Freedom from Psychic Projections

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1 Freedom from Psychic Projections In the name of the Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya and the entire spirit of the Ascended Host, I dedicate this invocation to winning my spiritual freedom from all psychic projections, especially (Name the psychic projections and the sources that send them at you.) Decree to Astrea and Purity Beloved Astrea, your heart is so true, with Circle and Sword of white and blue, cut all life free from dramas unwise, on wings of Purity we re willing to rise. Accelerate into Purity makes us real, Accelerate into Purity all life heal, Accelerate into Purity makes us MORE, Accelerate into Purity helps us soar. Beloved Astrea, from Purity s Ray, send forth deliverance to all life today, acceleration to Purity will set us free from all that is less than love s Purity. Beloved Astrea, in God Purity, accelerate all of my life energy, raising my mind into true unity with the Masters of love in Infinity. Beloved Astrea, accelerate us all, as for your deliverance we fervently call, set all life free from vision impure beyond fear and doubt, we re rising for sure. Beloved Astrea, in God Purity, accelerate all of my life energy, raising my mind into true unity with the Masters of love in Infinity. Accelerate into Purity! (3X) Beloved Elohim Astrea. Accelerate into Purity! (3X) Beloved Gabriel and Hope. Accelerate into Purity! (3X) Beloved Serapis Bey. Accelerate into Purity! (3X) Beloved I AM. NOTE: Give this decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as necessary in order for you to feel less burdened by psychic energy. First Ray - Power I hereby consciously acknowledge and accept that I am a co-creator with God, and that I have a right to be in embodiment on Planet Earth. I have a right to walk the spiritual path, to transcend my ego and my past, and to put on and express my Christhood as my God-given individuality. I have a right to let my light so shine before men that they may see my good works, and thus either accept or reject their own potential, expressed in the ancient truth that what one has done, all can do. 1. Mighty I AM Presence, I have had enough of projections that undermine my free will by saying I should conform to the will of others. Accelerate into Purity makes us real, Accelerate into Purity all life heal, Accelerate into Purity makes us MORE Accelerate into Purity helps us soar. Beloved Astrea, accelerate life beyond all duality s struggle and strife, consume all division between God and man, accelerate fulfillment of God s perfect plan. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 1

2 Refrain 1: Archangel Michael, protect me from all projections of anti-will. Elohim Hercules, clear my throat chakra from all perversions of will-power. Master MORE, show me the first-ray perversions in my being. your unconditional power. the projection that I have no right to be on earth. the projection that I have no right to exercise my free will and make my own choices. the aggressive mental suggestions aimed at getting me to submit to the psychic control of others. the projection that I am too weak to resist the will of other people or dark forces. the projection from those who are blinded by the epic mindset, and want me to be judged by God, thinking they know how God will judge. the projection that I am not good enough and that I can never be one with you or be acceptable to God. the projections from those who are blinded by the epic mindset, and think they know better than God how the universe should work. the projections from those, who feel justified in sending anger at me because I will not let them control me. Second Ray - Wisdom I now consciously acknowledge and accept that in order to manifest my Christhood and be free of my past, I need to have complete respect for the free will of others, and complete respect for my own free will. I acknowledge that whereas I have a right to project any mental images upon the Ma-ter light, projecting images and energy into the minds of other people will violate their free will. I hereby vow to never direct any psychic projections at others, and I vow to never accept any psychic projections into my inner sanctuary. I vow to completely focus on exposing and transcending the beam in my own eye, so the prince of this world has nothing in me. 1. Mighty I AM Presence, I have had enough of the epic mindset and think they can define what is absolute truth. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 2

