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1 R Dr. JEKYLL AND Mr. HYDE A literary adaptation from the short novel in original language The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson È VIETATA LA RIPRODUZIONE, ANCHE PARZIALE, CON QUALSIASI MEZZO EFFETTUATA, COMPRESA LA FOTOCOPIA, ANCHE AD USO INTERNO O DIDATTICO, NON AUTORIZZATO.

2 L autore Robert Louis Stevenson, nato a Edinburgo nel 1850, fu un grande sognatore, navigatore di oceani, narratore di storie, poeta, saggista e reporter ante litteram grazie ai suoi racconti di viaggio. Scozzese e malinconico da parte di padre e francese e spensierato da parte di madre, ereditò una debolezza ai polmoni che gli compromise la salute e ne fece, fin da giovane, un irrequieto viaggiatore, sempre alla ricerca di climi più caldi e salubri. Abbandonati gli studi di ingegneria e poi quelli di giurisprudenza, si dedicò alla letteratura. Inizialmente scrisse resoconti di viaggi, successivamente saggi e poi via via racconti e romanzi. E proprio durante un viaggio conobbe il grande amore della sua vita, Fanny Van de Grift, un artista americana separata dal marito. Stevenson decise di seguirla in California e nel 1880 la sposò contro il volere del padre. Tornato poi in Scozia e riappacificatosi con il padre, attraversò una fase di grande creatività, ma per motivi di salute ricominciò a vagabondare nell Europa del sud. Nel 1883 pubblicò Treasure Island, con il quale ottenne grande popolarità che aumentò ancor di più grazie alla pubblicazione nel 1886 di The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, quello che oggi possiamo definire un longseller. Ispirato dai racconti di Melville, Stevenson accettò l invito di un editore a scrivere un libro sui mari del sud e partì con la famiglia verso Tahiti e la Polinesia francese. La sua salute migliorò al punto che decise di stabilirsi a Upolu, l isola principale dell arcipelago di Samoa e lì rimase fino alla morte nel Tra gli indigeni divenne noto come Tusitala, narratore di storie. NOTE DI REGIA Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde è la storia dell estrema volontà dell uomo di capire sé stesso e la propria duplicità: luci e ombre, chiaro e scuro, bene e male. La scelta di John O Connor (Pygmalion, The Picture of Dorian Gray) è stata quella di ambientare il racconto ai giorni nostri, in una grande metropoli con i suoi ambienti underground, le sue strade, i suoi murales affiancati ai più eleganti e freddi loft. E in mezzo a questi luoghi che richiamano le ambientazioni di alcuni capolavori del cinema come Rent e The Wolf of Wall Street, ce n è uno segreto: il laboratorio del Dottor Jekyll, dove si studia la natura dell uomo. Tutto ciò che normalmente è collegato ai laboratori medici sarà ingigantito e reso magico: sfere fluttuanti, luci, tappeti di fumo e effetti laser accompagneranno gli studi del dottore. Anche i costumi seguiranno un urban style, che caratterizzerà i personaggi più ricchi e importanti con una raffinata eleganza e gli altri con uno stile più legato al mondo della strada. La trama Il Dottor Jekyll, stimato uomo di scienza della Londra vittoriana, riesce a mettere a punto una pozione chimica, capace di separare la parte malvagia della personalità umana da quella buona e di darle corpo. Sperimentando il composto su di sé, si trova trasformato nel repellente Edward Hyde. Inizialmente Jekyll si gode la scoperta, concedendo ad Hyde di lasciarsi andare a quei piaceri moralmente riprovevoli, che avrebbero leso la reputazione del rispettabile scienziato. Ma ben presto il crudele doppio sfugge al controllo del suo creatore e di nefandezza in nefandezza ribalta la relazione di potere tra i due. Quando Jekyll, spaventato dai crimini commessi dal suo alterego, prova a disfarsene, scopre ormai la propria impotenza. Un gruppo di amici dello scienziato, guidato dal notaio Utterson, indaga intanto su Hyde e sui suoi rapporti con Jekyll, fino ad arrivare a una lenta quanto triste ricostruzione della vicenda. La scoperta della verità non lascerà indenne nessuno degli interessati. 2 3

3 SYNOPSIS OF SCENES ACT I Prologue page 6 Scene 1 page 7 Scene 2 page 10 Scene 3 page 13 Scene 4 page 16 Scene 5 page 17 Scene 6 page 17 Scene 7 page 18 Scene 8 page 23 ACT II Scene 1 page 25 Scene 2 page 26 Scene 3 page 29 Scene 4 page 30 Scene 5 page 32 Scene 6 page 33 Scene 7 page 35 Scene 8 page 38 Scene 9 page 39 Scene 10 page 42 Scene 11 page 44 CHARACTERS (in order of appearance) MARY CROWD MEMBERS THE BUSINESSMAN THE SCIENTIST SIR DANVERS JEKYLL / HYDE THE BUSINESSWOMAN LANYON UTTERSON THE SINGER BELLE POOLE INSPECTOR NEWCOMEN MRS. WIGGINS GUEST The action is set in modern day London. 4 5

4 ACT I Prologue VOICE (offstage) London A city of opportunity and dark secrets. This story could have been set in any other city even yours. A main street in London. Morning. Fog. Dirty and shivering, Mary, a fifteen year old girl, is sitting in the middle of the pedestrian area. She watches people pass by. She is frightened. At her feet an open backpack into which passers by may throw a coin. The Businessman enters. He is dressed impeccably. He looks at the girl. BUSINESSMAN (with contempt) And they call this one of London s most elegant and beautiful streets! The Businessman exits. The Scientist and Sir Danvers enter. They are both elegant. The Scientist does not see the girl and trips over her. THE SCIENTIST (annoyed) Young lady, what are you doing sitting here? This is a busy street SIR DANVERS When I am appointed Mayor of this city, the first thing I do will be to clean the streets of this vermin. THE SCIENTIST Then you will definitely have my vote. He cleans the dirt off his coat and both exit. Jekyll enters. He stops and kneels down. JEKYLL What are you doing here, all alone? MARY I I Can I have something to eat, sir? JEKYLL What is your name? MARY Mary. JEKYLL (gives her some coins) Listen, Mary, now I want you to take this money and buy yourself some hot food. (He gives her his calling card.) This is my address. It is not far from here. If you cannot find a place to sleep, my servant will offer you a bed, all right? MARY (takes the calling card) Yes, sir. Thank you. The girl runs away. Jekyll exits too. SCENE 1 A large room. The Businessman, the Businesswoman, the Scientist and Sir Danvers are sitting. Jekyll is standing. SIR DANVERS Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here to debate Dr. Jekyll s request for funding to support his scientific researches. THE SCIENTIST I read all your articles, Dr. Jekyll, but, honestly speaking, your claims have nothing to do with science! JEKYLL On the contrary, my successful experiments on animals have been recognised in scientific journals. BUSINESSMAN Gentlemen, if you wish me to understand what this is all about, you have to explain it to me from the very beginning. THE SCIENTIST Doctor, you have the floor. JEKYLL (takes in a deep breath) I believe I am a noble and honorable man. I have been a model scientist for many years. You all know that. THE BUSINESSWOMAN It is because of your past merits that we are here to listen to you. 6 7

