FULL MOON OF 18 TAURUS/SCORPIO November 10, 2011, 1:17 pm Central

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1 FULL MOON OF 18 TAURUS/SCORPIO November 10, 2011, 1:17 pm Central The Healthy Vitality of Right Investments and Integrated Sexuality In An Awakened and Empowered People Happy and Blessed Full Moon of Taurus to You and Yours! The exact Full Moon is an hour away as I m moved to write in this energy flow which was NOT my scheduled work plan. The energies of a Full Moon are active for several days. It s a wonderful Moon in our Scorpio/Taurus time of year, when our depth, soul, roots, passion, and power are engaged, re-energized, enhanced and grounded, by its illumination and harmonization. Sun and Moon in opposition (180 degrees) offer balance of conscious and subconscious (subjective and objective) aspects of being, and the gift of union of polarities in our lives is graciously offered at every Full Moon. Taurus is our connection and relationship with our generous Mother Earth, our bodies, tangible enjoyments of embodiment and our God-given senses; of beauty, taste, touch, affection, sensuality, and fulfillment in earth-home and structuring ways. Taurus is also things of value, money and finances, possessions, and earthly power. Scorpio is our soul-passion and depth, our transformational path, purification and empowerment from deep beneath the surface of life. It is sexuality -- sharing our energies and resources with others -- such as investments and debts, and how we choose to play. Soul-passion is engaged in the Scorpio time of year and we are empowered to purge and transform more readily. The dark side of Scorpio manifests among us as dishonesty and misuse of power, manipulations, brutality, slavery, and force. This Moon challenges us to integrate and balance the energies of Taurus and Scorpio, Taurus is personal, and Scorpio involves other(s). It is shedding light on debt issues around the world for us to see. We best pay attention as we collectively create dramas which will demonstrate to us that we ARE ALL CONNECTED worldwide. But let us not get hooked into fear-based dependencies on existing financial infrastructures or collective hysterics; let us KNOW that We the People are the power, and hearken to our spiritual guidance to maintain our lives in right order, with right foundation, to contribute to the healing stability of truth over time. 1

2 Pluto in Capricorn, harmonizing with Jupiter in Taurus, and soon Mars in Virgo has been working behind the scenes to establish a healthier financial order, regrounding in agreements that honor the value of the People in a healthy alternative, soon to become visible. A new financial system that reclaims the money power for the People is being formed which will honor equal footing for everyone, be usuryfree, and accountable. Certain interests and power-mongers who currently do nothing to contribute in a meaningful way to society, but practice theft by working the system, will find themselves out on a serious limb. We ve had several years to prepare for shocks that are coming for the world of finance. This Moon urges us to pay heed to our life-foundations and deeper sources of stability and confidence, than what is offered by a tipsy world of appearances and false gods. Pluto trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus helps us rework our financial situations, incorporating our value systems more honestly into our creations and long-term goals. We can bring this reorganization forward practically as Mars moves into Virgo over the next month, and integrate it into our work-life and service. Mars exactly opposing Neptune and Chiron (Leo/Aquarius-Pisces) at this Moon makes for some hypersensitivity, especially with heart-expression and nervous systems. Enhanced light is available to see how we relate with the group, and how we can do that with more openheartedness; the key to abundant life. We may get in touch with our personal woundedness and gain more liberation. Chiron/Neptune bring up issues with our relationship to sea creatures and ocean life. Healing energy and method are enhanced and teachings come through with wild and domesticated animals. Yet desire and actions to take may be confused and uncertain with Neptune s psychic fog, and heightened sensitivity. We may need to clear psychic interference. When our ego doesn t know what to do we can release attachments to outcomes and free up. Next week our actions engage more effectively with life. 2

