MEDITATION FOR HEALING. Spiritual Warrior I Class One (Transcript)

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1 MEDITATION FOR HEALING Spiritual Warrior I Class One (Transcript) What is meditation? The process of meditation allows us to take a break, to relax. It's a method of letting go of tension and of giving ourselves time time to create a perfect bubble of peace. The practitioner is able to pace himself or herself through the day by setting aside specific times each day for going within and thereby gaining a much-needed respite from a turbulent world. Why would anyone want to meditate? Meditation is primarily about energy, about increasing and storing energy. This energy-gain helps develop [the] strength and power we need to create real and lasting changes in our current life situation. It provides us with the energy that we need for healing. Meditation quiets inner confusion and feelings of being overwhelmed by circumstances. It supports finding the calm and stable center which already exists within us and brings to us the peace that comes with inner and outer balance. When we feel balanced and energized, it is far easier to deal with our material world. Meditation assists with healing. Why is this? Healing comes about when someone who is diseased, meaning they have lost their equilibrium, becomes willing either consciously or unconsciously to review and reorganize some of the fundamental, bedrock ways of perceiving and living. Disease is a sign that one's whole being is out-of-balance. The individual has developed beliefs, either conscious or unconscious, of a subtle self-destructive nature and, over a period of time, these destructive beliefs actually wear away the wellness or strength of the subtle physical body. Since the subtle physical body supports the life of the physical, this leaves the physical body to crumble. Meditation is also one of the most powerful tools on the path of self-discovery and, if continuously practiced, leads eventually to higher knowledge our knowledge of our true identity and all the way back to the Source. Self-discovery itself involves some reorganizing and balancing of the personality and, most importantly, the repair of the subtle physical body. The subtle physical body is damaged by life's problems, by negativity, and by the volatile energies of anger, hate, fear and pain. As the subtle body is made whole again, the practitioner is able to experience a much higher level of consciousness. It's a dynamic process and a powerful form of healing. Though generally used for healing and expanding of the separate limited personality, the universal principles applied in meditation and self-discovery are also valid for any form of healing, including healing of the physical, since all healing is one. And when these principles are truly lived, they bring about a complete revolution in the mind, body and emotions. Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 1

2 The body is not what it appears to be. As we know from modern physics, all matter is actually energy. The body is actually a body of energy, of Spirit. I use the terms interchangeably Spirit, which is as close as our breath, as imminent as our heartbeat, [and] energy is also consciousness. In fact, the terms Spirit, energy, consciousness, Light and power all have more or less the same meaning here. The body, then, is a body of consciousness, born of the same stuff of the Cosmos energy and shaped by many different frequencies which diversify it. It is our Eden, a macrocosm and a microcosm, a delicate instrument that can potentially pick up all of the resonances, all of the frequencies of existence, and reflect them in states of awareness, states of mind. To give a little metaphor for this (if you wouldn't mind), imagine rays of colored light dancing and mixing together in mid-air. The rays of colored light represent the frequencies of existence, and the air in which this light show takes place is the energy of Spirit. Our very existence, then, is in actuality both the energy of the Cosmos or the Ground of Being, and also the variety of all of the frequencies that make up creation. As I said, the body is not what it appears to be, but is much, much more and, paradoxically, also much less. Because of this, all of the magnificence of creation is available to us through the power that we have to resonate with both the densest and the most subtle qualities of life. The instrument, our body, has to be finely-tuned to be able to correctly receive, discern, and use the subtle energies of life force and of vitality. If it is covered with an overlay of negative beliefs and also of positive beliefs, in fact it becomes out-of-tune, and great distortions occur. Over time, these distortions result in illness. I do include the positive here, which may surprise you. One hears so much about being positive. A discussion of this is really beyond the scope of this tape, but I will give a brief review of why one must surrender attachment to both the negative and positive conditioning for the raising of consciousness to take place. There is something for us beyond negative and positive states of mind something beyond good and evil, beyond pain and pleasure, life and death something which is all pervasive, omnipotent. It is the quality of Spirit, of Universal Awareness, of Eternity, our Essence, something called the Self. It is what we seek, either knowingly or unknowingly, and it is the knowledge, the missing component that we need to bring the entity that we are back into balance. It is the awareness that we lost when we incarnated here in this world and what we secretly yearn for to find fulfillment and become complete. There is something here that we have to watch for. One can become trapped by the law of opposites, a law which states that all pairs of opposites are dynamically bound together therefore, you cannot have one side of a pair without having the other. The rest of the law states that everything will, in time, turn into its opposite therefore, if you seek pleasure, for example, you must of necessity experience pain. I give a lot more information about this law and discuss its full implications on the two Marriage of Spirit tapes. The body, to maintain itself as a seemingly separate instrument in the Unified Field, has an Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 2