5 JEKYLL I always did what was right for others, often hiding my desires and suppressing my anger. Humming in disagreement. BUSINESSMAN I cannot see why we should be interested in your personal history. My time is money! SIR DANVERS Gentlemen, please, let him speak. JEKYLL So many thoughts about my life and that of all mankind have led me to deepen my studies of the brain. Human beings have two sides: one good and one evil, and they constantly conflict... THE BUSINESSWOMAN This is not new to us. JEKYLL Seeking the key to conscience, I managed to identify these two sides of the human personality. THE SCIENTIST (laughing) Gentlemen, this is truly pointless. JEKYLL I have created a serum that I have been experimenting on animals for years. THE SCIENTIST You cannot compare the brain of an animal with that of a human being. JEKYLL I agree, but results clearly show that my serum can radically change the behaviour of animals. I have scientific evidence of it!!! BUSINESSMAN So, what do you intend to do now? JEKYLL I wish to continue my research into the violent, instinctual, primitive part of the brain, and to isolate it. Think of that! If I eventually succeed, I could eradicate EVIL. This would be a revolution for all mankind. SIR DANVERS Do you really think you have found a remedy for what nature has created? JEKYLL If I could carry out my experiments it would change your lives... everybody's lives! That is why I need the funding in order to publish my results. THE SCIENTIST What are you proposing? JEKYLL (takes in another deep breath) I need to administer my serum to a patient. A volunteer a human being willing to do it for the sake of science. ALL (exclaiming) What are you talking about? That is not going to happen!!! A human being? SIR DANVERS I do not recognise you anymore, Dr. Jekyll What will public opinion say? And the Church? I am a politician and I do not wish to compromise my reputation. Your experiments have come to an end today, Dr. Jekyll. I am not giving you a penny. Is that clear enough? JEKYLL Please try to understand the importance of this research! I have the opportunity to isolate the evil in all of us allowing only our good qualities to come to the surface. What a fine society we could have! And the Church would get what it has always wanted victory over evil! I am asking you to invest in GOOD. BUSINESSMAN These utopian ideas are not for us. THE BUSINESSWOMAN With a mind like yours, Dr. Jekyll, you should carry out research in areas of greater importance. Find out why we age, for instance If you had asked for money to invent a rejuvenating cream, I am sure we would have accepted immediately! Everybody is laughing except for Jekyll. THE SCIENTIST Stop playing God. This is a lost battle, Jekyll. Therefore, I cannot support you. SIR DANVERS This experiment must not take place. BUSINESSMAN I declare this meeting over. 8 9

6 SIR DANVERS Agreed. Thank you for coming, Ladies and Gentlemen and apologies for wasting your time. The Businesswoman, the Scientist, and the Businessman exit without saying good bye to Jekyll. SIR DANVERS You are still young, Jekyll. It is not too late to change direction and make a success of your life. The happiness of my daughter Belle depends on that. Let s forget about this embarrassing matter. Belle and I will expect you for dinner at JEKYLL I shall see you this evening, Sir Danvers. Sir Danvers exits. SCENE 2 In the evening. A public place. Jekyll, Utterson, Lanyon and then the Singer. They are sitting at a table, drinking whisky. JEKYLL (disappointed) They did not even want to listen to me LANYON Look, my friend. You have been doing this for ten years. It is an obsession of yours. And now you are working all alone. JEKYLL You were the first to abandon me. LANYON True, but I had a family to feed. You are rich and can afford to pursue your dreams. JEKYLL What are you talking about, Lanyon? UTTERSON Lanyon, I think Henry Jekyll is a very rare man good and brilliant at the same time! JEKYLL (smiling) That s enough! I do not deserve your praise. UTTERSON As your lawyer I can testify to your charitable work. With all your money you could live a carefree life, but no, you are never satisfied. You are searching for the truth and will not stop until you find it. JEKYLL This time I am afraid I shall not see it through. My ideas have been torn apart. LANYON The solution is simple. Leave us and go see Belle instead. Weren t you supposed to be having dinner with her and her father tonight? (Looking at his watch.) I think you are late. JEKYLL My mind is elsewhere. After Sir Danvers rejected my ideas today... I do not feel like dining with them and pretending everything is all right... LANYON I strongly suggest you get married. Then you will have no time for utopian ideas. JEKYLL You will never understand me, Lanyon. When I was a boy, I asked myself certain questions. LANYON Don t start this again. I have heard this story told a hundred times. A singer appears under a spotlight. She sings Imagine by John Lennon. IMAGINE THERE'S NO HEAVEN IT'S EASY IF YOU TRY NO HELL BELOW US ABOVE US ONLY SKY IMAGINE ALL THE PEOPLE LIVING FOR TODAY IMAGINE THERE'S NO COUNTRIES IT ISN'T HARD TO DO NOTHING TO KILL OR DIE FOR AND NO RELIGION TOO IMAGINE ALL THE PEOPLE LIVING LIFE IN PEACE YOU MAY SAY I'M A DREAMER BUT I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE I HOPE SOME DAY YOU'LL JOIN US AND THE WORLD WILL BE AS ONE IMAGINE NO POSSESSIONS I WONDER IF YOU CAN NO NEED FOR GREED OR HUNGER A BROTHERHOOD OF MAN IMAGINE ALL THE PEOPLE SHARING ALL THE WORLD 10 11

7 YOU MAY SAY I M A DREAMER BUT I M NOT THE ONLY ONE I HOPE SOMEDAY YOU LL JOIN US AND THE WORLD WILL LIVE AS ONE. Dark on the singer. UTTERSON A dreamer. That is what you are! JEKYLL I was so close to turning my dream into reality offering some hope to those who needed it LANYON You are becoming tedious... I m leaving. See you soon, dear friends. Henry, remember, happiness always lies in your own hands. Lanyon exits. UTTERSON (to Jekyll) Well Henry, Lanyon is right. It s time to choose between dreams and real life. JEKYLL (laughing) You are the second person to tell me that today... UTTERSON Then it must be true?! We have known each other for a long time and I have always been on your side. You don t have to let this go. But don t throw your life away for some impossible dream. JEKYLL (sighs) Thank you Utterson. Jekyll starts to walk out. Utterson pursues him. UTTERSON Think it over. Go on a trip with Belle. Jekyll stops and turns, looking at Utterson angrily. UTTERSON (meekly) Then you will see things from another perspective. JEKYLL See you soon, Utterson. UTTERSON (calling) Henry! Jekyll exits. SCENE 3 In the living room at Sir Danvers house. Belle, Sir Danvers, Jekyll. Belle is anxiously waiting for Jekyll. SIR DANVERS Henry did not show up for dinner. Such a lack of respect. BELLE He will come. He will. I m going to wait a bit longer, father. SIR DANVERS Can t you see that he is not a good match for you. This morning he was so obsessed with the idea of saving the whole world, that I became scared... scared for you, my dear! BELLE I m a grown woman, father, and I know a man worthy of love, when I see one. He is a good man strong courteous and kind. I never dreamed I would meet a better man. SIR DANVERS Well BELLE I understand... there is a price to be paid for my devotion. Waiting for him that is the price he is ambitious and believes in what he is doing what is wrong with that? SIR DANVERS Time passes so quickly. Don t waste your best years on Henry I could introduce you to a well respected, reliable man. BELLE I love him, father. And no one, not even Henry, can change that. SIR DANVERS As you wish, my dear, but I want to talk to him when he arrives, if he arrives. BELLE All right. Sir Danvers exits. Belle walks nervously up and down in the room. Jekyll enters. Belle rushes to him