3 Mercury and Venus are happily in tandem in Sagittarius (both at 10 degrees) which blesses our thoughts, communications, plans, ideas, love and feeling natures with positive energy and expression. Life is climaxing before Mercury turns retrograde on Thanksgiving Day, and we downshift into slow-motion, and internalization. Get things done that are important before Thanksgiving, when forward progress complicates and retards for several weeks and we need some time-out. Scorpio-Taurus, Love, Sex, and Money This Full Moon sheds its light on fields of experience of love, enjoyment of life, finances, investments, shared energies, and sexuality. My learning on this subject is out-of-the-box because I ve remembered many past lives, and in this life, chose to be taught by the Lord rather than live by prevailing social norms. My most recent lifetimes were spent in monasteries in Tibet, Italy, and India. Coming into this life from an ascetic background, and walking my current path of soul has required that I deal with sexual issues intensively. What I ve learned has benefited many people in my healing work. It should never be forgotten that in their glorification of poverty and celibacy both (Buddhism and Christianity) struck straight at the root not merely of civil society, but of human existence. -- James Frazer, The Golden Bough The Apostle Paul, as we know him through his correspondence, was in a spiritual awakening process, and sometimes in personal conflict between spirit and form. Misuse of his letters to his peers, and their misapplication to our collective sexuality and code of ethics, via the control frameworks of religions, have taken grievous toll on our spiritual, sexual, and psychological health in America. How often do we see people who have divided their beings and psyches in struggles to do what is right, ignore-antly conflicting with and sometimes demonizing the very source of their creative and spiritual power within their own sacred body temples? Yet we cannot blame Paul for our struggles with misuse of his mail. It has been used to exacerbate humanity s ancient conflict and division between spirit and body, heaven and earth, mind and heart, male and female, in the earth-wise dichotomy we are required to bridge before graduation, which has been with us long before Paul. There has been no failure so great on the register of Latin orthodoxy as its consecration of marriage; there has been nothing that is so skin-deep, nothing so reluctant and half-hearted. -- A.E. Waite Superficial religious teachings attempt to impose one marriage relationship as the expectation and standard for righteous living. This may have worked better when men and women were 3

4 complementary teams, raising children, living on the land, or when women were possessions and status objects. Yet the truth is, What God has joined together is not necessarily who we choose to marry in our youth, and we need to free up from this lie. How often do we see people feeling like failures when their marriage broke up because the partnership was no longer a healthy fit? Or suffering from the death of a dream that was never a reality? How many marriages are actually sordid and dishonest arrangements, or exchanging sex for security, or other ungodly distortions of man and wife? How many are laughable facades? We know that one marriage relationship does work very well for some. Some people simply don t have to deal with complications of their first marriage not being a correct fit for life -- it s just not an issue. Yet times have changed, and we have changed, and though we moved through major confusions about home and family in the 60s and 70s, we now have opportunity to develop our beings in a refined manner. We are freed up to gain much better understanding about our sacred path of soul, and our need and desire for our soul-mate; a whole-being relationship just for us from the Heart of God! The concept of the soul-mate is universal, we can find it in almost every culture with many names. My favorite is the kealualei, Hawaiian for sacred beloved companion. Spiritual teachings of the West and the East are complementary and can help us find our way when taken together. Mysteries of soul are profoundly acknowledged in both Western and Eastern paths to self-realization, though one may have to dig deep to glean such understanding and find the common ground. Understanding and honoring the other perspective in humility and respect is a path to wholeness for many. Every human pathway to God has its high and low forms of worship as we work to clarify right relationship with Spirit within the material context of Earth. Those who are fear-based and inclined to judge, seize upon low forms of worship of the other path as basis to condemn and separate. Such superficial judgments do not serve our process of purification together, nor can they ever produce the wholeness we need, or the peace that is ours. We can gain understanding by studying the teachings of both East and West, of how to work with the body and spirit together in union. Yoga means union, and the objective is union with God while in body. Insight into working with our vital energies is gained, breathing practices are a powerful tool to achieve balance and inner refreshment and peace. Drawing upward the vital energies to unite them with Heart and Mind is extraordinarily regenerative, as those who practice yoga with spiritual consciousness and devotion, know. If we are walking our path of soul -- for empowered transformation -- It becomes critical that we live in balance. If a vital part of our being is repressed, denied, devalued, conflicted with, unacknowledged, or ignored, our entire life will become problematic. Sexuality is our healing and regenerative power. If it isn t engaged in a healthy and nourishing manner, it will demand expression and release in increasingly more disintegrative ways, separating from heart, becoming lustful and carnal, 4

