSDt.his man in MSDhis monumental apartment on "d Lh 58Jdj tion p Rthat mattered and MSDthis man coul-d not answer it ror me l.r -L r.1-\ qao^ ô -^â^ He was : q nacrrliaf }/suu l_ittle man of about OZO forty dirtier than an Lh 594a I P Qmore than MgQenough time for a man to come apart. MSDthose days come b Lh 597d1 ut OZO MsQfifteen minutes a young man came in who was obviously American

57 595 Lh 598c I Paris I had never seen MSDthis man before and vet P Dthere was someth Lh 599d1 it as a threat I ]ooked at the man across the room and spoke the word Lh 500a1 ttg" the world al OzO will MSDthis man was OzO Fanshawep because I said h Lh 6OOb I Oxtord accent I said Well old man fancy PÊDthat we meet again He Lh 6O3c I spooked him and he behaved like a man running for MSDhis life But P Dt Li 615c I roup of OZO teenagers a telephone man OZO MSQtwo or MSQthree sèray mutts Li 6ticl head It \^ras lj-ke listening to a man SS heart beating in MSDhis chest 1 Li 620d1 P Dthat Here and there MSDthat man was after me and T had to keep mov Li 62ldl meant being treated like a crazy man Li 626c1 aoing nothing living tike a dead man hlhile I was trying to write the Li 633b1 P Dthese \^rere not the words of a man who regretted anything He had an

58 596 ANNEXE K Concordances de NOT THINK dans la trilogie new-yorkaise C1 7bl an OZQ MSQfive years nohr He did not think about MSDhis son very Aomuch C1 32al me I think C?that OZO Peter could not think Did he blink Did he drin C1 35bl at is MSDhis real name But f do not think he is me We are PÊQboth OZ C1 38al ho coul-d not see or say who could not think or do OZO Peter who could no C1 43cl MSQmore words to speak But I do not think I will speak them Anno Not Cl 47al rstand said OZO Quinn Aono I do not think you do the woman said bitter C1 sac I about it Not rea11y But I do not think you would understand PÊDt.her C1 - -i I 77bl er who f am supposed to be I do not think PÊDthis is a qame On the M C1 looc I SS eyes he said to himself and do not think of anything efse He turned C1 150a I Do I know you he asked I do not think so said ozo Quinn My name c1 1s2b I Do not you want to guess I do not think so Oh do try Make OZO MS C2 22lal e cou]d not talk to them he could not think about them OZO Quinn had alw C2 249a1 He did not think of turning on the electric l- L5 407d1 specially as we grew older I do not think T was ever entirelv comforta L5 41obl emories can be false Still I do not think I would be wrong in saying L5 4L8bl of OZO ten or eleven when he did not writer In L5 442a1 leave the decisions to me I do not think it will be very bad at P Qal L5 469a1 he name but the real person wou1d not it only someo t. L5 481a1 perately inside myself but I do not think PÊDthis means my case was ho L5 483c I other you Aqno c think of himse]f as a think PÊQtwice about

59 591 At l-east I do not think so Tt has already occurred L5 509a I ke us very Aqmuch Aono I would not think so But P Dthat is Èhe leas L5 514d1 was Aoa1l dead in there and I do not think he ever ]oved anyone noe onc L5 5l-7bl written directly to P Dher I do not. think he had MSQany idea what was L6 529b1 to question it In the end I do not think C?that I reaily intended to L6 550c I says it is a masterpiece but I do not think I can ever bring myself to r L6 563d1 ee of us could go together f do not think so Not the way OZO things L5 587c I expecting me to be there but I do not think he saw me until we were well L6 591d1 lties MSQmany OZO dramas but I do not think they belong to the story I a L6 6L2cl to see it when he grows up I do not think you have MSQany right to ask L6 6l-3bl ottrere anything else Aono I do not think so We have probably come t

60 598 ANNEXE L Liste des hapax communs aux 3 volets accumulating actor adventure ardent arrives bags banging beg benches bleeding bold catching charles dates describes desperate disturbing doorknob earthly edges encouragement expeditions expensive fixing footsteps forming funeral harmony hover identity imitation ink irrational ladies latin laws link lowered marble mysterious naturally nearby neat

61 nose notion oddly pfqneither patch pervefse piles printed rapid references reported retreat senior sing slack slowed string struggled sum supplies temptation thirties thread transparent type upside vanishes waves wedding s99

62 600 ANNEXE M Liste des u.c.e. les plus spécifiques par classe s cl,àsse 1- / contexte À : The Locked Room I7O 21- unshakeable #honesty Peter has a child SS way of #te11ing itl But what he #said is true/ Tel-l- me something about the father/ AnyLhing you #think is rel-evant Peter SS father is a Boston Stillmanp/ I am sure you have #heard of the family there were several governors back in/ the nineteenth century a number of Episcopal bishops ambassadors a Harvard,/ president/ At the same time the family #made a great #deal of money in textiles shipping/ #think or do Peter who could not nol Not anything/ t #know nothing of any of this/ Nor do I #undersland/ My wife is the one who #tel-l-s me these thlngs/ She #says it is important for me to #know even LLI ; f / 1 da nal. #rrnrlarcf fqrrsçrouqrru/ :nà / I do not #think anyone can #understand Quinn smited judiciously and then #told/ himself to plunge in/ Whatever I do or do not #undersland he #said is probably beside me to to a job and the #sooner/ the point / You have hired 1,1,72 18 But #thlnk of the #excitement there is more to life than living a long time you/ #know half the men in America would #give ten years off their #retiremenl to live/ the way you do/ Cracking cases living by your wits seducing women pumping bad #guys fu1l of/ #1ead God there is a Lot to be #said for il/ That is all #make bel-ieve +says BBlack Real detective work can be #pretty du11/ Excuse me for Slaughing/ Sometimes I am so #funny I am the last of the Stillmans that was quite a family/ or so they #say/ From old Boston in case you might have #heard of it I am the last one there are/ I do not need you anyrnore BBlueh/ It might not be so #easy to get #rid of me you #know You got me into thj-s and now/ you are #stuck with me/ no BBIueh you are wrong Everything is over now/ Stop the doubletalk/ It is finished/ #suggesèed that she hire a private detective/ With the help of her motherinlaw who #offered to #pay the #costs she engaged the/ services of a man named Quinn/ Quinn worked doggedly on the case for five or six weeks but in the end he/ I34i- 15 Furthermore he #said if anything should happen to him in the meantime she was/ to #give me the #manuscripts at once and allow me to #make all- the #arrangements/ wit.h the #understanding that/ I wou1d receive twenty five percent of any money Lhe work happened to #earn/ If T #thought his writings were not #worth #publishing however then I should/ return the #manuscripts to Sophie and she was to #destroy them right down to the/ 643 L4 By way of Northfield Ivtinnesota And then she $laughed her #laugh and Quinn #felt a littl-e more of himsel-f collapse I #know this is sort of l-ast minute Auster #said but if you have some time to #spare why do not you stay and have dinner with us Ah/ 984 L4 and then an #instant later he #buries his face in his hands BBlueh tries tol #guess what is happening but it is impossible to 5 Le premier chiffre est le no d'u.c.e., dans I'ordre du texte Le deuxième chiffre est la clé du Khi2 d'association de I'u.c.e. à la classe (significative à partir de la valeur 2) Les mots spécifiques de la classe sont précédés d'un "#"