8 BELLE My darling, I waited so long for you. I thought you would never come. They hug each other. JEKYLL Belle, I am so sorry I m late. I ve been distracted with work. I have had so many thoughts swirling around my head. The Committee decided not to fund my experiments... not even your father supported me. BELLE I know my darling, I know. I am so sorry you are disappointed. But I love you. You are a good, honest and generous man. And I will always support you. Maybe we should just get Jekyll puts his finger on her lips. JEKYLL Don t say anything, Belle. Not now. There will be time for that one day. BELLE One day? She turns her back. JEKYLL I m sorry, my love. I won t disgrace myself by marrying a woman I cannot provide with the best life possible. Let me finish my work and, when the time is right, I promise with all my heart that I will get on my knees and ask you to be mine forever. BELLE (turning) Do you promise me? JEKYLL I do. When the time is right. BELLE My father wanted to speak to you. JEKYLL Yes, I thought he might. BELLE I shall leave you alone. May I see you tomorrow night? JEKYLL (after pause) Yes, my dear. BELLE Not here, though. I shall wait for you down in the street, where it is safe to talk. At eight o clock. See you tomorrow. JEKYLL Goodnight, my love. Belle exits. JEKYLL Poor darling, how can I do that to her...? SIR DANVERS Henry! Sir Danvers enters. JEKYLL Sir Danvers, I apologise for arriving late. SIR DANVERS I expect you had a lot to think about. So, tell me, what are going to do with your research? JEKYLL I have to continue with my experiments. I will find a way somehow. I may have to go abroad. SIR DANVERS That is exactly what I feared. Henry Jekyll, it is not easy to say this, but you leave me no choice. I want you to stop seeing my daughter. JEKYLL What do you mean? Why? SIR DANVERS Henry, you know that I am a man of influence a politician, very well known and respected. I cannot allow my daughter to go out with a man involved in experiments that are so so unorthodox. JEKYLL I am not alone. We live in a time when far more courageous scientific discoveries are happening every day. We may not understand them yet. SIR DANVERS Not at my expense, nor when my daughter is involved. JEKYLL (after a pause) What if I promise you, sir, to give up my experiments on human beings? 14 15

9 SIR DANVERS Then you will always be welcome in my house. JEKYLL Very well then... I promise you! SIR DANVERS (very enthusiastically) Ah, I am glad you have seen sense at last. Let s make a fresh start. I could introduce you to some very influential people. We must find you a really prestigious job. This calls for a celebration, my boy. Champagne! They exit. SCENE 4 The same night at the park. Jekyll, people on the street. Fog comes down on the street and people are passing by: A thief who snatches a purse, a policeman who tries to catch the thief. Drunkards come out of bars and fall down. A couple fight. Jekyll watches... JEKYLL What a crazy night! There is a fine line between madness and reason. How can I drop everything when I am so close to the truth? Look around. What do you see? Can you see the darkness in the human soul too? Or do you prefer not to think about it? The duality of human nature could be wiped away in an instant. I have the power to do it, a power I am supposed to just forget about. (He turns the palms of both hands upwards.) Imagine holding the goodness of mankind in one hand and the evil in the other... just try... which one is heavier? Don t you want to crush the hand holding the evil? I do. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that I must go through with this. Yes, I have made my decision! I shall take the serum and carry out the experiment on myself I will be the patient I ll find the evil within my soul and let the goodness destroy it! Yes, let the light banish the darkness forever. Jekyll exits. SCENE 5 Jekyll s laboratory. He is alone. Small fumes of vapour rise from boiling glass containers. JEKYLL (writing) Day one of the experiment. 11:30. As a scientist and a patient (he stops writing) This is top secret. I must hide my journal and call myself by a different name Hide Yes, Hyde! (He goes back to writing.) I, Edward Hyde am ready to receive one 10 mg. dose of the study serum. I shall take note of any significant change or reaction. I realise that there is no way back no way back no way back... (He swallows the drug. Nothing happens for a while. Dark.) 23:40. I do not feel any different. (Dark.) 01:20... (all of a sudden he doubles over) Oooooh! My God! Heaaat! (writes) Racking pangs. A grinding in the bones. What is happening to me? (He writhes in pain. Dark.) 01:40 (pangs again) Ahhh!... Deadly nausea and fear. (He puts his hands on his chest.) Ohhhh. I can not breathe. (Dark.) 02:30... I breathe more easily now The spasms are rapidly reducing There is something strange in my sensations, something new and incredibly sweet. I feel younger, lighter, happier in my body I m no longer bound by obligations or responsibilities how tedious they are! I feel a new kind of freedom. Dark. SCENE 6 Same night. Outside Jekyll s house. Mary trembles with cold and fear of the night. She sees Dr. Jekyll s front door and is about to knock, when suddenly a man shows up... HYDE Hello, young lady. Didn t your Mother tell you not to walk alone in London at night? MARY (She gets scared and tries not to look at him. She shows him the calling card) I I am here to see Dr. Jekyll