5 dishonoring human preciousness and sacred-temple bodies. Our natural wholeness is compromised and sexual drives become more compulsive and debilitating to spiritual health, sometimes getting caught in low-level addictional, astral planes. We see this played out by the occasional preacher whose contradictions in sexual engagement become exposed for all to see. How the world loves to expose a hypocrite! Clearly we must practice wise discernment with our vital energies, they are foundational and a significant factor in our overall life potency. It s clear that if we deny or ignore our sexuality, the juice of life will wane, our personal Tree of Life will begin to wither, and our effectiveness, health, and happiness suffer. Clearly, It is not good for man or woman to be alone. So how do we resolve the challenge to be true to our hearts, to build for healthy, stable, whole-being relationships, and honor our sexuality along the way? We are spiritual AND we are sexual. And the bigger-picture learning process often produces the whole-being relationship later in life rather than earlier (if we remain true). The loves we may be blessed with along the way are our teachers, helping us to see what we are, and what we are not -- so vital to the process of clarification. Honoring Sexuality while Single It can help to understand that we are physically attracted to those we ve loved before (in previous lives). Such soul-connections -- roots connections -- flow through our feeling natures in the same pathways as our sexuality; through arms, mouth, breasts, and sexualized embodiment. This is why we have cases of adopted children and their estranged parents entering into intimate relationships unknowingly, far more often than would be normal. It has been studied and proven that when adopted children re-unite with their birth parents, sexual attraction is especially compelling toward each other, which passes. This is due to disruption of the natural bonding between parent and child; reunion picks up at the point of disruption, no matter how much time has passed. In some similar manner, when we re-unite with those we ve loved and shared significant energy exchange with in the past, the attraction factor, chemistry, and feeling flow can be very powerful and compelling. Marriage relationships formed before the age of 29 are often karmic; that is, the couple is drawn together to readdress unfinished business. It s good to be aware that strong physical attractions are often based on unresolved emotional charges from the past. Sometimes it s wise to take some time to test a connection and see if entering into intimacy is appropriate. Often, when the energies have settled, the right purpose for the connection becomes apparent, which may not be physical after all. 5

6 Let me share some tips that may be helpful on this Full Moon of Taurus/Scorpio for the passionate, yet unattached, who desire their soul-mates. 1. Put God first in your life. Keep your eyes on God, your devotion flowing daily, be ever grateful, and TRUST that your Love will come to you. It s your right to be wholely loved. Ask for what you need, give thanks in advance, then let it go. This is your part in attracting your soul-mate. It s simple. 2. Love yourself. Pay attention with this. Practice self-love and compassion. Enjoy yourself physically, dance, whatever gives you joy. Be sensual and grateful. Don t allow technologies to keep you in your head. 3. Each one of us is taught by the Lord, and we must re-learn to be faithful to our own inviolate and pristine connection within to the Source of life, love and truth. Your personal truth-guide is always within you. 4. Learn how to hear, see, and follow the right steps of your path. You can have full faith and confidence in being clearly guided to what is just right for you, and what is pleasing to God and all creation every moment of every day. 5. Any sexual union engaged in should be whole-being; that is body, mind, spirit and soul. Such connections are pretty irresistible. And no, they don t come along every day. Thus it is. 6. Some of us must pass the test of spirit lovers (oh yes they will) which may be intriguing at first, but will take you out of the land of the living right quick if you re on the amplified path of soul. 7. Sometimes we re faced with the dilemma about who we desire to be intimate with, and who is actually available. For spiritual hygiene for a blessed life, don t ever be intimate with one person while desiring another, such action dishonors both. It is not truly present with the available one, nor does it honor the desired one. This is a good way to create psychic confusion, drain, spirit-body misalignment, and more karmic entanglements, and who needs those? 6

