The Super Soul Flow Meditation Course. Session I

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2 The Super Soul Flow Meditation Course Session I This meditation course is the result of five years of deep inner work by Whitney Freya. As life becomes more and more challenging, with greater challenges and more intense demands on our time, Whitney Freya is committed to rising above, taking back energy where it is being wasted (human drama, minor frustrations and annoyances, etc.) and channeling that energy towards more of what we want. What she discovered is that there is a different kind of intimate relationship that you can have with your soul (call it whatever feels comfortable), or the eternal part of you that results in a feeling that she can only describe as SUPER SOUL FLOW. This Meditation Course will guide you into a whole new perspective on your life, and WHO YOU TRULY ARE in this life. Who you are is so much more expansive than what you have been taught. You have so much more available to you. By the end of this experience you are going to find your mind wandering and imagining the YOU that is already LIVING the life, the experience you want to live AND feeling in that life the way you want to feel. Instead of your mind wandering to sources of worry or stress, your mind will now be able to explore and get to know future realities that bring you inner peace and contentment. SUPPLIES: Writing journal, a new one for this course. The Super Soul Flow Meditation Course Workbook (available digitally or in paperback). Your Meditation Canvas that is the size you want for your final WING painting and a set of acrylic paints. Your canvas can be horizontal to support your final image of your WINGS, or there is always a way to paint wings on a canvas. OPTIONAL: your own deck of Super Soul Flow Meditation Course Cards to guide you through your own Super Soul Flow experiences. Go to for more information.!2

3 Are you ready? Let s begin. Step #1 The choice to RISE ABOVE simply needs LOVE. Imagery and symbolism are going to be a dynamic part of your journey into Super Soul Flow. This first symbol is a powerful activation which means it will turn on the part of you that remembers that you are surrounded by, steeped in, and made up of pure love. To begin, draw or paint the FREYA KNOT in your art journal. What does it make you think of? Trace the hearts. Trace the infinity signs. Close your eyes and picture the symbol. What is your experience of this symbol? We want you to experience this symbol, feel into it and make it your own. We call it the Freya Knot because of the way in which Whitney discovered this symbol. You can call it whatever you like. Imagining and creating these symbols connects you to new information, a new frequency, like a new radio station, through which you can receive new information, guidance and insight.!3

4 Step #2 WHY NOW? The CALL is a current, new, invitation to up level our way of living. In other words, the ability to live in what we are calling Super Soul Flow was not available to use until now. Just as future technology is in the works and yet to be available to the consumer, there is energy and dimensions of knowing that also get unleveled and made available to us in perfect timing. We have been living from a historical perspective and we can shift to an infinite perspective. We are moving from Soul Separation (fear) to Super Soul Flow (love) We are in the birth pains right now it is why aspects of life on earth are SO painful right now. The question is what do you want to birth? More fear or more love? We are going to RISE ABOVE fear to love and from 100% physical, matterbased reality, to a union of the physical and the spiritual, matter and energy. The disparity we see around the world, the degree of tension and conflict, is evidence that BOTH energies, fear and love, are expanding to compete for our attention. Like the Native American proverb in which the old man tells the young boy that he has two wolves, one on each shoulder, competing for his attention. One is fearful, angry, sad and the other is peaceful, empowering and loving. Which one is more powerful? the young boy asked. The one you feed, answered the old man. The wolves are chomping at the bit for our energy. Which are you going to feed? The more of us that feed the LOVE WOLF, the more this energy will expand and take over. This is why we are so excited to teach you this meditation process. Worry, fear and stress are the energies that feed the angry wolf. When we learn to use our imagination to visualize what we want, we feed the LOVE WOLF. This is the pathway to Super Soul Flow!!4

5 Step #3 THE PATHWAY This pathway back to Super Soul Flow is going to guided by SYMBOLS, IMAGINATION, and CREATIVITY because the change you desire is not accessible through LOGIC. In these 7 sessions, we are going to completely shift the lens through which you look at your life from fear to love, from the limited, individual named to the infinite Soul who has always existed and always will who is currently GETTING TO experience this physical reality as YOU. Remember that whenever you feel yourself thinking, this can t work, or this is too out there, that is only because you have never been taught this before. It is new and it will guide you, and the rest of us, into the unknown. What is the unknown? Whatever you decide. It s time to create the change you want to see in your world!!5

6 #4 THE METAPHOR In between our sessions you are going to create on the canvas this shift from fear to love. The canvas is a symbol of our life and its infinite potential. As you paint, you will be able to align with and get to know your Infinite Creator Self. Because EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING is more effective than linear thinking, the ACT of painting will allow you the time and space to more fully integrate the new teaching. Words alone can only sink into part of our awareness. When supplemented with EXPERIENCE, the learning is exponentially increased. The blank canvas is a symbol of your life, the possibilities and potential available to us, how powerfully and completely we create our reality in each moment, our ability to create the energy, the feeling, with which we want to surround ourselves. As you step up to the canvas, your Soul steps up to the canvas. It is just on the other side. The canvas, and the creative act of painting, is what creates the overlap. While at the canvas, your Soul will speak to you and you will feel yourself changing. Step #5 THE CHOICE DO YOU WANT TO MAKE THIS SHIFT TO LOVE AND TO SUPER SOUL FLOW? This 7-week meditation course is not for everyone. You may not be ready to receive this new perspective. That is ok. It is a choice. You can always choose. As the sole creator of your experience, do you choose to create from love?!6

