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1 !! A!! Treatise on!! the Nature of! Mind!!!!!11:11!!!!!

2 To begin, look at all there is before you. Don't focus on any one aspect of your present awareness, simply look at all of it, non judgmentally. (Kind of hard while you're reading, I know, but take a moment after you read this and become aware of your present situation...) Then listen as well. Hear every little noise in your present scope of awareness. If you hear something unusual, or even just something new, don't place any judgement on it or attach to it, simply observe it, and let it pass in and out of your mind. What do you feel at this moment of awaren!s? Hot, cold, hungry, content, interested, bored, judgmental, curious, anxious, relaxed? What ever it is, pinpoint what feeling your body has, and then notice if it changes

3 as you become aware of it or if it stays the same, and really get a good idea of what that feeling is! You can't really describe a feeling very accurately in w o r d s, because words aren't feelings, they are symbols for ideas. The idea here is to become increasingly aware of your present state of being, and allow all objects of attraction to come in and out of your awareness, and pass through you like wind through an open window. We are all very delicate and sensitive creatures, capable of so much more than is typically noticed or discussed in everyday life, and the goal of this paper is to help you focus on your inner state of being, and eventually guide you to the awareness that all the outside phenome-

4 non, actions, sounds, thoughts, everything, is simply a reflection of your inner state of being. Or is it the other way around? Perhaps your inner state of being is so nonattached from any judgments, that you can be anywhere, in any situation, and accurately reflect what the external energy is within your own internal energy field (thoughts, feelings, emotions). It really doesn't matter, its the same thing, though taken from t(2)w(2)o different approaches; both of which will be discussed later. For Now, let's continue our present moment exercise. Inevitably, you are here, now, reading these w o r d s. You may be multitasking, doing however many other things at once, but the mere fact that you have gotten this far means that this has, to some degree,

5 attracted your attention. Let's take a moment to think about this. What exactly is attention anyway? Attention is awareness directed towards certain moments, beings, phenomenon, objects, information, or inner states of being (thoughts, feelings, emotions) Basically, Attention is conscious energy directed towards... energy). Attention is directed by your intention. Hmmmm. So you have set your intention on reading this, and now, like clockwork, your body has gone on auto-pilot and is continuing to read this paper until you make a choice within your mind to turn away and do something else. Maybe you turn away to think about what has just been read, or maybe you get it already and think to yourself how silly it is to discuss something of

6 this nature. Well... it is, and isn't. We are all making choices every moment of every day. What is it that dictates these choices??? Intention. You could also call it Will, it really doesn't matter what word you use, its more of a concept anyway; hard to grasp in words. The concept of intention is one of the most important concepts to become aware of. Its the wind in the sail that carries your ship. To really understand who and what you are: it all comes down to awareness; The objective observer that lives in the mind and guides you through your life, via your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Going back to the previous analogy, your body could be considered a ship. Your thoughts are your captain, your feelings are your compass, and your emotions are the

7 crew (a happy crew works a lot better than an angry one...you don't want mutiny on your ship, that would be a mental breakdown). When your "crew" functions at!" #apaci$, you are in a state of continual bliss, free from suffering and unsatisfactory emotions. Your mind is the ocean upon which you sail, and your intention is the wind in your sail, guiding you to whatever your next destination is on the infinite ocean of consciousness. There are other ships sailing in this ocean too, so its not exactly "YOURS" is it? In fact, all sentient beings have some sort of boat afloat on this ocean of consciousness, though they don't necessarily sail the way you do. They have their own crews, their own destinations, and their own agendas. But they share one thing in common, they are sailing the ocean of the mind as well.

8 Now, an important note. We weren't all given the same boat upon birth, and sometimes you may come across others who's boat is "leaking" or their crew is not happy. This is where we harbor compassion and recognize that there are beings who need help along this journey of the mind, and if we are equipped to help, then it is in our be$t interest to do so. Often times we find ships with crews where there has already been a "mutiny", and the ego has totally taken over and is giving all the orders to the whole crew without regard for what they (feelings, intuition, emotions, past experiences/wisdom) have to say. This is called ego delusion. The ego mind thinks that it's the

9 hot shot and everyone should listen to it since it can talk the loudest within your head. The problem is, it's the least informed of anyone. Everything the ego mind tells you is just watered down information that was gathered from all the other functions and b-r-o-k-e-n down into a symbolic form that the brain can then translate into... W O R D S. Words are symbols for experiences; they are not the experiences themselves. Using Words to describe experience is like trying to describe what a song sounds like to someone who hasn't heard it yet. Until one actually hears the song, they just won't get it. How do you describe a color to a blind person? Words are really the lowest common denominator of experience. All they are

10 is a way that we can try to come together and realize that you are experiencing the same things I am, and everyone else is, we just have different ways of describing it because of different backgrounds, and different learned patterns of Words. This thing that we are all describing is the Mind

