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1 New! Powerful Secrets Successful Business Strategies By Sandy Paris Dream Reality Publishing That Actually Work!


3 Building a fortune in your business and personal life during these challenging times may be less complicated than you think. Often we miss the mark because we are going at it in the wrong way. We are not taught the hidden secrets to success in the educational system. Even in the life university of hard knocks, it takes an exceptionally long time to learn the lessons necessary to accept unlimited bountifulness. Fortunately, those who have an open heart and mind can discover the hidden secrets buried beneath the rubble of misadventures that have previously swallowed up the joy, success, profits and personal dreams of millions of people around the world. Three Major Assets For Success 1. The first and greatest asset is to start FRESH from an open heart instead of continuing the old mind-set and emotional viruses that eat up success and profits. 2. The second asset is sidestepping the myths and illusions that tell us that success is unachievable. 3. The third and most powerful asset is to actually experience, with knowingness, a secret unchanging world. From this secret unchanging world, you attain the secrets for manifesting success beyond your wildest imagination in both your business and your personal life. You are about to learn this secret hidden state of consciousness that very few people are aware of. Fortunately, building a successful life from this awareness is not only totally possible but also essential to your business and personal happiness, bountifulness and survival!

4 Discovering the Secrets of Energy Humanity was born with divine imagination, which gives one the ability to tap into a powerful unchanging energy discovered above the battleground of positive and negative forces. This incredible potential lies dormant within a vast majority of people. You are about to discover the powerful hidden secrets that will help you to manifest success, bountifulness, and happiness in your business and personal life. All you need is contained in this unbelievably effective, simple and inspiring Tip Booklet. Energy: The Universe and everything within it is made up of an endless supply of energy. There never has been nor ever will be a shortage of universal energy flowing from the Source. Pure Energy: Pure energy flows from an unchanging world above the physical universe. Everything in these material worlds was created from this energy. Secondary Energy: When pure energy enters the physical world, it splits from its unchanging pure state into a changing state of positive and negative energy. It has now become secondary energy. This division of energy then sets up a battleground between the two conflicting energies. The battle of energy becomes the school of hard knocks where people experience the shifting tides of change. Change is a state of constantly shifting energy that often shows up as temporary success, then less success, and finally no success in ones business and personal life.

5 Change creates the division of time (aging), the division of positive energy (good), and then shifts to the division of negative energy (bad), bringing conflict, heartache, and poverty. Technique: Know what you want and it will find you. Find a quiet, comfortable spot where you won t be disturbed. Make a list of everything that comes to mind that you could use to manifest a bountiful business. Open your heart. Don t edit your thinking. Just let the ideas flow. Narrow your completed list down to the best three. Keep the list and feel free to add to it. After successfully completing the first three, choose three more and continue the process until you have completed the entire list. Simply discard any unproductive ideas. Celebrate your accomplishment each time you complete a set of three. This celebration renews, rejuvenates, and heals your body. It also prepares you for the next cycle. This is a very important step for success in your business and personal life. Transforming Hardships to Gifts By discovering the natural rhythm of the cycles of life, we begin to recognize a very unique pattern. Once this pattern reveals itself, it is easy to figure out how life in the physical world actually works. In addition, how surprisingly predictable it is. When we begin to understand how energy works in our business and personal lives, we come to realize that hardships are blessings in disguise. They propel us out of our comfort zone so we learn many valuable lessons from our exploration. It is important to focus our attention on the gifts hidden within our hardships. This attracts more gifts into our lives.

6 This isn t a natural instinct of ego or the mind. It is a trait that must be developed. Dual energy is always in constant flux trying to balance the positive and negative in every event in our business world and our personal lives. The physical world is like a teeter-totter. When we sit on one side, the other end goes up. This creates an out of balance state in our business and personal lives. However, when we move to the Center, we can balance both sides of positive and negative energy at the same time. The Center brings us into a balanced state by suspending us in the moment of NOW. We then move above the instability of dual energy into the stability of unchanging pure energy. This is where we tap into our finished dream creations and bring wisdom back into the physical to build a successful business and enhance our personal lives. This is one of the hidden secret keys to success and freedom. By placing our attention, in the moment of NOW, on gifts instead of hardships we draw more gifts into our lives. Our thoughts, words, and deeds create energy that travels out into the universe drawing the same energy back into our business and personal lives. This can be either hardships or gifts. Life has a predictable pattern. What goes up must come down. What goes around comes around. As a man thinketh, so he soweth. Magnetic Power of Manifestation Energy is a magnetic vibration. People, animals, thoughts, things, and even the physical universe are all created from this magnetic energy.