7 We have mentioned that in this course you will be guided by symbols. An example of this is how Whitney Freya received so much of this content. In the fall of 2016 she was seeing feathers and wings everywhere. She also happened to be learning how to fly with her paraglider (called a wing. ) While painting for meditation she painted a feather. Noticing how happy it made her, she asked herself, What does the feather mean to me now? She wrote onto the paper, Lightness of being That led to a memory of the story of the Egyptian Goddess MAAT, who weighs your heart against a feather. Only if your heart is lighter than a feather can you enter the afterlife. Having traveled to Egypt, Whitney was familiar with this story, but had always had the involuntary thought, of course anyone s heart will weigh more than a feather. AND this fall she was able to receive it differently. Of course, it is symbolic. It is about a lightness of being. If we can live with a lightness, rather than heavy, hard, serious, dense then we can pass into the afterlife. The feather and the wings (and the actual physical experience of flying off of mountains at her home in Oregon) gave her a waking meditation, a way to connect to this lightness of being any time she desired. This is where the call, Rise Above, her new book, and this course originated. Now it is here for you. Are you ready to fly? I AM THE SOLE CREATOR OF MY EXPERIENCE. You create your reality. You have attracted to you opportunities to learn, grow and strengthen your emotional, spiritual self. NOTHING has happened in your life outside of the LAW OF LOVE. YES continue. NO this is not for you.!7

8 Step #6 IMPORTANT PLANETARY ASPECT OF THIS WORK As you remember the truth of who you are, you will make it possible for others on a planetary level to remember as well. YOU are attracted to this meditation practice IF you are part of the Rainbow Warrior population, those who have been born to DREAM INTO REALITY a New Earth. In other words, you will be attracted to this if you are meant to learn Super Soul Flow and if you are not, you simply have other work to do. When YOU make the shift in your own life, remembering the WHOLENESS of who we are, because of who YOU are, it will ripple out to the entire planet. As you heal, you make it more possible for others to heal. With this experience we are bringing heaven down to earth. Because heaven is simply the place where love rules. Each one of us that brings in this energy expands the energy of heaven on earth. So an important thing to remember in this journey is that everything you do to inspire and empower yourself, will also make a difference on a planetary scale. We are no longer seeing ourselves as separate from the whole and limited in potential, we are interconnected, one and INFINITE beings. The Super Soul Flow Meditation Course is a journey into your next level of Self-Mastery.!8

9 Step #7 REMEMBERING YOUR NATURAL FLOW This SSF Meditation Course is designed to provide you with a blueprint that you will be able to follow and use from now on in your life to consistently access your infinite self and live from a perspective of love rather than fear. When you complete your SSF Lessons, it will come naturally to you. You will recognize a feeling that is a shade of fear, you will ask yourself, Do I want to continue to feel this way? If not, you shift to the remembering that you are in truth a UNION of your Soul and your Body, and from that perspective you can CREATE the change to feel differently, bringing yourself back into a state of love. BLUEPRINT 1. FEAR I FEEL fearful (worried, sad, angry, overwhelmed, stressed, limited, stuck, trapped ) 2. CHOOSE I CAN choose to stay in this vibration OR Rise Above 3. UNION I AM an infinite being having a physical experience. Oh yeah! I can reunite with the aspect of me who has exactly what I need right now. 4. CREATE I RECEIVE my Super Soul Flow by tuning in to my creative frequency. RainbowBridgeFM. I paint with light. I AM an Artist of the Spirit. 5. LOVE I RISE to the vibration of love. I look at life from a higher perspective that is informed by infinite possibility. I have my wings! Are you willing and ready to shift from fear to love and from a limited, physical being to an infinite, energetic being? YES?!9

10 Step #8 THE TREASURE YOU SEEK IS YOU REUNITED, HEART & SOUL FREYA KNOT ACTIVATION. As above so below. YOU are the diamond in the middle, the treasure, the chalice through which your Super Soul wants to FLOW. Without this awareness, this box becomes a cage. When we block the love coming at us from above and below, we live in fear and trap ourselves there. We are going to allow this symbol to teach you and introduce you to new ways to receive the flow. FIRST let s do a guided meditation and say YES to this shift. GUIDED MEDITATION = ACTIVATION as above so below. HOMEWORK: Paint FREEDOM You are FREE from the cage! The paint brush is the portal to your next level of personal freedom. The process will give you an opportunity to choose fear over love and connect to the infinite possibilities available to you in each moment with YOU as the infinite creator! To paint FREEDOM, we recommend simply painting color on the canvas. Make your mark. Don t try to paint any THING. Paint whatever you want. You are FREE to just play with color! In each of the next 6 sessions, you will be guided into a meditation in which you will be able to access any wisdom, any insight or guidance that you desire. The secret is that everything you could possibly desire is ALREADY being experienced by YOU! How do we get to that knowing? Stay tuned!10