10 HYDE (He moves closer and speaks from behind) Interesting Dr. Jekyll sees his patients even at night? MARY (moving) Well He told me I should come, if I needed to HYDE You don t look sick (He approaches again.) What s the matter? Don t worry, I have healing hands. Where does it hurt? (He moves closer and touches her hand.) Here? (Mary gasps. He touches her neck.) What about here? MARY (she gasps and breaks away from him) Stop it! You mustn t. HYDE Oh, I'm sorry. Come here Mary hesitates but takes a step closer. HYDE Come on. Don t be shy. (She takes another step closer.) That s right. When you see Dr. Jekyll, show him this card... and please say hello. He laughs and exits. Mary takes the card and runs to Jekyll s house, she rings the bell. MARY Let me in! Let me in! Dark. SCENE 7 Jekyll s laboratory. Morning. Jekyll, Poole, Mary and then Utterson. Jekyll is sleeping on his desk. POOLE (enters with Mary) Doctor Jekyll, doctor Jekyll!! Poole approaches Jekyll. Jekyll wakes up. POOLE Good morning, doctor, I m sorry to wake you up but tonight this young woman knocked on our door. She was shaken and scared saying someone attacked her right outside the door. I made her sleep in the guest room and I waited till morning to tell you. Poole accompanies Mary down on a sofa. JEKYLL I recognise her. You are Mary tell me who attacked you? MARY A young man a man I don t know but he was very strong... POOLE Poor thing JEKYLL Poole, please bring her some water. POOLE Right away, sir. Jekyll attends to the injuries to her knees. MARY He told me to say hello to you, doctor. JEKYLL Say hello? MARY Yes, and give you this. (Shows him the card.) JEKYLL (reads aloud) On behalf of Edward Hyde. Jekyll gets to his feet incredulous. JEKYLL That s impossible! Can you describe him? MARY I never really saw his face but he was shorter than you, doctor he was strong and rough with a scary voice I was frightened of him. JEKYLL (calling) Poole! Poole! POOLE (coming in) Yes, sir. JEKYLL Take Mary and show her where she can wash and rest, please. POOLE Absolutely, doctor, right away. Come, Mary JEKYLL I will not receive anyone today, Poole. And I will eat later. Poole and Mary exit. Jekyll walks restlessly back and forth, then writes in his diary

11 JEKYLL Day two. Positive outcome. Successful experiment. (He walks a bit more and then writes.) Adjust the dosage. Work on the evil side and learn how to control it. He starts to prepare the serum. Somebody knocks at the door. JEKYLL (terribly upset) Poole, I told you I was not to be disturbed. POOLE (coming into the room) I am truly sorry, sir, but your friend, Mr. Utterson, is here. JEKYLL Hmmm. Utterson? (Changing the mood.) Perfect timing! Let him in. Thank you, Poole. Jekyll hides the serum and the diary. He takes a piece of white paper and starts writing. Utterson enters. UTTERSON Dear friend, you are still sitting at your desk! JEKYLL (keeps writing) Have you come here to lecture me? UTTERSON Not at all This is for you, Macallan, I bought it at auction last year. A rare whisky. I even wrote an inscription (looking at the label) To celebrate our long friendship I thought we could have dinner together. JEKYLL (continues to write) Thank you for the bottle but we will have dinner another time. I am too busy now UTTERSON Yes, I can see. I will call by in a few days. He is about to leave. JEKYLL Wait Utterson. Please sit down. (Utterson sits on the other side of the desk.) Would you read this please? (He hands him the piece of paper.) UTTERSON I, Henry Jekyll, being of sound mind, do hereby But this is a will it is YOUR will. JEKYLL Please keep on reading. UTTERSON (resumes reading) do hereby solemnly request that in the case of my death (he stops for a moment and gives Jekyll a worried look, then goes back to reading) all my possessions shall be passed to my friend below named, and furthermore, that in the case of my disappearance or unexplained absence for any period longer than three months, the below named friend shall step into my shoes and gain possession of my house. I do hereby name the said friend as one: MR. EDWARD HYDE. JEKYLL As my lawyer, I am asking you to keep it safe and secret. UTTERSON (getting to his feet) I do not understand. Are you making fun of me? This must be a joke. JEKYLL Not at all. I am deadly serious. UTTERSON Are you crazy? Who is this Edward Hyde to whom you are going to leave all your possessions? I have never heard of him JEKYLL As my lawyer, you must respect my wishes. UTTERSON Yes, but as a friend let me be outraged and worried... I see... you are ill and do not want to tell me. JEKYLL There is nothing to be worried about As a friend, please do not ask me any more questions, because I will not say a word. Jekyll gets up and hands the paper back to him. UTTERSON I do not know what you have in mind, but I do not like it. JEKYLL I m sorry, I must get back to my work. I will see you again soon, Utterson. UTTERSON I just wanted to say that you can rely on me, if you need help. JEKYLL I know. Thank you

12 JEKYLL (calling) Poole! Poole! POOLE Yes, doctor. Utterson exits. Poole appears at the door. JEKYLL Poole, from now on a certain Mr. Hyde will have full liberty and authority in my house. POOLE Should I make up one of the guest rooms? JEKYLL You do not need to. He can sleep anywhere he wants. JEKYLL Any other questions? POOLE No, sir. Poole looks at him in a thoughtful manner. Pool exits. JEKYLL (to himself) If only humanity could understand the importance of this moment! I must be clear headed to carry out my experiment. I better go back to prepare my serum. I need to reduce the dosage and learn more about the evil side of me. Jekyll mixes different ingredients. The mixture boils, puffs and hisses. Jekyll moves in front of a large mirror and drinks the serum. JEKYLL (writes in his diary) Day two of the experiment. 18:00. I have just received one 7 mg. dose of the study serum. (A pang hits his stomach.) The response is quicker than the previous time... I feel a warmth spreading through my body. I do not see any transformation yet. I am just really, really sleepy. Jekyll falls asleep. SCENE 8 The scene is a sequence of related moments flashes. POOLE Everything all right, sir? FLASH 1 In the laboratory. Poole enters. Poole sees Hyde and shudders. JEKYLL Poole, I m Mr. Edward Hyde. POOLE D Dinner is ready, Mr. Hyde. Would you care to join the doctor? HYDE (laughs devilishly) I have no time for this. Can you tell Dr. Jekyll that I am going to see Miss Belle, since he forgot his date at the park. BELLE Please let me pass. He exits. FLASH 2 At the park. Hyde fights with some passers by. FLASH 3 At the park. Hyde drinks wine from a bottle. Belle arrives, Hyde jumps out in front of her. HYDE (touching her hair) Belllllllle. BELLE (stepping backwards) Do you know me? HYDE Ohhhhhhh, I am a dear friend of Dr. Jekyll. (Whispering to her ear.) My name is Edward Hyde. BELLE I do not know you go away! 22 23