7 Our thoughts, words, and deeds create a magnetic vibration from which we manifest all of our own experiences. It is essential that everyone involved in a business be trained in the art of knowing how magnetic pure energy and secondary energy work to create a successful business and personal life. For trainings and keynote speaking engagements contact: By knowing exactly what you want and manifesting the same vibrational energy in your business, you will begin to attract the same from the universe. The law of attraction is very powerful and exacting. It does not discriminate between good and bad. It has no other option than to attract its same likeness back to the sender. Everything starts from the center, NOW. If lasting changes are to be made, they have to be made above secondary energy. Technique: Pay attention to what you are attracting into your life. Realize that what you are about to learn goes beyond positive thinking and manipulation. The play of magnetic attraction is a perfect demonstration of how the magnetic forces work in the physical world of change. When you hold horseshoes together, they attract each other. When you turn them around, they repel each other. This is still within the constant struggle of positive and negative energy. In this technique, by keeping your attention in the moment of NOW, you surpass the limitations of the magnetic field of the horseshoes, which corresponds to the physical world. Build your dream from the finished creation in an unchanging world of pure energy. In other words, when making business and personal life

8 decisions, be sure to make them in the moment of NOW. Surrender to Thy Will Be Done. Divine Spirit knows more about what we need than we do. Let IT take over your hardships, health, and feelings of guilt. Then you become a clear, open co-worker and all life gains the benefit. The Myths of Success and Failure Not all is as it appears to be. The world of dual energy weaves many myths and illusions that keep businesses from succeeding. When we begin to blend the idea of the separateness of success and failure into a unified whole, we collapse the barrier between positive and negative energy. We then find pleasant successful surprises coming our way. When we no longer resist life, life no longer resists us. The neutral state neutralizes the dual energy and allows us to tap into our finished creations already created from an unchanging world in the moment of NOW. We are now operating from an unchanging realm beyond the constant battle of gain and loss. Why accept loss when we can manifest bountifulness? Settling for the myths only keeps us settling for more limitations. Humanity as a whole is largely trapped in a prison without the ability to know how to release itself. The physical changing world is like a minnow trap that fisherman use to catch small minnow fish. See picture below.

9 The minnow fish find it easy to swim into the small hole at the top of the minnow trap. Once inside, they desperately bang their heads against the sides of the trap in a futile attempt to gain freedom. It is virtually impossible for the minnow to find their way out. The physical world is like the minnow trap. We find ourselves trapped and unable to find our way out. We no sooner achieve success in our business and personal lives, than everything changes, leaving us in a state of frustration and confusion. We need to come to a point of stepping back instead of beating our heads against the walls of illusions and limitations. We either manifest success in our lives or remain in the minnow trap of loss and despair. The first option is by far the easiest way. The second is the challenging way. The choice is up to us. Success takes an open heart, discipline, focus, and patience. However, by maintaining a state of neutrality from the unchanging world of NOW, the journey is much more effortless and we begin to experience wonderful changes in our business and personal lives. As long as we are living in the physical world, there will always be change. However, in our new state of consciousness, we can now move freely out of the minnow trap from the changing world to the unchanging world. This brings success, happiness, and fulfillment into our business and personal lives.