7 8. If you want your soul-mate, you have to commit to yourself. Sometimes we see people longing for their soul mate, while married to someone for monetary reasons, and visiting someone else for comforts; or complaining about their current relationship and longing for their soul-mate. That s a good way to cheat yourself. If you can t commit to your own heart and make the sacrifices required to align your life in faith and preparation for your own good, forget it--it won t happen. Your power cannot build to attract something better that unifies your being. We need to understand that if we divide ourselves, we perpetuate division in our lives and the disillusionment of such an approach only gets worse over time. You have to make a quality statement to life, and honor it. 9. People often tell me they don t know if they should be with so and so. In that case, is it uplifting and empowering? Or simply medicating and disempowering? There s no middle ground. A right relationship naturally renews--trials notwithstanding. Nor do people in a right relationship ever need props, sex toys, and unnatural spicing up. If you re in your power and in right relationship, it is so dynamic neither you nor your partner can even think and you may not remember what you did, except that it was SO GOOD. 10. Remember, that your whole-being flow and fulfillment goes BOTH WAYS. It is giving and receiving, and you are not designed to be on the short-end of the deal. If you find yourself feeling too hooked on needing somebody else, come back home to yourself and realize that you too, are needed. Pay attention to any ways you may be short-changing yourself, or creating poverty by not feeling worthy, or not living the KNOWING that life is full of abundance and love just for YOU from the Heart of God. If you re feeling lonely, hold it up to God, ask for what you need. Know that you are heard. 11. Be out of the box in your reception of God s love for you. Let go of all expectations and preconceived notions of how your love and fulfillment should come to you. Life has a thousand ways to love you when you need it. Life can be very creative, so keep an open heart and mind and don t miss out! 7

8 12. If you re committed to gaining whole-being fulfillment and the ultimate affirmation that is the gift of the right life-mate, God will grant you success. We know what the truest love is. We are made from it. So don t settle for less! When it s time to be alone, there is plenty of work to do, restoring full circuitry and heart-healing for whole life sometimes takes a good portion of a lifetime. In Hebrew teachings, the Kingdom is understood to be continually coming. It is ever manifesting in every moment of our God-given days to the degree that we welcome and affirm it. Living in Divine Order, we are most fulfilled. Divine Order is win-win. Your showers of blessing are on their way! As an astrologer I ve learned that there is a time for everything and sometimes it is more appropriate to gather energy and power than to expend it. It s better to be alone than wrongly attached. But you don t need to be an astrologer to sense right time. When it s right, you KNOW IT deep down within, and resistance would be sin. It would be going against life itself. This morning I awoke and began spontaneously orgasming in my heart. Energies poured through me from head to toe, uniting my inner male and female in profound and blissful pleasure. I walked around for about five minutes, breathing, healing, transforming, renewing! This is the gift of a passionate, integrated life, bringing ease and every good thing more readily. The love that is ours! And I ll tell you a secret. There is a way of making love that is not sexual as we know it. It is a merging into one being. It is astounding and far more satisfying, words cannot describe! When people come to know this truth, many things will change. Sex is only foreplay. Money and Debt Scorpio/Taurus bring issues of money and debt into the foreground. The way we live with our sexuality correlates with our values, and how responsibly we handle finances, possessions, and honor others in energy exchanges. Are we cleaving to false securities? Are we fully honoring the preciousness of everyone we deal with in our lives and businesses? In America today we have a default consciousness about money and relating with each other that is jaded, dishonest, and life-negating to where almost everything we do has a hidden commercial contract for the benefit of some parasitic entity, feeding on our substance. We must take full responsibility for the health of our finances and roots energies. Taxes are a roots-energy item. How are you voting with your energies and choices? What are you upholding, contributing to, and enabling? Full responsibility and firm commitment to truth, integrity, and right order will attract the providence of everything we need, in all times and conditions. 8

9 At some point the stockmarket will fail, along with defacto power control frameworks. It s time to dream of what we want next. How will we pool our energies to accomplish great things? How will we invest with others in a vibrant and mutually honoring manner, for the blessing of all and healing of the world? Together we will renew our land as the hearts of the People awaken! Let this Moon inspire you and refresh your soul. May an ever-more passionate, love, and power-filled life be yours! All the time now. Rockets ALL TIMES ARE THE BEST OF TIMES ALL THE TIME. Rockets C. Redglare 9

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