63 601 #know/ It looks like it is over between them he #thinks it has the fifeeling of/ something that has #come to an end/ 1358 L4 But who would not #jump at the chance to redeem himself what man is #strong/ enough to #reject the possibility of hope/ the #thought flickered through me that. I could one day be resurrected in my own/ eyes and I #felt a sudden burst of #friendship for Fanshawep across the years f across all- the silence of the years that had #kept us apart/ That was how it happened I succumbed to the #flattery of a man who was not/ 7495 L4 That is good to #hear I #said/ I will have my secretary call her to schedu1e the next appointment/ the #sooner the better/ vùith these longterm #treatments you cannot \,rasle a moment/ Excellent #advice T wi-li remember to order a nert/ supply of #laughing $gas/ You do that #doctor I rea1ly #think I need it/!{e smiled at each other again and then I wrapped her up in a big bear hug #gave/ My first response was to #laugh and I #made some crack about how Shakespeare had/ not written any plays either/ But now that I had #given some #thought to it I did not #know whether to #feel/ insulted or #flattered by this talk/ 1621 L4 would have to write about you and Fanshawep It might be strange A few pages will be enough As long as you are the one who is writing them I am not really worried Maybe I #said not #knowing how to #continue The #toughest question I #suppose is/ 1297 t2 Out of nowhere Fanshawep had suddenly reappeared in my l-ife/ But no #sooner was his name #mentioned than he had vanished again/ tte was married he had been living in New York and I #knew nothing about him/ anymore/ selfishly r #felt #hurt that he had not bothered to get in touch with me/ A phone call a #postcard a drink to catch up on old times it would not have/ been difficuft to #arrange/ 1618 L2 The proposal caught me off guard and I #treated it as a #joke/ But Stuart was serious he would not #1et me turn him down/ Give it some Sthought he #said and then #tel1 me how you #feel/ I remained skeptical but to be polite I #told him I wou1d #think about itl He #felt remarkably calm as if everything had already happened to him/ As he opened the door that would #lead him into the lobby he #gave himself one/ last word of #advice/ rf all this is rea11y happening he #said then/ r must #keep my eyes open/ But even this I do not #understand/ In order to #know you must #understand/ Is that not so/ But r #know nothing/ Perhaps/ I am Peter Stillmanf and perhaps I am not/ My real- name is Peter Nobody/ Thank you/ and what do you #think of that/ Nor do I #think I even want to #understand it/ To what end this is not a story after all/ rt is a fact something happening in the worl-d and I am supposed to do a job/ one littl-e thing and I have #said yes to itl CLASSE 2 / CONTEXTE B : CITY OF GLASS 2I8 39 In the Middle Ages the HoIy Roman Emperor Frederick II repeated the #experiment/ hoping to #discover man SS true #natural language #using #similar #methods but the/ children died before they ever #spoke any words/ Finally in what was undoubtedly a #hoax the early sixteenth #century/ King of Scotland James IV #claimed that Scottish children #isolated in the same/ #manner wound up #speaking very good Hebrew Cranks and ideologues however weref Man SS #duty to #scatter himself across the whole #earth in response to God SS/ #command to be fertile and #fiil the #earth would #inevitably move along a western/ course/ And what more Western land

64 602 in all Christendom DDark asked than America The #movement of English #settlers to the New trùorld therefore coufd be #read as the fulfilment of the ancient commandement America was the last step in the #process Once the/ #representing the then happy #state of #mankind but also the conception and/ #desire of #philosophy itself/ From the very beginning according to Stiflmanp the #discovery of the New World/ was the quickening #impulse of utopian thought the spark that gave hope to the/ #perfectibility of human life from Thomas More SS book of 1516 to Geronimo de/ Mendieta SS prophecy some years later that. America would #become an #idea1/ #concerning the story #elaborated on the #numerous misreadings that had grown up/ around it and #ended with a #lengthy nrl-alnnrra nf -- 'laa --rends from the Aggadah a/ compendium of rabbinical fiinterpretations not connected with 1ega1 #matters It/ was #generally accepted #wrote Stillmanp that the/ Tower had been built in the year 1996 after the #creation a scant three hundred/ and forty years after the Flood lest we be #scattered abroad upon the face of/ the whole #earth/ 2L9 30 not the only ones #interested in the subject/ Even so sane and sceptical a man as Montaigne #considered the question,/ carefully and in his most important #essay the Apology for Raymond Sebond he/ #wrote/ I believe that a child who had been #brought up in #complete #solitude #remote/ from al-l association which would be a hard #experiment to make wou]d have some/ sort of #speech to express his # ideas / #fa]] of language/ Later in the book of Genesis there is another story about language/ According to Stillmanp the Tower of Babel episode was an #exact recapitulation/ of what happened in the Garden only expanded made #general in its #significancef for a1l #mankind/ The story takes on #special #meaning when its #placement in the book isl L77L 29 The #worst of it began then there were so many things to #hide from Sophie I could #barely show myself to her at al1 I turned edgy #remote #shut myself up in my little workroom craved only #solitude For a long time Sophie #bore with me #acting with/ #writing had been narrowed the two #acts now almost identlcal part of a #single/ #unbroken #gesture/ Fanshawep is preoccupied by the landscape and he keeps #returning to it/ #endlessly watching it #endlessly #recording its changes his #patience before/ these things is never less than #remarkable and there are #passages of #nature/ #writing in both the letters and #notebooks as luminous as any I have #read/ 2I7 26 As far as he could remember the #earliest account of such an #experiment/ #appeared in the wrltings of Herodotus the Egyptian pharaoh Psamtik #isolated/ two infants in the seventh #century BC and #commanded the servant in charge of/ them never to #utter a word in their #presence/ according to Herodotus a notoriously unreliable chronicler the children/ #fearned to #speak their first word being the Phrygian word for #bread/ ' #allowances for a certain margin for #error/ z:ut to the best of his knowledge having #considered the #evidence carefulty and/ #sifted through all #apparent #contradictions t.he #author places the foij-owrngt events in August somewhere between the twelfth and twentv fifth of the month Quinn had almost nothing now a few coins that #amounted to less than a doflar He was certain that monev had arrived for him during his absence Tt was simply a/ still in #existencef The New Babel #written in #bold Mil-tonic prose #presented the case for the/ building of #paradise in America/ Unlike the other #writers on the subject DDark did not #assume #paradise to be a/ place that could be discovered there were

