The Never-Settled Mind

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1 The Never-Settled Mind Greetings to AII Have you met anyone you agree with all the time, 100% percent all the time that is...? Of course not, for this is one of the impossibilities of life itself... Why? It is simple. It is due to the fact that we are all individuals... Individual emotions, thoughts, minds, ideas and opinions. And what are ideas and opinions...? They are exactly that. Ideas. It is relative to the individual mind... It is conjecture. Made up stuff. Ideas and opinions are simply a fabrication of the mind through conditioning or experience... or a combination of both. However, there are certain aspects that is common to virtually all... Happiness is one... Self satisfaction another... This self-satisfaction occurs when one is at peace with their-self... A person can only be truly at peace with their-self, at peace with others, at peace with life only when they know and can understand the purpose of life, what life is all about... When a person is self-realised, they can understand why everyone has different opinions, different ideas, different sets of values, of morals, of anger, of peace, of greed... of sadness... Happiness... Satisfaction... Peace... Realising-the-self... Self Realization... This is a state of being that each and every person should be seeking... Every person should be trying to understand what is happening... What is happening here and now... Why this has come about... What our present bodily existence is really for. Everyone wants to know, to discover, to comprehend their-own-self to find satisfaction and happiness instead of negative thought, worry, depression and suffering... This is not too difficult to achieve if the mind is put to rational clear thought instead of thoughts running around in circles trying to discover happiness... The mind, unless it is pointed in the right direction, will be like the merry-go-around at the fun-fair. Up and down, around, around and around... The mind is like this. Running around in circles. Only making it dizzier. So dizzy that careful straight thought becomes an impossibility... It is the way we have been raised, the experiences of our lives to date that has great bearing on our minds... and therefore has a great bearing on our ideas and opinions... However, in essence, the human mind pure... It 'arrives' in this world naturally pure and ageless... The mind can be likened to the blue which is naturally blue and clear. Clouds race around to try and mask its true clear nature. Yet clouds, no matter how dense, how stormy, how heavy or light they are, cannot hide, or keep hidden the true nature of the clear blue sky that is always present...

2 Similarly, the mind is, clear and pure... Thoughts that race around can be likened to the clouds in the sky... Some minds have more storms than others... Some have more cloudiness... Some thunderstorms... Some lighter clouds... and yet, unlike the clouds in the sky, we humans can control our-own raging thunderstorms, our-own weather patterns... This is not too difficult if one can realise what causes the stormy mind-weather in the first place... It is all of our own doing... Yes, all our own-doing and so therefore, we can do the un-doing... It is up to each individual to take responsibility of their-own-self, their-own-mind... It is up to each person to discover the trueness of clear thought, clear weather patterns. It does not matter if you are religious or not. A Buddhist or Christian or Hindu or not... It matters not what part of the world you wish to call 'your-country'... Common to all, is this seeking of mind control... When this is achieved, more happiness, more allowing, more compassion, more peace develops within thy-self... This cannot be proved on paper, or in words... It can only be proved within the individual... However, it matters not who you are, or what you are doing when it comes down to the facts of life... One certain fact, is that if you cannot separate yourself from your conditioning, the ego, your-own-ego that is, then you will always be misguided... This is due to the fact that you have created for yourself a totally unrealistic philosophy of life that has nothing whatsoever to do with Reality... These words may have upset some who are reading... Their ego is hurt... Bruised... Why? Because that is the 'nature' of ego... The ego is the wall of the shell that has been created around the 'personality'... It is a created state. It is not a true pure state. Drop the ego, and it is impossible to be hurt by words that challenge your conditioned belief system... Your ego is simply that belief system... Instead of grasping at intellectual knowledge, wanting to know what is the 'highest philosophy', 'highest religion', 'highest this and that'... every person is better of trying to gain an understanding of the basics... It is the Nature of the Mind that needs the investigation... Understand your own mind, learn how to deal with it, cope with it, transcend it and therefore be one with a natural peaceful clear mind... Once this is achieved, then the meanings 'behind' the Religions of the world becomes known... and the Religions of the world are treated with a nod of understanding rather than derision or confusion...