3 Refrain 2: Archangel Jophiel, protect me from all projections of anti-wisdom. Elohim Apollo, clear my crown chakra from all serpentine lies. Beloved Lanto, show me the second-ray perversions in my being. your unconditional wisdom. the projections from those who define a standard that no one can live up to, and then use it to judge others and not themselves. the projections from those who have a double standard and accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing. the projections of serpentine lies that seek to destroy my inner discernment. the projection that I should listen to others and consider their viewpoints, even when it contradicts my inner knowing. the epic mindset, and are thus convinced their belief system and perception is absolutely right, claiming I can only be wrong. the epic mindset, and have a black-and-white view of life, believing they do God s work by judging others the projections from those who have a gray view and think nothing is really wrong, saying I should not challenge their beliefs. the projection that I cannot know truth within myself but must follow an external authority. Third Ray - Love In order to win my own spiritual freedom, I vow to become psychically non-violent, so that I take full responsibility for my own reaction to any situation. I see that when I do not react with any conditional feelings, meaning any feeling less than the perfect love that casts out fear, I will not produce psychic energy. And when I do not accumulate psychic energy, I will have no need to send any psychic projections at other people. When I am in control of my own reaction, I will be in control of my free will, and thus I have no need to control the free will of others. And when my aura and chakras are free from all energies below the level of unconditionality, I will not have any openings for psychic projections or energies to enter my own being. I can be free within myself, and thus I can set all others free to be who they are and grow from there. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 3

4 1. Mighty I AM Presence, I have had enough of the projections from those who think love is conditional, and thus want me to accept their conditions for giving and receiving love. Refrain 3: Archangel Chamuel, protect me from all projections of anti-love. Elohim Heros, clear my heart chakra from all conditional love. Paul the Venetian, show me the third-ray perversions in my being. your unconditional love. the projection that I have no right to change my mind and transcend my decisions from the past. the projection that in order to transcend my old state of consciousness and come back to oneness with God, I must live up to conditions defined on Earth. the projections from those who are not willing to change themselves, and thus demand that I change so they feel comfortable. the projections from those who are unwilling to self-transcend, and thus feel threatened by my growth. the projection that I cannot walk away from my past and that even God wants to punish me for my past choices. the projection from those who attempt emotional blackmail, by saying I must conform to their demands in order to be acceptable to them or to God. the projections from those who attempt emotional blackmail, by saying that I am the enemy and thus I am the one creating the conflict. the projections from those who will not take responsibility for their state of mind, and thus claim I have taken away their peace of mind. Fourth Ray - Purity I now declare that I am willing to see the beam in my own eye and that I am willing to surrender anything that stands in the way of my oneness with my I AM Presence. I love my Presence more than any aspect of my ego, and I desire to be able to respond to any situation with unconditional love, so that I never again project any impulse that limits other parts of life. Instead, I desire to be the Living Christ who only serves to raise up all life. 1. Mighty I AM Presence, I have had enough of the projections from people with mal-intent, those who want something bad to happen to me. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 4

5 Refrain 4: Archangel Gabriel, protect me from all projections of anti-purity. Elohim Purity, clear my base chakra from all impure intentions. Serapis Bey, show me the fourth-ray perversions in my being. your unconditional purity. the projections of criticism from those who only look for faults and want me to fail or be proven wrong. the projections of condemnation from those who are trapped in the epic mindset, and must build up their self-esteem by tearing others down. the projections of envy from those who are not willing to grow, and thus want to stop my selftranscendence. the projections of jealousy from those who know I have more spiritual light than they do, and thus want to degrade me instead of transcending themselves. the projections of resentment from those who are not willing to change, and do not want my growth to challenge their sense of equilibrium. the projections of revenge and retaliation, from those who want to punish me for not living my life according to their standard. the projections from those who have a desire to punish me, for having violated their selfcreated standards that they think are God s standards. the projections of gossip energy from those who talk negatively about me instead of focusing on their own growth. Fifth Ray - Truth I now acknowledge that as I express my Christhood, there will be those who do not want to change, do not want to take responsibility for themselves. They will feel threatened by me, and thus they will seek to project all manner of psychic energy and thoughts at me, in order to get me to conform to their mental boxes. And although I will rejoice with Christ when people say all manner of things falsely against me for his sake, I will also acknowledge that their projections are a direct violation of my free will. I have a right to make my own choices based on my own perception of life, without being affected by the psychic projections from other people or dark forces. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 5

