Lesson 1. Key Truth: Because God created people in His image, every person has value. Focus On... Identity

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1 Lesson 1 Key Truth: Because God created people in His image, every person has value. Focus On... Identity Identity is, basically, who a person is. It involves one s personality, character, interests, roles in a family and society, and anything else that defines a person. As preteens enter early adolescence they experience a significant period of identity formation. Mental developments open a deeper capacity for self-awareness and self-evaluation. Puberty launches the process of change from a child s to an adult s body. These and other changes often make preteens insecure and self-conscious. In the midst of this, preteens begin withdrawing from their parents in order to process the changes in their lives and establish distinct identities. Major contributors to self-image are the opinions of others. Some preteens take a passive approach and allow people to label them and determine their self-perception. Others take an active role in forming their identities by emulating their peers and those they idolize. Many also experiment with new styles of clothing, hairstyles, or hobbies and activities. These influences greatly affect preteens values, character, and the way they perceive themselves, God, and others. What happens during this period of transition is critical. Some preteens become confident, yet humble, persons who are secure in God s love. Others remain insecure. In 9

2 order to feel good about themselves, they strive for the wrong goals and their inadequacies set the tone for all of life. The outcome is dependent upon a stable, accurate, and healthy foundation for self-image and identity formation. God provides such a foundation in the Bible. As Christians, we base our understanding of each individual s identity on the fact that human beings are made in God s image. Human beings occupy a special place at the head of creation. We have a unique capacity for relationship with God and we share some of His qualities. These include rationality, creativity, and our need for relationship with others, just to name a few. These similarities to our Creator give every person great value. In addition, God values us so highly that when we fell into sin He already had a plan for our redemption. Through the sacrifice of His only Son, He provided atonement for our sin. He also provided the means of transforming us so that we can be reunited with Him in a loving relationship. God s assessment of us is true, and His view of us is more important than anyone else s. It s crucial for people to think of themselves God s way and try to be who God wants them to be. Then, there is no room for basing identity on the shifting sands of the world s opinion. We can resist the temptation to lift ourselves up or put ourselves down because of our financial status, possessions, skills, intelligence, or our coolness. According to God, all people have inherent value regardless of those things. Truly, that is good news! We want early youth to know... Goal 1: People have value because they are created in the image of God. Goal 2: God loved us enough to redeem us, which helps us know how valuable we are to Him. Goal 3: God wants us to base our identity in the truth that He created, loves, and redeems us. And we want them to... Goal 4: Identify the basis for a healthy self-image. Goal 5: Exhibit an increasingly healthy self-image based on God s creative and redemptive work. Goal 6: Value other people and treat them with love and respect. 10

3 Wired for Today Choose one or two activities from this section. Activity 1 The Seth Show Seth tries to decide how to dress on the first day of 7th grade. Activity 2 Reflect on Your Reflection Students see their reflections through a variety of mirror-like objects. Wired for the Word Activity 3 Action & Reaction Genesis 1:26-28, 31; Psalm 8:3-6; Romans 5:6-8; 1 John 4:9-11 Look to God s word for our value and self-image. Wired for Life Choose one or more activities from this section. Activity 4 Mirror rorrim Identify the foundations of a healthy self-image that is based on God s perspective. Activity 5 Superhero Powers Recognize the value in others. Activity 6 Looking Inside Provide time for self-evaluation and prayer. Visit for Bonus Activity options (for your lesson), Teacher Tips, and Parent Pages. Or submit an activity idea of your own! DVD Bible Worksheet 11

4 Supplies Wired DVD TV with DVD player The Seth Show Play the video clip for Lesson 1. After the clip, ask: 1. How was your first day of school like or different from Seth s? 2. How important is it to look good for school? 3. Based on his clothing choices, what groups do you think Seth was trying to identify with? 4. Do you think you can get a clear idea of who a person is by the way he or she dresses? Why, or why not? 5. Seth talks about how his brother copies him and doesn t really have an identity of his own. Do you think Seth s behavior in wanting to impress his friends is the same thing? Why, or why not? Transition: Say, Some people try to express who they are by the things they wear and do, while others try to hide who they really are. Today we re going to discover the true basis for our identity and who God wants us to be. 12