3 It is quite important to know how to act effectively... Clear thought and logical thought is needed... It is thought, not clouded by past conditioning and belief systems that is needed... For example, if you have been taught your life that the world is flat, and still defend that idea to others even though, deep down you know it to be wrong... then there will be difficulties... There will be much trouble for you to try and grasp, and accept understandings of Truth that go-against, oppose what you believe, of what you have been conditioned to believe... The most important thing is to learn... Any learning is experience... To experience is why we are here on this planet... To experience to transcend... To transcend the material life of existence... The Human Mind has both negative sides. The polarities switch. Can switch very quickly indeed and of course, what one person thinks is positive, others may view as negative... Whether a person views a situation, or words, or whatever, as positive or negative is purely their own idea, their own perception or opinion... In actual fact, it does not matter, for both positive and negative energies of the mind are very temporary. They switch, they change, views change, minds change... Up and down... minds and emotions, are like clouds in the sky... they come and go... And yet, beyond them, beyond the clouds, beyond the emotions, beyond the flitting mind, is basic Human Nature, and it is of purity... It is clear and pure as the sky above the clouds... Control of the mind is the key to all... Before you can control it... knowing it, realising what it is, why it is, and what does, is quite advantageous... When you can understand the nature of your mind, you will be able to control it naturally... You will not have to 'push' so hard. Understanding-naturally brings control. Many people imagine that control of the mind is some kind of restrictive bondage... Actually, control is a natural state... But you are not going to say that or think that are you?... Of course not, for many will state that it is natural for the mind to be uncontrolled by its own nature... But it is not. Definitely not. It has become seemingly uncontrolled through upbringing, through conditioning, and the experiences of life to date... It must be realised, or grasped, that the nature of the uncontrolled mind is not the proper state... Once you realise that it is yourself who is in 'charge', then control comes as naturally as uncontrolled states of mind... The only way to gain control over your mind, is to understand its nature, and understand the mind itself...

4 You can never force your mind, your internal world to change by outside means, outside methods... You cannot force or purify your mind by punishing yourself physically... It is impossible to purify the mind by the beating of your body... By fasting for days, for weeks on end... Totally impossible... Negativity, impurity, sin, guilt, or whatever name you want to call it... is psychological. It is a mental phenomenon... It is of the inner... The punishments of outer methods cannot succeed... Only the inner can 'work' with the inner... Purification, a clearing of the mind, requires a skilful combination of method and wisdom... To purify your mind, you do not have to believe in 'something-up-there', or Christ, or Buddha, or Krishna... You do not have to worry your mind about anything like that at all... Most definitely not... Why?... It is simple... Simple because, religions are of human creation... It is made up... It is a word... and Religion is a word that has caused much grief and suffering to millions of people through the ages because they get entangled into the belief-system that mankind has invented... The Love Energy, Universal Energy of the All-That-ls helps every single person regardless of any man-made structuring... This helping is called, Unconditional Love... Unconditional Compassion for all... Let it be known, that God is Unconditional... True Love, Original Love places no conditions on anything... It is people that place conditions, rules, regulations, according to their own desire... For everyone, regardless of country, race, religion and non-religion, the main objective is to clear the mind of unsettled clouds of negative thought, negative emotion and other garbage that makes the mind unsettled... The mind is of spirit-quality... Emotion from the heart region is of spirit quality... If this is rejected as garbage, then please work out the basics before carrying on any further... Spirit cannot be 'satisfied' with material quality. They are opposites. Opposites, yet work together as the 'whole'... The magnet may be used as an example... Opposite polarities on opposite ends... yet the magnet is one. So it is the same with body and mind The mind is never quite happy with the body... These are the clouds roaming around the mind that is unsatisfied... 'Oh how I wish I was thinner... or fatter...' 'Oh how I wish my lips were different...' 'Oh how I wish my nose was not so... ' 'Oh how I wish... I wish... I wish...' The mind never seems quite happy with its own self anyway... 'Oh how I wish I was more intelligent...' 'Oh how I wish l could paint...' 'Oh how l wish I did not think such thoughts of lust... Of hate... Of sorrow...'

5 Hate, greed, angers, frustration... these are the storm-clouds, the thunderstorms making the pure mind unclear... And yet, it is not only the negative based thoughts that cloud the mind... for the daydreaming, the fantasies, the wishing, the wanting are clouds also... Maybe clouds of the whiter fluffier type... but clouds that block the clear sky... block, the pure mind... Consider the materialistic life. It is a state of agitation. Complete agitation. Conflicts interspersed. with momentary spasms of fantasy... and that can also be considered as agitation. Yes, even the day-dreaming' is agitation... For it indicates that you are not satisfied with life as-it-is, and you want more, desire more... Day-dreaming, wishing and wanting are only escapes from drudgery, from the reality of the life you are leading. It is non-acceptance of who you are, and what you are... It must be realised, that you can. never fix all things, fix all events, fix every situation to be the way you want. You cannot just wake up in the morning and decide exactly how you want your day to unfold... Forget about the days, weeks, months and years ahead, you cannot even pre-determine one single day... If you are asked right now, to write down how you are going to set your day out, set down your actions, set down how you will be thinking, set down how your emotional state is going to be from minute to minute, hour to hour... then you will find it impossible. You will cry out in derision at such a stupid suggestion... You make yourself materially comfortable... You arrange your house... Put this here, maybe that over there... This is not too difficult. The arranging is to suit. You know the chair, the table will st y in piece until you change your mind... However, you can never arrange your mind and emotions in the same way... You can never determine how your mind and emotions are going to be the next day, react the day after... So what is there to say, about how your mind will be in one weeks time, one years time... It is quite impossible indeed... It is impossible to fix the uncontrollable mind. Too hard, too impossible to arrange the uncontrollable mind so it does not get any storm clouds or thunderstorms... It is just as impossible to make water, wetter... It can be said with certainty that as long as the mind is uncontrolled, agitated and dualistic, it is impossible to control your life... By control, it is meant of the control of the clouds in your mind... the upsets, the anger, the desire, the wishful dreaming, the unsettledness... What these words and examples are trying to say, is simply that no matter how much you try and make yourself materially comfortable, no matter how much you may dream of making yourself continually in a state of happiness, it is impossible... It is impossible to pre-determine your life like that. Automatically, without thought, without conscious thinking, your feelings, your mind, keeps changing, changing and changing... From a fleeting second to dreaming thoughts of minutes, they change... They flit from dream to dream, fantasy to fantasy...