10 In order to gain some sense of stability in an ever-changing environment, we have to continually move our consciousness into the moment of NOW which is a state of neutrality. From this changeless state, we can then draw unlimited wisdom into our daily affairs. This state has to be re-won each moment. To gain success, we must align our business and personal lives with the unlimited wisdom available to us every second of the day. Otherwise, we can quickly find ourselves back in the minnow trap. We live in a changing world, so the process of making successful decisions and choices will be an ongoing process that will never end as long as we are in the physical world. The process of making choices from unlimited wisdom will take us above the myths and illusions that magnetize us to limitations. Most self-help aids only show us how to live within the minnow trap. Technique: Become comfortable with silence. Every day we are constantly surrounded with noise. First, take a few deep breaths, relax, and surrender to the moment. Second, quiet your thoughts. Third, feel your heart open and experience a peaceful detachment within you. Sing HU, (sung in a long drawn out breath HU-U_U_U, like the name Hugh), either aloud or even silently to yourself, if you are not alone. HU is an ancient love song to God that opens the heart to love. This is like taking a short vacation from material distractions. Take these mini spa breaks as needed throughout the day.

11 Supreme Gift: The mirror of life The mirror of life is one of the most important gifts we have to help make our business and personal lives a success. The mirror of life reflects our true essence each day. It isn t the people, events, or experiences going on around us in life that are important. What we are interested in is the reflection of ourselves in the mirror of life. Our emotional reactions to what we see in the mirror show us the lessons we need to learn. The mirror may reflect the gifts we have earned. The mirror can also reflect the answers to our questions about making our business and personal lives more successful. Ego, with its self-constructed prison, really doesn t want to admit that it has anything to learn. The mirror of life is offering to give us the needed guidance to learn how to move above the limitation of secondary energy. However, ego much prefers to keep us locked in the minnow trap. A major transition occurs when we begin to realize that we are Eternal Soul, the essence of the unchanging world, not ego trapped in the world of change. Soul is the observer that has the ability to encompass the whole picture. It is from this overview that we come into a state of knowingness instead of the ego s old limited viewpoints, beliefs, wishes, which keep it always standing on the outside looking in. Soul weaves positive and negative energy into a unified whole. It then has the advantage of viewing our creation as the dream finished. The mirror of life has the ability to reflect the secrets that will help us manifest a bountiful life. As we begin to realize what

12 a gift the mirror really is, it opens doors for us that could not be opened in any other way. Story: The eagle is a perfect example of the mirror of life in action. It has an uncanny ability, from high in a tree, to know the rhythm to dive at precisely the right moment to capture its prey. Even though it is traveling over 200 miles an hour, it enters the water effortlessly. Likewise, with the overview of Soul, we come to know the precise rhythm necessary to make our business and personal lives a mega-success. The mirror of life, our own reflection all around us, will expose all the secrets needed to improve every aspect of ones life. Technique: Become the observer in your life throughout each day. Look into the mirror of life with complete detachment and watch what the mirror is reflecting back to you. What is it teaching you? What gifts is it offering and how can it help you in your business and personal life? Establishing Bountiful Habits There are beneficial and non-beneficial habits. The problem is that the subconscious doesn t know the difference between the two. Habits become a way of life when we continue to repeat the same actions over and over again. We can take an old habit and convert it to a beneficial habit for our business and personal lives by practicing the new beneficial habit persistently and with passion.

13 However, by trying to negate the habit, it only embeds the habit deeper into our consciousness. What we resist is what we draw to us. There is an easier way. If the old habit doesn t receive energy, it dries up. Energy, the Light and Sound, is the source of all life. Therefore, we must choose consciously and very carefully, what we give energy to. Technique: Build a template and create bountifulness, success and happiness. Fill the template with common sense, responsibility, and adventure. Watch it grow. Gratitude and Celebration Gratitude and celebration are the oils that make the engine of our business and personal lives run smoothly. Have gratitude for every little gift in your life and it will draw more of the same back into your business. Gratitude draws your heart to the moment of NOW, which is eternity, the unchanging world of pure energy. Gratitude brings harmony. Harmony lifts us above an everchanging state of imbalance. Balance is a fickle friend. For one moment, it is up. The next, it is down, like the teeter-totter. Chasing balance is an unending repetition of trial and error. Most of the problems in a world of change come because people are constantly trying to run from change. Harmony brings tranquility to the heart. When the heart is at rest, we are experiencing the moment of NOW, the unchanging world of endless possibilities.