6 1. Mighty I AM Presence, I have had enough of the projections from those, who are willing to lie in order to control me. Refrain 5: Archangel Raphael, protect me from all projections of anti-truth. Elohim Cyclopea, clear my third-eye chakra from all perverted vision. Beloved Hilarion, show me the fifth-ray perversions in my being. your unconditional truth. the projections from those who have lost all dedication to truth, and will say anything in order to destroy my reputation or self-esteem. the projection of doubt, seeking to make me believe everything I do is wrong. the projections from those who claim, that unless I conform to what makes their egos feel secure, everything I do is wrong. the projection that I have no right to stand out from the crowd, but should follow certain dualistic standards. the projections from those who say, that I have no right to speak out and who refuse to listen with their hearts. the epic mindset, and thus are absolutely convinced their perception is right, and that they don t need to listen to anyone on earth. the projections from those who are absolutely convinced, that they have a right to project their perception upon me and demand that I conform to it. the projections from those who will not admit that truth is a two-edged sword, and that they will grow only by looking at the beam in their own eyes. Sixth Ray - Service I hereby declare that I have had enough of being a doormat for the psychic energies of other people or the forces of death and hell. I desire to be free of everything that limits my service to God, to the Ascended Host and to God. I hereby demand my freedom from all psychic projections, and I command the Seven Archangels to protect and seal me, until I am able to see and surrender the false beliefs that make me vulnerable to these projections. 1. Mighty I AM Presence, I have had enough of the projections from those who seek to force their own ego desires upon me, and have no respect for my right to follow my inner direction and make independent choices. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 6

7 Refrain 6: Archangel Uriel, protect me from all projections of anti-peace. Elohim Peace, clear my solar plexus chakra from all energies less than peace. Beloved Nada, show me the sixth-ray perversions in my being. your unconditional peace. the projection of fear, saying I am unworthy and have done something so bad I could never be redeemed. the projection of discouragement, seeking to paralyze me, by making me feel nothing I do will make a difference or that I cannot rise above my past. the epic mindset, and seek to engage me in the dualistic struggle by either submitting to them or opposing them. the projections of turbulent emotions, seeking to abort my service by making me agitated, overwhelmed and stressed. the epic mindset, and thus think they are doing a service to God by accusing others, judging them or tearing them down. the projections from those, who believe they are justified in directing anger at me, because of their perception of what I have done. the projection that my performance or worth, should be judged based on material results or appearances. the projections from those who have no peace, and thus direct fear at me in order to take away my inner peace. Seventh Ray - Freedom In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I command the Seven Elohim to clear my chakras from all accumulations of psychic energies. I command the Seven Chohans to enlighten me, so I can see through and surrender the psychic perversions of the seven rays. I command my I AM presence to help me see anything that stands in the way of our oneness. I command Jesus to let the WORD of Christ be the judgment of all beings who are directing psychic energy at me. I command Akshobya to form the perfect mirror to reflect all psychic projections directed at me back to their source, so that the beings who send them may have the opportunity to learn the eternal lesson that you will reap what you sow. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 7

8 1. Mighty I AM Presence, I have had enough of the projections from those who think, that they are the victims of what I have done and that I am responsible for their feelings. Refrain 5: Archangel Zadkiel, protect me from all projections of anti-freedom. Elohim Arcturus, clear my soul chakra from all perversions of freedom. Saint Germain, show me the seventh-ray perversions in my being. your unconditional freedom. the projections from the hypocrites who love to tear others down, and who use a perceived fault as a justification for doing what makes them feel superior. the projections from those who are so spiritually blind, that they cannot see the essential truth that they will never grow until they stop projecting at others and instead look at themselves. the projections from those who are so blinded by spiritual pride, that they will not admit that those who direct psychic projections at others are always wrong. the projections from those who want me to feel so embarrassed by my mistakes, that I become paralyzed and do nothing. the projections from those who will not exercise their own freedom, and instead use their psychic energy to seek to control my free will. the projections from those who have a death wish against me, and would rejoice if something bad happened to me, even feeling it was God s justice because they think God is as angry with me as they are. the projections from the mob mentality that wants my Spirit to conform to the conditions in the matter world. the projections from those who are so blinded by spiritual pride, that they think they are always right and that they have a right to violate the Law of Love because the ends justify the means. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 8