11 The Super Soul Flow Meditation Course Session II In this session, you will experience your first Super Soul Flow Meditation. This process is brand new and not being taught in this same way anywhere else, in this physical plane! So, if it feels a bit uncomfortable at first you are on the right track. You will become more and more fluent with this meditation process. Think about you as a small child compared to you now. Did the potential for everything you are now, everything you have learned and experienced, exist within you as a small child? Yes. Were you aware of all of that potential as a small child? Of course not. There were DIMENSIONS of yourself that you did not know yet. For most of you, there has been a significant spiritual journey in the past several years. Right? Remember to your beginning of that journey. Remember how some ideas felt so uncomfortable and now you enjoy them? It will be the same with this process. Since YOU chose to expand into your Super Soul Flow, you are ready and here in perfect timing, to receive this new lens. Step #1 Introducing you to your Multi-Dimensional Self Throughout our time together, you will learn to see yourself as a Multi- Dimensional Being. You will recognize how certain aspects of you tend to show up in different situations. You will become more proficient and choosing when and where and WHICH aspects of you show up. Maybe there is an aspect of you that has shown up regularly and taken you further away from what you want. What if there was another aspect of you that you could invite in to get your moving forward again? Sound good? I thought so.!11

12 You understand how different aspects of you show up in different situations, right? Just think of how you show up at your parents house or a family gathering as opposed to a Girls Night Out! You ARE an infinite being. This is a key idea that we want to have in common throughout this course. This means EVERYTHING is available to you. There are aspects of you that simply exist outside of the physical plane of matter that are always with you, guiding you, and influencing your day to day as much as the weather. For example, the Wise Woman you that shows up when a dear friend is in need, or your child is sad, also wants to join in when YOU need her wisdom. AND there is an even WISER aspect of you waiting for an invitation. Remember the Super Soul Flow Blueprint: fear - choice - union - create (call in the aspect of you who is already there) model-love? Step #2 The DIAMOND Graphic Because of our physical reality and patterning, we tend to get comfortable in one perspective or one story about the way life is or the person you are. In truth you are more like a multi-faceted diamond. You are THAT precious and have THAT many (and many more) facets to who you are and WHAT is available to you. We want to introduce you now to the DIAMOND DRAWING. We are going to fill in up to 9 facets of you during this meditation course and then you can continue on your own. This is about empowering you to access the wisdom within. When you have read that you have all the wisdom you need within you, it is because of and dependent on your recognizing this nature of you. We ve been raised in a culture that only illuminates a very small part of you you truly are. When you see ALL of you, you will know how precious, like the diamond, you are! Use the graphic on the following page to fill in the different facets of you as you get to know them, or connect to them.!12

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14 Step #3 What are the 4 things you WORRY about the most? The way we know we are NOT in Super Soul Flow is when we are worrying. We only worry when we are in FEAR. We only worry when we believe we don t or won t have everything we need to succeed. Worry and stress weight down our hearts, cause our bodies to age more rapidly, and harm our relationships and personal performance.!14

15 The more time you spend in Super Soul Flow, the less you will WORRY and the more you will RISE ABOVE life s challenges. You will learn to spend that precious imaginative power imagining, or visualizing, what you WANT. What are the top 4 things that you worry about? Not having enough money? Your romantic relationship(s), or lack thereof? Finding your life s purpose? Your kids future? Not being good enough, smart enough, wealthy enough to make happen? Your health? Your future security? Make a list of your top 4 worries and in this and the next sessions we will meditate to call in the aspect of you that has just what you need to replace your worry with confidence and belief and optimism. The 4 Things I Spend Time Worrying About the Most !15

16 Step #4 Introduction to Your First Self-Channeling, or Super Soul Flow Meditation Since this is the first time you have done this, be gentle with yourself. Just like learning anything for the first time, we are not typically instant experts. Allow yourself the time and space to receive this new meditation practice. I guarantee that by the end of our 7th session you will be doing this as you wash the dishes! We are ONLY calling in aspects of you that are here to serve your highest and greatest good. LOVE is the law of the Universe. You can trust whatever comes to mind. Your intuition may feel like a random thought or you may judge it as too easy or wrong or simple. WHATEVER COMES TO MIND, of all the things that could come to mind, is information for you. You have to ASK out loud to connect to the aspect of you: I choose to connect to the aspect of me that no longer worries about. The aspect of you that arrives is only here to love and support you. She knows only love. As you see this aspect of you coming closer notice her smile, her outstretched arms You will become more and more comfortable with this process so allow this first time to be the first time. There is no right or wrong. There IS new insight and wisdom that will be offered to you in the process. And so it is. Look at the FEELING MANDALA to connect to the kaleidoscope of feelings available to you. This will help you answer the questions during the meditation.!16