65 603 no #maps that could fead a man Lo il/ no #instruments of navigation that could guide a man to its shores/ Rather its #existence was immanent within man himself t.he idea of a beyond he/ those early years one had the #impression there was nothing he did not do wel-l- nothing he did not do better than everyone else He was the best #baseball #player the best #student the best looking of II f 1.^ LIIC.l+1^^"^ tluuyd âf1r AIly ^nô VrrC V! nf 1- LrrsDç l.raca 1- LrrfrrYO lr.i nac r^rnrr-l wvuru/ j / Take BBI-ack then/ Until now he has been the #entire case the #apparent #cause of al-l his #troubles/ But if wwhite is reaiiy out to get BBlueh and not BBI-ack then perhaps BBlack/ has nothing to do with it perhaps he is no more than an #innocent bystander/ tn that case it is BBlack who #occupies the position BBlueh has #assumed all/ along to be his and BBlueh who takes the #rofe of BBlack there is something to/ L2 22 many ways Quinn continued to #exlst he no longer #existed for anyone but himself/ He had continued to #write because it was the only thing he #fe11 he could do/ Mystery finovels seemed a reasonable #solution/ He had 1ittle trouble #inventing the intricate stories they #required and he/ #wrote well often in spite of himsel-f as if without having to make an effort/ Because he did not #consider himself to be the #author of what he #wrote he did/ had never #spoken to a criminal/ Whatever he knew about these things he had #learned from books films and/ newspapers/ He did not however #consider this to be a handicap/ what #interested him about the stories he #wrote was not their relation to the/ world but their relation to other stories/ Even before he #became William Wilson Quinn had been a #devoted #reader of/ mystery #novels,/ 679 2L syncopation the man would improvise #endless tiny variations on his #instrument/ his body swaying #stiffly back and forth energetically miming the monkeys SS/ #rhythm/ He #played jauntily and with flair crisp and looping #figures in the #minor mode/ as if glad to be there with his mechanical friends enclosed in the universe hel had #created never once looking up/ God SS #punishment came as a response to this #desire which #contradicted a/ #command that had #appeared #earlier in Genesis/ Be fertile and increase #fi1l the #earth and #master il/ By destroying the Tower therefore God condemned man to obey this injunction/ another #reading however saw the Tower as a chal-lenge against God Nimrod the/ first ruler of all the world was desiqnated as the Tower SS architect Babel / DDark #based his conclusions on a #reading of the Babel story as prophetic work/ Drawing heavily on Milton SS #interpretation of the #fall he followed his #master/ in placing an inordinate importance on the #roie of language/ eut he took the #poet SS #ideas one step further/ rf the #fall of man al-so entailed a #fall of language was it not logical Lo/ #assume that it would be possible to #undo the #fa1l Sreverse its effecls by/ If he took in more than he should his appetite for the next meal- increased and/ thus more food was needed to satisfy him/ ey keeping cl-ose and #constant watch on himself Quinn was gradually to #reverse/ the #process his #ambition was to eat as little as possible and in thls way to/ stave off his hunger/ In the best of all #worlds he might have been able to #approach #absolute zero/ CLASSE 3 / CONTEXTE C : GHOSTS + CITY OF GLÀSS white #women white men in #brown and,/ #gray and men and black #women Orientals and Arabs blue and #green #women in red and white

