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1 Std:Vth. Subject: Wonderment. Title. 1) Wonderment 1-A. 2) Wonderment 1-B. 3) Simplicity 2 A. 4) Simplicity 2 B. 5) Being truthful 3A. 6) Being truthful 3B. 7) Politeness 4A. 8) Politeness 4B. 9) Love in Action. 10) Love in Action. 11) Independence. 12) Independence. 14) Being Prayerful 15) Man and Nature then and Now. ] 1

2 Wonderment 1-A I Fill in the blanks 1) Wonderment is being able to see beauty and perfection in little things, be moved by something and think about things and how they came to be. II Answer the following questions. 1) Why do you wonder at the things in nature? we wonder at the things in nature because they are so beautiful and perfect. 2) Why should you wonder? Wondering at something beautiful refreshes the mind and makes us forget our own problems. 3) How does wonderment bring us close to god? When we wonder at all the beauty in nature, like the majesty of a waterfall the colours of the rainbow and even simple things like sunrise and dew the mind easily goes to the creator of all this glory. This wonderment brings us closer to god. 4) How can you learn to wonder? We can learn to wonder by being alert to any beauty which is around us.there is something beautiful about everything. We must try to notice the beauty and enjoy. III Fill in the blanks 1) Stars twinkle in the sky. 2) Fishes and birds have bright colours. 3) The colours of the rainbow are beautiful 4) The sunset paints the entire sky red. 5) Waves never stop lapping the shores. Wonderment 1-B I Answer the following questions 1) What is creativity? Creativity is the power of the mind to form new ideas and help us to imagine something new and special. 2) Name four talents that can be born of creativity? Drawing, painting, dancing and writing are the some of the talents that can be born of creativity. II True or False 1) Wondering at a thing of beauty make us forget our problems( ) 2) Time is wasted when we wonder( ) 3) We can feel the wonder of gods creation by looking at a star studded sky( ) 4) Wonderment brings us closer to god( ) 5) You can wonder only at big things( ) 2

3 III match the following Rudyard kipling The taj mahal 4 Meera The poem daffodils 3 William wordsworth The poem If 1 Shah Jahan Songs of praise 2 Simplicity 2 A I Answer the following questions 1) What is simplicity? Simplicity means being humble and also means being happy with what you have without wanting something more all the time. 2) What type of food is called simple and a healthy food? Fruits,milk,curd,fresh vegetables,cereals grains and lot of water are called a simple and a healthy food. 3) Why is a simple dress better than a fancy dress? Simple dress is better then a fancy dress because we can play freely an easily. 4) What type of outing is called simple outing? Beach,park are simple outing. 5) Why is a simple clean life not only healthy but also very special? If we lead a simple life we can save the money for furure. If we are simple in what we have we can spare something for people who do not have as much when we help we feel more happy. II True or False 1) Simplicity means being humble and happy with what you have ( ) 2) Rich, spicy food is healthy food( ) 3) Fancy clothes are better than simple, clean clothes( ) 4) Costly outings are always the best ones( ) 5) Outdoor games can be good exercise and a lot of fun( ) 6) Simplicity is placing a limit on what you want( ) 3

4 Simplicity 2 B I Answer the following questions 1) How can we measure greatness? Greatness is not in what we wear and what we own. It is the kind of person we are greatness can be measured by being simple, kind and helpful to others. 2) How can simplicity give us independence? Simplicity is in a way independence. A simple person depends on very few things to be happy. If we need a lot of things for comfort and find even one things missing we are miserable. 3) Why is simplicity like an ornament to a person s character? When a great person is simple, kind and helpful to others, he seems even greater so simplicity is an ornament to person s character. II Simplicity can be associated with many other qualities circle the quilities that you think go with simplicity JJjj jealous proud modest greedy indepen dent naught hones humbl handwritin Friendly con ten t I Answer the following 1) Who was Devavrata? Devavrata was son of king Shantanu. Being Truthful 3A 2) Whom did king shantnu meet? King shantnu meet a beautiful fishermaid called satyavati. 3) What did satyavatis father told the king? Satyavati s father told the king that she was to marry him,he would have to make her son the next king. 4