3 electromagnetic system of surround activity which appears to isolate it in the homogenous energy field of Universal Mind. Now, this might sound a little complex it's not really. This is set up with negative and positive polarities. After the Fall which was a fall into separation from the direct knowledge of Spirit and Unity Consciousness and into the knowledge of good and evil or duality we were left with positive and negative poles in our magnetic field and no universal form with which to know and experience the knowledge of oneness. This resulted in a greater accentuation of our state of separation than ever before, and modern man has lived with this state of complete separation for quite some time about 6,000 years, perhaps more. Before that it wasn't as extreme. As we forgot about our cosmic nature and were subject to the spin of negative and positive polarization, this world became a world of opposites, as I said before. We have good and evil, war and peace, sickness and health, just to name a few. The effect was to downgrade our evolution and has led to most of the travails that we now face on the planet. The return to wholeness or health is our birthright. It is a return to Eden, a return to the knowledge of our universality, our greater body beyond negative and positive polarities. This is fairly easily accomplished, especially right now since now is the time for the return journey. In other words, what I am saying is that there has never been a time in all of recorded history when it was easier. The mystery teachings were shrouded in secrecy for centuries. They were available to a select few. Initiation usually required vows of renunciation and living the life of a monk. This was because man as a whole still had to fulfill his destiny as a separate, autonomous individual. This is no longer the case. The destiny has been fulfilled, and the return journey has begun. The teachings of the ancient mysteries are going public and have been revamped for the contemporary world. They appear now almost as new teachings with a much broader base only the core of Universal Truth remains the same. They have been simplified and made more straightforward, and are now more easily understood and more practical. They are available to anyone who is suffering or who is inspired to find more and feels drawn to them. Knowledge is our tool for transformation and liberation. The state of separativity has kept us in ignorance of our true nature. There are real answers to the question, "Who am I?" These answers are the liberation from our blindness, from limited human awareness liberation from seeing the world as negative and positive, liberation to truth and enlightenment an awakening, a true awakening. Seek these answers, and you find the secret of your own immortality. In the Tao Te Ching, it says: Empty yourself of everything. Let the mind rest at peace. The ten thousand things rise and fall while the Self watches their return. They grow and flourish and then return to the Source. Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 3