66 604 and #yel-l-o\^/ and #pink children in/ #sneakers children in #shoes children in cowboy boots fifat peopl-e and #thin people/ L We see Fanshawep carrying the #captain his #breakfast one morning after a night/ of viol-ent #storms off Cape Hatteras Fanshawep #putting the grapefruit the/ #scrambled eggs and the toast on a #tray #wrapping the #tray in tinfoil then/ further #wrapping it in towe1s hoping the #plates will not #bl-ow off into the/ water when he #reaches the bridge since the #wind is #holding at seventy #mi1es/ per hour Fanshawep then #climbing up the ladder #taking his first steps on the/ #bench in the middle of the #traffic island at Broadway and 99th Street/ He woul-d arrive early never l-ater than seven oclock and #sit there with a #take/ out #coffee a #buttered #ro11 and an open #newspaper on his #Iap watching t.he #glass/ He #went from the living room to the #bedroom his bed was #gone his bureau was/ #gone/ He opened the top #drawer of the bureau that was there Women SS underthings #Iay/ #tangled in #random clumps #panties bras slips/ The next #drawer #held #women SS #sweaters Quinn #went no further than Lhat/ On a table near the bed there was a framed photograph of a blond beefy faced/ young man another photograph #showed the same young man #smiling #standing in the/ He #rides the #subway rubs #shoulders with the #crowd feel-s himself #lunging/ towards a sense of the moment/ As he #takes his #seat at the ball park he is #struck by the sharp #clarity of the/ #colors around him the #green #grass the #brown #dirt the white ball the blue sky/ above each thing is #distinct from every other thing who11y separate and/ defined and the geometric simplicity of the pattern impresses BBlueh with its/ #force/ It was not his #appointment it was Paul Auster SS/ And who that person \^/as he had no idea/ Nevertheless as time #wore on he found himself doing a good imitation of a man/ preparing to #go out/ He #cleared the table of the #breakfast #dishes tossed the #newspaper on the couch/ #went into the #bathroom #showered #shaved #went on to the #bedroom #wrapped in two/ towels opened the #closet and #picked out his #clothes for the dayl #crossed the street walked forty #paces down the #block and entered Stillmanp SS/ hotel The place stank of cockroach repellant and dead #clgarettes/ A few of the #tenants with nowhere to #go in the #rain were #sitting in the #lobby/ He #smoked a #cigarette and then another and then another/ He looked at his hands #saw that they were #dirty and got up to #wash them/ In the #bathroom with the water #runninq in the sink he decided to #shave as well/ Across the way occupying the greater part of the station SS #east wal-l was the/ Kodak display photograph with its #bright unearthly #colors/ The scene that month #showed a street in some New England fishing village/ perhaps Nantucket/ A beautiful #spring #1ight #shone on the cobb]estones #fl-owers of many #colors/ #stood in window boxes along the house fronts and far down at the end of the/ street was the ocean with its white fiwaves and blue blue water euinn remembered/ 25I 24 Stillmanp and the cheque from his #jacket pocket and placed them carefully on/ his desk/ He #cleared the debris from the #surface dead mat.ches #cigarette butts eddies of/ ash #spent ink cartridges a few #coins ticket stubs doodl-es a #drrty handkerch:-efl and #put the red notebook in the #centre/ Then he drew the #shades in the room #took off all his #clothes and #sat down at/ the desk/ It was mid afternoon a Saturday of bicycles #dog wal_kers and chi1dren Stillmanp / was #sitting alone on a #bench #staring out at nothing in particular the 1ittle/ red notebook on his #lap there was #light. everywhere an immense #light that/

67 #sprawled out on #orange #plastic chairs/ The place seemed #blank a #he11 of stal-e thoughts/ A large black man #sat behind the front desk with his sl-eeves #rol-l-ed up one/ elbow was on the counter and his head was propped in his open hand/ kindness even if only words/ Others have real- #tafents The oid black man today for example who tap danced/ while juggling #cigarettes still- dignified #c1ear1y once a vaudevill-ian #dressed/ in a purple #suit with a #green #shirt and a #tie his mouth #fixed in a hai-f/ remembered #stage smile there are the #pavement chalk artists and musicians/ saxophonists guitarists fiddlers/ tab1e #Iamp to the #left of Peter SS chair he #saw Virginia Stillmanv The young man was gazing straight ahead as if #asleep with his eyes open Mrs Stillmanv #benl over #put her arm around Peter SS #shoulder and spoke #softly into his #ear It is time/ Stillmans SS #building/ As for emptying his bladder he usually did this in the far corner of the #aliey/ behind the #bin and with his back to the street his bowel-s were another matter/ and for this he woul-d #climb into the #bin to ensure privacy there were also a,/ number of #plastic #garbage cans beside the #bin and from neither of these/ Quinn was usually able to find sufficiently #ctean #newspaper to wipe himself/ 2OI2 2L door to watch Sophie and the baby in the dim #gray #light #sprawled out/ impervious the #bodies I belonged to/ Ben was in the kitchen #upstairs already #dressed #eating a banana and drawing/ pictures/ I #scrambled some eggs for the two of us and told him that I was about to #take/ a train to Boston,/ He wanted to know where Boston was/ About two hundred #miles from here f said/ Is that as far away as #space/ imagine what she looked like without any #clothes on/ then he thought about what Max Work might have been thinking had he been there/ He decided to #1i9ht a #cigarette,/ He #blew the #smoke into the room/ It #pleased him to watch it #leave his mout.h in gusts disperse and #take on new/ definition as the #light #caught it/ He heard the sound of someone #entering the room behind him/ seemed to radiate outward from each thing the eye #caught #hold of and #overhead/ in the branches of the #trees a breeze continued to #b1ow shaking the #leaves/ with a passionate hissing a firising and falling that #breathed on as #steadily as/ surf/ #gone his body was not accustomed to this new freedom and for the first few/ #blocks he walked at the old #shuffling #pace/ the spe1l was over and yet his body did not know it/ Auster SS #building was in the middle of the long #b1ock that #ran between 116th/ and 119th Streets just #south of Riverside Church and Grant SS Tonùc/ It was a well kept place with polished #doorknobs and #clean #gfass and it had anl

68 606 ANNEXE N Distribution des formes réduites par racine 6 Formeg associées au contexte A : Classe 1 = The Locked Room A9 grow. : grew(4), grow(a2), growing(6), grown(4), grows(6); A9 know. : knew(50), know(l49), knowing(9), known(8), knows(28); A9 say. : said(186), say(90), saying(15), says(70); A9 teii. : tel1 (54), telling (22), telis (9), told (35) ; A9 think. : think(110), thinking(23), thinks(12), thought.(+9); A9 understand. : understand (32), understanding (4), understands (1), understood(i2) ; A9 publish+ : publish(3), published(10), publisher(4), publishers(2), publishing (6) ; A5 make. : made (47), make (38), makes (19), making (20) ; A5 joke+: joke(t0), jokes(1); A5 laugh+ : laugh (6), laughed (8), laughing (5), laughs (3) ; A5 mention+ : mention(5), mentioned(9); A4 argu+ : arguing(3), argument(5); A4 ask+: asking(9), asks(1); A4 brother+ : brother(7), brothers(4); A4 confus+ : confusing(1), confusion(9); A4 funny : funny(9); A4 guess : guess (11) ; A4 marriage+ : marriage(10), marriages(1); A4 maybe : maybe (10) ; A4 possibly : possibly(7); A4 proof : proof (7) ; A4 strong+ : strong(5), stronger(4); A4 treat+ : treat (3), treated (4), treating (2), treatments (1) ; A4 worth+ : worth(9), worthy(2); A3 bless. : bless (3), blesses (1), blessing (4) ; A3 hear. : hear(13), heard(21), hearing(1), hears(3); A3 add+ : add(3), added(3), adding(1), adds(1); A3 articles : articles (5) ; A3 besides : besides (5) ; A3 burie+ : buried(6), buries(1); A3 damned : damned(5); A3 doctor+ : doctor(4), doctors(1); A3 edit.or+ : editor (4), editors (1) ; A3 f aul-t : fault (5) ; A3 friend+ : friendly(3), friendship(8); A3 gas : gas (5) ; A3 ghost+ : ghost (4), ghosts (1) ; A3 hint+ : hint (4), hints (1) ; o La lettre (A, B ou C) indique la classe dont la forme est spécifique Le chiffre qui suit esf une clé (pouvant aller de 0 à 9) qui indique le degré de significativité de cette spécificité : il correspond à la valeur du Khi2, signihcative si elle est supérieure ou égal à2 (Khi2 compris entre 3,84 et 5,02 donc significatif avec une probabilité entre 57o ei27o). Ne sont mentionnés ici que les clés significatives. Le nombre entre parenthèses indique le nombre d'occurrences de la forme dans les u.c.e. de la classe