13 She tries to get away from him, but he stops her. HYDE He talks about you all the time. (He tries to kiss her neck.) BELLE Leave me alone (She slaps him.) HYDE (getting more excited and violent) He did not mention this side of you. (He draws her toward him.) Show me who you really are, Belle. BELLE Get off me. Let me go Help help! HYDE Let s not stand here in the cold. I have a private room nearby, where I take young women like you. (He grabs her and tries to drag her away.)...we ll have some fun together BELLE No! No Somebody help me! HYDE Belle struggles to free herself from Hyde and she runs away. Hyde laughs and returns to drinking. He recites aloud a few passages from Milton s Paradise Lost Farewell, happy fields. Where joy for ever dwells! Hail, horrors! Hail, Infernal world! And you, profoundest Hell, Receive your new possessor one who brings A mind not to be changed by place or time. The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. Dark. ACT II SCENE 1 At Lanyon s house. Utterson, Lanyon. LANYON I was not expecting you so soon, Utterson. UTTERSON I am sorry, Lanyon, but I must talk to you about something important. LANYON All right. Take a seat. UTTERSON Have you seen the newspapers? LANYON No, not yet. What do they say? UTTERSON (showing the front page headline) HYDE THE MANIAC WHO TERRIFIES LONDON AT NIGHT. LANYON Nothing unusual, I suppose. There is always somebody, or something that terrifies London. UTTERSON This Hyde They describe him as savage, devilish, a soulless creature. The only thing he is interested in is causing pain, feeding on the torment of others with bestial avidity. LANYON I agree it sounds horrible. But the papers always blow these things up. UTTERSON Have you ever heard of the name HYDE?! LANYON No, never. UTTERSON Are you sure? LANYON Of course I m sure. It sounds more like a nickname than a real name. UTTERSON All right. Let s drop the subject. Have you seen anything of Jekyll recently? 24 25

14 LANYON I tried to call him but he was busy in his laboratory as usual. UTTERSON I suppose, Lanyon, you and I must be the two oldest friends that Jekyll has. LANYON I wish the friends were younger, but I suppose we are. UTTERSON Dear Lanyon, I have a feeling Jekyll needs our help. LANYON That will not be easy now. I don t understand him any more. He has become fanatical and lives absorbed by his own senseless ideas it would test anyone s patience. UTTERSON When the committee rejected his ideas, it hit him very hard. LANYON What do you want me to do? UTTERSON Keep trying to call him and find any excuse to drag him out of that laboratory. I will try to do the same. LANYON You seem too concerned about Henry. I know he is a friend but everyone is free to choose how to live their life. UTTERSON I have a feeling he is in great danger. Something or someone is taking advantage of his good nature. LANYON (a little bored) All right, I shall do my best. SCENE 2 At Jekyll s laboratory. Jekyll, Poole, Mary, Sir Danvers. Jekyll attends to Mary s wounds. She wears a new dress. MARY (groaning in pain) Mmmmmmm JEKYLL You are very brave, Mary. You will be okey soon MARY Thank you, doctor. JEKYLL I called a friend of mine. She will take care of you. MARY (hugging him) Thank you, doctor. No one has ever shown me such kindness before. Somebody rings the doorbell. Poole goes to answer it. Mary exits from the other side. MR. DANVERS Let me in, Poole. Poole obeys. Sir Danvers enters. Poole exits. JEKYLL What is all this noise Poole? (He sees Sir Danvers.) Oh, it is you. What is the matter? I hope nothing too urgent. I m busy now. SIR DANVERS What is the matter? What is the matter? I knew you were fanatical but I never thought you could be involved in criminal affairs. JEKYLL I beg your pardon...? SIR DANVERS How are you connected to Hyde? JEKYLL Hyde? SIR DANVERS The man who attacked my daughter while she was waiting for you. JEKYLL Attacked? How? When? SIR DANVERS Last night. Where were you? Maybe if you had been there, this would have never happened to her. And why did the madman who attacked her claim to be your friend? JEKYLL I don t know. SIR DANVERS You don t know? JEKYLL No! How is Belle now? SIR DANVERS Alive, thank God and no thanks to you! 26 27

15 JEKYLL I need to see her. SIR DANVERS No, stay away from my daughter. JEKYLL But SIR DANVERS Look I know more than you think. JEKYLL What is it that you think you know? SIR DANVERS Hyde was seen close to this house and, if I ask your servant now, I am sure he will tell me that Hyde has been here. What are your dealings with this man? JEKYLL It was Hyde who said I was a friend of his, not me. I have nothing to do with his actions. SIR DANVERS Listen to me carefully. I want you to pay attention. You know who I am and the power I hold. I have eyes everywhere and if I have to dig deeper, then I will until I discover the truth. JEKYLL (getting impatient) I see SIR DANVERS I have said everything I needed to say on the subject, Jekyll. I m going now but I warn you, stay away from my daughter. I will make sure she never sees you again. He exits. Jekyll opens the bottle of whisky. JEKYLL (drinking furiously) Nobody understands the importance of what I am doing. I need some more time. I must study him and figure out how I can have complete control over Jekyll no no I mean over Hyde. I think I am too tired an ingredient is still missing from my serum. I never thought I would get this far, but I believe Lanyon is the only person left who can help me. (He grabs the phone to call him.) Hello, Lanyon. A pleasure to talk to you too I would like to come and see you tonight, if that is ok? (A pang hits his stomach.) Great. My life, my honour, my reason depend upon you. See you later. He comes back with some glasses full of ready made ingredients. He puts everything in a bag and goes out writhing in pain. SCENE 3 In the street. Sir Danvers, Hyde. Sir Danvers is walking along the street where he bumps into Mr. Hyde who has appeared out of nowhere. HYDE There you are, Sir Danvers. SIR DANVERS Who are you? HYDE How is your daughter? SIR DANVERS Oh my God Is that you, Hyde? You bastard? Help! Help! Police! HYDE (laughing) No one can help you now, not even the police. SIR DANVERS What do you want from me? HYDE Hmmmm let me see What might a maniac who terrifies London be wanting from a politician of high standing? SIR DANVERS Money? Of course. Take whatever you want. (Gets out his wallet, opens it and empties out its content.) Here, this is all I have. HYDE So how much do you think a man s life is worth? Go on, tell me. SIR DANVERS I I don t know. HYDE Well, I ll tell you Mr Danvers. In your case, NOTHING!!!! Hyde hits him with the whisky bottle. Dark

16 SCENE 4 At Lanyon s house. Hyde, Lanyon and then Jekyll. Lanyon hears a knock at the door. Lanyon opens the door and Hyde comes in without asking for permission. LANYON Who are you, sir? HYDE (entering) Unfortunately Doctor Jekyll will not be able to make it tonight. So he sent me. LANYON (suspicious) You are here on Jekyll s behalf? HYDE Yes. Lanyon scrutinises him suspiciously. HYDE (shouting impatient as he approaches) What are you looking at? LANYON (moving away) Come on, sir. I m asking you to calm down. Please have a seat I will try to call Jekyll. Lanyon picks up the phone but Hyde stops him. HYDE (with a softer voice) Please excuse my impatience, Lanyon, Dr. Jekyll totally trusts me. When he realised that he could not come, he sent me. LANYON I see... HYDE I ve come here on a matter of great importance. The doctor wonders (he pauses and puts his hand to his throat wrestling against approaching hysteria)... if you still have any of that chemical compound you discovered when you were working together. LANYON (stays still) I I think so. HYDE (approaching him) Where is it? LANYON It s over there, sir. Hyde springs to it, then pauses and puts his hand to his heart. LANYON Are you all right? HYDE (tries to smile but looks even more frightful) Give me a measuring glass. LANYON Of course. Lanyon gives him the glass. Hyde starts to mix the ingredients. HYDE And now let us get to the point. What will it be, doctor? Will you let me take this glass and leave this house with no further questions? Or will you ask me to drink the serum now? LANYON (surprised by the questions) I well HYDE Think before you answer... What do you prefer? To be left as you were before, neither richer nor wiser, a scientist forgotten by everyone or to open your eyes to the secret of humanity, the beast that lives in all of us, to truth and fame and power?! LANYON I don t really understand, sir, but if you are supposed to drink it, then go ahead. I can t be responsible for any effect that this mixture might have on you. HYDE Ahhh Lanyon, I knew you were a coward. And now, you, who have so long denied the power of transcendental medicine, you, who have derided real genius watch now! Hyde puts the glass to his lips and drinks at one gulp. Lanyon springs to his feet and leaps back in terror. LANYON Oh God! Oh my God! It is you Henry Henry Jekyll! Lanyon faints