17 Step #5 Go into your Freya Knot and EXPERIENCE Super Soul Flow We are going to go into your Freya Knot and this is where you can go anytime to access your own inner wisdom. This sacred geometric space is where you can go each time to access your Super Soul Flow. SEE + FEEL the love coming to you from below + above.!17

18 Feel the infinity signs on either side of your flowing and connecting heaven and earth. EMDR move your eyes, while they are closed, to follow the flow of energy all around you. The process of moving your eyes in the figure eight pattern will synchronize the two hemispheres of your brain and open you up to receive in a new way. Step #6 QUESTIONS TO ASK DURING SELF-CHANNELING While you are in your meditation, your Creatively Fit Coach will ask you questions. If you are doing this with a group, you can have your phone recorder there to record the guidance you receive. You can mute yourself on the group call and turn on your recorder. Otherwise, when you finish each meditation, have your journal handy to make notes. How do you feel as you connect to this aspect of you? What is the predominant feeling of being (with) her right now? How would you describe this aspect of you? What does she want to to know right now that will help you? What did she do to be successful in? What advice does she have for you right now? What energy does she want you to focus on right now bathe in that energy. What insight does she want to share with you into your current situation? What does she want you to let go of in order to move forward? What does she want you to experience in your life right now? What does she look like? What is she wearing? She wants to give you a talisman to remember her by. It is a small enough to fit in your hand. Ask her to share it with you now. What is it? This is your YANTRA to connect to this aspect of you.!18

19 #7 Journal, stream of consciousness After you connect to each aspect of you, we invite you to start a journal entry JUST for this YOU. Name her. Describe her. What are her strengths? What is she wearing? What is her story? What did she do to get to be this aspect of you. Please share more about your experience. Was it comfortable or not? What came easily and what was more challenging? Remember, you are going to get more and more familiar with this process. This is YOU the real YOU. YOU are so much more than your limited experience in this lifetime. You are an infinite being with infinite forms of expression. Yay! #8 Homework In between each session we invite you to listen to the guided meditations that you will be provided, fill in more in your journal entry about the aspect of you to which you just connected, and PAINT. The guided meditations are provided in a downloadable format. Listen to it each day, or at least three times before your next session. In the Super Soul Flow Blueprint, the CREATE step refers to the fact that you are creating energy in each moment. We often process or experience this energy as FEELING. During your Super Soul Flow Painting Meditation Practice you are going to symbolically create the energy you desire, the energy you experienced during your Self- Channeling SSF Meditation AT THE CANVAS.!19

20 Paint the energy (from SSF/Rise Above book) that supports the shift from fear (worry) to love on your WING canvas. We are going to paint layers and layers and then your WINGS! Identify the predominant FEELING that you received from this Aspect of You that you connected with today. OR pick a feeling from the book, Rise Above Self-Love, Abundance, Peace, Fearlessness? Thank you for EXPANDING into MORE of who you are today! Enjoy stepping into your Super Soul Flow this week! See you in Session II. SUPPLIES: Writing journal, a new one for this course. The Super Soul Flow Meditation Course Workbook (available digitally or in paperback). Your Meditation Canvas and a set of acrylic paints. Your canvas can be horizontal to support your final image of your WINGS, or there is always a way to paint wings on a canvas. OPTIONAL: your own deck of Super Soul Flow Meditation Course Cards to guide you through your own Super Soul Flow experiences. Go to for more information.!20

21 SCRIPT for Super Soul Flow Meditations Decide now: I choose to connect to the aspect of me who Begin by taking three deep breaths. In & out As you breathe in, connect to the feeling of being in your body. Feel your body heavy on your chair. Feel the chair as it is supported by the floor. Send your awareness, with each out breath, through the floor and into the earth. Exhale down through the layers of rocks, minerals, crystals, and underground reservoirs. As you breath in, inhale the expansive, abundant love from deep within Mother Earth. Feel her love coming up, up, up, from her heart center, until you are completely embraced by her energy of love. Her embrace now forms the top of your diamond space above you. With your next exhale send you awareness to the top of your head and imagine yourself floating up, up, through the ceiling, the clouds, the sky and into the cosmos. Sense the light of the sun and the stars showering you with expansive love. Inhale and breathe into your diamond space all the love from above. You are now comfortably present within your sacred diamond space, the translucent walls glittering and sparkling around you. Now, allow your awareness to guide your eyes up and to the right, as you connect to the infinity symbol circulating the love of above and below into your diamond space. Follow the flow up, up into the cosmos as it scoops up the love from the stars and delivers it back to its center in your diamond space. Then, follow the flow of love down, down, into the Earth where it scoops up all the Gaia love and brings it into your diamond space. Up and!21