69 607 A3 honest+ : honest (2), honestly (2), honesty (1) ; A3 jobs : jobs(5); A3 laughter : laughter(8); A3 motive+ : motive(3), motives(3); A3 obsess+ : obsessed(3), obsession(2); A3 responsibilit+ : responsibilities(1), responsibility(a) ; A3 retire+ : retired(4), retirement (1) ; A3 share+ : share(3), shared(2); A3 situation+ : situalion(4), situations(1) ; À3 sooner : sooner(9); A3 spare+ : spare(3), spared(3); A3 stake : stake (5),' A3 support+ : support (4), supporting (1) ; A3 tough+ : tough(4), toughest(1); A3 ya : ya(9); A2 dea1. : deal (4) ; A2 drive. : drive(2), driven(1), driving(2), drove(2),' A2 feel-. : feel (29), feeling(18), feels (13), feil(27) ; A2 l-ead. : lead (9), leading (4), ted (B); A2 let. : LeL(22), lets(1); A2 pay. : paid(9), pay(7 ), paying(2), pays (3) ; A2 rid. : rid(7); A2 admir+ : admirable(1), admirably(f), admj-ration(1), admired(1) ; A2 advance+ : advance(8), advanced(1) ; A2 answers : answers (7) ; A2 arrange+ : arrange (1), arranged (4), arrangement (1), arrangements (3) ; A2 boil+ : boiled(1), boils(3); A2 burden+ : burden(3), burdening(1); A2 clever : clever(5); A2 continue+ : continue(6), continues(6); A2 contract+ : contract(2), contracts(2); A2 easy : easy(4); A2 faint+ : faint(3), faintly(1); A2 grave : grave(4); A2 hand+ : handed(3), handing(1); A2 mail+ : mail (6), mail-s (1) ; A2 mi I l- ion+ : mi 11ion (3), mi l1ions (3) ; A2 ourselves : ourselves (6) ; A2 postcard+ : postcard(2), postcards(2); A2 refuse+ : refuse (1), refused (4), refuses (2) ; A2 rent+ : rent (3), rented(4), renting(1), rents (1) ; A2 responsible : responsible( ); A2 speculat+ : speculated (1), speculation (1), speculative (2) ; A2 talks : talks (4) ; A2 taste+ : taste(4); A2 tomorrow : tomorrow(b); A2 wonder+ : wonder (5), wondering (4), wonders (2) ; Formes associées au contexue B : ClaEee 2 = City of Glass B9 become. : became (12), become (12), becomes (1), becoming(2) ; 89 set. : set(15), sets(1); B9 write. : write(10), writes(3), writing(11), written(11), wrote(10); B9 appear+ : appearance (3), appearances (L), appeared (5), appears (2) ; B9 chapter+ : chapter(7); 89 command+ : command(5), commanded(1), commanding(1), commandment (1) ;

70 consider+ : consider(4), considerably(2), considered(a) ; B9 creat+ : created (2), creating (2), creation (2), creature (4) nraaèrrrac 1?\. 89 crucial : cruciaf (5) ; B9 decipher+ : decipher (2), deciphered(2), deciphering(1) ; 89 demand+ : demanded (2), demanding (2), demands (1) ; B9 discover+ : discover(3), discoveries(1), discovers(2), discovery (4) ; B9 earth+ : earth(10), earthly(3); B9 elaborate+ : elaborate (5), el-aborated (2), elaborately (1) ; B9 experiment+ : experj-ment (6), experiments(1) ; 89 general+ : general (3), generalized(2), generally(1) ; 89 grade+ : grade (2), graded (1), grades (2) ; 89 instrument+ : instrument (4), instruments (1) ; B9 interpretation+ : interpretation(3), interpretations (2) ; B9 isolat+ : isolated(4), isolation(1); 89 ki11+ : killed(4), k111ing(2), kills(1); 89 mankind : mankind(6); 89 master+ : master(3), mastered(2), masters(1); B9 meticulous : meticul-ous (5) ; 89 novel+ : novel (3), novelist (1), novelists (1), novels (4) ; B9 record+ : record (4), recorded (2), recording (1), records (2) 89 reduce+ : reduce(3), reduced(3); 89 reverse+ : reverse(5), reversed(1); 89 special : special (7) ; 89 state+ : state(9), stated(1); B8 dwel1. : dwe11 (4), dwelling (1) ; BB accurate+ : accurate (3), accurately(1) ; BB cause+ : cause(4); 88 destin+ : destined(2), destiny(2); 88 devote+ : devoted(4); B8 extreme+ : extreme (1), extremely(2), extremes (1) ; 88 fu11y : ful1y(a) ; BB j-ncident+ : incident (4), incidents (1),. B8 innocence : innocence(5); BB innocent+ : innocent(3), innocently(1); B8 manner : manner(6); RB neccssari'lrz. nê.êqqâri'lrrlq) LLLI. I \JI 88 not i-on+ : not ion (2), not ions ( 2 ) ; BB paradise : paradise (5) ; BB reveal-+ : reveal (2), revealed (1), reveals (l-); B8 rooms : rooms (5) ; BB speech : speech(6); 88 trouble+ : troubled (1), troubles (3) ; 88 utter+ : utter(2), utterance(1), utterly(1); 87 choose. : choose (2), chooses (1), chose (1), chosen (4) ; 87 draw. : draw (1), drawing (3), drawn (3), draws (1) ; 87 bare+ : bare (3), barely(4) ; 87 endl-ess+ : endless (5), endlessly(3) ; 87 experience+ : experience(5), experienced(1) ; R7 nerfecl.+. ncrfacf {4) narfacl- ihi I i trr/1 \ ncrfaat-inn /t.i.. À,v-!evu \-/, À/e!!evuflf f!u] \r/, pç!!evervrr \f /, B6 accidental+ : accidental(2), accidentally(1) ; 86 ambition+ : ambition (3), ambitions (1) ; RÂ ânl-.icin+ ânê; ^i-.-è^ /-\ ^qè1ôrnât-r^h De qrrlivi}jt. qrrliui!,qwé\él l'l I. I alllrufpalrvrr\f /, 86 aulhor+ : author(5), authors(1); 86 behave+ : behaved(4); 85 class : cl-ass (3) ; B5 complete+ : complete (3), completed (2), completely (3) ; 85 definlte+ : definite(3), definitely(1); 86 earl-i+ : earlier(2), earliest(3); 86 exist+ : exist(4), existed(1), existence(3), exists(1);

