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1 Disable(d) Prejudice: Koja je prva stvar koju primjetite na osobi? What is the first thing you notice when you look at a person? Što vidite kada pogledate u mene? What do you see when you look at me? MATEA Kada pogledate nas? [When you look at us?] Ženu? [A woman?] Studenta? [A student?] Umjetnika? [An artist?] Mentora? [A mentor?] Aktivistu? [An activist?] 1 1

2 IVAN Sportaša? [Athlete?] Komičara? [Comedian?] BRUNO Prijatelja? [Friend?] Iskreno, što mislite da je prva stvar koju ljudi primjete kad nas vide? Truly, what do you think people notice first when they look at us? Da sam drugačija. [That I m different.] Moja kolica. [My wheelchair.] Moju hodalicu. [My walker.] Kako se krećem. [How I move.] Kako hodam. [How I walk.] 2 2

3 MATEA Da hodam s nogom iskrenutom prema unutra. [I walk with my foot turned in.] Da mi nešto nedostaje. [That I m missing something.] IVAN Da mi je teško stajati. [That it s difficult to stand up.] Da, to je sve točno ali to je samo jedan dio nas koji vam je vidljiv. [Yes, all of those things are true but those are just the parts of us you see.] Ali tko smo mi? But who are we really? Tko sam ja zapravo? [Who am I really?] Ja sam hrabra i puna različitih iskustava. [I am brave and full of different experiences.] Ja sam sramežljiva i pomalo djetinjasta. [I am shy and a little childish.] BRUNO Ja sam gazbenik i volim igrice. [I am a musician and a gamer.] 3 3

4 Zvijezda u tamnoj noći i duga poslije kiše. [A star in the darkness and a rainbow after the rain.] I am a bird with a broken wing. [Ja sam ptica slomljenog krila.] Movement Piece Pokret Ja sam ptica slomljenog krila. [I am a bird a broken wing.] Vidim sunčano nebo i zlatno Sunce. [I see clear skies and the golden Sun.] Pravim se da sa svojim jatom letim visoko. [I pretend to fly high with the flock.] Pitam se zašto mi ne daju da letim s njima. [I wonder why they won t let me fly with them.] Brine me što ne vide moju snagu i volju, samo moje slomljeno krilo. [I m worried that they can t see my strength and will, only my broken wing.] Razumijem da se boje. [I understand that they re scared] i sanjam da će jednoga dana shvatiti da sam ja ista kao oni. [but I dream that they will realize that I m am the same as them.] Pokušavam im ispričati svoju priču. [I try to make them hear my story.] 4 I nadam se da sam ja zadnja ptica slomljenog krila koja mora dokazivati da se ne 4

5 razlikuje od ostalih. [I hope that I m the last bird with a broken wing that has to prove that she is no different.] Neki ljudi misle da zato što smo drugačiji ne bismo trebali raditi obične, svakodnevne stvari Some people think that because we re different we shouldn t be doing everyday things Bila sam na koncertu Depeche Modea s nekoliko mojih prijatelja. Depeche Mode je bend. I went with a couple of friend to the Depeche Mode Concert Tjedan nakon koncerta, za večerom na kojoj su bili rođaci s mora, moj tata je spomenuo da sam išla na koncert. The next week, at dinner with my family from the coast, my dad told them I went to the concert. You let her out of the house? [Puštate je van iz kuće?] ALL Pustio ju je van iz kuće? [He let her out of the house?] Postoji određena stigma u našem društvu po kojoj mi živimo u podrumu na kruhu i vodi i nikada ne izlazimo iz kuće. To je ružna stigma. There is a certain stigma in society that says that we live in the basement, get fed bread and water, and never leave the house. It is an ugly stigma. 5 5