5 4) What did Devavrata promise to satyavati s father? Devarata promise to Satyavati s father that he will not marry. one. 5) What voices where heared in the sky? The voice where heard in the sky saying Bhishma! Bhishma!meaning The great True or False 1) Being truthful means truth in thought,word and deed-true. 2) When a person is truthful, his or her character becomes weak-false. 3) Saints and sages earn greatness and fame by being truthful-true. 4) You can respect yourself even if you do not keep your word-false. 5) When you get upset, you can be rude to others-false. I Answer the following Being Truthful 3B 1) What happens when you speak truth? A person who speaks the truth is trusted and loved by others. Truth gives strength and peace. When we speak the truth our conscience and mind are one. Then we are very strong and peaceful inside. 2) What happens when you tell a lie? when we tell a lie it weakness our mind falsehood creates weakness and fear.this is because each time we lie the conscience scolds the mind.that is why we get an uneasy sick feling inside us when we tell a lie. 3) What is our national slogan?what does itmean? Our national slogan is Satyameva jayate satyame is truth in Sanskrit eva means only Jayate means wins. Satyameva jayate means truth alone wins. Fill in the blanks 1. A person who speaks the truth is loved by others. 2. Everyone likes to be friends with a truthful person. 3. When we lie,we have to tell more lies so that we don t get caught. 4. Telling a lie weakness the mind. 5. Truth gives strength and peace. 6. All religions say that truth always wins. 7. Each time we lie the conscience scolds the mind. 8. Our national slogan is Satyameva jayate. 5

6 Politeness 4A I Answer the following 1) Who is polite child? Ans : A polite child has a pleasing manners is cheerful and helpful.a polite child has fun like all children,but never shouts or gets upset over little things.such a child is always smiling and loved by all. 2) Why must we never use bad words? We must never use bad words because bad language sounds very ugly while sweet word make others love you. 3) Why should we not talk in a boastful way? We should not talk in a boastful way because boastful talk in not a part of polite speech. 4) Which are the magic words which help you in any situation? The magic words which help you in any situation are please sorry and thankyou 5) Why should we say thankyou? We should say sorry because to let others know that we regret and what to make up for makes both person who is hurt and you feel much better. Politeness 4B I Match the following 1. Politeness-is being well-mannered 2. Everyone hates-impolite behavior. 3. Never shout at anyone 4. Hurtful words-can never be taken back 5. Never talk to anyone-impolitely 6. Boastful talk-is ugly. II Answer the following 1. What is Politeness? Politeness is being well-mannered inspeech and action towards all, especilly elders. 2. What are the kinds of Politeness? Politeness is of two kinds- 1) Politeness in speech 2) Politeness in action. 6

7 3. What do you mean by Politeness in action? Politeness in action is- 1) Being considerate towards others. 2) being helpful 3) Doing things in a pleasing manner. Tick the correct choice. 1. Politeness in action is:- Being thoughtful towards others. 2. In a crowd it is best to:- Ask permission to pass through. 3. Table manners are important because:- We show respect for others while they eat. 4. Politeness:- Does not mean being :goody-goody 5. Rideness make others:- Dislike you. II semester Love In Action Fill in the blanks. 1) Love is the magic key to the Door to Happiness 2) The more you love, the more place there is in your heart for happiness. 3) Love in action is showing your love by acts of kindness & Happiness. 4) The person who helps another is often the happier of the two. 5) Service to the poor is a wonderful way to show your love for them. Answer the following: 1) What is love in action? Love in action means not troubling or disturbing others. It means speaking softly, being polite to other and behaving in a way that pleases others. 2) How you can show love for poor? Service to the poor is a wonderful way to show love for them. Love In Action 1) How can you help our family? We can help our family by helping at home in many simple ways. We can do some of our work on our own. 7