4 Returning to the Source is stillness, which is the way of nature. The way of nature is unchanging. Knowing constancy is insight. Not knowing constancy leads to disaster. Knowing constancy, the mind is open. With an open mind, you will be openhearted. Being openhearted, you will act royally. Being royal, you will attain the divine. Being divine, you will be at one with the Tao. Being at one with the Tao is eternal. And though the body dies, the Tao will never pass away. Tao 16, Tao Te Ching The Tao is another word for Unity Consciousness or the Unified Field. The Light of Eternity is real. It is a tangible, perceivable component to our being and our bodies and our lives. With practice, it can be seen with the naked eye. This is the inner energy which animates our body. It is called kundalini. When we have an abundance of this energy, many more things are possible for us. We are all much more than a physical body. We're actually a multidimensional continuum of bodies, several bodies. In fact, what I have called the subtle physical body is a term which covers several bodies several bodies that we have stretching, as it were, through the planes of existence. Each plane has its own body the light bodies which envelop through and around the physical body, more subtle than the physical, and each one more subtle than the next. To become aware of these light bodies is to extend the scope of our awareness beyond the normal limits for this world and vastly expand our awareness into other levels, thereby giving ourselves a far greater potential to draw on for life. The astral body, closest to the physical, has an anatomy or structure just as does the physical body, though it's quite different. It has seven chakras within the body and two that we'll address just outside the body. There is one just about eight inches above the head we will call it the Star Chakra and one below the feet which we will call the Earth Chakra. These are the ones we will be concerned with in the guided meditation on the other side of this tape. There are actually another four chakras above the star chakra making thirteen in all. Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 4

5 The chakras have been known and recorded in Indian, Tibetan, and Chinese scriptures for thousands of years. Some people can see them within the aura. They are cone-shaped vortices which spin, looking rather like flowers. The pointed end of the vortex leads off the Core. Now, the Core, or Shushumna as it's known in Sanskrit, is the most important of all of the nadis. The nadis are the psychic lines of energy like filaments of light, subtle circuitry through which the psychic energy flows. The meridians of the Chinese acupuncture system illustrate this. They are the grids and lattices which support the physical body with energy. The shushumna, as I said, is the primary nadi. It is located at the midline of the body, corresponding roughly with the spine. It's a powerful source of illumination and non-dualistic energy which we call Core Energy. To enter truly and fully into the Core is to experience great transcendence and non-separativity to partake of the wave of Light, the Golden White Light of Eternity. When we can live in the state where we hold and are grounded in this Core, we are centered, at peace within and fearless, and living in unconditional love. From here the world looks vastly different. The interconnectedness of all things is perceived. It is even possible to live in this state, a state of timelessness and changelessness, and also to interact with our world. This state is known as self-realization or enlightenment because we are fully awake to the Light of the Infinite, to the knowledge that all of existence and non-existence is the Self. To reach this state takes many years of meditation and self-inquiry. As we meditate and refine our being, and come to know ourselves on other levels, this state tends to emerge more and more. Unity Consciousness, or the Unified Field, has been called by many different names across the span of time the Shining Void, the Clear Light of Reality, Nirvana, to name just a few. It appears at times like an ocean the Ocean of Existence, an ocean shiny with liquid Light. At times, to one deeply immersed in meditation, it feels like a wave of Light which passes through one's body and through one's field of awareness, an endless wave which never breaks. It is a wave which rolls in and through one continuously a mighty flow, a current. And though it appears to, it never moves it just seems to shimmer and vibrate. It is always present with us, mostly unseen, sometimes sensed just beyond the edge of our awareness. This wave is even present during our involvement with life, except that at these times, it has simply become obscured by activity. But if we're attuned to knowing it and turn away from the busy-ness of the surface mind, drawing it aside as one would a curtain, the wave will be there again. It never went away. We were the ones who became distracted it was we, and the way in which we now see ourselves as separate and limited individuals who have played and are still playing unknowingly with the energy and light of this flow, and who manipulate it with our minds into thoughts and ideas. We have become so enamored and distracted by this activity, and the thoughts and ideas of our making, that we forget. We forget where we began, how we began and, most importantly, who we are. So, as you meditate, try and become like the thin air, let yourself go as completely as possible. Let yourself dissolve more and more into the Clear Light of Eternal Existence and remember, remember, remember who you are. Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 5