6 Moja me profesorica nije htjela povesti na maturalno putovanje. [My teacher wouldn't take me on my graduation trip.] Ne želim cijelo vrijeme provesti s tobom po bolnicama. [I don t want to spend all of my time in hospitals with you] Nije me htjela povesti pa onda nisam ni išla [She wouldn t take me, so I didn t go.] Tko su ti koji nam mogu pružiti priliku i tko su oni koji je mogu oduzeti? Who can give us opportunities and who can take them away? MATEA Profesori? [Teachers] BRUNO Roditelji? [Parents] Vlada? [The government] Mi sami? [Yourself] 6 Obzirom da sam u kolicima, ljudi se čude da sam išla u školu. Još se više čude kad čuju da sam maturirala i upisala fakultet 6

7 [Since I'm in the wheelchair, people were surprised when I told them that I went to high school. They were even more surprised to hear that I graduated and enrolled into an undergraduate program.] Bila sam jedna od osam učenika koji su se kvalificirali za putovanje u Novi Vinodolski, ali nisam željela ići zbog stepenica. [I was 1 of 8 people who qualified to go on the school trip to Novi Vinodolski, but I wasn't going to go because of the stairs.] Dvije kolegice iz razreda rekle su da će mi pomoći pa sam ipak odlučila ići. Ali kada smo stigli, stepenice su bile posvuda! Na putu do sobe, do blagavaone, do grada [Two classmates said that they would help me, so I decide to go. But when we arrived, stairs were everywhere! To my room, to the dining room, to the city] ALL ARTISTS/ SVI ZAJEDNO Stepenice! Stairs! ALL ARTISTS/SVI ZAJEDNO Stepenice! Stairs! ALL ARTISTS/SVI ZAJEDNO Stepenice! Stairs! 7 Brinula sam da će mi to sve biti preteško i da ću svima biti na teret. Ali onda, sve 7

8 je ispalo super. Nisam čak ni trebala njihovu pomoć čitavo vrijeme. Nakon tog vikenda, osjećala sam se moćno! [I was worried that I won't be able to handle it, and I would be a burden. But then, it all went great. I didn't even need their help all the time! After that weekend, I felt so powerful!] IVAN Drugi su joj rekli da može i uspjela je. [Others told her she could do it, and she did.] Kako tuđi komentari utječu na vaše mišljenje o samima sebi? How does what other people say about you, affect how you think about yourself? Ti si čudna. [You re weird.] Nemoj ga dirati zarazit će se [Don t touch him you might catch it] IVAN Ma ti si samo lijen [You re just being lazy] To ti je Božja kazna [It s a punishment from God] MATEA Da, i to sam već čula. Svi smo već čuli ove komentare [Yeah, I ve heard that one too. We all heard the comments.] 8 Ali mene brine kad ljudi postanu agresivni 8

9 [But I worry when people get more aggressive.] BRUNO Mrzio sam srednju školu zbog nasilnika. Pokušali su me zadaviti i ubiti nasred škole [I hated high school because of bullies. They tried to choke me, to kill me, right in the middle of school.] Ja se nisam uklapala ni u jednu grupu u školi. Jer ako nisi kao svi u grupi, onda si van grupe. [I didn t fit in with any of the groups at school. There is a shape or mold you have to fit, and if you don t, you re out.] Čak i nastavnici imaju svoju sliku o tome kakav đak treba biti i ne znaju se uvijek nositi s đacima koji su drugačiji. [Even teachers have a mold of what a student should be and aren t always equipped to teach students are are different. ] IVAN Moja profesorica engleskog se uvijek pravila da nije svjesna mog zdravstvenog stanja. Tražila je načine da me sruši pod izlikom da se ne trudim dovoljno. Htio sam vrištati od jada! [My English teacher acted like she hadn t been aware of my medical condition. She was looking for opportunities to fail me, saying I wasn t working hard. I almost screamed I was so irritated!] Imao sam nastavnika u 8. razredu koji me ponižavao kad god je mogao, pogotovo kad smo radili geometriju. Znao je da se ne mogu koristiti ravnalom ili kompasom i moju bi bilježnicu pokazivao cijelom razredu da me ponizi. Umjesto da mi je pomogao, rugao mi se. [I had a teacher in 8th grade who put me down whenever he could, especially when we did geometry. He knew I couldn t use a ruler or a compass, he held my notebook up in the air to put me down in front of the whole class. Instead of helping 9 9