17 SCENE 5 On the same street. Utterson, Inspector Newcomen. Danver s corpse is covered with a shroud. There is the sound of a police siren. Inspector Newcomen writes in the notebook. Utterson enters. UTTERSON I am the lawyer Utterson. INSP. NEWCOMEN Good morning. I m Inspector Newcomen of Scotland Yard. UTTERSON Were you able to identify the body? INSP. NEWCOMEN Yes, sir. It is Danvers Carew. UTTERSON Sir Danvers Carew? It s not possible. (Looks under the sheet.) Oh my God, it s him. What a tragedy... I am his lawyer, I can confirm his identity. INSP. NEWCOMEN Good grief, this will make a great deal of a noise. We must not tell the press just yet. INSP. NEWCOMEN He was killed with a bottle. Here it is. UTTERSON Oh, my God, that bottle that is incredible. It looks exactly the same as the one I gave a friend of mine (aside, talking to himself) to my friend Jekyll... This is my inscription. INSP. NEWCOMEN Excuse me, what did you say? UTTERSON Nothing. I I was lost in my thoughts. You see, I am shocked. Were there any witnesses? INSP. NEWCOMEN We have one witness who said he had been talking to a short powerful figure with a wicked smile. Maybe it was Hyde, the maniac who has been terrorising the city for months. He has never been suspected of murder so far. UTTERSON There is always a first time... In which direction did he run? INSP. NEWCOMEN He was seen in the nightclub area of Soho. UTTERSON It is not far from here. INSP. NEWCOMEN Come with me. Let s go. SCENE 6 Outside the nearby night club Soho and then in Hyde s room. Utterson, Inspector Newcomen, Mrs. Wiggins. The owner, who has a provocative look, opens the door. MRS. WIGGINS Gentlemen, you have arrived too early. The club only opens at night. UTTERSON That is not why we are here. Do you know a man called Hyde? MRS. WIGGINS Yes, he is renting a room here. It has been paid for one year. UTTERSON We must speak to Mr. Hyde immediately on a matter of utmost urgency. MRS. WIGGINS Very sorry, he is not here. INSP. NEWCOMEN Have you seen him at all recently? MRS. WIGGINS Yes, sir. I saw him last night. A man like him does not pass unnoticed. He came in between three and four in the morning, but went out again shortly afterwards. But, for Hyde, there is nothing strange in that. UTTERSON Does he have irregular habits then? 32 33

18 MRS. WIGGINS Oh yes, very irregular. To be honest, I would happily never see him again. UTTERSON Show us his room. MRS. WIGGINS I m sorry but that s impossible. UTTERSON This is Inspector Newcomen of Scotland Yard. MRS. WIGGINS Is Mr. Hyde in trouble? What has he done? INSP. NEWCOMEN He is suspected of murder. MRS. WIGGINS In that case, you d better come in! They enter Hyde s miserable room, which is very untidy. INSP. NEWCOMEN My God, this room is all messed up. UTTERSON Maybe Hyde was in a rush to get out of here. Utterson looks in the wastebasket. UTTERSON Come here, Inspector, look at this! INSP. NEWCOMEN What is it? UTTERSON (looking inside the wastebasket) A wallet. (He picks up the wallet using a handkerchief and opens it.) Look, Inspector, it belongs to Sir Danvers! Here are his credit cards! INSP. NEWCOMEN There is no doubt. He is the murderer. He was in such a hurry that he left it behind. Mrs.Wiggins, can you describe this Mr. Hyde? MRS. WIGGINS I can not describe him well. I can only say he is the most hideous and contemptible creature I have ever seen. UTTERSON Everybody says the same thing but that doesn t help us. (To himself.) I must see Henry. I fear he is in great danger. SCENE 7 Jekyll s laboratory. Belle, Jekyll, Utterson, Poole. Belle enters. She is dressed in black. Jekyll is sitting on the floor. He looks up and sees her. He is very weak. POOLE Madam, the doctor is not in the mood for visitors. BELLE He will have to see me. JEKYLL (he sees Belle and tries to hide his face) Belle BELLE Do not worry. I shall not stay long. I have come to say good bye, forever. JEKYLL Say good bye? BELLE My father is dead, Henry. Cruelly murdered by a man whom people suspect you are protecting! If you loved me, you would be helping the police to find the murderer. Instead you are sitting here, secretive and ashamed. JEKYLL Belle, that is not true. Please listen to me. Believe me, I love you BELLE And you tell me that while turning your back on me like a coward!!! Good bye Henry. All I ask is that you respect my wishes and never try to see me again. JEKYLL (he starts turning around to her, but then turns back again) If that is what you want, I have no choice but to obey you. Just go! BELLE (she slowly moves closer) What happened to you, my darling? You used to be a strong, kind and dignified man. But you have changed dreadfully in the past few months. (She is very close to Jekyll, who is still turning his back on her.) It s like you are possessed by a demon. JEKYLL I am what I am. BELLE I love you, but it s not enough, because not even my love is strong enough to bring back the man you once were. Good bye. She exits crying. Utterson enters. Jekyll moves away trying to hide his face