71 field+ : field(2), fields(2); 86 form+ : form(4), formed(3), former(1), forms(5); 86 harm : harm(3); 86 histor+ : historical(1), history(2); El iht-âlliaant-. int-al'liaanf l/?\. B6 movement+ : movement (3), movements (3) ; B6 pamphlet : pamphlet (a) ; P' nrrial-+. nrriat- /?\ arriat- lrz/1\. Y g f g 9 \ J /, Y g l v 9 r f \ 4 /, B6 reader+ : reader(3), readers(1); 86 require+ : require(1), required(2); B6 result+ : resul-t (4), results (2) ; B6 settl+ : settlers(2), settling(1); 86 sharp+ : sharp(2), sharply(3); F, cinnifia+. qicnifiaannalt\ qicnificanl- l?l. l v s r r v e \ 4 /, 4 v q 3 f e B6 sol-itude : solitude (3) ; B6 teacher+ : teacher(3), teachers(1); B6 using : using(4) ; 86 writers : \^rriters (4) ; B5 fall. : fa]1(13), fal]en(5), falling(3), fall-s(2), fell(1); 85 mean. : mean(14), meaning(2), means(2), meant(10); B5 apparent+ : apparenl(4), apparently(1); B5 arbitr+ : arbitrary (3), arbitrate (1) ; 85 contradict+ : contradict(l-), contradicted(1), contradictions(2) 85 convince+ : convince (3), convinced (2) ; B5 diagram+ : diagram(2), diagrams(1); 85 efforts : efforts(3); 85 exact : exact(4); 85 excursion+ : excursiorr(2), excursions(1); 85 fire+ : fire(5), fired(1); 85 heaven+ : heaven(2), heavens(1); 85 hoax : hoax(3); B5 ideal+: ideal(2), ideally(1); 85 ideas : ideas (5) ; 85 inform+ : information(4), informed(1); B5 instruct+ : instructions (1), instructive (1), instructs (1) ; B5 previous+ : previous(2), previously(2); 85 rol-e+ : rol-e (3), roles (1) ; 85 shadow+ : shadow(3), shadows(1); 85 student+ : student (4) ; 85 surely : surely(4); 85 trace+ : trace (2), traced (1), traces (1) ; 85 world+ : worldly(1), worlds(2); 84 read. : read (9), reading (10), reads (1) ; 84 speak. : speak(13), speaking(4), speaks(2), spoke(4), spoken(3) B4 amount+ : amount (2), amounted (1), amounts (1) ; B4 elev+ : elevator(1), eleven(4); 84 entire+ : entire(4), entirely(2); 84 false+ : false(4); B4 fill+ : fill(4), filling(3); B4 foll-ow+ : follower(2), foll-ows(4) ; 84 inevit+ : inevitability(1), inevitable (1), inevitablyi2) ; 84 interest+ : interest (2), interested(a) ; B4 measure+ : measure(2), measured(2); B4 plan+ : plan(3), plans (1) ; 84 process : process(4); 84 return+ : returning(2), returns(4); B4 series : series (4) ; 84 single : single (5) ; B4 tries : tries (4) ; 84 wood+ : wooden(3), woods(3); 83 bear. : bear (1), bearing (1), bore (3) ; \ J /,

72 bring. : bring(2), brought (5) ; P.? rrnân. rrnân srrvv t/'l \ rrnâni qrrvvfrr:j nn / r \. \f / \f /,, 83 absolute+ : absolute(2); 83 accident+ : accident (3) ; 83 art : art (3) ; B3 believe+ : believed(2) ; B3 believ+ : belief (1), beliefs (1) ; B3 claim+ : cl-aim(1), claimed(2); B3 concern+ : cancern (1), concerned (1), concerning (1), concerns (1) 83 construction : construction(3r ; 83 contain+ : contained(1), contains(1); 83 credit+ : credit (2),. 83 crime+ : crime(2), crimes(1); 83 debate+ : debate (2) ; 83 description+ : description(2), descriptions(1) ; 83 due : due(3); B3 error : error(2); 83 evidence : evidence(3); 83 figure+ : figure(3), figures(2); B3 ga11+ : gallery(1), galling(1); B3 impress+ : impress (1), impression(3) ; 83 intend+ : intended(2); 83 limit+ : limit(1), limitations(1), limited(1), limits(1); B3 miss+ : miss (1), missed (1), missing (1) ; 83 model+ : model (1), model-s (1) ; 83 motion+ : motion(1), motions(1); 83 murder+ : murder (3), murdered (2),. 83 observ+ : observation(1), observed(1); 83 play+ : played(4), player(1), playing(1), plays (2); 83 popul+ : population(2); B3 presence : presence (5) ; R? nrêqênl-+. hrêêêhèâa()\. rfuvs\a/, B3 promising : promising(3); 83 remote : remote(2); B3 resembl-e+ : resenlble ( 1), resembled (2) ; B3 season : season(2),. B3 sift+ : sifted(1), sifting(1); B3 signal : signal (2) ; B3 simil-ar+ : similar (2), similarity (1) ; 83 sixt+ : sixteen(1), sixty(1); 83 soldier+ : soldier(2); B3 solution : sol-ution(2) ; 83 slarve+ : starve (2),. 83 strain+ : strain(2); 83 switch+ : switch(2), switching(t); 83 task+ : task(3); 83 theor+ : theory(3); 83 tota]+ : total- (2), totally (2) ; 83 trapped : trapped(2); 83 vision+ : vision(2), visionary(1); 82 shut. : shut (2), shuts (1) ; 82 act+ : acted (1), acting (2), action (1), actions (3), acts (1) ; B2 all-ow+ : allowances (2), all-owed (3), allowing (1) ; 82 approach+ : approach(3), approaching(1); 82 baseball- : baseball (3) ; 82 century : century(3); 82 desire+ : desire (3), desires (t),. 82 develop+ : developed(2), developments(1); 82 map+ : map(2), maps(1-); 82 nature+ : nature (4) ; B2 new+ : newly(1), news(2);