10 me with geometry, he made fun of me.] Nastavnici imaju posao. Oni bi trebali podučavati iz srca. Ne trebaju ti popuštati zato što si drugačiji, samo ti se trebaju prilagoditi. Ako ja sporo pišem, samo mi dajte više vremena ili me pitajte usmeno. [Teachers have a job. They have to be real educators from the heart. They should not give you a pass just because you re different, but make modifications. If I am a slow writer, give me more time or give me an oral exam.] Moj trener karatea je shvaćao. Bio je fer i strog i nije me tretirao drugačije od ostalih. [My karate trainer understood; he was fair but firm and he didn't treat me any different from others. ] Ponekad su nastavnici naša najveća podrška meni su nastavnici bili jedini prijatelji u školi. [Teachers were my only friends at school] Nastavnici, prijatelji i obitelj naša su najveća podrška [Teachers, friends and family are our biggest support] Jednom davno, dvije prekrasne djevojke živjele su u gradu na brdu sa svojim dragim roditeljima. [Once upon a time there were 2 beautiful girls who lived in a city on a hill with their loving parents.] Naši nas roditelji savjetuju [Our parents advise us] 10 MATEA 10

11 Tješe nas [Comfort us] Daju nam nadu [Give us hope] MATEA I uče nas lijepom ponašanju [and teach us how to behave.] NATASA Ali ono što vam nismo rekli je da te dvije djevojke trebaju pomoć u raznim stvarima [But what we didn t tell you is that these girls need other help too.] Vezanju cipela [Tying their shoes] BRUNO Rezanju hrane [Cutting their food] IVAN Pranju zubi [Brushing their hair] Bile su zahvalne roditeljima na svemu što su za njih učinili, ali, kad su odrasle, poželjele su se osamostaliti [And they were grateful for all their parents did, but as they got older they realized that they wanted to be independent.] 11 Želim biti glumica u sapunici [I want to be an actress in a soap opera] 11

12 MATEA Ja želim biti pjevačica [I want to be a singer] Ali više od svega, želim se zaljubiti i imati svoju obitelj. I svjesna sam da mi je za majčinstvo potrebna dodatna pomoć [More than anything I want to fall in love and have a family of my own. But I know that to be a mother I need extra help.] MATEA Od kad smo navršile 18 godina, naša obitelj više nema pravo na financijsku pomoć koja nam je potrebna. [And now that we ve turned 18 our family doesn t get the financial help from the government they need to support us] IVAN Isto tako, znamo da naši roditelji neće biti s nama zauvijek. Što će onda biti? [And we know our parents won t be here forever. What happens then?] Smjestit će nas u dom i zaboraviti na nas [We get put in a home and forgotten about.] Mogli bismo živjeti s rođacima ili udomiteljima [We could go live with other relatives or a foster family.] Neki od nas već žive sami i jednoga dana mi ćemo pomagati svojim roditeljima [Some of us already live on our own and one day we ll have to support our parents.] 12 Gdje je naše mjesto u ovom svijetu, izvan naših obitelji? [Where do we belong outside of our family, in the world?] 12