22 SCRIPT for Super Soul Flow Meditations, con t down, around and around. Now look up and to the left. Follow this same flow of energy with your eyes, up, down, around, down, up and around Repeat after me, I choose to connect to the aspect of me who. This aspect of you is now coming into your view. Receive her. Don t worry if she is not as clear, or if she is coming slowly. KNOW she is right here and allow her to reveal herself to you however she is doing so. FEEL what it is like to be in her space. HOW does she make you feel? What feeling is she radiating? She is bathing you in a particular feeling right now to assist you. Take 30 seconds to just FEEL her energy.. What does she want to to know right now that will help you? What does she want you to experience more of in your life right now? What advice does she have for you? What insight does she want to share with you into your current situation? What did she do to successfully? What does she want you to let go of in order to move forward? What fear does she want you to let go of? Instead, what does she want you to focus on? What is the very next step she is showing you right now?!22

23 SCRIPT for Super Soul Flow Meditations, con t She has a gift for you now. She wants to give you a symbol to remember her by. This symbol will connect you back to her energy whenever it comes into your mind It fits comfortably inside her hand. She is extending her hand to give it to you now. Receive it in your hand and look at it. What is it? Express gratitude to her for your gift. Now look at her and notice how she is dressed, her hair, her expression. What stands out about her? You may see her or you may see a color or feel a feeling. Just receive her presence again now. Express gratitude to her for her presence. When you feel complete, take three deep breaths to come out of the meditation. Breathe in and out. Feel yourself come back into your chair, sitting comfortably. Feel the clothes on your skin. Reconnect to your breath. Wiggle your fingers and toes. When you are ready, open your eyes.!23

24 The Super Soul Flow Meditation Course Session III **How was it getting to know your new aspect of you from first session?** How is meditating on this different aspect of you different from other ways you have been taught to meditate, or attract what you want, etc.? Do you feel like you ve met a new friend, or does she FEEL like a part of you already? Maybe you recognize that she has been knocking on your door recently? In this session we are going to explore two new ideas that will support your Super Soul Flow Meditation Experience. Step #1 Introducing the Space of Variations The Space of Variations is an idea from the audio book you can listen to on YouTube by Vadim Zeland. Let me try to introduce this idea to you in a practical way. The Space of Variations refers to all the different ways we can approach life in each moment. You can think of the variations as colors on a palette, words you could say, thoughts you could think, ways you could interpret or react to an event, or aspects of YOU that are available to you in any given moment. We can often get stuck thinking, and feeling, like we only have one or two options, when, in reality, the Space of Variations is almost infinite. Here s a fun analogy: SOUP.!24

25 Is there really an end to the list of all the ways you could prepare a pot of soup? Consider each grain of salt. One Space of Variations would have your soup contain 1,000 grains of salt and another Space of Variation would have it containing 1,001. You could add carrots, or not half a small onion or half a large onion See what I mean? Infinite possibilities in one pot of soup! So YOU also have a Space of Variations. Consider all the different tones of voice you could use to say hello to someone, or all the different ways you could interpret news of something (a flight, school, a play, your department at work ) being cancelled. Is there any end to the subjects of conversation you could bring up around the dinner table, or the conference table? What about the YOU that shows up in the room with your children after you ve just been listening to your favorite 80 s song vs. the YOU that shows up after reading an old letter from your deceased, beloved grandmother. The idea of the Space of Variations is that it can make us aware of the INFINITE POSSIBILITIES available to us in each moment and give us a perspective that allows us to CHOOSE which variation we want to access in any given moment. Think of all the different ways you could drive home from work, all the different ways you could prepare dinner, all the different ways you could respond to your partner, child. Think of your consciousness as a radio. With just a small turn to the left or right, you can tune into a different reality. We can do the same in our life. We can wake up feeling overwhelmed or hopeless and CHOOSE to move out of that space and into one where we see the magic everywhere, or one where we know everything is guiding us along our highest path. Likewise, you can think of all the different aspects of you, surrounding you, just waiting for you to step into their perspective as many different ways as one event can be perceived, there exists comparable aspects of you that can look and react to your world differently.!25

26 YouTube audio book: Website: In each of these simple examples, imagine that you call in the variation, or aspect of you, in which you stay calm during the traffic jam, prepares dinner as a meditation, as a celebration, as or stays super patient, and in your love, during conversation with partner, child, etc. We introduce these different ideas to you because one may click easier than another. Today, as you go about your daily routine, you could connect to the Space of Variations that exists alongside each task. For example, as you do the dishes you could listen to an infinite number of songs, audio books you could imagine into an infinite number of future realities call any number of old or new friends, record an audio for your child to listen to today, next year, when she graduates, when she gets married SEE!? This Super Soul Flow Meditation Course is helping you to create a new level of mindfulness in each moment. There are SO many options from that perspective how can we feel stuck, hopeless, like a failure or? Here is another fun idea!beginnings #2 There are only BEGINNINGS This idea may seem super Zen after Space of Variations. What if there were ONLY beginnings? Let s explore how this idea might change the way you have judged aspects of your life in the past. When you look back on your life, can you see how things, relationships or achievements that may have been labeled ENDINGS could also be looked at as a new BEGINNING? Even the moment just after a beautiful closure could be looked at as a beginning. It is the beginning of life with this previous chapter closed.!26