11 and the nature of the mind. There are a lot of distractions in this existence though, most of which try to pull you away from your purpose of existence all together. Jesus, Buddha, and countless other "messiahs" didn't become who they were by worshipping %omeone else's teachings. They did just what we're doing in this paper, and figured it out for themselves, based on WHAT WORKED FOR THEM. They became aware of their inner state of being, the inner workings of the mind, feelings, thoughts, emotions, and INTENTION. Once one is aware of all of these inner concepts, then those concepts can be utilized to build and navigate our personal realities. This takes responsibility. It may take some work getting to that point, but once you are aware of your inner state of being, you take full responsibility for your every thought, word, and action. When you can become so aware of yourself that everything you do, you "own", then you are a self sufficient being. You no longer

12 look to anyone else for the answers, or to tell you "it's okay", because everything you need comes from within you. To operate in a functional society, your personal view of existence would have to include what you do and how that affects others, and how in turn, their intentions toward you will shape your reality. With this in mind, treat others as you wish to be treated, and you will never feel guilt by your actions towards another. If you treat someone respectfully and give them all the love you are capable of, and then some third person comes and tries to rain on your parade for acting however you acted towards your loved one, then it is the third person who is at fault, and should learn to not criticize others for acting in a way that is natural to them.

13 The best (and really only) way to TEACH this is simply to live it, and others will eventually catch on and realize that their deluded existence cannot and will not stand up to the!"#!$. It would be great if our school teachers lived by compassion rather than by passing down false information that they are forced to relay to children. A well educated society functions a lot better than a deluded, misled one. There are people who thrive on trying to make others feel guilty. More often than not, this is because they have a huge ego to feed, and unless they can somehow compare and consider themselves better in some way, they have nothing to feed to their hungry hungry ego. We live in a world where there are FAR to many judges, and self declared thought police. That's because the majority of people are fundamentally unhappy, and don't take responsibility for their own unhappiness. Yes, many people are born into rough circumstances, but free will is something that is born into every being, and if a situation is horrible, there is always a better way, and steps can be taken to improve or remove the situation.

14 There are many things that can be told to you, but the only way to make it work is to understand it for yourself. If you, it's just not what you needed at that time, whereas it a teaching doesn't "resonate" with might be exactly what someone else needed to put a little "wind in their sails." Many people have the problem of stagnation. They develop a very rigid set of beliefs and think that that is all there is to the universe, and everything outside of their particular set of beliefs is wrong, or the work of the devil, or something equally ridiculous. Hopefully the people of this planet are EVOLVED enough by now to be able to harbor tolerance and

15 acceptance other of people's views, choices, and understandings of reality, or at least to accept that there are other people who don't necessarily think and ACT along the same limited and rigid constraints! I say EVOLVED because that is what has happened. What was once many tribes of people EVOLVED into small villages which &VOLVED into towns, cities, countries, etc., you get the picture. We have evolved to the point of GLOBAL COMMUNICATION. Basically, evolution is the learning, growing, and adapting over time. Our view of what is acceptable

16 has to now be acceptable to the world. We must have compassion for all beings within our awareness, and if that includes the whole world then we must be heading towards a g l o b a l UTO PIA! It's important to recognize what we have to work with now, not what may possibly have been here

17 thousands of years ago, from about six billion different perspectives. The Buddha's teachings were done in a manner so as to help those he was teaching to realize themselves, their own enlightened state, or "buddha nature". He had NO interest in being worshipped, or having his teachings misunderstood and misinterpreted! Jesus taught people about what it means to be a child of god, and what!"# ACTUALLY is. God is all that exists (as well as all that doesn't exist), and to be a "son of god" (or daughter...son is predominately used because it comes from SUN of God, light of consciousness, provider of life, etc... The macrocosm is a direct reflection of the microcosm and vise verse...) is to be one who understands his/her mind to the point where he/she can flow with the natural occurrences of reality, rather than resisting. To be a son of!"# means that in every situation in ones life, one

18 can see the work of the "divine", and this is possible simply by understanding the inner workings of the mind. Synchronicity becomes commonplace, rather than something out of the ordinary, and perfection is evident in all facets of being. Most organized religion is the work of the devil. The devil is simply the deluded mind, also known as doubt. We all have it in us, though once we become aware of it, its is simply a choice to give it power or not. All religion does is dilute the teachings from histories most brilliant figures, and turn their teachings of self mastery into a rigid structure to keep people on the edges of their seats, waiting to be spoon fed the "answer" from someone else who doesn't get it either! In other words, using

19 fear, deception, and doubt to control the masses. But don't take my word for it, I'm just a piece of paper, go see for yourself. Religion teaches what should inherently come natural to any!"#$%%!&$"# being, and then elaborates on these basic concepts with elaborate metaphors and stories, which, when taken literally, lead to further confusion and delusion. Treat others poorly, and you will be treated poorly in return. Treat others well, and love yourself and all of creation, and you will receive love in return. You don't need to read a book to figure this stuff out, you experience it every day. Take a little notice of your personal experiences and you'll realize that everything you need is right there, patiently waiting for you to stop being distracted and misled. God is presence, and can never not be here. Everywhere, at any time. Its all right there waiting for you to experience it.

20 Everything in your external environment is a reflection of your inner state of being. Everything in your inner state of being is a reflection of your External environment. Have you ever held a mirror up to a mirror? Its like that. Your inner workings (thoughts, feelings, emotions) are one mirror, and

21 everything outside of you is another mirror, and awareness is the space between them, also known as!! In fin it y.!!


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