13 Postoji izraz socijalizacija koji se često koristi za osobe koje imaju invaliditet. Mislim da bismo trebali prestati koristiti taj izraz i omogućiti ljudima da izađu u grad, druže se i budu slobodni. There is a term, socialization, it is often used with anyone who has a disability. I think we should stop using this term and allow people to get out in the city, be around other people, and be free. Ali, kada u gradu imate više stepenica nego rampi, kako se onda slobodno kretati kao svi ostali? [But in a city with more stairs than ramps, how can we feel free to move around like everyone else?] Jednom sam odlučila otići sama tramvajem u kino. Lijepo sam se obukla, namazala se i napravila si frizuru. Kad sam došla na tramvajsku stanicu, odjednom sam se osjećala nemoćnom jer s hodalicom nisam mogla ući u tramvaj. Mnoštvo je ljudi izlazilo i ulazilo u tramvaj i ja sam samo stajala i gledala ih. [One day I decided to take the tram to the cinema all by myself. I put on some nice clothes and did my hair and make up. When I got to the tram I felt powerless because I couldn t lift up my walker to get inside. There were lots of people going in and out, and I was just standing there watching them go past me.] Trebaš pomoć? [Do you need help?] Djevojka koja je već ušla u tramvaj uzela je moju hodalicu, povela me u tramvaj i našla mi mjesto za sjesti. [A girl who was already on the tram took my walker and found me a place to sit.] 13 Pardon, možete nam napraviti mjesta? 13

14 [Excuse us, make way!] Kad smo stigli na moju stanicu, pomogla mi je da siđem. [When we got to the station, that same girl helped me get off of the tram.] I ti ideš u kino? [Are you going to the cinema too?] Na kraju smo zajedno otišle u kino i sprijateljile se [We ended up going together and became friends.] BRUNO Što biste vi napravili u toj situaciji? Kako reagirate na ljude s poteškoćama? [What would you do in that situation? How do you react to people with disabilities?] Ponekad je neugodno razgovarati s nepoznatim ljudima. Pogotovo ako su drugačiji od nas. [It is uncomfortable to reach out to a stranger. Especially if that stranger is different than you.] To me podsjeća na energiju koja se stvori među potpunim strancima i na veze koje proizađu iz te energije. Koliko smo zapravo snažni kad se obraćamo drugoj osobi? This makes me think of the energy between perfect strangers and the bonds that are born from that energy. How powerful are we when we reach out to another person? Jenom sam bio u knjižnici i neka me djevojka pitala.. [I was in the library one day and a little girl asked me ] 14 14

15 Što ti je s rukama? [What s wrong with your hands?] Rekao sam joj da sam tako rođen [I told her they were like that when I was born.] Možeš išta raditi s takvim rukama? [Can do you things with your hands like that?] Mogu sve samo se moram prilagoditi. Knjižničar je sve slušao i onda me pitao [I can do everything I just have to make adjustments.the librarian had been listening and asked} IVAN Jesi li ikada razmišljao da se baviš ovime? [Have you ever thought about doing this in a more formal way?] I tako sam počeo držati motivacijske govore, i da ljudima pokažem kako je živjeti s invaliditetom. [And that s how I began doing motivational speeches, also to let people know what it s like living with a disability.] Život s invaliditetom je kao kad ste na otoku usred oceana [Having a disability is like being on an island in the middle of the ocean.] Kao borba s vjetrenjačama [Like fighting with windmills] 15 15

16 BRUNO Kao da stojite na stijeni i ne možete se pomaknuti. [Like standing on a rock you cannot move.] NAJA Kako pobijediti neshvaćanje i nelagodu da budemo sigurni da smo svi prihvaćeni? How do we get past our misunderstanding and discomfort to ensure that there is acceptance for everyone? NATASA Kako naučiti u ljudima prepoznati ono što oni stvarno jesu, a ne što sve ne mogu? How do we see someone for who they are and not what they can t do? BRUNO Ja sam borac [I am a warrior] Ja sam dobrovoljni vatrogasac [a volunteer firefighter] Ja plivam [a swimmer] Ja studiram [a college student] Ja sam na doktoratu [a PhD candidate] 16 Ja ću biti profesorica [a future educator] 16

17 Ja pjesnik [a poet] MATEA Ja pjevačica [A singer] Ja glumica [An actress] IVAN Ja sam snjegović koji se nikad ne topi zbog dragih ljudi koji me paze [I am a snowman that never melts because kind people watch over me.] Ja sam običan čovjek koji živi svoj život [I am a person living his life each day.] Ja se nadam da sam ja zadnja osoba koja treba dokazivati da sam ista kao svi ostali. I hope that I am the last person that has to prove she just like everyone else

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