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1 WISE WOMEN COUNCIL GUIDED VISUALIZATION This is a guided visualization. For best results, make your own recording, or have some one read this for you when you can relax, sit back, and receive. Find a good area to sit where you will not be disturbed. Choose a place where your body can be comfortable, preferably with spine straight and relaxed adjust and move as you need to through out this visualization.when you have settled in, I m going to invite you to close your eyes and gently move your awareness inwards.. Notice your breath..how are you breathing in this moment? Are your breaths short or long. deep or shallow just notice with out judgment or feeling the need to do anything.now allow yourself to breathe more deeply into your pelvis. Imagine your breath is going all the way down to your toes, and as you breath deeper, you relax even more If it is right for you, set the intention that as you breathe in you take into your being- ness whatever is right for you in this moment. and as you breathe out, you release all that is not serving you.. Notice how the breath relaxes your body and mind as your awareness moves deeper within and just allow your breath to find it s own rhythm relaxing even more into this moment. Now I will ask you to softly pay attention to the sound of my voice..don t try to do this just let it happen..as you listen to my words allow them to act like little portals, opening up what ever is right for you in this moment.if my words go too slow or too fast.just allow yourself to let go You don t need to pay attention to what I am saying.just trust that you will receive whatever is right for you.if your mind starts to wander gently invite it back into this present moment In just a moment we are going to take a little journey to meet the council of 5 wise women that represents different aspects of you.these energies intermingle within you, and can serve and support each other with their different specialties. Through your awareness, you can bring them out of the shadows. to heal and empower wholeness and wellbeing in all aspects of your life. Before we meet with your council, take a moment and think about something you would like more insight around. Maybe you are in the midst of a challenge or struggle perhaps you are at a crossroads and are wanting guidance in the right direction Maybe you would like deeper understanding into certain circumstances. Perhaps you are wanting to bring something new into your life.maybe you just want to be open to whatever comes..set your intention for what you would like to bring to your council in this journey, and what you would like to receive. Now.Gently invite your awareness back into the center of your being.opening to receive what ever is right for you around your intention as we continue our journey.as you bring awareness to your inner

2 wise women council, you will begin to get a deeper sense of your natural strengths as well as the energies yet to be developed. Allow these wise women to give you council with out expectations..as you begin to allow yourself to open up to connecting with your council, just simply notice whatever it is you are noticing. Allow your sensing faculties to receive whatever is right for you in this moment with out judgment or thoughts just be with whatever comes to you in anyway it comes. You may see imagery, colors, forms, shapes. pictures..you may notice different smells, textures, sounds or tastes. you may have physical sensations or altered awareness.. trust whatever you receive is for your highest good.. Now..Imagine a council of wise women is within and around you at all times They are here now working together to support your fullest expression. As you listen to their special gifts and abilities, know and trust that you already posses these strengths within.we will also make relationship with their shadow sides.if you have not yet fully embraced your wise women gifts, or are living with unhealed wounds, they may be expressing in your life in their shadow form. There is no need to judge the shadow as wrong or bad or to deny their presence. We all act out from our shadow selves at times as we are on the journey of becoming more of who we truly are. The greatest treasures are hidden in the shadows Now imagine that in the center of your council is the QUEEN She is at the center of your being wherever you are wherever you go Take a moment and allow your awareness to connect with your Queen energy. Your inner Queen represents wholeness and a woman s natural instinct to evolve toward the fulfillment of her full potential. She is always orchestrating your relationship with the rest of your council and all that is. In her full power, she unites and utilizes the highest qualities of the council at the right time, in the right ways. Through out the course of your life, based on circumstances and your souls calling..one or two of the wise women archetypes will be more prevalent. You will most likely feel a stronger connection with at least one of them.. The Queen, a fair and just mediator, is always at the center and has no shadow of her own. Every woman has an inner Queen who holds the vision for her greatest potential. The Queens nature is pure awareness of the physical, spiritual and energetic planes. Both the dance and the stillness, she is able to embrace and embody all things. She rests in the energy of love, fearlessly trusting in the unknown. She knows that who and what she is, in each moment is just right, and there is nothing to do, no place to go and nothing to acquire. She understands that all is provided in the right way at the right time and surrenders fully to the process of life. She does not judge, analyze, try to control, or attach herself to thoughts of should and should not s. She feels the depths and breadth of her emotions, yet is not controlled by, or attached to them. She is comfortable in her body and the physical experience, understanding that both pain and pleasure offer expanded awareness. Her actions are guided by her inner workings, and she has learned how to embody and express divinity through her very human condition that she wholeheartedly embraces. Your queen holds the space for you to live simply, in the present moment, trusting your instinct and intuition. She dwells fully in her authentic creativity and being- ness. Living in tune with the cycles of