27 Does anything NEW begin without being informed or influenced by something we have already experienced in the past? Does anything in our past, or anything that might have ended, exist in a bubble never influencing what comes next? No. Right? When you choose a different, and NEW, variation than the one you have normally chosen up until now, nothing ends, right? There is just a shift. It s like a vine or a tree, constantly growing, branching always beginning again. Living from your multi-dimensional self there are just choices, no endings, only beginnings. What does it mean when you look at events and life as if there are only beginnings and no endings? How tied to endings are our stories around failure and sadness? Can anything really fail or be wrong if there are no endings? Are you feeling stuck, or are you just being shown a new beginning? From the perspective of your infinite Soul, the one that wants to FLOW through you, could there ever be an ending? It is infinite. FEEL how judging somethings as bad, wrong, stuck, finished, ended shows up in your body? Do you feel boxed in? Stuck in muck? Or do you feel that pit in your stomach? NOW FEEL into the mantra there are only beginnings. FEEL the flow of a river that is never dammed, blocked or drained. FEEL energy moving freely when we are not trying to tell it to end. Isn't it fascinating how a simple label can change everything? Now, let s explore some variations of beginnings in our next meditation!27

28 Step #3 Your 4 things you WORRY about the most? Let s pick the next one. In the last session you listed four things that you worry about the most. In each of our sessions, we will tick one of these off the list OR you may choose to change your focus to access a different aspect of you that has come up. For today, do you want to pick another worry from your list to inform which aspect of you we are going to meditate with or do you want to make any adjustments? Remember, there are only beginnings! #4 Second Self-Channeling / Super Soul Flow Meditation Here are the steps we will follow, and you can use on your own, for each meditation where you connect to a different aspect of you that has already experienced what you want to experience so that she can share her wisdom, her benefit of hindsight, with you. First, remember these basics: We are ONLY calling in aspects of you that are here to serve your highest and greatest good. LOVE is the law of the Universe. These aspects of you only know LOVE, so they are never going to offer any advice or insight that is not wrapped up in the energy of love. You want to ask to connect to each particular aspect of you, and ask your questions, OUT LOUD. If you are doing this in a group, you can mute yourselves as the Creatively Fit Coach guides you through the meditation (and record what you ask and the answers you get with your phone or other recording device). You will get more and more fluent in this style of meditation. This is new. Allow it to become more comfortable and clear each time.!28

29 Second, here are the steps you will follow for each meditation, or selfchanneling: #1 Set an intention for which aspect of you, WHO, you want to connect to. Pick the YOU that feels the deepest inner peace, who has successfully launched her new business, is in her Soul Mate romantic relationship, has raised the happiest kids WHICH aspect of you do you want to talk to? Choose first. #2 Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. #3 Imagine your Freya Knot (rename this sacred space if you like AND allow it to show up however it does) enveloping you in the light of pure love. Imagine yourself sitting in that diamond space in the middle, with the infinity signs flowing on either side of you. Follow the flow of the infinity shape with your eyes to synchronize your left and right hemispheres. You will also be provided with a guided meditation that you can use at any point to facilitate this step. #4 State out loud, I choose to connect to the aspect of me who. #5 Imagine this aspect of you coming into your view. Receive her. Don t worry if she is not as clear, or coming slowly. KNOW she is right here and allow her to reveal herself to you however she is doing so. #6 FEEL what it is like to be in her space. HOW does she make you feel? What is her vibe? What feeling is she radiating? Take 60 seconds to just FEEL. #7 Ask your questions out loud. During your sessions (private or in the group) you will be given questions to prompt your meditation. At any point recognize if other questions are coming up and feel free to ask those. There is NEVER any right or wrong in this process. It is what it is, there are infinite variations and only beginnings! wink wink #8 PAUSE to receive the answers, advice, insight from this aspect of you. Don t feel the need to rush. You can tell when a message comes through because they are always simple truths. Once Whitney Freya was!29

30 reminded in a meditation, Today is not the same day as yesterday. Simple and obvious, right? And, then, so profound when you consider how we allow our yesterdays to cloud the skies of our NOW s. Don't rush. If you need more time, take it. You can let us know or, if in the group, just stay open and allow what wants to happen to happen. #9 When you feel finished, express your gratitude, and take three deep breaths to come out of the meditation. Allow this energy to linger around you. Move back into your life slowly. #10 JOURNAL to get to know this aspect of you. Devote a page or two to each aspect of you, or use the Super Soul Flow Meditation Workbook. Note what each aspect of you was wearing, colors? Jewelry? What are her strengths? What is her dominant personality aspect that can help you now? Write about her like she is a real person and notice how she pops into your mind from now on, with tips, nudges, words of wisdom, etc. #11 Tap into the YOU that is EXPANDED now. YOU are being given access to this practice because you are ready. Otherwise, you would not have found yourself here. You are LUCKY! Woohooo! This is YOU the real YOU. YOU are so much more than your limited experience in this lifetime. Yay! Ready? Let s go!!30