19 POOLE Well, Mr. Utterson. The doctor is waiting for you. UTTERSON Jekyll, I trust you are better. JEKYLL I am feeling very low actually, very depressed. Excuse me if I don t come near you, but I feel very bad today and I do not want you to see me like this. It will not last long, I hope! UTTERSON You stay indoors too much, Jekyll. You should be out in the fresh air, getting some exercise. JEKYLL You are probably right. I m sure I would like to, but no, no, it is quite impossible. I dare not. After a pause. UTTERSON Have you heard the news? JEKYLL You mean the murder of Belle s father? UTTERSON Sir Danvers was my client, but so are you, and I want to know the truth. You have not been mad enough to protect Hyde? JEKYLL Utterson, I swear to God, I swear to God, I will never see him again. I m finished with him. You do not know him as I do. He will never hurt anyone else in this city, you mark my words. You will never hear from him again. UTTERSON For your sake, I hope you are right. If it came to trial, your name might appear. JEKYLL It is all over. I have good reason to be sure about that. I received a letter this morning. I should like you to read it. UTTERSON A letter from whom? JEKYLL From Hyde. UTTERSON Well, let me see. (Jekyll hands the letter over to him.) It is handwritten. Dear Dr. Jekyll I wish to thank you for a thousand generosities I have enough money to escape You shall no longer hear from me... Edward Hyde. Have you got the envelope? JEKYLL (taken aback) There was no envelope. The note was delivered by hand. (He gives it to him.) Utterson, make proper use of it. UTTERSON I will. JEKYLL I have been feeling very confused recently and I am afraid that I may make the wrong decisions. You must excuse me, I have to leave now. Jekyll covers his face with his hands as he goes into the laboratory. Poole enters. UTTERSON Poole, I have a question. There was a letter handed in today. What was the messenger like? POOLE A letter sir? There must be a mistake. We have not received anything today except for the newspapers. Utterson stays for a while, then exits. JEKYLL (recites in loud voice from Milton s Paradise lost ) What though the field be lost? All is not lost; the unconquerable will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield: And what is else not to be overcome? He becomes delirious. JEKYLL (in Hyde s voice) Ahhhhhhh! Hell! Heaven the darkness the light! Be gone! Go away! It must work this time, it must work. I m Henry Jekyll, this is my name, I know who I am! Weak, so weak! Must be stronger. A double dose will restore me to my old self. I must destroy the beast once and for all. I... am... Henry Hyde... Jekyll! I am Henry Jekyll. Kill him! Kill the beast inside and live only for good. There! (Looks at the serum.) This time I will be successful. This time good will triumph over evil... Jekyll mixes the ingredients frantically. He drinks the potion

20 SCENE 8 At Utterson s house. Guest, Utterson. UTTERSON (to himself) I can not see why Henry lied to me about that letter. I am really afraid that this Hyde is blackmailing him and I am quite sure that it was Hyde who dictated, under threat, the instructions of his will Guest enters. GUEST Dear Utterson, it is a pleasure to see you again. You look a bit tired. UTTERSON Ah, nothing to worry about, Mr. Guest. How are your studies on handwriting progressing? GUEST Very well. Show me anyone s handwriting and I can tell you their most hidden secrets. UTTERSON Thank you for coming. I need your professional guidance. GUEST Yes, of course. What s the trouble? UTTERSON Have you heard the terrible news about Sir Danvers Carew? GUEST I m afraid I have. Really very sad! It s the work of a madman. UTTERSON (showing him the letter received by Jekyll) Well, I have a letter here written by that very madman. I need your opinion on his handwriting. However, this must remain a secret between us. GUEST It is a remarkable hand. Normal but unusual Look how surprisingly upright it is, and the interruptions here There is aggression, internal conflict. Certainly the work of an odd and dangerous person. Utterson takes the letter and he leans at the desk. At that moment some sheets fall on the ground, among them Jekyll s will too. GUEST (approaching Utterson to pick all up) Let me help you. UTTERSON Thanks, Mr. Guest. Guest notes the handwriting in Jekyll s will. GUEST (taking the will) Wait a moment This hand UTTERSON (approaching) It is the will of a friend of mine GUEST I m sorry, I did not mean to I was just interested in the similarity between these two hands. He compares the letter with the will. UTTERSON Similarity? No, it is impossible!... GUEST Look at it yourself! (Both look at the two hands.) Yes, the similarity between the two hands is rather amazing they are in many points identical. UTTERSON Indeed very strange GUEST Well it seems to be the same person UTTERSON Mr. Guest, I would appreciate your absolute discretion. GUEST Of course, Mr. Utterson, I give you my word. Good night. UTTERSON Good night. (Comparing the two documents.) My God, what does this mean? SCENE 9 The scene is made of 5 flash moments. FLASH 1 At Lanyon s house. Utterson, Lanyon, Jekyll. UTTERSON My dear Lanyon, you seem to be suffering a lot

21 LANYON I am. I have had a shock and I will never recover. I only have a few weeks left. UTTERSON What happened to you? LANYON Life has been pleasant, I enjoyed it very much. But I sometimes think if we knew all there was to know, we should be more glad to get away. UTTERSON Henry is ill, too. I have been calling him for weeks. He never answers and refuses to see anyone. LANYON I wish to see or hear no more of our friend Jekyll. Please do not mention him any more. He is dead to me now. UTTERSON Oh, don t talk like that. Is there nothing I can do to change your mind? We are three very old friends, Lanyon. LANYON Nothing can be done. In the name of our friendship, I beg of you not to mention him any longer. If you wish to know more, please ask him. UTTERSON He refuses to see me. LANYON I am not surprised. Some day, after I am dead, you may perhaps learn the right and the wrong of this. I can not tell you more. I feel so tired. My days are numbered, dear Utterson. FLASH 2 At Utterson s house. Utterson is sitting at his desk writing to his friend Jekyll. UTTERSON Dr. Henry Jekyll. Dearest friend,... UTTERSON AND JEKYLL (together) as you may know (the light fades on Utterson) JEKYLL I have repeatedly visited you in the last few days and each time your servant Poole informed me that you were not to be disturbed. I am very worried, Henry. I learned from our dear friend Lanyon about the break between you two. He would not tell me the details and, I do not want to interfere, but I don t understand how you can, all of a sudden, do without two of your oldest and closest friends. What is the problem? I have no doubt, dear Henry, that you are in a difficult position. Please let me know and I shall do anything to lighten your burden. JEKYLL Dear Utterson,... FLASH 3 Jekyll writes back to Utterson. UTTERSON AND JEKYLL (together) I do not blame our old friend Lanyon,... UTTERSON but I share his view that we must never meet. I intend from now on to lead a life of extreme seclusion; you must not be surprised, or doubt our friendship. You must let me go my own dark way. I have brought upon myself a punishment and a danger that I cannot name. You may do only one thing to lighten my destiny and that is to respect my silence. Scene fades. FLASH 4 At Lanyon s house. Lanyon is alone, at the point of death. LANYON I must write to Utterson immediately If there s one thing I have to do before I die it is to warn him I must tell him everything LANYON My dear Utterson,... Lanyon writes feverishly. LANYON AND UTTERSON (together) I shall tell you all I know UTTERSON One night in November, I was waiting for Jekyll to come over... but a friend of his showed up he asked me for a drug he mixed it with other ingredients Oh God! Oh God I cried a complete transformation he was standing there, as a dead man restored to life as Jekyll!!! As Utterson reads the letter, we see Lanyon dying. FLASH 5 Utterson s house. Utterson opens a letter bordered in black. UTTERSON I need to clear my head. I I must look for and find meaning to all this. I shall see Jekyll