5 Reflect on Your Reflection Before class, gather various items that show a person s reflection. Each item should create a different type of reflection. Place the items around your room. In class, allow students to move around the room and view their reflections in each item you brought. Some items may invoke healthy laughter over the way they distort a student s reflection. After students view themselves from these different perspectives, ask them to vote on which item was their favorite. Follow-up this activity with the following questions: 1. How do you feel when you see a reflection that distorts the way you really look? 2. What are some things a person s outward appearance says about him or her? 3. Why do you think people so often decide what kind of person you are based on the way you look? 4. Even your reflection in a regular mirror can t show who you really are. What are some things about the real you that can t be seen in a mirror? Supplies Reflective items: mirror, butter knife, shiny Christmas ornament or light, aluminum foil, etc. Teacher Text Be careful that your students don t become too focused on how a certain reflection might highlight or distort another student s appearance. Also, a student who is struggling with weight issues or is insecure about personal features may need the liberty to not participate in some parts of the discussion. Be mindful of this during the activity. Transition: Say, Sometimes the way we see ourselves isn t accurate. Today we re going to talk about seeing ourselves as we truly are the way God sees us. 13

6 Supplies Bible or printout of today s scriptures for each student Chalkboard, white board, or newsprint Marker Pens or pencils, opt. Teacher Text If your students have a hard time understanding the language of being made in the image of God, you can explain that just as a photograph is an image that looks like a person, we look like God, so to speak. The likeness is not physical, because God is Spirit. However, humans are like God in our capacity for love, righteousness, goodness, reason, creativity, personality, dominion over creation, and in our desire for relationships with others. Action & Reaction Write the following two words on a white board or newsprint: Action Reaction. Leave space between the words. Say, We are going to look at God s act of creating the human race and His reaction when Adam and Eve sinned. Our goal is to discover what these two things tell us about who we are and how God views us. Action Invite a student to read Genesis 1:26-28, 31. Then discuss these questions: 1. How does the passage describe Adam and Eve? 2. What does it mean to be made in God s image and likeness? (See Teacher Text.) 3. What value did God place on creation after He created humans? Have another student read Psalm 8:3-6. Then ask: 4. What does this passage tell us about how God views humanity? 5. What do you think it means that we are a little lower than the heavenly beings? 14

7 6. What does it mean that God is mindful of us? 7. How has God crowned us with glory and honor? As students answer these questions, jot down key points under the heading Action on the board or newsprint. Reaction Divide your students in their groups of two or three and make sure that each one has a Bible or a copy of the lesson passages from Romans 5:6-8 and 1 John 4:9-11. Instruct students to go through the passages and find all the phrases that include we and us. When finished, students should have compiled a list of statements that describe our condition before God, and the way He has chosen to respond to us. Give students a chance to share from their lists. Ask: 8. How do these passages describe the condition of human beings? 9. How did God respond to us? 10. What do these passages tell us about our value to God and how much He loves us? Jot key ideas under the title Reaction on the board. Then say, When we think about who we are, the most important thing to remember is that our identity is based on two key truths. First, we were created in God s image. No other creation can claim this. Second, God has shown us how valuable we are by loving us and sending His Son to save us from lives of sin. Teacher Text You may need to provide your students with definitions for these words: reconciliation (being brought back into right relationship); justified (declared innocent or guiltless); and redemption (deliverance or rescue). 15

8 Supplies Lesson 1 reproducible handout Mirror rorrim Pens or pencils Mirror rorrim Before class, copy the Mirror rorrim handout for each student and teacher. In class, distribute the handouts. Keeping students in their groups of two or three, have them read the directions on the sheet. Tell them to discuss the questions on the sheet as a group and fill in the answers. After most groups have finished, discuss the questions as a total group. At the end of the discussion, encourage students to take the handout home and tape it to a place where they will see it often. Say, This will remind you to see yourselves as God sees you. Supplies Index card for each student Markers, various colors Masking tape Superhero Powers Have your students get into pairs. Give each student an index card, marker, and piece of masking tape. Say, On your card, write down a superhero power you would like to give to your partner. Then tape the card to the person s back. 16