9 The Mother Light in all is raised 1. Hail Mary, we give praise the Mother Light in all you raise. In perfect balance light will stream, in harmony our souls will gleam. Refrain: Oh Mother Mary, we release all thoughts and feelings less than peace, releasing now all patterns old, we leave behind the mortal mold. River of Life, eternal flow, we will to live, we will to grow. We will transcend and be the more, the joy of life we do adore. 2. The base is of the purest white, four petals radiate your light. The Mother bows in purest love to God the Father from Above. 3. The soul is basking in delight, as violet flame is shining bright. The soul is breathing God s pure air, she feels so free in Mother s care. 4. The solar center is at peace, as fear and anger we release. The sacred ten will now unfold a glow of purple and of gold. 5. All troubles in the heart now cease, as Mary s love brings great release. The rose of twelve in fullest bloom, the soul is free to meet her groom. 6. The throat is shining oh so blue, the will of God is always true. God s power is released in love through Christ direction from Above. 7. The brow emits an emerald hue, Christ s perfect vision we pursue, and as we see God s perfect plan, we feel God s love for every man. 8. The crown is like a sea of gold, as thousand petals now unfold. We see the Buddha in the crown, arrayed in his celestial gown. 9. When Mother Light and Buddha meet, the force of darkness they defeat, with Jesus and our Saint Germain. they bring the Golden Age again. 10. I feel the Mother s gentle kiss, as I am in eternal bliss, floating in a space sublime, in harmony with sacred chime. Coda: By Mother Mary s endless Grace, we conquer time, we conquer space. The Buddha Nature is in all and thus we rise to heed the call to be the Christed ones on Earth, the Golden Age is given birth. NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation. OM AKSHOBYA HUM (9X or 33X) I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions seekers free from psychic projections from demons, discarnates, entities and other dark spirits. I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions seekers free from psychic projections from the forces of anti-christ. I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions seekers free from psychic projections from people trapped in the epic mindset. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 9

10 I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions seekers free from psychic projections from people who are jealous of our light. I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions seekers free from psychic projections from people who will not take responsibility for themselves. I affirm that Archangel Michael and his billions seekers free from psychic projections from the power elite. I choose to be one with my God, and therefore I am the Presence of Archangel Michael binding all forces using psychic energy to limit others. SIDHI (9X or 33X) I AM the Lord s and the fullness of his Peace. (3X) Amen. In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen. Sealing: In the name of Alpha and Omega, I accept the perfect vision of my service to life, given to me by my Higher Self. I surrender all desires, wants and expectations of the separate self and plunge myself into the River of Life. I allow the Holy Spirit to move me to where I can flow with the River of Life and effortlessly fulfill my Divine plan. I accept the single-eyed vision of Christ that exposes the beams in my own eye, so that I can see and consciously surrender all psychic energies or illusions in my being. I stand naked before Christ, as I seek to hide nothing from the all-seeing eye of God. I consciously surrender the ego s illusion that what is hidden from men is also hidden from God. I hold on to nothing, and I am willing to see and surrender any and all psychic illusions. In this unconditional surrender, I see that nothing in this world has power over my Spirit, and thus I accept no psychic projections as permanent or even ultimately real. Thus, I become transparent to the psychic projections of this world. My eye is single, and thus the prince of this world has nothing in me. As I surrender all psychic energies and illusions in my being, I know that the immaculate concept for my four lower bodies is effortlessly manifest, and I accept that I am sealed in the perfect vision of God. I know that that which is unreal cannot affect that which is real. I accept that I AM real and that only the immaculate concept for my life is real. I accept that God created me and saw that It was good. In the purity of this vision I remain sealed forevermore, as I AM MORE. Freedom from Psychic Projections, page 10

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