73 opinion : opinion(3); B2 place+ : placed(2), placement(1); 82 serve+ : served(4); 82 sign+ : sign(2), signs (4) ; B2 worst : worst(4); FormeEaEËociéeEaucontexteC:C1asse3=Ghos@ C9 1ight. : light(2s), lighted(1), lights(4), lit(3); C9 saw. : saw(37); C9 shoe. : shoe (3), shoes (13) ; C9 sit. : sat (25), sit (14), sits (7), sitting (21) ; C9 brown : brown (I2) ; ôq aidârêl- l- ê+ ' a'iaaral- Èa /Ql vv aiaaraf l- aq /4) \r I I C9 coffee : coffee(fr1 t C9 crowd+ : crowd(12), crowded(3), crowds(5); C9 east : east (11) ; C9 green+ : green(9), greenery(1); C9 leg+ : 1eg(1), legs(11); C9 north : north(11); C8 asleep : asleep(10); CB fat : fat(9); C7 cl-othe. : clothes (19) ; C7 bin : bin(11); C7 glass : glass (11) ; C7 grass+ : grass(8), grassy(2); C7 star+ : star(1), staring(4), stars(3); C7 tall+ : ta]1(6), tallest(1), ta1ly(1); C7 weather+ : weather (9), weathered (1), weathers (1) ; C7 west : west (8) ; C6 blow. : blew(3), blow(5), blowing(3), blown(1); C6 catch. : catch (9), catches (1), catching (2), caught (6) ; C6 1ay. : laid(1), lay(10); C6 shine. : shine (2), shining (4), shone (1) ; C6 a11ey : a1ley(6); C5 bathroom : bathroom(7),. C6 bench : bench(9); C6 block+ : block(9), blocks(7),' C6 booth : booth(7); C6 breast+ : breast (3), breasts (3) ; C6 bus : bus (7) ; C6 cab : cab(9); C6 chest : chest (6) ; C6 clean+ : clean (4), cleaned (1), cleaner (1), cleaning (1) ; 1â nnnr ihlrin^. ^^h+- in'rina/a\. rrr:j \v/, C6 cross+ : cross (2), crossed (5), crossing (4) ; C6 dishes : dishes(6); C6 doorway+ : doorway(5), doorways(2); C6 lamp : lamp(8); C6 1ap : lap(7); C6 neck : neck(7); C6 overcoat : overcoat (B) ; C6 paper : paper(10); C6 pavement : pavement(1); C6 plast+ : plaster (2), plastic (4) ; C6 plate+ : pl-ate (2), plates (4) ;

74 612 C6 pound+ : pounding(s), pounds(2); C5 south : south(6); C5 stare+ : stare (4), stared(1), stares (1) ; C6 subway : subway(6),. C5 uptown : upt.own(7) ; C6 wash+ : wash(2), washing (4) ; C6 wave+ : wave (1), waved (3), waves (3) ; C6 wherever : wherever(8); C6 \^romen: women(10) ; C6 yard+ : yard (5), yards (1),. C5 yoyo+ : yoyo(7), yoyos(1); C5 beat. : beat (2), beaten (1), beating (7) ; C5 bend. : bend (1), bends (1), bent (3) ; C5 bui1d. : build (2), building (13), built (2) ; C5 put. : put (26), puts (4), putting (4) ; C5 shave. : shave (2), shaved (1), shaves (1), shaving (1) ; C5 spin. : spin(t), spinning(1), spins(2), spun(1); C5 stand. : stand (1), standing (16), stands (6), stood (18) ; C5 bodies : bodies (5) ; C5 bottle+ : bottl-e(2), bottles(3); C5 breath+ : breathed(5), breathing(4); C5 cash+ : cash(5); C5 climb+ : climb (2), climbed (4), climbing (2), climbs (2) ; C5 cup+ : cup(4), cups(1); C5 dresse+ : dressed(7), dresses(1); C5 enter+ : enter (2), entering (5), enters (4) ; C5 gent+ : gent(1), gently(4); C5 glimpse+ : glimpse(7); C5 grocer+ : groceries(1), grocery(4); C5 hat : hat (9) ; C5 invis+ : invisible (6), invisibly(1) ; C5 kiss+ : kiss(9), kissing(2); C5 overhead : overhead(5); C5 pile+ : pile(3), piles(2); C5 pink+ : pink (3), pinkish (1), pinks (1) ; C5 pour+ : poured (2), pouring (1), pours (3) ; C5 rain+ : rain(7), rained(2), rainy(1); C5 scramble+ : scrambled(3), scrambles(2); C5 seat+ : seat(9), seated(1); C5 shirt : shirt (5) ; C5 shoulder+ : shoulder(7), shoulders(4); C5 smoke+ : smoke(2), smoked(6); c5 suit+ : suit (7), suitable (2) ; C5 sweet : sweet (5) ; C5 tray : tray(l) ; C5 wrapp+ : wrapped(7), wrapping(2); C4 eat. : ate (4), eat (5), eaten (1), eating (5) ; C4 fly. : flew(2), flies(t), fly(2), flying(2); C4 ride. : ride(3), rides(1), riding(1), rode(1); a4 lè:,r^ : l-c:r('l) ees! \f/, -cari veq!farj\r/, no{'l) l-aarq/?l uu4!s\,/, faro(2) uv!ç\a/ fnrn/t\ uvlrr\r/ C4 wear. : wear(3), wearing(6), wore(4), worn(2); C4 wind. : wind(9), wound(3); C4 abandon+ : abandon(1), abandoned(4); C4 area+ : area(6); C4 avoid+ : avoid(3), avoided(1); C4 bedroom : bedroom(5); C4 breakfast : breakfast (5) ; C4 brief+ : briefest(1), briefly(a); C4 butter+ : butter(3), buttered(2); C4 clouds : clouds (8) ; C4 cluster+ : clustered(1), clusters(3);