31 QUESTIONS TO ASK DURING SELF-CHANNELING If other questions come to you or feel more comfortable, make a note of those. Remember, if you are doing this with a group, you can have your phone recorder there to record the guidance you receive. You can mute yourself on the group call and turn on your recorder. Otherwise, when you finish each meditation, have your journal handy to make notes. How do you feel as you connect to this aspect of you? What is the predominant feeling of being (with) her right now? How would you describe this aspect of you? What does she want to to know right now that will help you? What did she do to be successful in? Remember what she did to create the experience that you want to experience. What are the steps she took? What did she do differently? Who did she ask for help? What advice does she have for you right now? What energy does she want you to focus on right now bathe in that energy. What insight does she want to share with you into your current situation? What does she want you to let go of in order to move forward? What does she want you to experience in your life right now? What does she look like? What is she wearing? She wants to give you a talisman to remember her by. It is a small enough to fit in your hand. Ask her to share it with you now. What is it? This is your YANTRA to connect to this aspect of you.!31

32 #6 Homework Your homework is intended to help you get to know this process more and more. You can listen to the guided meditations, or one of them, each day, every other day. You get to choose how much energy you pour into this experience. There is no right or wrong. Just ask yourself, What do I want? Each week writing in your journal, filling in the character description of each aspect of you and receiving new insight or guidance is always a good thing to do. Your Painting Meditation CREATES this energy into your physical reality even more. It CREATES space for you to visualize and connect to the ideas and visions, the VARIATIONS, that you want to experience in your life. It is the CREATIVE ACTION that will lead to NEW creative ACTION off the canvas. This is vital to this course. This week: Listen to the SofV guided meditation. Allow the Freya Knot meditation to support your own Super Soul Flow time. Paint the energy (from SSF/Rise Above book) that supports the shift from fear (worry) to love on your WING canvas. We are going to paint layers and layers and then your WINGS! NOTES!32

33 The Super Soul Flow Meditation Course Session IV **How are you experiencing your Super Soul Flow?** We hope that you are experiencing a deepening sense of inner peace and optimism. Your worries are being replaced by your new awareness of the infinite nature of who you are and to what you have available to you. In this session, in addition to your third Self-Channeling, you will be guided into a new connection with your Gaia Self. You can choose to see yourself, your energy and your life, intimately woven into the fabric of Mother Earth. The result is an expanded sense of union with your life and your surroundings. It gives you access to an entirely new palette of possibility and reservoirs of wisdom and nourishment. We being with two ideas that will support both of these meditations. Step #1 Introducing the idea of LISTENING to YOU This type of listening is subtle. Imagine sitting under a tree, leaning against its strong trunk, and listening to the tree. Would you actually be able to hear what it has to say. Maybe, and probably not. (some people do hear trees) AND you would think different thoughts? Might a unique variety of thoughts pass into your consciousness? Probably yes. This isn't the logical, linear, hear-it-out-loud kind of listening we are exploring today. It is a listening that connects you to your knowing. It is almost like a remembering. You know when those random memories pop into your mind? You weren t trying to remember, something stimulated the memory in an instant. This is the kind of listening we will explore today.!33

34 Instead of listening to everyone else, the media, etc. you are tapping into your Super Soul Flow. As situations arise to create WORRY (remember our Blueprint), you choose (who to listen to) and that is remembering union and then moving forward, creating, appropriately. Step #2 Super Soul Flow is about RECEIVING, not Forcing You aren't going to get knocked down, stuck or trapped, punished or denoted if you don't get your Super Soul Flow you will E-X-P-A-N-D as you align to receive your Super Soul Flow. See the difference. It is not out of fear that you work to master this meditation. It is out of an increasing love for all the ways you are discovering that you are being guided and loved that you choose to gift yourself the time to receive your Super Soul Flow. We choose to go with the current (receive), rather than fight and struggle to get to where we think we should go (force). Anytime it feels like we are fighting against something (fear in the Blueprint) we CHOOSE, remember union, and then create the change reframe the story OR stop to see if one door is closing because there is another, more open door. #3 Your 4 things you WORRY about the most? Let s pick the next one. Who do you choose to connect with today? Look back over your list of things that you have spent time worrying about. Which one still holds the most worry energy? Is there a new one. Any adjustments? What has triggered you this week? What knocked you out of your flow? What pulled you down or weighed on your heart?!34

35 #4 Third Self-Channeling Refer to the guidelines in the previous chapter, Session #3, or the script at the end of Session #2. #5 Journal, stream of consciousness How was this meditation / selfchanneling? Is it feeling easier, more familiar? What are your biggest takeaways from this meditation? You are keeping a written journal entry specific to each aspect of you that you connect with during your meditations, or self-channelings, right? And you can fill in the facets of your diamond self in the diamond graphic. Ask them to share about the experience. Explain how they are going to get more and more familiar with this process. This is YOU the real YOU. YOU are so much more than your limited experience in this lifetime. Yay!!35