8 responsibility 2) How can you show your love for your school? We can show love for our school by doing our school work and extra curricular activities well and by being obedient to teachers. 3) How can you show your love for your friends? We can show low for our friends by helping in difficulties and hardships. 4) Name one way in which you serve the poor? Ans : We can serve the poor by offering foods and clothing. 5) What is the chipko Movement? Chipko movement refers to the traders when they began to cut down trees without any thoughts of the future.the people in the area embraced the trees to prvent them from being cut.they stayed up all night to guard their life giving trees. Match the following 1) Florence Nightinmgale - lady with the lamp. 2) Dianne fossey -protecting gorillas 3) Mother Teresa -Noble peace prize 4) John Appleseed -planted apple trees in America 5) Pierle cousteau -Explorer Answer the following: Independence 1) Why did satya decide not to copy? Satya decided not to copy because he considered copying was not a good habit. 2) Whose essay was selected as best?why? Satya s essay was selected as the best because it was his own independence work. 3) Why was Gopi s essay not selected through it was good? Gopi s essay was not selected through it was good because he had written the essay by himself, but he had let the other children copy from him, which was as bad as copying. True or false 1) Independence is not depending on others for everything. 2) Independence is freedom without responsibility. 3) Being independent at school means doing class work on your own. 4) Independence also means obedience and self control. 5) Independence means asking for help right away. Circle the words which are connected to independence. Self reliance Self 8 freedom

9 disobedience Answer the following: INDEPENDENCE 1) What is the meaning of independence? Independence is freedom, but it is not freedom alone. It is freedom with responsibility. 2) What does independence mean for a country? A countries independence is its freedom to have its own government and not be under the rule of any country. 3) From whom did India win freedom? India won freedom from Britishers. 4) Why should we be like the bundle of twigs? A country is also like a bundle of twigs, where each twig is a state. within a state Twig is like a person. If all of us are united, we are like the bundle of twigs. True or false 1) A country progresses if it is ruled by another country False 2) An independent country has freedom to have its own government- True. 3) India is an independent country True. 4) It is the duty of every Indian to safeguard the freedom of india. True 5) It is the duty of only the armed forces to safeguard the freedom of India false 6) India was ruled by the british till 1947 true. 7) India got her freedom on 15 th August True. Match the following. 1) Jallianwala Bagh Massaacre. 2) First satyagraha. 3) Lala lajpat Rais death. 4) Dandi March 5) Civil disobedience 6) Quit India Movement. BEING PRAYERFUL Fill in the blanks. 1) God is a friend to us. 2) God has given us many beautiful thing. 3) Talking to God is prayer. 9

10 4) Being prayerful means to remember, praise or think of the lord BEING PRAYERFUL Answer the following: 1) Why should we be prayerful? We feel happy thinking of our friends and God is also our friend, there is joy in thinking of him. 2) Name five ways in which we can pray? The five ways in which we can pray are: 1) Singing the praises of the lord. 2) Chanting the lords name. 3) Thinking of the lord in any beautiful form. 4) Visiting a house of God. 5) Any form of service to the poor and needy. 3) When do we find it easy to love and admire God? We find it easy to love and admire God by being thankful of the beauty and glory of nature. 4) Why do we say God is everywhere? God is everywhere, it also means that he is in every part of the world he is in every flower and plants. He is in every drop of water, he is in music, he is in every human being, he is in every large and tiny. Man And Nature then and Now True or False 1) Early humans loved mother earth. true. 2) Man has been destroyed nature from ancient times. False. 3) Anceint Indians belived that nature, God and man were united. true. 4) Indians thought of themselves as a part of nature. true. 5) The less the forest, the more the rain. false. Answer the following. 1) How has progress in science affected nature? Civilization all over the world began to cut trees, clear forests, valleys and change the course of rivers to make mighty empires, Science progressed cement jungles called cities came up everywhere. Man began to feel that he was truly the king of the world. 2) Why has it began to rain less? 10

11 It has began to rain less in various parts of the world because man has been destroying thousands of acres of forests for years. the less the forest the less the rain. 3) What is acid rain? When smoke from factories mixes with water vapour, the acid in the clouds becomes very high, this comes in the form of acid rain. 4) What is atmospheric pollution. There are protective layers in the atmosphere that screen harmful rays from the sun giving up only what is good for us. Certain chemicals used by the industries destroyed these layers these harmful rays cause skin cancer. these are together called atmospheric pollution. 11

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