6 P R A Y E R Oh, Lord, make me one with thy vastness. Free me from petty concerns of mind attachments. Allow me to know those parts of me that are nearest to you and to discern when I block you. I am all things, many selves, all beings, and all beings are part of me. My way to the Light is in making coherent choices between all the aspects that I am. All that I receive comes from God. All that I give, I give to God. My expression is that I AM THAT. God is in the wind, in the trees. God is in the night, as well as in sun and snow. God is in all sorts of weather. God is here in the world, facing death and immortality. How the tide of life has swept in, leaving flagrant notions of immortality and identity as mere parts. And now, facing the transitory, we're left seeing, at last, that that which is nobility of spirit, that which is reverence, is the acceptance of perfection, of whatever is and has been. It was just perfect the way it was, the way it is. It seems that resolutions die on my lips, unspoken in the seeing. There s no past or future, nothing to change, only the acceptance, full and total not doing, making or trying. Just allowing perfection opens the Infinite Heart to the tide of Infinite and Eternal love just my True Identity, my Ultimate Reality, of Light. MEDITATION Let's meditate together. Our purpose in meditating is to move from our worldly state of consciousness into another more balanced, more peaceful and more happy state. At the beginning of meditation, we cannot hope to have that state of balance and happiness and peace otherwise, there would be no point in meditating. So we start at a state of anxiety, perhaps of inner confusion, of a sense of being in a hurry, of being overwhelmed perhaps typical states associated with a person in worldly consciousness. And as we begin to relax and let go of that, we move into the state of peace and happiness associated with the meditative state. So I would ask you to let go let go of everything that you're holding onto. A very simple way to facilitate the letting go process is to take several long, deep breaths. If you breathe in, breathe in very, very deeply right down into the abdomen long, deep breathes into the abdomen. Hold the breath for a moment and then breathe out. Repeat that perhaps five times breathe in, breathe out. As you breathe, release all of the negativity that you may be holding onto. Release all of the pain, fear, powerlessness, all of the confusion. Just let it go. Letting it go on the out-breath, breathe in Light, breathe out negativity. Breathe in peace, breathe out anxiety. The area where you will most feel the negativity is around the upper part of the solar plexus, right at the diaphragm. Breathe out the negativity there. Focus your attention on that spot. You can feel the negativity just consciously let it go, consciously relax it. As you breathe in breathing in the Light, breathing out the tension you will begin to feel a considerable change taking place. It can best be described perhaps as a sense of expanding. This Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 6

7 is what we want, a sense of your awareness field expanding, becoming larger, becoming more still, more relaxed. Now become aware of your body. You may be lying down on the floor or on a bed, or seated in a chair. If you're seated in a chair, make sure that your back is completely straight and that you are squarely placed on the chair with your feet flat on the floor no twisting, bending or curving anywhere. That is the ideal meditative position. With your awareness, check around inside your body to make sure that it's completely symmetrical, that there is no twisting. Feel around inside, all the way down to your feet, through your abdomen, through your chest, up to the top of your head. Becoming aware of the inside of your body is an important aspect of setting yourself up for meditation. It gives you a way to check that the inside of the body is centered and balanced. It also allows you to see where you are holding onto negativity, where you're blocking the flow of Light which will come into you as you meditate. Now, I'd like you to take your attention up to the top of your head. Right at the very top of your head, there is a little spot, the center of your Crown Chakra. Become aware of that for a moment. Now visualize something that would look like a neon tube traveling down from the spot on the top of your head, all the way down the midline of the body to the base of the spine. It is the luminous energy that supports the physical body, the psychic tube known as the Shushumna. We call it the Core a source of light and energy and awareness that feeds, nurtures, and supports the body. Focus on it, visualize it, see it. It exists within the subtle physical body and corresponds roughly to the spine. Allow your attention to hold the connection between the top of your head and the base of the spine along that central axis. Breathe deeply as you hold that attention. Now I'd like you to become aware of the different chakras. We'll do them one at a time, starting with the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is a cone-shaped vortex of spinning energy that comes forth from this tube of Light the small pointed end embedded in the Light and the large end pointing forward, out beyond the limits of your body into your aura. The center of the Heart Chakra is located in about the middle of your chest. You may put your finger there to get a sensation of where it would be. Allow the energy to flow forward from that Core of Light and fill the Heart Chakra. Now I would like you to move your awareness down to the Naval Chakra. This is a very large chakra that corresponds roughly to the area around the navel. It is the center of power in the body and in one's worldly activities the Heart Chakra being the center of love. Focus your attention on that area, drawing the energy once again from the Core forward into this chakra enlivening it, animating it, quickening it. Now move your awareness from that chakra up to the area of the Third Eye located between your eyebrows in the middle of your forehead. This chakra is a lot smaller, but shaped in the same manner as the others. Ultimately, it will be the seat of Wisdom for you. Repeat the process of bringing the Core energy forward to animate this chakra. Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 7