14 Success: Divine Imagination We were born as creative beings with all the creative tools and guidance necessary, to eventually, over many lifetimes, be able to find our way back to the changeless world of pure energy through divine love. That is what we came here to learn in the first place. Divine imagination will trigger and activate the creative powers within. Divine Spirit fills our lives with love, guidance and protection through our imagination. Divine imagination will magnetize and attract to you the people, events, and opportunities that you need to achieve success in your business. Stay awake and watch, search for, and accept these gifts with gratitude. Technique: We bring our dreams alive through the creative process. Try this simple exercise: Close your eyes and imagine your front room, kitchen, and bathroom. Now, imagine sitting out in nature by a lake or in the woods. Next, imagine an unchanging world of pure energy. Feel the quiet peacefulness in your heart. This is the moment of NOW in eternity! Spend a few precious moments, bask in, and rejuvenate in this ageless state. Wasn t that easy? Notice how relaxed you feel. Visit this ageless state throughout the day. We wouldn t know what our dream for success is if we didn t already have the dream within us. We wouldn t have a question if we didn t already have the answer within us. Everything is already in its finished state. All we have to do is wake up to the dream that has already been created and bring the reality of dream alive in the moment of NOW, right where we are at this very moment.

15 This awareness makes it much easier than trying to start from scratch, not knowing where on earth to start. That is why so many people never achieve their dreams of success. These secrets open the door to making your dreams realities. Develop and refine your divine imagination. It is your best friend, along with the mirror of life, and you will watch the miracle of your business and personal life come to life through Thy Will Be Done. Technique: 1. Create several mini 3x5 dream cards. On the top of each card, write a powerful title and a subtitle of your business dream. 2. Next, write your dream vision under its subtitle. 3. On the other side, paste pictures of the dreams. Take these cards with you wherever you go. Throughout the day, spend a few minutes with your dream cards and begin to move into your finished dream. Be the dream! You will find it beginning to manifest into your life. Imagination is the door to cultivating, refining, and developing a very successful business. Contemplation, Freedom and Success Contemplation is the secret to making the inner connection with pure energy, which can only be experienced within the unchanging world Story: Thirty-nine years ago, I first learned about contemplation. Before that, I had used meditation. However, I personally felt more comfortable with my new discovery. I felt it was more like being a part of the action instead of being passive.

16 I began to experience the fullness of divine imagination and it opened the door to my finished creations. It was such a wonderful gift that it literally transformed my life. I began to live a life of purpose with a complete knowingness that I had never experienced before. My dreams became realities and I began to live a life that I loved. I was manifesting unlimited success in every dimension of my life through a powerful technique: Thy Will Be Done. This aligned me with the unchanging world of pure energy. Technique: Each morning, spend 15 to 20 minutes aligning with the timeless world of pure energy. Get comfortable. Close your eyes. Relax your mind chatter and look into a blank screen. Quietly or silently, sing HU, an ancient love song to God. Visit a beautiful garden or someplace you enjoy and feel your heart open to love. Experience the quiet tranquil peace. End with gratitude and bring this experience into your day. You can visit this timeless world throughout the day when things become too busy or distracting. Until we experience this freedom first-hand, we can t begin to imagine how wonderful it is to live a life where we have the spiritual and physical freedom to rise above the minnow trap and experience life from a three hundred and sixty degree overview. Freedom leads to success. This is so simple that the mind has a difficult time to not pick it apart with its magnifying glass and analyzing tools. You will find it immensely helpful to study this powerful tip booklet each day in order to stay aligned with the pure energy of the unchanging world. It contains all the answers for your business and personal lives to expand beyond your wildest

17 imagination. The concepts for success contained in this tip booklet are so simple that they are easily overlooked. However, they afford you the tools to free yourself from the minnow trap of the physical world. Thank you for your time. I hope this tip booklet among my other books transforms your life as it has the thousands of others who have shared testimonials of their own experiences of success over a thirty nine years period.

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