75 613 C4 curtain+ : curtain(3), curtains (1) ; C4 dirt+ : dirt (1), dirtier (1), dirty (3) ; C4 downtown : downtown(s); C4 ear+ : ear (4), ears (2),' C4 flag : flag(5); C4 f lower+ : f l-ower (1), f l-owers (4) ; C4 fountain : fountain(4); C4 fourth : fourth(4); C4 garb+: garb(1), garbage(7); C4 gloom+ : gloom(1), gloomy(3); C4 gray ; gray(1) ; C4 hungry : hungry(s),. C4 inspect+ : inspect(1), inspected(1), inspecting(2), inspection(1) C4 link+ : link (1), linked (4), links (1) ; C4 lobby : lobby(s); C4 mile+ : mile(2), miles(3); C4 occur+: occur(4), occurs(1); C4 odd+ : odd(6), oddly(2), odds(2); C4 pant+: panties(1), pants(5); C4 position+ : positioned (1), positioning (2), positions (1),' C4 prevent : prevent(4); C4 register+ : register(5), registers(1); C4 search+ : searching(5); C4 sneak+ : sneak (1), sneakers (4), sneaking (1),' C4 space+ : space (5) ; C4 sprawled : spra\^rled(a) ; C4 staircase+ : staircase(3), staircases(1); C4 steadily : steadily(4); C4 stomach : stomach(4); C4 stoop+ : stoop (1), stooped (3) ; C4 studie+ : studied(7); C4 study+ : study(3), studying(5); C4 thin : thln(s); C4 tiny : tiny(7); C4 yellow+ : ye11ow(5); C3 drink. : drank (4), drink (1), drinking (2), drinks (2), drunk (S) ; C3 1eave. : leave (6), Ieaves (7), leaving (5), left (36); C3 melt. : melt(1), melted(1), melting(2); C3 take. : take(19), taken(9), takes(10), taking(l-l), Look(24); C3 awkward+ : awkward(1), awkwardly(2); C3 bank : bank(+); C3 blank+ : blank(6); C3 clarity : clarity(3); C3 clear+ : cl-eared(3), clearer(1), clearly(5), clears(1); C3 coat+: coat(2), coats(1); C3 concentr+ : concentrate (3), concentrated(2), concentration (2) ; C3 crumpl+ : crumpled(3); C3 deck+ : deck (1), decked (1), decks (1) ; C3 doorknob+ : doorknob(2), doorknobs(1); C3 fetch+ : fetch(2), fetched(1); C3 flow+ : flow(2), flowing(1); C3 hei] : he]l(3); C3 inches : inches(3); C3 lung+: lunging(1), lungs(2); C3 masked : masked(3); C3 mirror : mirror(4); C3 naked : naked(9); C3 pace+: pace(6), paces(3); C3 shabby : shabby(3); C3 sidewalk+ : sidewal-k(5), sidewalks(1) ; C3 sight : sight(6);

76 614 C3 sofa : sofa(6); C3 stagger+ : staggering(3); C3 surround+ : surrounded (5), surroundings (1) ; C3 thousand+ : thousand (4), thousands (2),. C3 threshold : threshold(3); C3 tie+ : tie(6), tied(1); C3 trees : trees(6); C3 watches : watches(3); C3 wish+ : wish(3) ; C2 hold. : held (8), hold (7), holding (10) ; C2 lean. : lean ( 1), leaned (3), l-eaning (2) ; C2 1eap. : leap(1), leaps(3); C2 run. : ran(6), run(z), running(3), runs(2); C2 slide. : slid(1), sliding(3); C2 swing. : swinging (2), swung (2 t,. C2 wake. : wake (4), woke (4) ; C2 beer : beer(4),. C2 bum+ : bum(4), bums (t) ; C2 centre : centre(4); C2 closet+ : closet (7) ; C2 color+ : color(2), colors(3); C2 companion+ : companion (3), companj-ons (1) ; C2 dismiss+ : dismiss(1), dismissed(3) ; C2 distract+ : distracted(4); C2 dog+ : dog(3), dogs(1); C2 drunk+ : drunken(2), drunks(2); C2 envelope+ : envelope (3), envelopes (1) ; C2 financ+ : financial (3), financier (1) ; c2 game+ : game(2), games(3); C2 glance+ : gl-ance (4), glanced (1),. C2 grey+ : grey(s); C2 image+: image(4), images(2); C2 jacket+ : jacket(4); C2 journey+ : journey(2), journeyed(1), journeys(1); C2 last+: lasted(4), lasts(1); C2 neighbourhood+ : neighbourhood(2), neighbourhoods (2) ; C2 newspaper+ : ne\^rspaper(6), ne\^/spapers(3) ; C2 orange+ : orange (3), oranges (1) ; C2 order+: ordered(3), orders(1); C2 pausing : pausing(5); C2 possibilit+ : possibilities(4), possibilily(2) C2 post+ : posted (2), poster (1), posts (1) ; ; C2 reaches : reaches (4) ; C2 roll+ : ro11 (3), ro1led (1), rolling C2 seconds : seconds (5) ; (1) ; C2 settle+ : settled(5), settlement(1), settles(1); C2 shopping : shopping(5); C2 slipp+ : slipped(3), slipping(2); C2 smillng : smiling(4); C2 store+ : store(3), stores(1); C2 storm+ : storm(2), storms(2); C2 traffic : traffic(4); C2 upstairs : upstairs (a) ; C2 wancier+ : wander(i), wandered(2), wandering(3), wanders(2) C2 warm+ : warm(s) ;

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