8 Now you may have an awareness of an increased luminosity throughout your awareness field, the inside of your body and throughout your aura. If this is happening, this is very fortunate. We're going to try and increase this power, this subtle energy flowing into the body. This is one of the purposes of meditation. This subtle luminosity that comes from higher consciousness, the Light of God you might say, is the source of the healing power, the regeneration and the peace that fills us when we meditate. This energy has the power to change your life. I would like you now to move your attention to a chakra which is located outside of the body about eight inches above your head a beautiful ball of Golden White Light. We call it the Star Chakra. Move your awareness up through the top of your head and find this ball of Golden White Light. It's really not difficult to find. Allow yourself to experience the quality of the energy in that chakra. It's very pure, very effulgent. Now, using your will, I'd like you to draw the energy down from the Star Chakra, all the way down that Core, down to the base of the spine, anchoring it into the base of the spine. Then let the energy divide and move down the center of each of your legs. There's a little chakra right in the middle of your feet, right in the middle of the sole. Let the energy go out through that little chakra, trying to feel and experience that sensation. There's a chakra about eight inches beneath your feet. We call that the Earth Chakra. Now, you're drawing the energy from the Star Chakra all the way down to the Earth Chakra where the two energies will mingle. Try to feel the subtle difference in the quality of the energy in the Earth Chakra compared to that of the energy in the Star Chakra. It [the Earth Chakra] has a solid, earthy kind of feel to it. It is more grounded. It has a support to it which is difficult to describe, but I'm sure you'll feel it, especially with practice. Now I want you to draw the energy of the Earth Chakra up, through the little chakras in your feet, all the way up your legs once again anchoring it into the base of the spine where it serves to ground you securely, give you a feeling of support. Then move the awareness up the spine again to the top of the head, out through the top of the head, and up into the Star Chakra where the earth energy mingles with the energy of the Star chakra. Now I would like you to repeat that process three times, moving fairly slowly. You must give yourself time to draw that energy down and feel it moving. This is not something that you can rush as we move through what is perhaps unfamiliar territory for you. You're trying to acclimatize to the subtle vibrations the subtle resonances of these different energies to sensitize your body to the vibrations. Your body is a delicate instrument. It needs to be tuned. What we're doing here is tuning it. As it becomes more finely tuned and more balanced and harmonious, it will resonate to life in a more perfect way, moving the energy up and down. When you've completed the three passes, center the energy once again in the Heart Chakra. Now I want you to begin expanding the energy that you've built up in the Core out into the aura. The aura is an energy field of Light awareness which is the subtle physical body. It's larger than the physical body, and it projects out anything from six inches to four to five feet. Using your will, draw that effulgence from the Core out, allowing it to emanate out into the aura. It's not exactly a pushing it's an allowing, allowing of an emanation. You're expanding your awareness Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 8