3 nature, she understands that all of life is sacred. Everything experience is sacred and she embraces it all the messy, hard sticky places, as well as the places of ease and grace. She knows that all is perfect in its impermanence, including her own aging body. She does not live according other peoples rules unless they are aligned with the wisdom in her heart. She is awake to what is, and consciously addresses her own shadowy parts. She is perfect in her divine imperfection and is generous, vulnerable loving, kind, fragile, compassionate, creative, strong and fertile. Take a moment and connect with your queen before we meet with the rest of the wise women council Give thanks to your queen as you gently shift your awareness to the east. In this direction of your council sits the GREAT MOTHER- she represents your inborn capacity for conceiving, birthing, sustaining and renewing life. It doesn t matter if one has children or not, women naturally hold and express the energy of the creation process: from the void to form back to the void. The great mother follows the cycles of the seasons and the moon. She governs over women s blood mysteries menstruation, birth, lactation and menopause which is the holding of the wise blood initiating her into the wisdom of the crone, and eventually physical death. Death and decay allow for the renewal and evolution of life. Within the mother archetype, there is the dark mother, and bright mother. The dark mother is associated with compassionate, physical, symbolic and initiatory death. She is the gateway into the underworld where death is given to what no longer serves us, so that energy may be liberated in service to ever- awakening consciousness. As we generate any new life, the dark mother can help us break down old forms and decaying, outdated structures, whether they are physical, mental or emotional. As we conceive, then birth something new, we must nurture and sustain it. Like a mother with a grown child, we must also know when to let go for life to evolve. The bright mother is associated with birthing, cherishing, nurturing, teaching, protecting and sustaining life. She tends to our wounds and offers love, protection and healing, not just to her children, but to all in her care. The bright mother operates from both her heart and gut. Her eternal, instinctual, deeply rooted, selfless love nourishes and sustains all of life. She is able to mother herself, as she mothers whom and what is in her charge. She can also heal wounds and trauma of the past through her natural association with the divine child. Both dark and bright mother play a role in conception for with out one, the other could not exist. Together, they are in service to the process of life. When the mother archetype is in shadow, a woman may be ignorant to her own physical, sexual, mental and emotional requirements. She may dismiss or deny her own body as well as her needs and desires. She can self- sacrifice, living only for others and loose all passion and purpose. Feelings of incompetence and lack of self worth perpetuate her unhealed wounds. She could have difficulty forming healthy bonds with her own children as well as other people Or become so overly attached, to the point where she devours through manipulation, guilt and other control tactics.

4 The shadow aspect of the mother can consciously or unconsciously cause a woman to be physically and emotionally absent. She can become completely self absorbed in her focus on her own suffering. The great mothers power lies in the ability to be present in our own embodiment. Through her we can allow the natural cycles of life to unfold as we accept and nurture things, ourselves, and others for who and what they are. We can conceive, birth, sustain and renew life, healing old wounds and compassionately letting go while embracing all aspects of creation. Take a moment and connect with your inner mother. Allow your self to receive any messages or gifts she has for you. Giving thanks to your inner mother, gently shift your awareness to the South. In this direction of your council is your WARRIORESS. She represents your courage, conviction, independence and confidence. She is not afraid to speak out or fight for her own empowerment, the wellbeing of others, or the causes that stir her heart and warm her blood. She is the ultimate protectress who has learned how to not abandon herself or others, knowing that her true strength comes from being able to meet her fears, and do what needs to be done to move through them. She is self sufficient, adventurous and assertive. She understands the power of vulnerability and authentic expression, and is grounded in clarity, truth and compassion. She posses the ability to sense danger and act decisively and accordingly. She is the pioneer woman the amazon woman, who knows how to define and maintain boundaries in all life aspects. She knows when to say yes, and when to say no, and does so for herself as well as others. When the Warrioress is in shadow, a woman may feel powerless, ineffectual and incapable of taking action or speaking her truth. She may become paralyzed by fear and allow others to walk all over her. She could be afraid of her own vulnerability, becoming aggressive, defensive and disrespectful to others, walking all over their boundaries. The shadow Warrioress is often cut off from her own femininity, and has no clue as to who she is. Even if she knows what she needs and wants, she will not be able to ask for it, or defend it. She may vacillate between rage and complete passivity, while appearing unreliable or out of control. She has problems making decisions and following through, and can get stuck in victim consciousness. She can also be too dominant in her pursuit of goals and loose touch with other aspects of herself and life. The Great Warrioress power lies in the ability to take right action for ourselves, others, and the planet. Through her, we can cultivate self- esteem, self respect and healthy boundaries, allowing us to help others do the same. She will support us in facing our demons, traumas, wounds and fear in the best way possible sometimes with great fierceness and other times ever so gently. She shows us how to get things done and protect what is sacred. Take a moment and connect with your inner Warrioress- - - allow yourself to receive any messages or gifts she has for you Thank your inner warrioress and now gently move your awareness west. In this direction of your council sits your LOVER. Living from her heart, she represents Love, Passion, bliss. Joy, sensuality,