36 #6 We are going to connect to your GAIA self. Historically, as human beings, we lived in intimate relationship with Mother Earth. Biologically speaking, we are made of the same combination of elements as the stars and Mother Earth. There is an aspect of you that IS in that same intimate relationship where you and Mother Earth are one. Since our modern culture has severed the umbilical cord between the earth and her people, this meditation will connect you in a whole new way and give you a totally different perspective from which to view your home, in a larger sense. Bill Plotkin, author of Soul Craft, teaches that without a meaningful and creative relationship to our earth environment we are not able to live our fully realized self. To be truly happy, fulfilled and content we have to honor and take action to nurturing our interdependent relationship with Mother Earth. This is the aspect of you that you will connect to in this mediation is in perfect union with Gaia, Mother Earth. AIR FIRE WATER EARTH are the traditional four elements that indigenous cultures honored in their rituals. They make up our planet and they are within you and me. AIR = breath, FIRE = energy (electrical synapses that fire in our brain), WATER = our blood (we are made up of the same % of water as the land/ ocean % on earth), and EARTH = our bones, skeleton. Grounding Elemental Meditation Audio: this guided meditation weaves your awareness into the earth energies. Do you choose to connect to the aspect of you that is in perfect union with Mother Earth? Yes, I choose to connect!36

37 QUESTIONS TO ASK DURING GAIA SELF-CHANNELING: How do you feel as you connect to this aspect of you? What is the feeling of being (with) her right now? How would you describe the place where you are right now? What element does she want you to work with right now to support your highest and greatest good? What does she want to help you manifest or grow right now in your life? What does she want to to know right now that will help you? She is going to show you an animal totem right now to guide you. Allow your animal totem to come into your vision. What is it? What advice does she have for you right now? What energy does she want you to focus on right now bathe in that energy. What insight does she want to share with you into your current situation? What does she want you to let go of in order to move forward? What does she want you to experience in your life right now? What does she look like? How would you describe this aspect of you? What is she wearing? She wants to give you a talisman to remember her by. It is a small enough to fit in your hand. Ask her to share it with you now. What is it? This is your YANTRA to connect to this aspect of you.!37

38 #7Homework Listen to the Grounding Elemental guided meditation each day. Your Soul is here to help you if you tune in. Paint the energy (from SSF/Rise Above book) that supports the shift from fear (worry) to love on your WING canvas. We are going to paint layers and layers and then your WINGS! For GAIA self paint energy of ABUNDANCE: buffalo, lotus flower, the sun NOTES!38

39 The Super Soul Flow Meditation Course Session V **How are you experiencing the your Super Soul Flow?** #1 Painting is Meditation. Why is painting a part of Super Soul Flow? Your Painting Meditation Practice ensures that you integrate all you are learning in the guided and self-led meditations on many more levels. We are used to thinking, writing and talking about our experiences this level of processing, being left brain in nature because of our language, only allows the new awareness to sink in to a certain level. When you paint, you engage your right brain, intuitive, infinite, holistic awareness. You spend more TIME AND ENERGY processing what you are learning, receiving, and it will have a deeper impact. It s like planting seeds in so-so soil and planting seeds in rich, dark, perfectly prepared and balanced soil. Which seeds will grow more abundantly? Painting helps to till your awareness and stir in new intuitive, infinite-in-nature, awareness and memories. Your meditation will bear more fruit by the addition of your painting meditation. The canvas is where you experience the act of creating your new perspective, letting in a new aspect of you that is here to serve your highest and greatest good. The canvas connects the world of matter to the world of consciousness. Creativity raises your vibration and takes you out of the logical, linear, ego-based mindset that can not receive a new aspect of you. And it is a powerful metaphor. And it raises your vibration. And it engages the entire symbolic language to lend its unique wisdom What have you noticed so far for yourself?!39

40 #2 Introducing the idea of B-E-L-I-E-F Whatever you believe, you are right. If you believe your childhood, your parents, your past relationships at all define you, limit you, restrict you, have damaged you you are right. There is nothing WRONG with any of these beliefs. The question is simply, What do you want? You have probably had some very challenging and traumatic experiences in your life that have led you to believe that you or some THING are a certain way. You are not wrong. You are right. Whatever you think, you are right. You get to choose. Likewise, if you believe 100%, without a doubt, that no matter what, standing on your head with green striped socks on your feet, while listening to Mozart, will help you to lose weight, increase your IQ, lower your cholesterol it probably will at least to a certain extent. If you believe that no matter how much you work out or diet you will never lose weight you are right. If you really, really, really want to earn a higher income, but have a deeply buried belief that you are not worthy, or that wealthy people are mean, then you probably won t earn a higher income no matter what you try. What you believe is your truth. YOU create your reality. So what do you need to do to align your desires with your beliefs? Do THAT! This Super Soul Flow Meditation Course is reminding you of a way to BELIEVE that whatever it is you desire is accessible to you, already a part of YOUR experience maybe just not your experience in this lifetime up until now. And, by understanding that YOU as an infinite being, by nature, HAVE TO have access to anything and everything, we are giving your left brain, logical mind, a pathway it can follow out of disbelief and into the reality you create! Boom!!40

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