9 beyond the boundaries of your physical body, so that your awareness encompasses your aura as well as your physical body. And the energy moves freely from subtle physical, through the physical, and back into the subtle physical again. One of the reasons we become so tense and uncomfortable within our bodies is because we believe that we are bound by our body we believe that we are locked into the body. Once you break the idea of the boundaries being where the skin is, you experience a greater wholeness of yourself because you're incorporating more of you. Now I would like to make you aware of the Diamond Mind. This is a diamond-shaped form which surrounds you. The top point of the diamond is above your head at that Star Chakra. The lower point of the diamond terminates in the Earth Chakra beneath your feet. The widest section of this diamond is roughly around your waistline, but projects at least four feet from your skin. This is a merkaba, a soul vehicle one of your bodies on a higher level. It has a very diamondlike energy to it extremely crystalline, very pure. See if you can feel it there. See if you can attune to the energy that's there. It vibrates at a very high frequency. With practice, I'm sure you'll become more aware of it. Try to hold the totality of what we've done in your awareness now your body seated within this Diamond Mind, the chakras situated along the midline or the axis of your body. What we've painted here for you is an energy picture energies of a far more subtle nature than you are accustomed to using, but they're energies that you need nonetheless, energies that sustain and nurture and heal and support the physical entity that you are. Become comfortable. If you need to relax, breathe some more. Try to empty yourself, empty your mind, become like the thin air. Let yourself disappear into these subtle energies. As you do that, the energies are able to move freely through your body, move more easily. Bring your energy once again to the Heart Chakra. This time, you may find it more simple, more imminent, more tangible. Try to focus on frequencies of peace, harmony, joy, happiness. Let those energies fill your heart. Those are the energies that raise the vibratory rate of your being, and as the vibratory rate raises, it's easier for you to ward off pain and disease. Now move your awareness to your Throat Chakra. We're going to work on some of the little secondary chakras, or the lesser known chakras, perhaps. The Throat Chakra is located around the Adam's apple the center of the Throat Chakra would be right at the Adam's apple. Let the energy move into the center. Bring it forward from the Core. Allow it to expand out beyond your body. The energy spins see if you can feel it. This is the center of creative expression. Your ability to speak clearly, to express yourself poetically, perhaps, or through some art form, would be greatly enhanced by meditating on this chakra. Now I'd like you to take your energy down to the solar plexus which is the area just beneath the diaphragm, beneath the heart. There's usually a great deal of activity in that spot. Very often, that's where we hold our negativity. Feel, attune to what's happening in there. Is there a tension? Is it knotted? Is it projecting? Is it involved with somebody else? Breathe it out, five or six long deep breaths once again to increase the relaxation in that area. Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 9

10 Now take your awareness up the midline, or the axis of the body, up into the Star Chakra that ball of Golden White Light, somewhat resembles the sun. Now bring that ball of Golden White Light down into the solar plexus. Feel it in there feel the luminous, radiant solar energy. Now allow that sun to rise, energizing your entire body. Allow it to rise up through the heart, feeling the golden radiance, the rays of Light. Golden Light is the most healing, the most filling, the most completing. Allow that solar energy to rise up and fill the chest cavity rise down expanding downwards into the navel area expanding upwards into the throat and the third eye and down into the root chakra the golden energy spreading through every particle of your physical body expanding up beyond the top of your head down to the bottom of your feet and emanating out into the aura, filling it with golden, white, luminous radiance. Attune to the energy, it's very powerful. It should leave you feeling supercharged, cleared, regenerated. Allow the energy to seep into every pore, every tiny crack and crevice. Now as you feel the meditation complete, the healing is complete. Without drawing your energy in, just allow your energy to be in the aura and your awareness field to encompass the Diamond Mind. Don't suck it in, and don't contract. Just allow it to be, but bring your attention back to your eyes. Feel your body. Move your fingertips, move your toes, just to orient yourself back into the body. Slowly and gradually become aware of the room that you're in, and then gradually begin to open your eyes. Take a moment to be at-one with yourself. And then you're ready ready to get on with your life Leslie Temple-Thurston, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission. Spiritual Warrior I - Class 1: Meditation for Healing Page 10

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