5 intimacy and sexuality. The lover seeks relationships, relatedness, unity and deep connection with all of life. She loves to give love, receive love, be love and be loved. Her love is boundless, unconditional and vibrant, whether the exchange is with others, herself, animals, plants, the cosmos, the earth and all that exists. She is playful, uninhibited, and non- judgmental. Seeing clearly through her heart, she is open and honest with her needs, and respects the needs of others. She cherishes direct experiences and is passionate about living in her body. She loves to dance, sing, and play and is a benevolent and affectionate companion in all her relationships. She is in tune with her emotions and appreciates all sensory, sensual and sexual encounters. Creative and fun loving, she delights others through her mere presence. She loves beauty and sees it everywhere. She has learned to love life s challenges and approaches all things with an open heart. She feels no need to prove her worthiness and does not take it personally when the love she gives is not returned. The shadow Lover is often blinded by love, and by doing so, looses herself in relationships with others. When her love is not returned, or what she is given does not measure up to expectations, she can fall in to the abyss of hopeless despair. She can become overly critical of herself and others, refusing to allow the experience of any semblance of joy. She can be very hard on herself, feeling shame and disgust for how she looks and any other perceived imperfections. She may abuse herself physically, mentally or emotionally. She rejects her emotions, especially feelings of anger, and can explode into volcanic fits of rage. The Lover in shadow often feels deadened, stressed out, exhausted or numb. She can become overly attached and overly focused on fantasies, relationships, food, money or other situations and substances that wreak havoc in her life. Even her own spiritual pursuits become extremely unhealthy when she has lost touch of her natural gifts. The Lover Archetypes power lies in the ability to delight in ourselves and all of life with an open, loving heart, no matter the circumstances. Through her strengths we can cultivate healthy, joyful, heart centered relationships that benefit all. She teaches us to be present and love what is, while staying open to give and receive generously with out attachment or expectation. She offers us the direct experience of divine love. Take a moment and connect with your inner lover. Be open to receiving any messages or gifts she has for you Thank your inner lover and gently shift your awareness to the north. In this direction of your council lies the SAGE. She represents your intuitive drive to seek knowledge and wisdom. She is the alchemist who gathers information, new ideas and imagery from the collective consciousness, then clears away the impurities to embody eternal truths. She walks between worlds, living simultaneously in reality and the imagination, in search of all types of intelligence. With a burning desire to understand how things work, she is drawn to esoteric, spiritual, metaphysical, mystical, psychological, creative, philosophical, scientific, genealogical, and/or technical studies and practices.

6 She is empathetic, psychic and attuned to her sensitive nature. Trusting her highly developed intuitive faculties, she easily receives information from other dimensions, as well as people and other things in her environment. Because of this, she is able to channel healing energies through her being- ness, words, touch, art, expression and actions. She has learned how to use the powers of her mind in service to the greater good, while remaining heart- centered, grounded and connected to source. When the Sage is in Shadow, she can be paranoid, obsessed, hyper- vigilant and controlled by fear. Lacking trust in the world and her own experiences, she can also become easily overwhelmed, confused and mentally ill. She can be a danger to others if she is not conscious, or misuses her gifts for egocentric, arrogant power and status, or to control, manipulate or cause harm. Because she can so easily sense the feelings, thoughts and needs of others, often before they do, she can be a danger to herself when she looses her boundaries and over identifies with the other. Sage energy is very potent, and needs to be treated with great respect so that it may be integrated into our lives. Because the sage is multi dimensional, she will often bring in teachers as we begin to cultivate, understand and embrace her gifts. Because so much of what she offers requires one to be a conduit, it is crucial that we have impeccable boundaries and stay grounded to fully honor her contributions in our physical expressions. The Great Sage s gifts lie in the ability to gather resources from the unknown to manifest greater holistic consciousness on the earth plane. She teaches us to see beyond ordinary reality, while embracing the human experience. She shows us how to live fully in the mystery and wisdom of life through falling in love with NOT knowing. Take a moment and connect with your Inner sage. Allow yourself to receive any messages or gifts she may offer you at this time. Thank your sage, and gently bring yourself back to the center Connect now with your Inner Queen, encircled by your council of wise women. Notice how their relationships are interdependent and cooperative in that one can use the strengths of another in order to come out of the shadows. The shadow mother can use the unconditional love of the Lover to stay grounded in her generative principles, just as the lover and sage in shadow can use the warrioress to honor and defend healthy boundaries. The Warrioress in shadow can use the mother and lover to stay connected to her vulnerability and softness and so on Now ask which of your council would like to continue working with you around the intention you set earlier. As she, or they come forward, welcome them.take them into your heart and be ready to receive more guidance in everyday life and dreams and when you are ready.gently open your eyes

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