6 This shows, or tries to demonstrate that the materialistic life does not work... Material desires and wants can never be satisfied, never be fulfilled... This is because as soon as you have your new car, the next model is on your mind... Another purchase of something or other is dreamt of... However, this does not mean that you should renounce the worldly fife and become the monk, become the nun, the hermit, the recluse... No, not at all. Definitely not. For if you should do so, and it is the forcing of your mind that is doing the pushing, it is not done naturally... If it is not a natural state of mind, then it is, then it will be, a complete waste of time... The mind cannot be forced. The mind, if forced to give up this, give up that... will not be natural, so therefore, at the back of the mind, that desire will always be present... A perfect example is those who force themselves to give up the smoking of the tobacco... Most fail, because it is forced... It may be the desires of others... or to show to others that you can give it up. It is the ego making a show of trying to give up the tobacco... but it is forced. It is not natural. Therefore, the desire is still there. The non-smoking period will be for a relatively short time only... maybe a day, week, year... However, if it is a deep-down desire to give the tobacco, this does not mean you should not attempt to relinquish something that is detrimental to your health... Not at all... For at the very least, it is a start, and it is an acknowledgment to yourself to give up a mat rialorientated habit... What is trying to be explained here, is that it is most difficult, near impossible to force yourown-mind to do something when you do not really mean it... The deep-down desire is still there... Smoking is simply an example. It may be chocolate, it may be ice-cream, it may be of the alcohol... Whatever it is that you feel must be, should be ceased, then it is 100 percent easier and 100 percent more successful if it is done naturally. Given up naturally. For then, you will do it with smile as you transcend past out-moded habits that were right for your old-self, but not appropriate to your new being... The point trying to be put across, is that the principles of spiritual well-being should be tried to be understood and grasped correctly for you to act accordingly... Always the battle between matter and spirit... Everyone will find much greater satisfaction and meaning to their lives when the mind and the world of the five material senses can be understood... If you rely on the material five-sense-world alone for satisfaction, then there will always be disappointments and up-satisfaction, for the sense-world cannot continually satisfy the human mind... Thus, the purpose for the existence of our being, is for us to understand our-beings... Understand the nature of our minds, and our emotions...

7 Understand our own experiences so that we may find our own natural way to further wisdom and further understandings... This is all an individual thing, yet it is the common denominator to all individuals... It is hard, too difficult, very much impossible to give only one example of how the mind works... There is always an abundance of examples given for persons to try and understand the nature of their own mind... Yes, many examples, and it all comes down to personal understanding, and personal experience... If the path of your life so far has not provided solutions to your problems, to your questions, satisfaction to your mind... then it is advisable for you to, check out the way you have been living... Check out your ideas... Check out your points of vi w... Check out your opinions... Check out if your mind is of your-own reasoning and logic, or is it the mind that has been conditioned by others on how it should think and operate... Being the parrot and learning words by purely listening and reciting is not the way of true learning and understanding... Nor is it a sign of knowledge and wisdom if you simply spout of words like the tape-recorder, ipod, with no thought or reasoning... Please remain mindful, that the mind is the servant, not the master of your own-self the mind is to serve, and that is to gather knowledge, discern to your best ability, and to transcend... Please cast away belief systems, for they are garbage they are inherited from those who cannot think for themselves... make up your own mind Please cast away these words also if you wish explore life with your own mind make up your mind, and allow yourself to be open to freshness, to new learnings and experiences It is pointless saying words, learning words if you do not understand them... So therefore, use your mind, your clear mind, your up-prejudiced mind, your unconditioned mind, to seek further in the ways of the mind and the five working bodily senses... So Be It...

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