9 Have the students walk around and ask other students yes/no questions to try to guess their superhero power. When most students have discovered their power, have them be seated. Discuss the following: 1. What did you think of your superhero ability? 2. What would it be like to have a superhero ability and never know about it? 3. How would it change your life if no one ever communicated to you that you were made in God s image and are valuable to Him no matter how successful or unsuccessful, funny or boring, or cool or uncool you feel you are? 4. Since God values all people, how should we treat other people? 5. How can we help others see themselves as God sees them? And how can we share with others what their true identity is? Teacher Text If you have an uneven number of students, you or another teacher should pair with someone. Tell students to take their partners cards, to turn them over and write the following words: You are valuable in God s eyes! Have them repeat those words as they hand the cards back to their partners. Say, Each of you is valued and deeply loved by God. It is this love that provides the foundation for your identity. Don t measure yourself against something or someone that makes you feel inferior. And don t put others down to make yourself look good. Instead, find ways to help everyone know that all of you are valuable in God s eyes! 17

10 Teacher Text Encourage your students to apply today s lesson during the week by sending them a Text Message Challenge! Visit for suggested messages. Looking Inside Give students some time to think of any points where they have unhealthy and untrue selfimages or unhealthy ways of viewing others. Give them time to pray that God s view would be imprinted on their minds and hearts. Close the class in prayer, asking for God s assurance when we are tempted to view ourselves as being less than who God says we are. Possible and suggested answers to help you and your students stay on track. The Seth Show 1. Answers will vary. 2. Very important; a little important; I don t think about it. 3. Goths, athletes, preppy kids, etc. 4. Yes and No. You can know some things he or she likes based on clothing; however, there is a lot more to a person than the way they look on the outside. 5. Yes, because he lets others determine what he wears or does; No, because we don t know for sure if Seth copies everything from his friends. Reflect on Your Reflection 1. Answers will vary. 2. It could tell what colors someone likes, the places he or she likes to shop, how much money the person has, what someone s hobbies are, or where he or she has been, etc. 3. That s what we see, it s an easy way to form an opinion; it s the most common way our society rates people. 18

11 4. It doesn t show who you are on the inside your character, feelings, or abilities. Action and Reaction 1. They were created in the image and likeness of God; they were made rulers over creation. 2. We have a unique capacity for relationship with God, and we are like Him in some ways: rationality, creativity, and our need for relationship with others, to name a few. 3. He said it was very good. 4. He has put us a little lower than the heavenly beings; He is mindful of us; He cares about us; He crowned us with glory and honor. 5. We are a very special part of creation. We are valuable to God, and the greatest part of His creation on earth. 6. He is paying attention to us and thinking about us. He cares about what we re going through. 7. He made us rulers over His creation. It is an honor to serve God in this way. 8. We were powerless, ungodly, unrighteous, sinners; we did not love God. 9. He sent Jesus to be a sacrifice for our sins; He loved us. 10. He loves us even before we love Him; we were so important that Christ came to die for us. Mirror rorrim 1. These phrases should be connected to the mirror: created by God, loved by God, Christ died for me, made in God s image, like God in some ways. 2. Question 1: The most important thing is to remember you are valuable because God created you and loves you. He sent His only Son to die for your sins. Because God values you, you don t need to worry about being cool in everyone else s eyes. 3. Question 2: It helps you be a better friend and son or daughter; it gives confidence; it frees up a person to think about other people and other things; it helps you know what s most important; helps you be a better friend and son or daughter; etc. 4. Question 3: It creates depression, sadness, apathy; the person uses all his or her energy trying to feel worthy; sometimes this leads the person to do things that are wrong; it often affects the person s relationship with God. Superhero Powers 1. Answers will vary. 2. It would be a waste. I would miss out on the opportunity to use my power to do something spectacular and good. 3. I would miss out on who I really am. I wouldn t know where I came from or why I m here. 4. We should treat other people as persons whom God created and loves, and for whom Christ died. 5. We can share the Bible with them; we can tell them; we can treat them like God wants us to treat them. 19

12 When you look in the mirror do you see yourself as you really are? Draw lines connecting the most foundational parts of a person s identity to the mirror. Then answer the questions below. like God in some ways cool popular smart athletic made in God s image son/daughter self-giving friend funny student loving good looking created by God brother/sister for me loved by God Christ died 1. After our Bible study, how would you describe a proper self-image? 2. How does having a healthy self-image affect a person s life? 3. How does having an unhealthy self-image affect a person s life? 20


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