22 SCENE 10 In Jekyll s living room. Utterson, Poole, Jekyll. Poole knocks on the locked door of the laboratory. We hear Hyde s voice coming from the other side. HYDES S VOICE Have you got it? Have you got it? POOLE Yes sir, but the pharmacist swears he has no more left. He cannot give me any more. He was adamant. HYDES S VOICE Very well. Leave it outside the door. You know what to do. POOLE Of course, doctor, but HYDES S VOICE Do as I say and go away! Poole leaves the phial on the floor. Utterson enters. UTTERSON Hello, Poole. What s the matter? You look frightened. POOLE There is something wrong, Mr. Utterson. UTTERSON Take your time and tell me what happened. POOLE I am afraid, sir. I am terrified, in fact, and cannot bear this weight any more. You know the doctor s way and how he often locks himself in his laboratory, but he has been in there for a week now and will not let anybody in. Mr. Utterson, I am afraid. UTTERSON A whole week? POOLE I fear something criminal is happening in that room. UTTERSON Criminal? What do you mean? POOLE I dare not say, sir. See for yourself. They get closer and knock at the small door. POOLE Doctor, Mr. Utterson is asking to see you. He signals to Utterson to listen. JEKYLL (moaning in Hyde s voice) Tell him I cannot see anyone. POOLE All right, doctor. (Towards Utterson.) Did you hear his voice? UTTERSON It seems changed. MARY Much changed. That was not my master s voice. Take my word for it, sir, I feel my master has been murdered, murdered I say. UTTERSON This is a crazy tale, Poole. Suppose Henry had been murdered. Why would the murderer stay here? It doesn t make sense. POOLE Well, Mr. Utterson, you must know that all this last week he, I mean that creature, or whoever it is that is locked in there, has been moaning and crying out for some kind of medicine that never satisfies his needs. He keeps asking me for more. UTTERSON Who brings him the drugs? POOLE I do, sir. But they must be left outside the door and he takes them when no one is looking. The same story every day. Two or three times a day. I have been sent to all the chemists in the city and it is never enough. The doctor desperately needs the drug, sir. UTTERSON What else have you heard? POOLE I ve often heard him cry! 42 43

23 UTTERSON Cry? MARY Cry, like a woman or a distressed soul. I could have wept too when I heard him. UTTERSON I trust he is still alive. We have to break down the door. POOLE Yes, Mr. Utterson! POOLE Heaven protect us! Mr. Hyde! JEKYLL (off stage voice quoting from Milton s Paradise Lost ) He who reigns within himself and rules passions, desires, and fears is more than a king. THE END UTTERSON If poor Henry has been killed, I have no doubt his murderer is still there. (Shouting.) Henry, open the door, please! I give you fair warning, we must see you one way or the other if not with your consent, then by brute force. JEKYLL Utterson, for God s sake, have mercy! POOLE Ah, that is not the doctor s voice! UTTERSON Down with the door, Poole! SCENE 11 In Jekyll s laboratory. Utterson, Poole and Hyde Utterson and Poole break into the laboratory. UTTERSON My God, Henry!! JEKYLL (in Hyde s voice) Utterson Finally I have proved my theory. Everything is clear. There is no going back. The powers of Hyde have grown with the sickliness of Jekyll. Oh God, Utterson, what a lesson I have learned. No one has ever suffered such torments. We must never separate good from evil, darkness from light. This is the last time that Henry Jekyll will think his own thoughts or see his own face in a mirror. Goodbye, my friend. He drinks the potion for the last time. Dr. Jekyll transforms into Mr. Hyde

24 ENJOY YOURSELF WITH OUR GAMES! Practical exercises edited by Gianfranca Olivieri Theatrical Season 2018/2019 Dr. JEKYLL AND Mr. HYDE 1. PUZZLE How can the short novel The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde be defined? Find the missing words in the sentences below, taken from the text, and write them in the puzzle. 1. Utterson asks Guest how his studies on... are progressing. 2. The story takes place in modern day Poole says that Jekyll often locks himself in his Jekyll believes that Lanyon is the only... who can help him. 5. Poole says that the drugs must be left... the door. 6. Poole thinks that something... is happening in Jekyll s room. 7. Utters says that he has always been on Jekyll s Mr. Danvers tells Jekyll to stop seeing his Jekyll asks... to keep his will safe and secret. 10. Jekyll says he has been a model scientist for many Jekyll managed to identify two sides of the human Solve the exercises and deliver the schedules to your teacher who can send us all the works by 30/03/2019! You ll receive a gadget and you ll participate in the draw of a final prize! FILL IN THE FORM IN BLOCK LETTERS USING A PEN F o M o 6 School: 8 7 N.: Address: 9 Postcode: Town: Province: 10 Telephone: 11 English teacher: Class: Now read the column under the arrow and you ll find the solution. Date Solution:...

25 2. LETTERS AND NUMBERS What is Jekyll s opinion on how much a man s life is worth? 11 sentences, taken from the text, have been divided in two parts. Match each beginning in box (A) to its possible corresponding ending in box (B) in order to rad the complete sentence. 3. PHRASAL VERBS In each sentence in box (A) taken from the text, there is a missing phrasal verb find it in BOX (B) to complete the sentence. Example: 1 Should I... make up one of the guest rooms? = W BOX (A) PART 1 (BEGINNING) 1 As my lawyer, you must 2 I do not know 3 I am afraid 4 Stay away 5 Think 6 You should be out 7 I have been sent to all 8 I managed to identify 9 You cannot compare the brain of an animal 10 Remember, happiness 11 We must find you BOX (B) PART 2 (ENDING) G N I O T I H T N I S a really prestigious job. before you answer. respect my wishes. in the fresh air. what you have in mind. that I may make the wrong decisions. these two sides of the human personality. the chemists in the city. always lies in your own hands. with that of a human being. from my daughter. BOX (A) SENTENCES 1 Should I... one of the guest rooms? 2 I must be clear headed to... my experiment. 3 Find any excuse to... him... of that laboratory. 4 Henry you did not... for dinner. 5 I must study him and... how I can have complete control over Jekyll. 6 I m sorry to... you... 7 The papers always... these things... 8 This time I am afraid I shall not... it.... BOX (B) PHRASAL VERBS L DRAG OUT L SHOW UP D FIGURE OUT O WAKE UP E CARRY OUT W MAKE UP E SEE THROUGH N BLOW UP Now match letters to numbers in BOX (C) and you ll read a pleasant compliment to you! Now match letters and numbers in BOX (C) and you ll find the solution. BOX (C) 1 W BOX (C) I Solution:... Solution:...

26 L W H E R E A R E A A Y S T W O D E S O F T S 4. WORD CHASE 5. A SPOT OF RELAXATION What was Jekyll s desire? Can you help Poole to find the medicine that can save Mr. Hyde? There is a proverb hiding around the drawing, written in an unusual way. Find it starting from the top. POOLE T N I O C E M H A E Jekyll discovered that human beings have two sides: one good and one evil. His desire was to eradicate evil and save all mankind! S I PHRASE: CHEMIST Solution:...

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